Jinora places a kiss upon the head of his cock before giving it a long, languorous lick from base to tip. He groans in response, causing Jinora to giggle before sucking on the head. Before long, she is sucking in more, bobbing her head rapidly. Soon, the pair grow impatient, and Kai moves to take that final leap. He lays atop her body, holding himself on his arms, looking down into her eyes. He lines himself up with her entrance, his eyes never leaving hers as he starts to slowly push in, only to stop when she winces.
"It's okay," she assures him. "Keep going." She puts her hand on his hips to hold him in place as he starts to push further in. She gasps as he pushes in further and further, filling her up more than anything before. She moans as he finally reaches the hilt, every throbbing inch of him interred inside of her. "Spirits, you feel so good..."
Kai groans, the sentiment shared. He starts to slowly pull out, the friction causing Jinora to moan, before pushing back in. The new and wonderful sensations assault their senses, as they start moving faster and faster, swiftly reaching a wild pace. Kai is slamming into Jinora on each thrust in, and her hips move up to meet him. They are panting and moaning loudly, lost in their carnal desires.
It is not too long before Kai hastens his pace, thrusting a last few times before letting loose inside of his young lover. This sensation pushes Jinora over the edge, and she comes just as the first spurts hit the inside of her.
She screams out at the shared release, feeling his hot seed filling her.
The young lovers collapse in a sweaty heap holding each other in the aftermath of their first time. Their peace doesn't last long as Kai realizes what exactly just happened. His hearts stops and he thinks, Spirits, I'm dead. Tenzin is going to kill me.
"Um, Jinora?" he starts. "Are you by any chance taking birth control?" After a moment's silence, Jinora gasps, her face turning beet red. Kai slaps his forehead, sighing. "I thought as much..."
"All is well, young airbenders." The two jump at the voice, just as much in their heads as beside them. They look up to see the white wolf from before, Zanda. "All is well in my domain. What occurs in my Glade remains. When you leave, it will be as if you never entered until you come here again."
The young lovers look up at the wolf before asking a very important question.
"Did you watch-?" Kai begins, blushing furiously while trying to cover up Jinora. Zanda shakes his head. "Okay then... So, you're telling me that she won't get pregnant?" The spirit nods, seeming to smile as the young lovers grin at each other. When they turn to thank him, he's already gone. "I think he knows," Kai says, turning towards her. "So, you up for round two?" Smiling, Jinora tackles him, kissing him wildly.
Two Hours Later
Panting, the young lovers collapse onto the blanket, holding each other tight. Kai pulls his love into his arms, her back against his chest, planting soft kisses on the her hair and the back of her neck. Jinora sighs, settling into his embrace. "This was wonderful, Kai," she whispers, still out of breath. "And it's just for me and you." She turns her head, meeting his lips with her own in a tender kiss.
Kai smiles before pulling back. "This is probably the best day of my life so far. There's only one thing I think can beat it," he says, looking off wistfully.
"And what's that?" Jinora asks coyly, prompting him to chuckle and hold onto her more tightly.
"The day I met you of course, not to mention every day we still have left together." Jinora smiles as she reaches for his hand. "You know, Jinora...
"I love you." Jinora gasps, as this is the first time he's said it aloud. "From the beginning, you had my back. You believed in me. When the Earth Queen's forces kidnapped me, you found me and set me free. You gave me a way out of a life of theft. You saved me from dying in the gutter. And I can never repay that debt." His grip tightens, trying to hold her close, as if he'd never let go.
Jinora squeezes back. "I love you, too."
Back in their regular outfits with the picnic stashed away, the young couple makes their way out of the Glade, hand in hand. Sitting right by the exit is Zanda himself, smiling at them. "You two are always welcome in my Glade. You have my blessing."
Kai bows to the spirit. "Thank you, for everything. I just have on question." Zanda nods. "Why me?"
Zanda laughs, the sound melodious, the whisper of the wind in the leaves. "Let's just say I have a soft-spot for young love. Live well." And with that, he disappears in a flurry of white petals.
The two young airbenders smile, walking through the gate and into the humidity they remember from earlier. At the clearing, the pair pop open their gliders, flying up and out, making their way back to Air Temple Island. Along the way, Kai flies close to Jinora, his hand reaching out to hers, holding tight. The wing of his glider sits atop hers, making them a singular object in the sky.
Landing at the temple, Kai notices Tenzin making his way up the stairs, still a little ways away. The pair look at each other, remembering what they decided to leave out.
"So, how was the picnic?" the old master asks pointedly.
"It was very nice, father," Jinora answers, smiling. "Thank you for letting Kai do this for me."
Tenzin's face softens and he sighs. "I suppose he has earned a little leeway, all things considered. Just, please, take things slow." Turning, he points a finger at Kai. "No going into her room alone, I am to approve all plans, and when you go out you must get her back before nightfall, understood?"
Kai nods, tamping down the urge to give a mock salute. "Yes, sir. Don't worry, I'll take good care of her. I love her too much to let anything happen to her."
Tenzin nods, smiling again. "Alright then. Now then, Jinora, go help your mother with dinner. Kai, I want you to help me look in on the bison." Grabbing the young airbender, Tenzin marches off, dragging Kai behind. Kai grimaces, waving goodbye to Jinora. She laughs, waving back, before making her way to the kitchen.
I can't wait until we get to have another picnic.
A/N: Alright, that's it for this story. Tell me what you thought and keep an eye out for future works.