Jackass: hay its jackass here to bring my first pokemon fanfic. Here is pikachu here for the fic.

Pikachu: hay. I can talk?!

Jackass: only me and a select few can but the readers can just fine.

Pikachu: *waves* hello readers. Here ash turns from a joyful, fun loving, caring kid to a cooled, dead, walking army. I love bunnire with everything I- hay WHO PUT THAT ON THE TELIPROMPTER?!

Jackass: *looks at audience and winks.* don't know, I'll tell my secretary to fire my teleprompter guy. Anyway, Ash will be growing up and some pokemon that refuse to evolve will. *looks at pikachu.*

Pikachu:don't you dare come near me with that thunder stone.

Jackass: trust me. My idea is gonna hurt alot worse. This is a distorted universe. So Ash has pokemon he doesn't in the show.

Arceus was in the hall of origin observing things he missed during his sleep.

Arceus walked to dialga and the time dragon didn't give him time to ask. "here the alpha time line in writing. All that has happened on paper go nuts. Now leave me be." he said not looking up from what appears to be a map. Arceus would never admit but dialga had the biggest change of ending him if he tried. Arceus backed away slowly with the scroll in hand.

Arceus walked into the dining area where palkia was making something with hallowgramsrams.

"palkia." "yeah daddy." she said looking away. It collapsed into it self and disappeared. "dammit. Well that universe is dead. So want do you want?" she didn't care 500 quintilion people and pokemon died in a second.

"what happened of importance during my slumber?" arceus said.

Palkia thought of 'importance' and she said "well almost every legendary nearly got killed." "what?!" "no worries. Some kid saved us. Uh a new subspecies of mew formed." "subspecies?" "well more clone altered to match mega evolution but he was stopped now is with the younger mew learning about life." palkia said not really caring. Arceus was amazed a new mew was formed. "anything else?" "uhhhhh fiiiiinnnnneee the bird trio fought. Crime cindict tried taking a large chunk of legends including garitina. The humans have evolved the way pokemon battle by making it spot. Trust me a battle that way is much safer then wide ones. Your chosen awoken. Dialga is still a reclusive prick, some 10 year old save all of our collective asses. And" "chosen?!" "yeah the same 10 year old. Latias has a massive crush on him. She is gonna be" "whats his NAME?!" "oww don't use the god voice. I'm right here. His name is ash Ketchum. If you ask me garitina has a massive observation over him." "ash? The boy who stopped me?" "very same. That kids got some shit luck his whole life. Hell his alarm clock broke the night before he started his whole journey." palkia said laughing.

Arceus walked away and went to the observing crystal. "ash Ketchum. Strange, he's physically 10 but is shown to be born 15 years ago. Strange highlight reel, legendary moments, funny shit. Has palkia been on here?"

Palkia sensed her name being said but just surged it off.

Arceus watched the legendary moments and saw ho-oh flying, mew and what he assumed mewtwo, him saving many pokemon and suffering. He had not realized a tab shown up 'forever 10 ha ha.' it said. He didn't realize his hand pushed it. He immediately regretted it.

Mew, his direct granddaughter vs a clone of her. The both had a attack charged and the boy ran in front to stop the battle. The light was blinding and when arceus saw that aftermat he nearly fainted.

Lying there was Ash Ketchum petrified and unmoving. The whole area was quite. Arceus could sense the pain those pokemon had in there hearts at the boy who showed them friendship turned to stone.

The pikachu ran to him and shocked him a few times crying. "wake up dammit." the tears fell on ash and he was human again...mostly. He was able to move but he couldn't age. Ash was stuck like that by the life force of mew merged into him.

Arceus ran out and went to the other legenday's and they all turned to him.

"what happened?" mew asked

"yeah did someone steal your plate or something?" rayquazza said

"no. Its about a humam." arceus said.

"so we kill him and then wipe the memory of witnesses." said darkrai.

"have any of recall of a trainer by the name ash ketchum?"

"everyone in this room." dialga said speaking for first time he entered the room.

"have you ever even noticed ANYTHING odd about him."

"a ten year old who go luck?" crisselia said shrugging.

"he was ten when I first saw him." ho-oh said confused.

The legendary pokemon were greatful for being saved but didn't really care about whoe did it.

