Ruby walks slowly towards her tent, but was intercepted by Tyler.

Tyler opens his mouth, and Ruby instantly knows she is in for an angry conversation. "Well, Now we are pretty much fucked at this point."

"Our whole survival is based of these supply runs, and to have such a crucial one fail. I don't know what in the fuck we are going to do."

"I don't know either." Ruby softly replies to acknowledge his rant.

"Of course you don't fucking know! None of us know! Everything is down the shitter right now, and who fucking knows where the damn plunger is! Maybe a fucking bullet will plunge the shit from our lives, What do you think huh? Blow all our troubles away! BOOM, right all the fucking damn wall. I'm sick and tired of dealing with this shit. Why do we try to survive anyways? What happens when there is no more food or supplies in Vale, or we get captured and killed by some other group of fucktards. Why? So far it doesn't seem worth it."

Ruby is taken aback by how violent and emotional his words were.

"I think everything will work out. . . It will all be better soon." Ruby attempts to reassure Tyler.

"Yeah, that's what I keep telling myself. . ." Tyler's voice and tone, drastically different. A lot more calm, and sad.

"What if, it never gets better? What will we think then? We spend our whole lives trying to survive the torture and the pain so that one day, we can enjoy the way it used to be. But what if we never see that day. . ."

"I normally had a lot of hope, and would preach the ways of a great light and wonderful life that is just around the corner. Telling people, you just gotta make it. . ."

"Now i'm receiving that same speech. It seems the darkness is snuffing out the light, And soon I might just be like smoke in the air. Visible for a moment, Then lost and gone forever. . ."

"C'mon, Don't talk like that." Ruby scolds Tyler for being a melodramatic asshole.

"You're focusing on the bad too much, Look towards the good! You got all these friends and people that love you, Especially Nora."

"Just remember. No matter how dark things might seem. Darkness couldn't exist without the light."

"Y'know. . . You're right." Tyler crushes Ruby into a nice tight hug.

"Thanks." Tyler seemed to actually appear happy and calm. Though that emotion slowly slipped away and his face got more serious. Tyler let go of the death hug and stepped back. Hugging was already dangerous because of how tall Tyler was. Tyler claims he is 6'4", But Ruby insists at least 7 Feet tall. He tries to explain that she is just really short and thats why he seems that tall, But he cannot convince her of his actual height.

"We have to get serious now." Tyler grabs Ruby by the shoulders.

"What are we going to do? We NEED to figure something out quick, We are going to be out of food in like two, or three days. We can initiate the food shortage protocol that limits to one meal a day, and one snack. People are going to hate it, but that should make it last at least almost a week. If we send out a decent group for a supply run, we should be able to get back just in time before everyone starves to death. Sound good?"

"I don't think we have any other choice." Ruby is forced to agree with Tyler's plans.

"Allright, You want to come with?" Tyler asks Ruby. Ruby says no words but nods her head "Yes". Tyler pats her shoulder a couple times and quickly heads to other camp members to gather a party. After about 30 minutes of talking to camp members. The roster went something like this.


Tyler - Tasked to Supply Run Mission

David - Tasked to Defending Base

Ruby - Tasked to Supply Run Mission

Weiss - Tasked to Supply Run Mission

Blake - Recovering from sustained injuries

Nora - Tasked to Defending Base

Juane - Tasked to Defending Base

Pyrrha - Tasked to Daily Patrols to locate possible Grimm

Neptune - Recovering from sustained injuries

Yang - Tasked to Supply Run Mission

Zwei - Tasked to Daily Patrols to locate possible Grimm


Supply missions normally only have two people assigned to them, But this one is super important, so four have been tasked. Having only three people defending base is really dangerous, but they have no other choice.

Tyler, Ruby, Weiss, And Yang all grab their weapons and say goodbye to friends and loved ones as they prepare to set out on a journey that will decide the fate of everyone they know. A Lot of thoughts rush through their minds, but one thought in-particular was in everyones as they set out to Vale.

They better not fuck it up.