Ah, today is a lovely day isn't it?

The sun is shining, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, a new day is being welcomed. The gentle sound of leaves fluttering and the warm air's comfort is what brings this certain blonde woman to wake up with half-lidded, then wide eyes. Sitting up on her own, stretching her arms and legs as far as her flexible bones could reach, she yawned, her palm covering her mouth in case of bad breath. Inside that palm, she smiled like a fool, enjoying the dawn of a new morning.

Standing up on her two feet she raised her arms and made a cheerful hum, her blonde locks radiating the sun's shining light, a halo the only thing left to put on top of her head and make her look like an angel. This angelic lady skipped giddily to her bathroom and took a shower, brushing her teeth in the process as well. Putting out new clothes to wear, she stuffed herself in a casual pink Sunday dress and a pair of high heels, her hair now worn up in a ponytail.

Stepping outside she sighs, breathes in, and smiles in happiness.

And then she says her first official words of joy in this new particular morning—


—and now you, dear readers, know that everything written above, never actually happened.

*What exactly happened*

The annoying bastard that loves to try and destroy our eardrums known to the now awaken blonde as her 'shi**y' alarm clock, blared across her room, the sound of a basketball buzzer and gym coach's whistle joined into one enough to make said blonde jump out of her bed and wake up the supposedly still sleeping neighbors. Well, jumping out of her bed didn't mean she'd safely land on her butt, but unbalanced on her own two feet and end up stumbling across her room, crashing into her closet not so gracefully. Aching all over, she tried to stand up, but falls again, and when she does finally stand up, she can't see anything with her head still on her bed-hair, and REALLY out of place, resulting into another two rounds of stumbling here and there. Tired of this stupid early morning torture, she harshly sets aside her tangled up blonde mess of a hair from her eyes and changes into a shirt, a hoodie and sweats, which was pretty hard to find considering the mess she made with her wardrobe. Only bothering to give her hair two strokes of the comb, she pulled it up into a messy pony tail and started rearranging the ruckus she made before brushing her teeth to clear up the bad breath she probably has, not noticing she has already broke her toothbrush in half, but she wouldn't care even if she did.

Let's just say, this day isn't going to look so well for this eighteen year old about to be college student.

She's not herself today.

She's not in her normal mood today.

And she's not even IN the mood to care…today.

Yeah that sounded right, and lastly, it's all because of the blonde bastard/asshole/jerk/idiot, sleeping oh, so, peacefully, just in the room beside her.

Well, not on moody Lucy Heartfilia's watch. Nope, he doesn't have the chance to live through what she's about to do.

What I'm about to do.

Right after stuffing my feet into my most comfortable looking red sneakers, I slammed my door open, turned right, made about 3 steps forward, turned right again, and slammed the door now in front of me.

Trying to keep myself from chuckling evilly, I tip toed over to the side of his bed as stealthily as I can, and pulled his covers down a bit to reveal his still sleeping face. Oh, how peaceful he looked considering he didn't have to endure what I had to endure yesterday…

Now, he's gonna pay for that.

"Hey, Sting…" I poked his forehead gently, trying to make sure he wouldn't notice the smirk tempted to take over my lips. "Oi, Twin, wake up…"

"Ngh…5 more minutes…Lucy…"

I felt a vein tick on my cheek. Oh ho, and YOU have the balls to talk back to me?

"Hey, it's college day remember?" I asked him in a hushed tone. "We have to get up and get going to Magnolia so we could send our forms and get into the colleges we want to…"

My annoying twin of a brother ignored me and switched positions in which all I could see was his backside. Although tempted to turn him back around and smash his face in I restrained myself and brought out a forced smile. "Sting, I have something to tell you…"

"Go away…"

"If you don't listen to me you'll die a slow painful death in the next 8 hours."

"Don't care…"

"Sting I swear, if you're not getting up right now, I'm gonna make this day your worst nightmare. I'm gonna count to three. One…"

"Zzz…" I inwardly giggled, smirking darkly. That's good, keep sleeping…


He snored, and I made a side grin in triumph.

"Three. Time's up Sting." Lowering my head down next to his, I whispered in his ear. "I already threw out all your troia pills, and now…we're taking the bus."

That was all I said before skipping out of his room to now check on my luggage, and with all the noises I heard from behind his door after I just closed it, I'm guessing his working on that now too, or maybe…the opposite. I chuckled.

