A/N: I can't sleep so I wrote this based on this prompt: Emily is the school's dark, brooding damaged girl. Alison is the new girl, shy and timid. The two form an unlikely relationship when Ali is bullied and Emily steps in. This is a super temporary story, I might delete it seeing as I'm writing this while half asleep. But enjoy while it lasts.


Alison DiLaurentis doesn't like attention being drawn to her. So it bothers her that on her first day at Rosewood high, people look at her like she's from another planet. The instant her feet hit the front steps of the school she knows she's going to be judged. The place reeks of rich, prestigious kids.

But the blonde is the farthest thing from rich, and she's definitely not a snobby privileged kid. No, she comes from borderline poverty- this is an upgrade for her. All because her mother married a richer man who happened to live in Rosewood.

"You have your schedule right?"

Alison looks to her left and sees Hanna Marin, her new stepsister, looking at her impatiently. They look like they could be related, except that Hanna dresses in the 'coolest' and 'trendiest' new outfits. Alison prefers her own style, personally. She doesn't like the way Hanna looks at her in disdain like she's a third country citizen.

"Y-yes, it's in my bag," Alison replies as she tries not to feel overwhelmed.

"Cool, well I'm sure you can find your way around," Hanna says casually as she turns on her heels and spots one of her friends.

"Hey Han."

Alison watches as a thin, athletic girl with rigid posture greets her step-sister. She looks like she has a major stick up her ass, Ali thinks. The way she stands and holds herself makes her seem as though she believes she is above everyone else.

"Who's the new girl?" Spencer questions and Alison walks off, trying to find her classes because she knows Hanna won't help her any more. The other blonde resents her and Alison isn't sure why. She's been nothing but nice.

"My new step sister," Hanna says in an annoyed tone and Alison is too far away to hear the rest. She looks at her schedule. Homeroom, Algebra, Chemistry, Gym, English, Lunch, Psychology, History- it's going to be a long day.

But most of the morning passes by quietly, and she even makes a friend.

"I'm Aria," a chic little indie girl says brightly as she changes in the locker room next to Alison. "I saw you in a few of my classes. I guess we must have the same schedule."

"I'm Alison," the blonde introduces herself shyly. Aria offers a friendly smile and shuts her locker.

"How long ago did you move here?'

"Not long, my mom and I got here last Thursday and so I started school this week," Alison explains.

"Where are you from?"

"Some small town outside of Pittsburgh."

"That sucks, having to transfer mid year," Aria says sympathetically. They begin walking out on the field together. Alison notices that Aria seems a little more down to earth than the rest of the girls around her.

"Yeah, I miss it back home," Alison tells her quietly.

As the two girls sit on the sidelines of the field, stretching, they make some more small talk about Rosewood and the school. Ali finds out that Aria isn't from here either, and that she moved here about a year ago. It feels nice knowing she's not the only outsider.

"Alright girls, pair up, grab a soccer ball, and do some drills with each other."

Aria looks at Alison with a small smile and they both grin and nod at each other. The blonde is grateful she found someone to bond with in the school already, she'd been worrying all weekend about fitting in.

They grab a soccer ball and go to the far end of the field, chatting and hardly doing the drill. She finds out that Aria likes to explore really artsy unique spots and writes poetry and music.

"You'd love this place back home, it's a local coffeeshop with singers performing some nights," Alison says as she kicks the ball aimlessly.

"We have a place called The Brew, it's pretty sweet. You should come check it out with me," Aria suggests. "It's not exactly where the cool kids spend their Friday nights but I prefer it."

"Yeah, sure that sounds-"

"Hey! Fields, it's about time you showed up!"

The two girls' attention is drawn towards off the field where a tall, lean tan brunette girl takes her time walking over. Alison's jaw drops slightly- this girl is easily one of the most gorgeous people she's ever seen.

Despite the fact that she has a domineeringly cold face, she has beautiful long smooth legs that are barely covered by the short red booty gym shorts and pale blue shirt that is too small for her and barely reaches past her belly button. Her long hair is swept back into a messy ponytail.