"you mean ash? Yeah he and lugia stopped the fight between us." zapdose said being the only bird left.

"yes. Have any of you recall of a chosen who bridges the pokemon and human world?"

"wait is ash the chosen? Shit." heatran said.

"wow your chosen is a ten year old. Ha." entie said

"he is 15 years old."

"well whats that matter? Hes immortal."

"no he's stuck in adolescents. A hell for humans. His mind has already grown for his years. He probably has emotions not fit for a boy his physical age." lugia said.

"well what are we to do? We need to right what was don't wrong." uxi said

"how bout dialga fix him." palkia said grining. Dialga glared at her and said "no." "come on please?" "you leave me alone for a eon an ill do it." "fine just fix him." latias said

Dialga roared and then said "there he should wake up as a teen." "your rude." palkia said rubbing her ears.


Ash was lying down deep in thought.

He had years on everyone in the tournament and had to look like he was new at this because of some stupid accident. Ash hated being like this and just wanted one fight to cut loose and use every thing he had. Even pikachu and a magnet on him to stop his attacks from being so bad.

'maybe I'll use that orb I found in the reverse world.' ash thought. He reached for his pack and felt around for an orb that looked like one of garitinas spikes. He held it and really looked at it. Golden colored with a faint black and purple aura around it. He sighed and fell asleep with it on his chest.

Ash woke up and felt taller. He walked to the bathroom and washed his face.

Ash nearly screamed in the mirror was what could only be described as a teenage giovanni with black hair and amber eyes. Ash felt his face. Yeap he was older. "ok. I'm 15. I've either imagined being 10 for five years or a pokemon has something to do with this."

Ash ran to the room part and said "pikachu?" "richu?" he just got up and richu looked around. He felt. Different. Richu looked at his hands and saw he was a richu. 'no. No no no no no. I. I. Can't be a...a...richu.' richu thought slapping him self in the face trying to wake up. "pikachu? Is that you buddy?" the teen said. 'ash?! Shit if he's a teen that means all his pokemon could be evolved.' "ri chu." "I don't know what did this." "ri richu ri." "calm down we still need to win the tournament. Just because your a richu doesn't mean we are quiting. Lets get breakfast." "chuuu." richu agreed getting on ash shoulder.

Ash was in black pajama pants and a silver tank top. He was glad some clothes fit but he needed to get new ones soon. Ash put his pokeballs on his belt and walked to the dining area. It was mostly filled with elderly and people who don't sleep till 8.

Ash grabbed a mountain of food and downed more then usual.

Half way threw his meal he realized that a few fermilure faces were here.

Cynthia was eathing with her grandmother. May and the maple family were eating while they looked tired. Misty was there looking ready to collapse into her food. "damn plane. Took to freaking long and I got an hour of sleep." misty said angry. May's family agreed minus may. "you should of got a first class ticket." "well I couldn't afford one." "well thats because your goal in life sucks. I'd tell you to try being a coordinator but non of you pokemon would real fit the job." "WHAT!? ARE YOU CALLING ME UGLY?!" "misty your irritating and may your right but please keep it down. Some little snot kept kicking my seat and I couldn't sleep." "to bad you gotta be 10 to ride first class. I had 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep." may said stuffing her face. Misty was to tired to yell so she just sighed. "why am I here?" "cause ash is your only friend." May said. Misty glared and said "he's not. Why are you here?" "I want to see the guy who taught me what I know win. Or lose. Its fun to watch him fail or win." "yeah. Probably has a team of pokemon he just caught this region. Loser." max snorted falling asleep.

Ash listened in to it all and was getting angrier at every word. Richu growled and just kept eating. Ash watched as a purple haired girl walked in. She had an axue on her shoulder. She looked around and saw 2 options for a seat. Next to ash at a near empty table or a crowded table where ash friends are. 'not over here not over here not over here.' "can I sit here?" 'SHIT!' "uh sure. But stay quiet I'm trying to hear something." "ok."

Richu looked at the dragon type and then went back to his food. He felt weird being a richu. 'hi. I'm axeu.' 'richu buzz off I'm hungry.' richu said not wanting to deal with a winey voice so early. 'your voice sounds scary. What level are you? I'm 19 I'm gonna evolve soon.' '98 beet it young blood.' richu said getting irritated.

