June 1969

Soda got into the driver's seat of the refurbished car while Cherry got into the passenger's seat. It was her car, but when they were together, he was usually the one to drive them wherever they were going. At first it had to do with him getting used to driving again after his injury and a part of his physical therapy, but the two eventually got used to him being the driver when together, so it just stuck.

"Today was the last day," Cherry announced excitedly, "You're all done with physical therapy!"

"Finally," Soda laughed, "At first it was hard, but eventually it just got boring. I'm surprised I lasted that long."

"Considering you have the energy of a five year old, it's understandable." Her voice was teasing in her statement.

Since the two had gotten back together, they tried to spend as much time around each other as they could tolerate- both physically and mentally- before Cherry went off to college. Soda would be staying home in Tulsa, while she went off to New York. They'd be starting a long distance relationship that fall, calling each other, writing to each other, and anything else they could think of. She'd also be coming back home to Tulsa every break and vacation she had during her college career.

"I'm just happy you finished before I gotta go to New York," Cherry admitted, "I'm really proud of you, Soda."

"I'm just relieved it's all over," Soda breathed out, "But I gotta admit, Red, I'll miss you while you're away."

She gave a sad smile. "I'll miss you, too. But I'm comin' home every chance I get and we'll write to each other and talk on the phone."

"You already know I ain't the best speller in town." His tone was teasing.

She gave another smile. "I know… but it'll be fine. It'll work out. I know it will."


May 1976.

"Sherri Marie Valance," the Dean of New York University announced into his microphone to the crowd.

Cheering and applause was heard from all around the stands. Cherry let out an excited and nervous laugh as she walked up the steps and onto the platform of the stage. She couldn't stop smiling as she received her diploma and shook the Dean of the school's hand. She then walked to the other side of the stage and back down on to the grass of the football field. As she walked back to her seat, she could hear the group of people she knew cheering for her from their places in the stands.

The entire group from Tulsa had taken a road trip together from there to New York to see her graduate. It wasn't very often that they went to New York- no less see a friend of theirs graduate with a master's degree in a science. There were two great reason right there to go to the state not far from New England, obviously the ladder of the two being more important, though.

"Congratulations, Cherry," Kathy smiled at her friend as she hugged her.

Over the years, as they all matured, most of those involved in the rivalry between greasers and Socs who all took it seriously at one point, all agreed it was pretty stupid. Things had begun to calm down drastically in the beginning of the new decade. Things between those from the East Side and the West Side progressively got better, and continued to get that way. It had led to more friendships and romantic relationships between those from both sides to happen, causing almost a unity. Each side still remained in the same financial situations, and there were still those who took the rivalry seriously, but it was a now less drastic than it once had been.

Because of this, the friendship between Cherry, Soda, Becca, Steve, Marcia, Two-Bit, Madeline, Dallas, Sandy, Randy, Ponyboy, Kat, Angela, Johnny, Leyna and Darry- even with past relationships problems with some of those in the group, was able to grow both as friends and romantically for a few of them.

"Thanks, Kathy," Cherry smiled gratefully, "I'm just happy you all could make it up."

"You think we'd miss this?" Becca asked.

"Let's just say I didn't expect you all to drive up here cause the drive takes twenty hours."

"I'm shocked Two-Bit here lasted that long," Ponyboy commented, half serious and half joking.

Two-Bit grinned. "I am too," he laughed.

The group all walked to a less inhabited area of the field, where they took pictures together with both a newer SLR camera and a new Polaroid. At some point, Soda claimed that he wanted a picture with just him and Cherry, using the excuse that he was her boyfriend and he had a right to it. She laughed and complied with this. They began to position themselves, and two people adjusted the cameras to them and the light.

While this was all going on, Cherry didn't see Soda take the ring from the little box in his pocket until she turned to face him.

Cherry hand flew to her mouth as Soda knelt down in front of her, careful with his right leg. The cameras both snapped quickly to capture the moment. She quickly nodded her head when he asked "the question", signifying that she was saying "yes". The next picture that was captured was him sliding the ring onto her left ring finger. The third and final picture was of the two holding each other, their lips pressed together, and arms wrapped around each other.


December 1976.

