Chaos at Work by: jade_tiger Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Yu-Gi-Oh, I'm just borrowing them for a while. I have no job so please don't sue.

Warning: This is slash, if you are not aware what slash is it is m/m pairings. This is slightly AU, with many OOC moments. Some m/f pairings.

Chapter Eight

"Where are you takin' me?" demanded Joey as Bakura led him out of the store, Yami following closely, the pale arm still firmly placed about his shoulders.

"Now, now Joey, you heard what Pharaoh's little light said, we need to bond, and I think this is the best way for us to do so," Bakura said pulling the struggling teen with him, unconcerned for the looks he was receiving from others on the sidewalk. "Right Yam-Yam?" Yami nodded distractedly, looking around to try and figure out where his friend was planning on taking them.

"Bakura, where are we going?" he inquired finding nothing familiar about his surroundings.

"Well, I thought we'd commemorate this day, so I have something wonderful planed for both of you," Bakura replied smiling at the squirming blond at his side, whose golden brown eyes widened, fear blooming in their depths.

"O gods, you're gonna kill me! You are aren't you?!" Joey screeched, tugging away wildly from the white haired spirit, grabbing a stop sign as the tomb robber stopped to cross the road. Unfortunately for the blond he had assumed that Bakura had stopped to cross and didn't notice immediately that the spirit was looking at the window of the store behind them a content smile on his face. When he noticed the hold on him slacken Joey took a tentative look back and his eyes widened and the innocent pedestrians in the area were treated to the high panicked scream of one, rather terrified, Joey Wheeler. "No!! No!! Yami!! Save me!!"

Yami looked at his friend not understanding the reason why the blond was so worked up, and followed his gaze reading the sign on the window. 'Black Rose Tattoos and Piercings?' he read to himself, though he wasn't from this time he was well aware of what tattoos and piercings were; one couldn't be acquainted with Malik Ishtar and his yami and not know what those were. "Bakura what are we doing here?"

Bakura grinned at the spike haired spirit and pulled the blond from the sign beginning to walk towards the door, grabbing his friend as he passed and led the other two towards the curtained door. "Like I said Yam- boy, we're gonna commemorate this day." With that he pulled open the glass door and pushed the blond and tri-coloured haired teen in, following quickly behind.

Upon entering the small establishment Yami and Joey's eyes were met with the sight of a teen paying a rather large man behind the counter. Yami's crimson tinted eyes widened, never in all his years, both past and present, had he ever seen so many holes in one man's face.

"By Ra," he breathed quietly his eyes trained on the teen who walked by them fiddling with a slightly red piercing on his ear.

"I hear ya," murmured Joey as a tattooed man walked out as well, his golden brown eyes nearly bulging out of his head at the sight of the several visible tattoos on the man's arm. Bakura watched the reaction of the two and resisted the urge to begin laughing like a maniac and instead gave a small wave to the man behind the counter who smiled widely at the white haired spirit.

"Bakura! Long time no see," the man called out waving at Bakura who smiled back. "What're you doing here? Thought you didn't want to work here," joked the man. Bakura moved forward to stand in front of the counter leaning against the wooden surface comfortably, Joey and Yami watching the two with wary eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean Mack? I can't come here on business?" replied Bakura insolently, uncaring of the fact that the man behind the counter was about twice his size. "Besides I'm sure Kay would love to have me visit her, after all I'm sure she doesn't enjoy having to look at your ugly mug all day, everyday. Personally I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." The man growled at the white haired teen's insolence and Yami and Joey stiffened at the rumbling sound, while Bakura stayed where he was grinning.

"Watch it brat, we don't have to accept your work, you know," said the man, blue eyes flashing in annoyance. At the threat Bakura's grin turned into a cocky smirk.

"You don't have to, but Kay will, and everyone knows she's got you by the balls," he retorted. Joey gave an audile gulp as the man behind the counter clenched his fists, muscles bulging noticeably under the sleeves of his black shirt.

"B-Bakura why don't you leave the nice man alone?" he stammered, trying to give the man a reassuring smile and failing miserably as the smile turned into a grimace of dread as deep, almost black, brown eyes bore into his own golden brown ones. "Errr...hello, I'm J-Joey Wheeler and this is my friend Yami Moto, we err apologize for our friend's rudeness," he stuttered shaking like a leaf.

