Chapter 10: (The Price of Revenge)

Red Scout felt the cold air on his bare arms, but he couldn't see a thing. Where was he? And why was it so dark? Why can't he feel his arms?

Moments later, he felt something forcefully slip off his face, and the next thing he saw was blinding light, and an effigy coming from the distance.

"So ya blindfolded me, how original." he sneered, knowing well who he was making fun of. The light and the effigy became clearer as his vision adjusted, and the once black outline turned into Blu Spy, standing before him.

"Ah, yes," he replied coldly, "but we will do more than that."

Before Scout got the chance to even comprehend what he said, he heard thr sound of a cracking whip, and he felt a sharp sting lashed onto his back.

"AH!" the young man yelled out in pain, "What the fuck?!"

From behind him came Soldier, holding a familiar weapon in his hands.

"The disciplinary action?" Scout said as soon as he caught sight of the whip, "how'd you have that? The missions don't start for another day!"

Spy chuckled at the confusion on the boy's face. "What are you going to do?" the Frenchman sneered, "tell the Administrator?"

"Hell yeah, I am!" Nathan defiantly fired back, trying to squirm in his bonds."and you all are in serious trouble!"

"Oh, I'm scared..." Blu Spy taesed, impersonating a little girl before giving out a laugh. After his little fun was over, he cruelly grabed Nathan by the throat and forced the young man to look into his eyes. "You don't know anything, amateur." he whispered coldly, "oh, and by the way..." he paused, leaning closer to his ear, "mommy can't help you now."

When he let go, Nathan gasped for air as a faint, red mark circled his throat. Blu Spy must've squeezed him too hard.

" better leave my ma alone, you piece of crap." Nathan whispered angrily, having a hard time speaking audibly enough.

"Oh, believe me, I want nothing to do with your mother," Blu Spy calmly replied, pacing back and forth in front of the boy. He then stopped and turned to him with an eyebrow raised. "but I may be interested with your father."

Every mercenary in that room saw Nathan's eyes burst wide open. Was it surprise? They couldn't tell...but it was amusing.

"You don't know who he is..." Nathan said, "for all I know, he could be dead!"

"Oh, don't be like that," Spy said coyly, ruffling Nathan's hair, "your father is out there, somewhere...looking for you."

"Stop putting my shit in this!" Nathan yelled, feeling abused and exploited, "what do you know 'bout my dad?! I didn't get to know him- hell, he doesn't give a damn about me!"

He suddenly felt drained...inside. Emotionally. Talking about his dad has been one of the few weaknesses that he had. He didn't want to talk about it...he didn't want anybody to bother. And now he felt embarrassed...he told the enemy team how he felt about a man who is nothing of their concern. He really let himself down this time.

Before Spy coukd say any thing else, they heard the sound of a lone man, calling up to them. The frenchman walked over to the glass wall across the room and looked down, and there, more than 15 feet away was Red Spy, who managed to pass by their defenses without any weapons whatsoever.

"Where's Nathan?!" he yelled at the man before the glass window, "I know you have him!"

"Spy-" Nathan yelled out, but Soldier placed his massive hands onto his mouth, preventing him from speaking.

Blu Spy scoffed at him before heading down to meet his opponent. But as he went down, a shadow from behind cast itself on him, causing him to turn back. He saw Adam right there with his bat in his hand.

"We can beat him up togther, you hear me, Spy?" he said, smashing the head of the weapon onto his other hand. But Spy took it from him and eyed him seriously.

"Adam, listen to me," he said, "Stay here."

"Why?" asked the young man, "he enters here lookin' for a fight and I oughta show him who's boss."

"Adam." Spy scolded quietly. "Stay. Here."

At that moment, Blu Scout shrugged his shoulders and knitted his brows together. "Fine." he said quietly, "but I ain't comin' if you're gonna ask for help."

Blu Spy gave the bat back to him and continued to head downstairs. As soon as he vanished, Scout gave out a soft snicker. "The sucker always falls for it." he thought and patted the bat onto his palm.

Blu Spy stood unfazed in front of his counterpart, slowly circling him like a predator to his prey.

"What do you want?" Red Spy asked, still hoping to resolve the matter with talk and little violence. He could do anything to Nathan in a snap of his hand.

"I want what you took away from me 22 years ago," Blu Spy replied, stopping in front of his antagonist, "but you couldn't give it to me...can you?"

Again, Red Spy glared at him. "I have done nothing to your son!" he snapped, the other apparently getting in his nerves. How dare he blame him to cover up his actions!

"You killed my son!" Blu Spy fired back fiercely, taking his revolver out and pulling the trigger as his emotions clouded his judgement and senses once more. Red Spy immediately dropped to his knees as he hissed at the burning sensation now digging in his leg.

From above, Scout saw everything and his eyes shot open at the horror and macabre he witnessed. Red Spy gripped his leg and he saw the pain he was in.