Iris looked at the teen trying to hear something. "uh what are you listening for?" "old friends. Don't recognize me. Trying to hear what the're saying about me. Not alot good so far." "isn't that easdroping?" "not if theres witness and were in public." "oh well I'm iris." " I'm...gio. A dragon specialist." ash said not wanting his cover to be blown. "dragon specialist?!" "yeah. Now shush." 'rude. But it could be important. He seems like he knows a thing or two.' iris ate her cobbler quietly.

Brock and dawn walked in and saw May and the rest. "may good to see yeah." "thanks brock how you been dawn?" "pretty good. Thanks to ash I won the grand conference." "you? You won thanks to ash?" "yeah why?" "I think your giving that loser to much credit." "no he taught me how to catch pokemon and..." "how to suck at everything." max laughed.

Ash put his fork threw his plate into the table. Iris jumped back slightly and axeu cowered away from richu.

Misty laughed along with brock, may and max. "so what crappy line up does the 'great ash ketchum' have for this fight?" max says striking a superman cape pose. "an infernape, a torterra, a floatzel, a weak little gible and of course that pathetic little pikachu of his." brock said.

The metal tray ash had was crushed in ashs hands. He had to control every impulse to get up and scream at them. "so tell me about your self?" ash said holding his rage. "I want to be a dragon master." "well not to sound like I'm stomping your dreams but you need more then that axeu to be a master." ash said. Iris was expected to snap but she actually responded like a normal person. "well I have a draginite but he doesn't listien to me. Hay could you help me?" ash looked into her eyes and said "sure. But maybe later I need new clothes. my others got hyper beamed." ash laughed to cover the real reason he had on these clothes. Iris giggled and said "so how many dragons do you have?" "4. But only one with me." "do they listen?" "yeah. I know how to train a dragon. It all about respect. A dragon listens to its better. If a dragon is pushed to a point it will listen. It being your strongest pokemon could cause its ego to get the better of it." ash said from experience. He did have a few dragons that he let rome around and do there own thing but it was still his.

Iris was stary eyed and surprised at all what he was saying. He knew how to get draginite to listen and had a few himself. "so what dragon do you have now?" "gible. I train each dragon in their respective region. Shit they left." "oh well when can I see you again?" "in about an hour. Meet me here." "great. See yeah in an hour. Bye."

Ash walked into the store and when the employee ashed he said the hyper beam excuse. He got a black tee shirt. silver vest with the poke league symbol on the back in black, black cargo pants, black sneakers with silver laces and a hat with a cobalt Blue pokeball on it. He got them and a new pack. He had 50 minutes to see iris. Ash decided to see gible and low and behold he was a garchomp. "gar?"

'richu what happened to you you got shorter.' 'no. You got bigger. You evolved.' richu said. Garchomp looked at himself and said 'finally! It sucked being that small and I always got worn out with that dracometeor. Wheres ash I wanna nip him.' 'behind you.' garchomp turned and saw ash as a 6'3 teen looking him in the eyes. Garchomp knew that was ash and bit his head. "good your back garchomp." ash said patting his fin.

Ash realized something, 'all my other pokemon could be evolved.

Dragonite pod

A dragonare ash save woke up in a pile of his brothers. He pushed them away with his arm.

'arm?! Legs?! Oh my arceus, I'M A FUCKING DRAGINITE! WHOOHOO!' he screamed waking the pod. 'who are you?' 'mama its me I evolved.' the mother looked at him and saw a scar on his face from team rocket trying to take the pod. 'my baby. I'm so proud of you.' she hugged him and he returned it. 'mama can I join ash now?' 'I said you can leave when your strong enough. Stay for 10 minutes so mama can teach you dracometeor then you can leave.'

Bagon nest

A bagon fell asleep crying 'I want to evolve.' he trained to a point that HIS head hurt. He opened his eyes and saw his brothers and sisters leaning on him. He snapped into awareness when he felt he was laying on something or somethings.