Alison is too busy staring to notice that the boy who called out to the girl starts to walk over to her, a menacing smile on his face. But Alison thinks this girl looks tough as hell, like nothing could intimidate her.

"You think you can go around doing whatever the hell you want huh?"

Alison is surprised to hear the attacking words coming out of this hot, stunning girl's mouth. She's even more surprised by the anger and aggression coming out of her.

"Hell yeah," she hears a deep voice and finally notices a boy walking over to the brunette- his chest held out and his shoulders pulled back to make him look more impressive. He has piercing cold blue eyes that dance with cruelty and Alison shudders at the sight. "Stay out of what isn't your business. Or else."

"You gonna make me?" she asks in a growling low voice and Alison doesn't realize she gasps as the two get really close.

"Holy shit," Aria whispers next to her and Alison is suddenly startled, realizing she's not alone. But she feels like she's watching a scene from a movie as the beautiful brunette stands up to the asshole pretty boy.

The boy's lips curl up into a snarl. "I will if I have to."

The brunette and the boy stand in a heated glare. When she tries to side step her away around him, he grabs her arm roughly, yanking her close, and their eyes lock in an intense angry stare.


The gym teacher yells as she approaches the two and Alison sees that everyone is watching.

"Break it up right now," the teacher yells and the tan girl pulls her arm away in disgust and storms off.

"Who are they?" Alison asks as she lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Emily Fields and Noel Kahn," Aria informs the new blonde, her own eyes wide.

"What's her deal?" Alison asks curiously.

"I don't know," Aria shakes her head. "I know Noel is an asshole on the football team. But Emily is just always so…so dark. You know, she's the kind of person that looks like she's hiding a lot. We have English together and she just doesn't really give a shit about anything. Or at least, that's what everyone thinks."

"Do they always do that?" Ali asks and Aria shakes her head.

"No, that's new."


Alison stands at the front of the classroom awkwardly. The teacher finishes taking roll and then looks at her.

"So, Alison D…?"

"DiLaurentis," Ali finishes quietly for her.

"Ms. DiLaurentis please have a seat in the back, next to that empty chair right there," the teacher tells her.

She nods and keeps her gaze on the ground as she makes her way to the back seat. Aria is at the front of the class and gave her a sympathetic look before she passed her.

English is one of Alison's favorite subjects, but this class is unbearably long, she thinks.

Halfway through class, she feels movement behind her and a shifting next to her. She turns and gasps silently, seeing the beautiful tan girl sliding into the seat next to her.

She's no longer in gym clothes but is wearing low rise black skinny jeans and a cream colored flowy tank top that shows off her cleavage nicely. Her long hair is now down and accentuating her face.

"Can I help you?"

Alison hears her hushed voice and realizes she has been staring as the brunette looks at her with narrow eyes.

"N-n-no," Alison whispers and shakes her head, quickly turning back to her homework.

She can't help herself though, she sneaks a peak and sees those stormy brown eyes still staring at her and she quickly looks away again, intimidated.

There's something so breathtaking about the girl that sets Alison's nerves on fire.

But she doesn't say another word to Alison, and when class is over she gets up and leaves before the blonde has a chance to look at her one more time. Alison doesn't know a thing about this mysterious brooding girl, but she wants to. And she has a feeling that if she wants to, she's going to have to do a lot more than stare.


Snippet Preview of what I have written after this:

"No, no please don't," Alison pleads as the aggressive boy tries to undo her pants. She screams at the top of her lungs for help. She knew it was a bad idea to let Hanna drag her to this party. Where was Aria? Maybe Aria will hear her-

"Keep screaming, no one's going to hear you this far back in the woods," Noel sneers as he holds her wrists above her head while the boy on top of her plucks the button on her jeans open and unzips them.

"Please, please," Ali begs uselessly as she squirms and tries to get away. Hot tears leak down her cheeks as she begins to panic

"Wrong place wrong time little girl."