"Let me go, bucket head!" Nathan said, biting Soldier's finger. He then began to squirm against his bonds, adrenalin running in him like never before. Without warning, a hard hand slapped itself onto his face, taking him off guard and making him dizzy.

"You good for nothing, runt," Soldier grumbled, "You're just like your father."

Scout's questions were slowly being answered. "You do know somethin' about my dad..." he replied weakly.

Realzing his mistake, he slapped Nathan one more time. "Less talking, maggot," he whispered threateningly, "or you'll get a beatin'."

Scout glared at him, but said nothing more. He would have to remain quiet for now.

"You knew there was no time for him to respawn and you fired at him anyway!" Blu Spy accus ed, pointing the barrel of the revolver at Spy's head as his hand shook with anger and despair, recounting that dreadful day of his life.

"I didn't know..." Red Spy whispered, squeezing his leg to help lessen the pain. The two then realized that Red Spy could lose alot of blood and kill him just before he'll unveil his finishing touches, and so Blu Spy calls for their Medic.

"Tie him up first," Blu Spy ordered and watched as his fellow merc placed his words to action. When he was bound to ropes, Medic started to heal him and watched as the wound seemingly healed itself.

"What are you going to do to Nathan?" Red Spy asked weakly, recovering from the injury.

"The same thing you did to Adam."

Spy was confused for a moment, that is, until the enemy Medic bent low amd placed his mouth close to his ear.

"His son's name was Adam."

Huh. Would you look at that. He coincidentally named one of his sons after the child of this dude about to murder him and those he cared about.

"Where's Adam?" he asked.

"He may be your son, but he is in my team now. You thought I was going to harm him, didn't you?" Blu Spy replied, putting the revolver back to its place before he could cause any casualties.

"I just want to see my son." the Frenchman said in defeat, "I want to see Adam."

"You see him everytime we battle on the field," Blu Spy sneered, "do you think I'll fall for that?"

"I need to tell him the truth...and Nathan as well."

"Adam doesn't need to know."

"Adam needs to know who he is!" Red Spy fought back, "you ripped him from me when he was just a baby, and the secret has been kept for too long now, Spy."

Blu Spy glared at him, but his eyes caught something else coming from the distance. It caught Red Spy's attention and he turned as well.

"What the hell is he saying, Spy?" Adam asked quietly, "you knew about my parents and you said nothing?!"


"You fucking took me away from them!" the young man kept accusing, tears threatening to fall, "you backstabbin' liar!"

"I told you not to come down."


Blu Spy stopped and looked at the lad, looking pained, tortured and defeated. He trusted him, just like his son would tell him everytime they go risk their lives out in the battlefield. And he failed him, and this boy in front of him as well. It was clear what he had to do.

He turned to Heavy. "Lock him up."

The Russian didn't understand why he would always be the person that gets ordered to carry someone one place to another. But he did it anyway, and after a few strugles and squirms, Adam found himself inside a cold, dark room and a metal door slammed onto his face.

"Goddamit, let me out knucklehead!" he yelled. But Heavy left briskly, and no matter how much he'd pull and tug at the bars on the door, he knew he wasn't getting out.

Inside, a thought struck him, and he panicked a little. The Red Spy was his dad...and he is gonna get killed, just right after he knew him.

"I've got to get out of here. "

On que, he saw Blu Spy and Blu Pyro leading Red Spy to Medic's room. This sent even worse news for him.

"What are they gonna do to him?!"

Then came Engineer, who stopped by to see how he was doing.

"Come on, Engie, I have to save my dad-let me out!"

The man shrugged. "Alright."

"Look, I know that he's the enemy but I need answers here, man! So if you could just-wait, what did you say?"

Engineer unlocked the bolts and let the young man out. Scout stood there confused- greatful but confused.

"Wow, I thought it would take alot to convince ya, Engie." he began, "thanks."

He prepared to sprint, but the man stopped him from doing so.

"Yo Engie, we don't have time for this- my dad's gonna get seriously bludgeoned if I don't do anything."

"You can't take them all down with a bat, son," Del replied, placing a hand in his shoulder, "you need back up."

"From who?" Adam asked incredulously. In response, Engineer brought out his walkie-talkie and connected with Soldier.

"What is it, Private?" asked the man on the other end.

"Spy wants all of us to come down, says he needs us to do...somethin'."

"No can do, cupcake," Soldier replied, "I have to guard the prisoner. It is the order."

Engineer sighed at the nickname. Even though he was one of the best at the batle field, he was the gentlest among the nine. Nonetheless, he took it as a compliment and carried on.

"Dumber than dirt, ain't ya?" he groaned out, "the prisoner can't escape if he has all those restraints."

After a few more moments, Soldier agreed and left the room as Engineer handed Adam a Swiss knife.