'wings? Did I fall asleep on a salamance?' he got up and felt the wings on his back. He gaped at them and reached a paw to one and felt it. 'I'm a salamance. Yeehaw!' he screamed jumping in the air. The ground shook waking his family. 'bagons I evolved in my sleep.' 'awsome I'm so jealous.' afew of them said all showing happiness for there brother. Salamances, bagons, and sheildon were happy for him showing it in victory roars. Salamance fired a hyper beam at the mountain and it formed a giant salamance. He flew away headed for sinnoh.

Charizard valley

Charizard felt weird. He had some how gotten a power boost in the middle of the night. He trains most nights so he was conscious when the power grew. He felt like he was needed some where.

"hello people of the world. Today the battle between paul slate from sinnoh versus Ash Ketchum from kento. Tonight live at 7." Charizard looked at it and roared. "hay you gotta stay here." Charizard gave a middle finger (middle claw) and went up at supersonic speeds.

Oaks ranch

Every pokemon pokemon belonging to ash Ketchum had evolved or gotten a mass power boost. Bulbasur was trying like hell to calm them down.


Ash stocked up on supplies and called oak.

"yeah the darnedest thing happened. Your pokemon all evolved ash." "that great professor. Uh I need tyranitar and I'm sending all my other pokemon to you." "well what do you need ash?" "3 pokeballs filed under saved." "on there way."

Ash grabbed the pokeballs and hung up. The phone rang and ash saw izzy "ash chari...holy shit! You" "I know just what happened?" "charizard flew off." "I'm 90% sure he's headed here. Bye." ash hung up.

10 minutes later ash was standing behind the pokemon center with richu. Ash looked at the pokech he bought when dawn got hers. Iris walked behind the center carefully. The area was open so no collateral damage. "I'm here. Can I see your gible?" "no." iris looked upset. "Funny thing is I was training yesterday and we both fell asleep. I woke up and this." ash opened the pokeball and garchomp roared.

"garchomp?!" "yep." "wow you must be a good trainer to be able to evolve a gible twice at once." 'well at least shes not yelling in anger.' "thanks I try." iris was looking all over garchomp. She opened its mouth and commented on everything. "so what other dragon types do you have?" "well..." ash smiled and 3 pokemon roared and landed.

Charizard half way to sinnoh flew next to a draginite. 'hay where you headed?' Charizard said. 'my trainer is in a tournament there.' 'who's this trainer?' Charizard said getting ready to strike if needed. 'ash Ketchum. You've heard of him?' 'ash?! He's my friend. He saved me from dieing in a storm.' 'saved me from team rocket. I just evolved and I want to join him.' 'well then I have no reason to hate you.' 'word up.' draginite said grinning. The fist bumped and continued to fly.

Salamance flew near them and said 'hay I'm salamance.' 'draginite.' 'Charizard.' 'i just evolved today.' 'me too.' draginite said. 'noobies.' Charizard thought. 'so you ever meet an ash Ketchum?' salamance asked. 'he's my trainer.' 'dito.' 'great new friends that I can fly with.' 'you really like flying hu?' 'yeah its what drives my kind to want to evolve.' 'I evolved to beat the shit out of an aridactal.' 'coooool. Any good stories?' salamance asked way to excited to be in the air.

"speak of the devil." ash grinned walking to his pokemon. 'ash your' 'I know chill out. And he goes by gio till the fight.' richu said. Ash smiled and said "well you two finally get your wings. Iris this is charizard, draginite and salamance. Guys this is iris she whats to be a dragon master." ash said. They gave there greatings and iris nearly fainted. "you have a draginite! That just proves you can help me." "yeah but it was Charizard that taught me what I told you."

"ok hand me draginites pokeball. Everybody make some room." ash said causing them to form a circle around ash giving him plenty of space. Ash threw out the ball and a draginite popped out. It was expecting iris to be their but when it saw ash and 5 dragons he seemed frightened. "chill out. Now lets stay calm and get to know each other. I'm gio a dragon specialist." 'am I supposed to care?' "ok lets start again. How many times have lost a fight?" 'non you puny human.' "ok that narrows it down. I think I found out the reason he won't listen." "what is it?" iris said. "how did you catch him?" "he was shot down by like 50 pokemon at once and I had a pokeball on me. When I caught him the pokemon cheered and I left." "alpha syndrome. A pokemon could allow its strength and power superiority to make it think it doesn't need a trainer." "what can be done about this?" iris said interested. The dragons knew where this was going and backed up to give charizard room.