With a little more revenge, this day is starting to actually get better.

With that I went back to my own room, smiling sheepishly. Now, where's my glasses?

"Sting, how are you holding up?"


"I'm guessing that's you're okay then." I said, still not looking up from my book. "What college are you going to Lev?"

"I'm not really sure yet Lu …hmm…Fairy Tail University…maybe?"

"Oh! Then we're the same then!" I beamed, finally tearing my eyes away from the book to smile at the bluenette. "Well, if we get accepted that is…"

"You know about FT Lu?"

"Are you kidding me?! Of course I do! I have ever since I was six!" I pouted as if to accuse her of not knowing. "I've always dreamed to go there. I also want to meet Miss Mavis! Have you heard of her?"

"She's the true founder of the school right?"

"Yes! And guess what? They say that even though she's already reached the age of eighty by now she still looks like a kid! A cute kid! I want to meet her!"

"Where'd you get that much enthusiasm?"

"Well if you're talking about a college that I have always dreamt my whole life in entering then you should know by now!" I pinched her cheek, a little mad. "And I thought you're supposed to be smart."

She slapped my hand away. "Well it's not like I'm the smartest person in the world Lu; there's still you. You've got top grades for about 5 years straight." Levy pointed out. "Even I can't outsmart something incredible as that; no doubt you could be accepted Lu. Hm…wait, you could even be a scholar!"

I just laugh slightly and shake my head. "Impossible. FT has never received any scholars as far as I know. Have you seen their school's said needed intellect in Fiore Universities magazine?! If I become a scholar it's either I'm dreaming, or I'm superwoman."

"But she doesn't exist."

"Exactly!" I exclaimed in final. "FT scholars are most likely not to exist Lev. There's a one point zero and one percent chance of that ever happening."

"Didn't you just prove that there is at least a possibility?"

I clicked my tongue and sighed. "I just proved that a possibility like this is bound to not happen."

With nothing more to say to me and my philosophy Levy-chan merely lays her head against my shoulder to catch some sleep, meanwhile I continue to nudge my brother with my foot as he moans on the bus floor. Ha! That's what he gets for setting my favorite shirt on fire.

Although one thought lingers through my mind as I fall into my own sleep.

What if I do become a scholar?

"Sting, that's disgusting."

"Oh cut him some slack Lu!" Levy says, now as bright as the sun. She had been a bit dull on the bus, she's like that on vehicles. "You've been tormenting him ever since he got on the bus! At least let him kiss a little ground."

I scrunched up my nose at the sight of Sting as his lips touched the dirt just as the bus pulled over. "You're a gross man."

He looks up for a split second to scowl at me. "Like you're one to talk…twin brother."

I smashed his face to the ground he just kissed with my foot. "I'M A WOMAN MIND YOU!"

"That's enough fighting for today please?" Levy attempts to calm me down as me and Sting continue to butt heads.

"Not until this MADMAN of a so-called WOMAN apologizes…"

"Well guess what you DIRTY DRUNK, I'm not going to…"

Fun fact, Sting was actually drunk last night after just one sip of Jack Daniels.

I could feel Levy's uneasiness as our auras grew along with the tightening of our glares. "Hey now…take it easy…" She looks around and then sighs. "Our tour guide won't be here for another hour…"

"Good. Just enough time for me to beat up this woMAN's ass…"

I smirked back at him, seeing Levy starting to shiver at my peripheral vision. "Bring it on, you ASS!"


"Well now, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Sting and I took our eyes off from each other to see a woman standing before us. She had her white hair in a ponytail and she had on the Magnolia's state uniform. So she must be our tour guide. Levy sighed out in what I could guess was relief.

I sighed out in what I knew was disappointment.

"Looks like I've gotten here a little too early haven't I?" The tour guide giggles into her hand. I can't see much of her face, she was wearing a police like cap but had a different logo. "Well I figured that college newbies such as yourselves would have trouble on your first day to a new town, so!"

She takes out a card from a pocket on her belt and hands it to me. "Mirajane Strauss is at your service!" Removing her cap, she smiles brightly, "Mira for short."

Levy gawks at her beauty, "You're so pretty!"

The tour guide just blushed and smiled. "Now, now, a bit straightforward but I'll take it. Thank you."

