Disclaimer: Saban owns all things Power Rangers, I do not.
A/N 1: This is not my best story, but it is the first fan fic I ever wrote. I deleted it a while back, but somehow someone got a hold of it and published it on their site. I decided I'd do a minor edit job, and then re-post it. I pretty much am keeping the material, just editing some different things to make it a bit more readable.
A/N 2: I originally wrote this in the Spring of 2004, and it takes place during the DinoThunder season.
Pink is Back, Chapter 1
"Life is certainly getting interesting in Reefside," Kira thought while sitting at Tommy Oliver's Computer. "Ya know guys, we haven't heard from Dr. O in two days, not here in his own home, or at Hayley's, not even at school!"
"Maybe he wanted to take a vacation or something, you know, cool off," Conner suggested. Both Kira and Ethan rolled their eyes.
"Conner, don't you think he would wait to do that until after we found out who the White Ranger is!" Ethan shouted.
"Oh... good point," said Conner. Suddenly, they heard footsteps above them. "I bet this is him, hey Dr. O... oh hi, Hayley, sorry about that, we thought you were Dr. O."
"Sorry guys, I haven't seen him either, I know he can have troubles with trying to be on time, but this is ridiculous," Hayley explained.
"Do you think you could run another scan of Reefside for his vitals?" Ethan asked.
"I already have, multiple tim... wait a second, I just realized, I never scanned for the Black ranger energy signature, I was always looking for just Tommy's!" Hayley said enthusiastically while running to the computer. She began the scan of Reefside, and the three rangers and herself waited to see if their leader was all right.
The wind was blowing through her Caramel colored hair as she drove into town. She loved driving along as she saw so much beauty within the woods that surrounded the road. The petite woman was driving along in her rental car, she had just gotten in to town that afternoon from France, she had an interview to become the Gymnastics Coach and phys ed instructor at Reefside High. Suddenly, a tire on the car blew and went completely out of control, forcing the woman to drive off the road into the woods. "Oh man, the guy from the rental car place is going to kill me," she said. She looked at the car and saw that the convertible was completely demolished. All of a sudden, she saw a pink glow in the distance, and the female, who matched with a pink dress, slowly walked towards it. She finally reached it and picked it up to see what it was... a glowing pink gem. She took it and put it in her purse, and then proceeded to use her cell phone to call for a cab. "What a day this turned out to be," she said as she walks slowly to the side of the road.
"I found him, he's in the warehous... OH MY!" Hayley gasped as she saw the horrible sight that the White Ranger had left Tommy in.
"What's wrong?" asked Conner.
"Well, let me just put it this way, he finally became what he loves to study," Hayley explained.
"You mean he became a dinosaur?" Conner and Ethan asked simultaneously.
"You know, I would have expected a dumb comment like that from Conner, but Ethan, that was shockingly stupid on your part," Kira explained, and then looked on to study the true fate of her teacher. "He became a human fossil. I guess the three of us are gonna have to find a way to get him out of there."
"Right!" The three shouted. "DINO-THUNDER, POWER UP!"
The Caramel-hair colored girl dressed completely in pink walked up to the desk and waited. Principal Randall burst through the doors as if she were going to level someone, and then noticed the girl standing there, and quickly changed her stature. "You must be the woman who called about the Gymnastics and Phys. Ed?" she asked. "Hi, I'm Principal Randall."
"Hi, my name is Kimberly, Kimberly Hart." She told her as Principal Randall was running through her résumé. Kimberly was a bit nervous, she really needed this job badly, she had been out of work for nearly three months and money was tight, and she had already been declined from two interviews. Randall looked up and smiled.
"Well, normally there a lot of things we like to do before we hire someone, but since your résumé is outstanding, and you went to the same high school as one of our science professors, I suppose that this is sufficient. Welcome to the team at Reefside." Randall exclaimed.
"Oh thank you, I will not let you down!" Kimberly shouted as she ran out and jumped for joy, without even asking the question, who was the other teacher.
She grabbed for her cell phone in her purse, but instead grabbed the gem. She looked at it for a while, and then all of a sudden, a light engulfed her body. "What's GOING ON!" She shrieked.
"Oh man, I don't think I have ever been so cramped in my life," explained Tommy Oliver, who was recently freed from his fossil prison.
"I'm just glad we could get you out of there," Kira shared.
"Yeah, I can't believe the White Ranger did that to you," Conner added.
"That reminds me, I saw who he was." The other three rangers stood there in amazement. "You guys aren't gonna believe this, but his name is..."
"I thought my identity was going to be just between us Oliver," The white ranger said as he appeared. "I guess you're going to have to fight me before you all find out who I am."
"DINO-THUNDER, POWER UP!" the four morphed into action. The four of them charged at him, but the white ranger countered by flipping over them. He then used his blade to create arrows, and sent them towards the rangers. They braced for impact, but suddenly, there was a flash of light, and they were deflected back into the White ranger. The four, looked where the light had come from, and there stood... the dino-thunder Pink Ranger?
To be continued...
Thanks for reading, don't forget to review!
- Googz333