"I now pronounce you, Man and Wife," the priest said with a smile, "You may now kiss the bride."

Cherry and Soda both smiled at each other, then leaned toward each other until their lips touched. They both moved their arms around each other to keep the other as close to them as possible. After a moment or so, they pulled apart from each other, shared one last smile, then walked back up the aisle of the outdoor wedding together.

"I can't believe this," Cherry laughed as they got into the car.

"That we're in a car?" Soda asked playfully.

She laughed as she rolled her eyes. "Not that- that we're actually married!"

He gave her a smirk mixed with a smile. "Well, believe it, cause we are. And we got our whole lives to look forward to, Red."

She smiled again. "Can't wait."


February 1979.

Soda and Cherry looked down fondly at the new baby girl that she held in her arms between the two of them. The baby girl had her tiny fists balled up against her chin as she fidgeted slightly and gently in the pink blanket she was swaddled in. Her father gently stroked her cheek, and she reached to grab his finger and held it close to her in her tiny hands.

"What should we name her?" Cherry asked in a soft voice, looking down at the one hour old baby.

Soda shrugged. "How 'bout your name?" he suggested.

She made a face. "I don't like the name Sherri. That's why I still go by Cherry."

"How 'bout your middle name? Marie?"

"I like that one. What about her middle name?"

He thought for a moment. "How 'bout Rose? That was my mom's middle name, and her name was Mariah."

Cherry smiled up at him. "Marie Rose Curtis?" she questioned.

Soda smiled back down at her, then kissed her forehead. "Yeah," he nodded in confirmation.


December 1989.

"Marie, Patrick, Joanna, Wyatt," Cherry called throughout the house, "Come downstairs!"

The sounds of feet running around the second floor could be heard, then down the stairs leading to the first floor. The four children, all aged in order, were now ten, eight, five and three. They all had personalities and qualities mixed together from both parents, which made them all either easier or harder to handle, depending on situation.

The four children and their father all reached the first floor in a minute flat. It wasn't easy for Cherry to tell whether or not Soda had ran to get them down, or he had ran downstairs with them. She guessed he had ran with them, considering the youngest of the four children was hanging over his father's neck and shoulders, while his father held on tight to him to prevent him from what she guessed to be falling. Either way, the whole family was now there, just like how it should be.

"Who's ready to decorate the house for Christmas?" Cherry asked enthusiastically.

"We are!" the four children cheered.

The Curtis house- placed accordingly in the part of town that was once known as the "middle class" area- grew more and more festive as the night progressed on. The two parents and their four children all were able to decorate the inside and outside of the house by the time the four children all had to go to bed.

Once the children were all in bed, Cherry and Soda sat in the living room together, listening to the low volume of the radio as it played seasonal and holiday songs. She had her head leaned against the front of his shoulder, and he had his arm wrapped around her own shoulders to hold her as close to him as physically possible.

"This is nice," Cherry commented quietly.

Soda nodded. "Want somethin' to drink?" he asked randomly.

"What do we have?"

"Juice, hot chocolate-"

"Any cherry sode?"

"You mean cherry flavored soda?" he asked to confirm, holding back a laugh, but still smiling.

She chuckled as she nodded. "Yeah," she answered.

"You bet we do."

The End.

Thank you to all those who've been reading this story since the start. If you remember this was a requested story, not my own idea. The concept for Cherry and Soda being together was the idea of the person who requested the story, everything else actually in the story was mine. This is officially the end of "Cherry Flavored Soda", and I hope you all enjoyed it.

If you (for some reason), enjoy my stories and writing here on fanfiction. Net, and love the Outsiders, check out my other stories:

Before the Love (book on of the Rain trilogy)

To Love A Greaser (book two of the Rain trilogy)

The Power of Love (book three of the Rain trilogy)

Loyalty (Cherry/Soda, requested)

Who Won? (one-shot)

A Mother's Love (one-shot)

As well as the upcoming Layla, a spinoff from the story Loyalty.

I also write Expendables fanfiction, a few That 70s Show, and Buckaroo Banzai. You do not need to see the movies or shows to understand these stories, so why don't you go check them out, maybe give me some feedback.

Thank you, one last time here, hope you enjoyed the story and Peace from all the Hippies of the World. =^-^=