"Don't bother," said a voice from behind a dark blue curtain partition on the right of them causing the blond to jump slightly, Bakura to give a bark of laughter and Yami to raise a brow at the man's reaction, which was to sigh and run a hand through his dark hair.

"Kay, how's life sweetheart?" asked Bakura his eyes dancing as he spoke to the unseen owner of the voice.

"You haven't given me any new designs asshole, how do you think life is," retorted the voice sharply. Yami's brow further raised and Mack laughed as Bakura shrugged his shoulders throwing a bemused smile at his friend. Joey on the other hand began to slowly inch towards the door seeing the maniacal spirit distracted, moving ever closer to the door the blond began to feel slight elation and hope for freedom...until Bakura caught him around the collar and pulled him back his eyes still fixed on the curtain which twitched before pulling apart revealing a small female with black hair with blue streaked though the midnight coloured strands. The girl, who looked no more than a couple of years older than them, glared at Bakura with an expression that rivaled that of Seto Kaiba when he was pissed.

"Now, now, sweetheart, mustn't be rude to the customers," said Bakura clicking his tongue, giving a teasing grin. "I brought some of my soon to be co-workers here to commemorate this day," he said smiling widely. Kay raised a slim brow and directed deep blue eyes on Yami and Joey, studying the two as if bugs under a microscope. "I think Yami would look pretty hot with a navel ring, don't you?" Yami eyed his friend unsure of exactly he meant, but remained silent.

Kay looked at the spike haired teen in front of her, her eyes an unnerving mirror of Kaiba's, slightly less cold yet not holding the same spark of light that Yami saw in his rival's blue depths. A small smile peaked on her lips as she continued her perusal, as if seeing something on Yami's face that only she could see. Once finished with her study of the King of Games she turned her attention onto Joey, who smiled nervously in return.

"All right, I'll take 'em, what do you two want?" Kay said after a few more moments of studying the two. Yami thought for a moment his eyes dark in thought, the idea of getting a tattoo held no real appeal to him, however, a piercing wasn't out of the question. Joey watched the woman in front of him unclear on what it was she was asking. "Well?"

"I think 'Kura's suggestion on a navel ring has some merit," Yami said thoughtfully, a slim finger touching his lips in his personal 'thinking position,' as Bakura liked to call it. "But, I'd also like my ears pierced." Kay nodded her understanding easily picturing the spike haired teen with aforementioned earrings and navel ring, glinting teasingly on his midrift and ears. Bakura grinned at the former Pharaoh, resisting the urge to laugh insanely. Joey looked at his friend his brow raised in slight surprise, he knew that Yami wasn't as 'innocent' as Yugi, but he never thought that the spirit would willingly take the advice of the psycho- maniac Ryou called a yami.

"Errr...I think I'll get my ears pierced too...but I don't know what type of earring to get," he mumbled catching the attention of the group. "I kinda want studs but I like those dangly stringy ones too," he said more to himself than the general group. Bakura nodded, smiling, it had taken some time but finally the blond wasn't making an annoying nuisance of himself, whining about being killed and such nonsense.

"Why don't you just get both and save us the trouble of listening to you talking to yourself?" said Bakura, still lounging against the counter as if he owned the place. "Don't you agree Mack?" The man behind the counter rolled his deep blue eyes grinning.

"Hey leave the kid alone 'Kura, he looks scared shitless as it is," he said ignoring the indignant exclamation from the blond. "Don't worry kid, you don't have to get anything done, Bakura's just being an ass, as usual. 'Sides if you decide to get something Kay here'll take good care of you," he said reassuringly coming around the counter and putting an arm over the woman's shoulder.

"All right, first off I ain't no chicken!" exclaimed Joey, his face scrunched in his own version of Kaiba's death glare, one that was decidedly less effective. "An' secondly I think I'll take your advice and get both," he continued, his 'glare' morphing into a goofy grin.

"Great! And you probably know what I'm here for Kay so let's get to it," said Bakura. Kay led the three to separate booths and began her work.

"Okay I explained how to keep those piercings clean, and you have our number if you have something you want to know," said Kay smiling at the three in front of her. Joey was feeling the golden strand of one of the earrings he got, Yami was also gently rubbing the stud in his ear, and Bakura remained silent. With a final wave the three left the small establishment with their new commemorative piercings.