"a battle with an opponent that will win no matter how hard draginite trys. Charizard didn't listen till he got his ass handed to him by every charizard in the valley. Now since he listen he's stronger then any of them." "so all we have to do is battle and show draginite it could have won if it listens." "exactly. You up for it charizard?" "RAAAAAARRROOORRRR!" a tower of fire erupted from his mouth. It knocked over anyone not bracing for impact. Iris was down and covering her head. "strongest in Valley seems right." iris said to the enjoyment of charizard.

Charizard and draginite stood face to face each ready to beat the shit out of each other. "charizard, metal claw." charizard formed 3 metal plated claws and went for draginite. Draginite charged dragon rush and ash teeth flashed with an evil grin. "upside down." charizard closed its wings and spun. He was flying upside down avoiding dragon rush and landing his own attack.

Draginite was on the ground panting. Ash let it get up and said "dragon tail." "ROAR!" charizard slammed a glowing blue tail into draginite and it screamed in agony.

Draginite tried to fire a flamethrower but ash saw it coming. "nice try punk. Charizard show him how its done." charizard fired a blue flamethrower and draginite barley survived it.

"your pretty tough you overgrown gekgo but charizard ain't even trying." charizard yawned and grinned showing ash was right. Draginite was pissed and flew up. "oh you think that will save you? Grab it and use meteor slam (seismic toss with flame wheel and aerial ace.) charizard couldn't grinn more if he tried. This was a legendary killer when ash let him use it full power.

The draginite thought it was safe till the sun was blocked out by a winged beast. It looked up and was grabbed. 'what are you doing?' 'your face meeting the ground and I'm gonna laugh.' charizard burst into flames and draginite screamed in fear. 'I surrender. Please don't do it.' 'to late. Aerial ace.' charizard went straight down and draginite saw its life flash before its eyes.

Iris watched the beating with amaze and horror. "and I thought draginite was strong." "axeu." ash chuckled and said "he was my 3ed pokemon ever caught and he's got a deep hatred for psydo-legendary and legendary pokemon." "THAT THING BEAT LEGENDAY POKEMON!?" "jealous?" "yes." "don't worry about it. Here comes the fire works." ash said watching charizard shoot up.

Charizard had this disrespectful punk by his wings. The charizard alows gravity to take a hand for 5 seconds. Charizard opened his wings and went straight down.

Ash looked around and saw the looks of excitement, horror and in richu case laughing. 'the toros gets the horns.' richu exclaimed. I put on my sunglasses and see the dust cover what happened.

Iris saw the boom and her jaw dropped. 'that thing was powerful. Maybe he can help me out.' "no way ether of them are walking out of that without injury." "charizard." ash said then charizard walked out and flapped the dirt off. "charizard mind getting the dust cloud out of the way?" "roar." he said calmly. One flap of his wings the cloud was gone.

Draginite lay in a crater unmoving but breathing. Ash handed iris a pellet and said "your gonna need to get him up." she took it and broke it under Draginite snout. Its eyes strained to even open. "you know you wouldn't need your ass kicked if you would listen to me. Charizard isn't the only on who could do that!" 'no shit. Every pokemon this guy has probably been put threw hell to be like that.' "hay I my not have caught you like a normal pokemon but damn it I was so glad the day I caught you I didn't care." Draginite looked over her shoulder and saw 6 pokemon stairing him down. He coward behind iris at the thought of all of them after him. "so you afraid of him hu? Well if you don't behave I might give you to ash." "trust me I train hard and don't give slack to pokemon like you." ash folded his arms and smiled that evil smile that frightened any thing who looked directly at it.

Draginite shook his head and nodded to iris. "great. Return. Thanks gio." "no problem. Now I have a match to prepare for. See yeah later." ash kissed her cheek causing her to blush and freeze up.

Ash walked off with his dragons returned to there pokeballs.

Jackass: well there yea go.

Richu: so ash is 15, named gio, and is making iris act like bunnire.

Jackass: yep. And theres more later.

Richu: so if ash is getting iris who gets dawn?

Jackass: I'm focusing on iris/ash and garitina/ash.

Jackass: please review.