My little blue-haired best friend blushed herself. "N-No problem…"

"Don't. Even. Think about it." I bluntly warned my idiot twin who was about to hold out his hand and had a perverted looking smile on his face.

Gross flirt.

Our tour guide, or should I say Mira, suddenly clasped her hands together. "Well, let's begin!" Putting her cap back on, she turns her back to us to point to a building not so far away, it was a hotel called 'Exceed Dawn', "That hotel over there gives discounts for newly arrived college students. Just a side note that this town is famous for it's various places of education, so pretty much don't be too surprised to see many other fellow students your age a lot often. As I was saying, that hotel usually hosts J5000 a month for each guest, but for students from other cities like you, it'll be cut down to J2500. Half the price. So I recommend you stay there for the time being until you find somewhere else you could stay, ok?"

"Alright," I start, but then looked down at my shoes, "Wait, I don't know…"

"Why Lu? It's a good deal."

"I'm actually thinking of getting a dorm room, well, if the college I get into has one. But we'll see. We can all stay there for now, all three of us," Sting groaned behind me, "So Mira, why don't you show us there for now?"

The gorgeous woman smiles and nods, beckoning for them to follow as she starts to walk. She was saying something about a bus or a ride, with Sting's disgusting noises in the background, but it was a blur for me as the next thing I knew, I was in front of an unfamiliar building with Levy beside me.

I snapped out of it when the bluenette asked, "Are you sure it's alright to leave Sting by himself there? He might burn something you know?"

"The only thing he'll be capable of burning is his boxers," I scoffed as we entered the building, "He'll be fine by himself, maybe even get himself a chic once he realizes the girl living next to us is smokin' hot."

"Well…maybe you're right,"

"I am, I always am," It was when I noticed the folders in our hands when I realized that we were getting our applications sent. We were in FT's separate faculty building, which got me weak in the knees as soon as I remembered. We took the entrance exam back in Acalypha, my test number was 11187, and it's written right inside this folder. I gulped.

The incoming score that is soon to be signed on that 11187 test paper holds my chance of ever getting to the college of my dreams.

And this application will be what confirms it.

Clearing my throat to try and cough away my nervousness(IS IT OBVIOUS?), I smile at Levy anxiously once there was only two more people in the line in front of us. "Are you ready for this?"

Gladly though, Levy looks just as nervous as I am, "Y-Yeah, I g-g-guess so…what a-about you Lu?"

"F-Fine," Shaking my head, I looked down at her other hand, "Is that Sting's?"

"Yeah," She said, raising the folder, "he asked me a while ago if I could drop this off for him? Although he said he wanted to go to Sabertooth you still made him take the test so, he wanted to get his application form sent at least."

"Well, I guess…" I nodded, finding his reason good enough for me not to punch him for being tardy and irresponsible, "Alright then. You can hand it over, I'll carry it for you," I told her. She looked hesitant, but sighed and gave it anyway. I put his folder on top of mine as to net get confused—we both had our folders taped shut, we both got that habit from Dad—and looked up. Facing back to the line I noticed that we were only one person left from sending our forms.

Just as I was about to gulp the second time, somebody bumped into my shoulder, and when I said bumped…

…I meant getting me diving into the floor with the folders flying into the other side of the room.

"What the hell—?!" I furiously looked up to see that my spot in front of Levy—who looked at me with shocked worried eyes—has been taken by…by some guy. I don't know! The bastard's got a hoodie on, and he's not even looking to see if I'm okay! Oh is this guy is getting it. I scowled.

"Hey!" I stood up and pushed him, getting a closer look on him. Nothing other than before really, only that I think I saw something pink poking out from his hood. "What the f*** do you think you're doing?!"

He doesn't even spare me a glance as he says, "Getting in line."

I fume, this a**hole!

"Here," Ignoring me he gave his folder to the woman at the counter. "Do I have to write down my name?"

I expected to see an annoyed look on the woman's face, only to see that she looked surprised instead. She gave him a professional sort of nod, and he nodded back nonchalantly before leaving. I went back in front of Levy. "What was that?!"

"Must be someone powerful Lu…" My best friend says, shaking her head. She hates those kind of people. "Anyway, are you alright? Anything hurting?"

Sighing while rubbing the back of my neck, I said, "I'm fine."

"Oh, that's good." She sighs out in relief. Then jerks her head. "Hey, your application forms—?"

I looked up suddenly and realized, "Oh yeah! Wait they fell down somewhere…ah! There they are."