The three walked down the street saying nothing, enjoying the silence that was, for once, unbroken with Bakura and Joey's arguments. Yami, still fingering his ear, which was still slightly tender, looked sideways at Joey who was similarly feeling the strand of gold dangling from his ear. Bakura walked silently next to Yami a frown on his alabaster coloured face, his hair falling over his eyes. The three continued for a while longer all paying no attention to their surroundings until Joey had the pleasure, or rather bad luck, of walking into the tall figure that walked out of the coffee shop a few meters in front of them, spilling a large cup of recently bought, nice piping hot decaffeinated coffee, over Joey and the figure he had bumped into.

"Dammit! Watch where you're goin' moron!" Joey cried out, pulling his shirt away from his chest in an attempt to lessen the burning sensation created by the rather warm liquid, blowing on the stained fabric. Unfortunately for the blond, he had not bothered to look up at the person who had walked into him; if he had he would have seen the annoyed expression on the face of none other than the dice wielding Dungeon Dice Monsters creator, Ryuuji Otogi (1).

Ryuuji sneered at the shorter blond, his green eyes flashing in annoyance. "This is the reason dogs are required to go out with leashes on mutt," he said sharply annoyed that his warm beverage had been wasted, right after he had paid for it too. At hearing the voice Joey's head whipped up, his eyes wide in disbelief.

'Of all the people in this city, why him?!' he thought to himself resisting the urge to bang his head against the brick wall conveniently placed a mere couple of feet from where he stood. "I'm surprised Kaiba let his bitch out today, dice freak," he retorted sharply. "I thought you were shoved so far up his ass you couldn't go anywhere without him, or was it him that was shoved up your ass?" Yami's crimson eyes widened at the harsh tone and crude comment used by the blond, while Bakura merely smirked silently cheering the blond on and relishing the thought of a fight.

"Shut up you stupid mutt," growled Ryuuji verdant eyes flashing in anger, he was strongly resisting the urge to reach over and strangle the blond with his bare hands. It was at this moment that the black haired young man saw the golden strands hanging from the blond's lobes, along with the studs that glinted happily next to the strands of gold. 'What the hell?' he asked himself silently looking at the new piercings, as much as he hated to admit it to himself the piercings did look good on the blond.

"All right you two, stop this, you're acting like children," said Yami, his tone patient, as if talking to two unruly kids in the playground.

"Me? It wasn't my fault this freak wasn't watching where he was going!" exclaimed Joey gesturing towards Ryuuji his teeth bared at the taller teen. Ryuuji rolled his eyes and sneered.

"I don't have time for your immense stupidity Wheeler," he said walking past the blond and down the street out of their view.

"Dammit that guy annoys the hell out of me, he's worse than that jerk Kaiba," growled Joey shaking his fist at the retreating back of the businessman. "Blames this all on me when he's obviously the one to blame, stupid pony-tailed bastard," he continued to mutter mindlessly under his breath as he followed Yami and Bakura who had begun to walk once again their destination unknown.

Ryuuji entered the building waving at the receptionist with a flirtatious smile before walking into the office unannounced and flopping down on the leather seat in front of the large oak desk. Blue eyes behind glasses studied the figure with a raised brow.

"Well?" Seto asked putting the document he had been reading down and folding his hands in front of him watching his friend. Ryuuji gave an apologetic shrug and smiled ruefully scratching the back of his head in embarrassment remembering what had happened on his way there.

" see it's like this," he started grinning. "I just finished ordering and I was on my way here when, out of nowhere, the mutt walked smack into me and started freaking out 'cause the coffee spilled on him. I was about to beat the shit out of him when Yami steps in, then I remembered you were waiting so I left, and here I am." Seto's brow continued to rise higher as the pony-tailed teen went on with his explanation, his hands moving wildly throughout his explanation. "So...yeah I don't have your coffee, sorry man." Seto sighed and pulled off his glasses rubbing his tired eyes in an attempt to ward off the burning sensation that came with lack of sleep.

"It's all right," he mumbled blinking his eyes blearily at his companion. Ryuuji looked at his friend and seeing the exhausted expression on the other's face, recognized the look easily.

"Haven't been getting much sleep again huh?" he inquired. "The dreams?" Seto nodded and laid his head, cradled in his arms, on the surface of his desk. "Shit, maybe you should do something about that? I mean I know you keep on saying it's nothing but man, I've seen you when you have these dreams, it isn't pretty." Seto grumbled into his arms and one deep blue eye peaked up at the green-eyed teen.