"Yeah, that was easy. Here." said Engineer, "Sometimes, all you need is a little less gun."

"Gee, thanks pal," Adam replied as he quickly took the knife and shoved it in his pocket. As he watched the young man run off, Del lightly tipped his hard heat and sighed to himself.

"Another satisfied customer."

After his captor left, Nathan squirmed and struggled against the darn bonds.

"Dammit," he swore to himself, "if I get outta here, I swear on my soul those ass monkeys are gonna-"

He stopped at the sound of something coming his way. he hoped it wasn't Soldier, their Soldier, or he is gona get screwed. But instead, it was someone unexpected.

"You?" Nathan sneered, "what are you doin' here?"

Blu Scout rolled his eyes and got the knife out of his pocket. At the sight of it, Nathan bavked away.

"Woah, keep that thing to yourself, I'm warnin' you!" Red Scout exclaimed, trying to cut the other one off.

"Chill there, dumbass," Adam scoffed, bending down to cut the thick ropes as fast as he could.

"Why are you doin' this?" asked Scout, "is this some trap you morons planned for me?"

"I need your help," said Adam, not looking up to him, "I need you to help me save my dad."

"Your dad?" Nathan repeated quietly, "your dad is here?"

Adam nodded, cutting the last piece off, "Red Spy is my dad.

"What?!" Nathan exclaimed, "how the fuck did that happen?"

"It's a long story," Blu Scout cut off impatiently, "you wanna go bonk heads or what?"

Nathan took a moment to reconsider. Then again, wouldn't it ne fun to feel that metal bat digging it's way through an enemy's head.

"Count me in."

In Medic's lab, Blu Spy watched with intrigue as the others strapped his counterpart onto the cold, metal table.

"Where's Nathan?" Red Spy asked, looking around the room as much as his sore and restrained neck would let him.

"He's not here...yet." Blu Spy replied, chuckling.

"You harm him, and I might kill you in these restraints!" the other exclaimed angrily, threatening his antagonist fiercely.

"Quiet, maggot!" Soldier scolded, raising an arm and landing a hard blow on the shape shifter's face.

For a moment, Red Spy's world was in a haze; full of stars and spinning objects. Soldier was about to land another blow on his face when Blu Spy gently stopped him.

"You might kill him before any of us could. "

"You promised!" Medic suddenly yelled, pointing a finger at them, "I get to torture him!"

"You will, doctor." assured Spy, "you will."

Red Spy didn't know what to do anymore. Not even his skills can get him or his son out of this was the ultimate defeat. All those years of isolation and hiding have all gone to waste. Maybe he deserved this...maybe this is his punishment. Not that he complained, he'd embrace it. He'd have to drag a secret to his grave...Nathan wouldn't know anymore. He was too late to tell him...and he felt, as Scout would say, messed up, or troubled.

"Now, where were-" Blu Spy stopped short when he heard a loud metal clang and saw their Heavy sway and fall unconscious. Behind him was Nathan, who rather looked proudly at his bat before facing the other team.

"Can somebody get this guy a hard hat?" Scout snickered as he looked at his handiwork, "man, did you see how hard I knocked this guy out?"

Red Spy's heart swelled at the sight of his boy, just a few feet away from him and looking quite for a bruise on his head, but his smile soon faded when he saw the other team gang up on him.

"I got this." came another familiar voice as he took his own bat out and started swinging it at his own team mates. Adam, yes him. It bewildered Spy to see that his two children of the opposite team are fighting together. The Frenchman found it oddly a heartwarming way, up until the two somehow managed to knock them all out together.

"Yo Scout," Nathan called as he continued on beating the Blu Demo to unconsciousness, help Frenchie out there, will ya?"

Adam rolled his eyes and proceeded to Red Spy, who looked at him intently as he came closer.

"Um, hey man," Adam began awkwardly, rubbing his nape to ease himself, "I heard the quarrel and... I wanna know if you really are, dad?"

Once he was free, Spy sat upright and placed a loving hand on Blu Scout's shoulder.

"I have been looking for you." Spy finally said, unable to believe it himself that he was going to tell the truth to at least one of them without hesitation or second thoughts. "Adam, it's me. It's dad..."

Blu Scout was speechless as all his questions have been answered. He didn't know what to say, all he knew was that he wrapped his arms around the enemy Spy and buried his face in his chest as tears fell from his eyes. Red Spy smiled to himself and gave Adam the tightest hug he could give the lad. Finally, after all those years, they were finally together. The very thought sent a great burden off of the Frenchman, and Nathan saw how big of a deal this was as a single tears streamed down from his eye and wetted his mask.

Red Scout looked sadly at them. Adam here found his dad.,, when will he find his?

As his thoughts wandered, they were suddenly on their guard as the alarm went off and blared loudly.

"The Red team is here," Adam said quickly, "we need to get you out of here,."