I quickly went to them before the people behind Levy could complain—although I bet they were sort of afraid of the attitude I just pulled—and frowned as I picked them up. Great, now how am I supposed to know which one's mine?

But then I shook my head. Well, Sting must have had a picture right? I already wrote it inside my form that I didn't have any available pictures to put in since I had Scopophobia when it came to cameras. I don't know, standing in front of a camera and smiling makes me feel like I'm being stripped naked, so I made a note in my form.

Taking one of the folders that could either be mine or Sting's, I put in my hand and then put the other on top. For now, I could just assume that the folder on top is Sting's and then mine is the bottom, and even if I'm wrong, they'll just see the difference when they get to see Sting's photo.

Standing up once again I walked over to the counter and slid the folders in. "The top folder is my brother's. Just in case could you put in a note on the envelope that it's his so that there wouldn't be any misunderstandings?"

The woman looks confused for a second before picking up her pen to write down my favor. "Sure…"

Nodding my thanks, I made my turn to leave, Levy following after having hers sent.

As soon as I stepped out of the building, that nervous feeling came back to me in a zip. Finally, I realized that this could just change my life entirely.

Little do I know, its not gonna be the change I'm expecting.

General POV

"So this is 11187?" the short man asks as he examines the application. He laughs suddenly, "An interesting fellow this is! Ah. But wait,"

His assistant, a tall, handsome ginger-haired man asks, "What is it, Master?"

"Why does it say he's a girl?" The man questions, confused. "Didn't the note say he's a guy? I mean, it did mention he was a brother."

"Um, I guess it must be an error," his assistant suggests, adjusting his glasses, "Doesn't he have a picture?"

"There's a note on here that says he has scopophobia when it comes to cameras."

"Hm…well, maybe it must've been an honest mistake."

The short master nods. "I guess it must be. Come, give me a sign pen, I'll correct it for him."

"Yes Master," the assistant scurries to find a sign pen in one of his drawers, "be careful not to mess the ink around though, we're still sending these back."

"I know, I know," he assures as he lays the folder down on his desk, "I'm glad he's a boy, man we ran out of female uniforms so fast I don't even know if I should be happy about it! Now there's only one more for males…our family's really getting bigger ne Loke?" chuckling silently, he grins at the man "Oh boy, aren't you excited? Our first scholar, in years!"

The ginger known as Loke, smiles. "I guess so, Master."


Congratulations Lucy Heartfilia! You have scored the highest in the enrollees' exam and now you just won the opportunity to go to our University, Fairy Tail, with a full scholarship! You don't have to pay for your own finances anymore because we are happy enough to be doing it for you. Your excellence and intelligence is something you must hold on to child, treasure it. That kind of ability only comes once in a lifetime. Nevertheless, welcome to the family, Scholar!

You are now a fairy! Good luck!

From the school principal,

Makarov Dreyar

P.S. Assuming from your application, you'd make a great ge—







My eyes stopped scanning the letter as I contemplated with myself if it was just some kind of mistake, a sick joke.

It had to be.

But I know my eyes, with glasses or not, they'd never lie to me. So why—?

My application! Of course!

I quickly rummaged inside my bedside drawers where I remembered dumping it in, my mind racing with thoughts as panic overtook my whole body. It had to be some kind of mistake. It had to be. They must have had just written wrong, some critical error. Yeah, they must have, because there is no way in HELL that what I just read was right.

Found it!

Frantically slamming it down on my bed cushions I closed my drawer rather harshly. My eyes literally raped the pieces of paper after I jumped on my bed in front of it, opening it page by page in the speed of light. I scanned down the information written, or rather, the information I wrote. So there shouldn't have been any info about me mistaken.

But my jaw slowly dropped as I read everything on the last damned piece of paper.

Last Name: Heartfilia

First Name: Lucy

Age: 18

Final Position in Graduation: (Double Check)

1st /





6th – 15th

Sex: M-

My eyes jumped out of my sockets in shock.

Sex: MA-

My brain cells started short circuiting out of anger.

Sex: MAL-

And I was about to freak out if I hadn't reverted my eyes from the paper. They, however landed on the letter from the school principal.

Bad idea.

P.P.S. We're out of uniforms for both genders, and yours apparently is the last one we have. Use it wisely.

My eyes reverted back to the application.





...okay, now I'm gonna freak out.