"I am doing something about it, and you're helping," he said before his eye once again disappeared into the cradle of his arms. "I'm just hoping it all works out before I go insane," Seto added exhaustion clear in his voice. The dreams had started a few months back and were slowly, but surely, becoming more intense and realistic, and frankly he was getting tired of them and if they didn't end soon he wasn't sure if he was past committing murder to make the damn things cease.

At first he had dismissed the dreams as ill side effects due to the lack of sleep he had been suffering because of the large amount of work he had to do for KaibaCorp. However, even after taking a vacation, which in his case meant working at home and not in the office, the dreams continued and the brunet was slowly but surely being driven to insanity. The first of the series of disturbingly realistic dreams were innocent enough, but that changed quickly however and the teenaged CEO was soon being bombarded by rather...inappropriate dreams about his so-called rival. The fact that the dreams were starting to become distractions in his life was a further annoyance to the teen and made him even more determined to stop them at any cost.

"Maybe you should just admit it Seto, you like him," said Ryuuji smirking impishly at the brunet who was now glaring at him in an attempt to kill him slowly and painfully. "Don't give me that look Kaiba, it's pretty damn obvious, I mean, you can't keep your eyes off him whenever the two of you are within eyesight of each other, not to mention I've seen you checking his ass out whenever you can. Not that you aren't the only one doing some sight seeing," joked Ryuuji with a leer.

"Tell me again why I work with you? Because I can't see any possible reason why I continue to subject this torture upon myself," said Seto sardonically, ignoring the other's laughter, Ryuuji watched the other businessman his eyes sparkling moving his ebony bangs from his eyes.

"What torture Seth? As I recall I already told you to just kidnap Yami and have your way with him, but you have to be stubborn and insist you feel nothing for him. Don't blame me if you're losing sleep over this." replied Ryuuji acting as if he didn't know what the brunet was really talking about.

"You know as well as I do that that isn't what I'm talking about, you pervert," Seto glowered.

"Yeah, yeah, but still you love me," replied Ryuuji airily waving a slim hand in dismissal before stopping an impish smile falling in place. "Oh, mistake, you already love someone else, am I not right? Oh, dear High Priest?" Blue eyes glared into green ones, which held nothing but a challenging light.

"Do not push me Ryuuji, don't push me," murmured Seto a strange darkness falling about him, like a shroud of power steeped in shadows.

1. I decided to use this name instead...Duke was ok, but...I dunno, I like this one better, so from here on in Duke Devlin will now be referred to as Ryuuji Otogi.

to be continued

tiger: *waves nervously* hi...ummm...*ahem* been a while huh?

Bakura, Yami, Seto, Joey, Ryuuji: *covered with cobwebs glaring at tiger*

Bakura: that wasn't a while, if it was a while you would have updated weeks ago tiger: *dusts Bakura off* o quit whining, i was busy, plus the damn disc screwed me over and i lost the original copy of this chapter and had to re- write the whole thing over! where's the sympathy?!

Seto: all the sympathy we might have felt for you died when you made us stay here for months on end, you short psycho! *glares* and don't try that pathetic excuse of the disc being screwed up, you're just lazy

tiger: i won't deny that i'm lazy but the disc did screw me over! don't you believe me? *puppy dog eyes* Yugi: *walks in eating ice cream* hey tiger, finally finished huh?

Yami: *looks over at Yugi while pulling cobwebs off* Yugi where have you been? it's been months, i was worried!

Yugi: i was with Ryou, Malik and Marik in the other room *points to a hidden door* are you telling me you guys have been standing around here all this time?!

Yami, Seto, Bakura, Joey, Ryuuji: *nod*

Yugi: you're telling me, you guys all...just stood there...for months when you guys could've just gone into the other room and watch movies and play games and eat and other necessities like that?

Joey: *twitching* t-there's another food?!

Yugi: *nods and licks ice cream* yeah, it's like a small apartment, tiger set it up for when the wait gets long Bakura: *head slowly turns* an apartment? tell me why we have never heard of this apartment tiger: ...i knew there was something i forgot to tell you guys about...did i ever mention the dental plan? Yami: dental plan? apartment?! you never told us any of these things!

Yugi: o yeah, you should see the house she has for the others on hiatus, we just come here every now and then, we've mostly been staying at the house

!!please review!!