*Hello by Adele starts playing in the distance* So um, back again? I know, I'm awful and I honestly have no excuses so please try to not kill me.

Honestly the only excuse I somewhat have is that I didn't have internet for a bit because I was travelling, but even then I could have worked on the story before that happened. I'm just lazy and awful.

My problem is that I only write when I feel like it's fun, and I just haven't had much fun with writing lately. I mean, you guys wouldn't want me writing this if I felt like I had to, trust me. Once stories start feeling like a job is when I lose interest and become sloppy.

Anyways, give me more ideas for the special chapter! And I apologize for the shortness? I mean it's about 2,500 words which is my average soooo idk, it just feels short to me.


P.S. Have you guys read the latest chapters of :re? Like, I'm super conflicted about adding the stuff with, Kaneki's mom, to this story, I probably won't I don't think I can handle writing all that angst tbh. ALSO NEW KANEKI IS FUCKING ME UP!

Ryuzaki held his cell phone loosely in his hands before simply closing it. His conversation with Kanou hadn't lasted more than two minutes, but he was able to easily get the man to come over to his current location, he seemed all too willing to come when Ryuzaki had mentioned that Kaneki was with him, of course he wasn't able to explain the whole situation to the man, but he would soon enough, once he arrived.

Ryuzaki leaned back in his chair and let out a breath of air.

Now, how was he going to explain the situation to Kanou, without giving everything away?

Kaneki laid on the ground, he tried gathering his thoughts, but everything was scattered. Did he really just do that? Did he really just eat parts of his own arm? On camera?

He would have laughed if the situation wasn't so fucked. He wasn't even sure if they would call Kanou, he could be in confinement even longer now for what he just did. It's already been an hour since the whole incident and he still had no idea what was going on.

'I'm soooooo fucked.'

He tried peeking at his arm but couldn't really see it with his current position. Hell, it was almost a good thing that he hadn't eaten in so long, otherwise his arm probably would have healed right away. 'If I just do what, Eto, has told me, I should be able to stop myself from healing.' All he had to do was concentrate, but of course, controlling your rc cells is easier said, than done.

He closed his eyes and tried to relax, he concentrated on his arm and tried forgetting everything that had happened and everything that was going on around him.

"You seem pretty relaxed for someone in your position, Kaneki."

Kaneki's eyes snapped open in shock and looked up in surprise, before they quickly turned into relief.


Ryuzaki stared at the monitor, waiting for Kanou to walk onto the screen so he could observe his interaction with, Kaneki.

He had explained to Kanou, that Kaneki was in confinement and under suspicion, but he currently couldn't tell Kanou, what he was under suspicion for, because it was classified. And Kaneki had injured himself while in confinement so he needed medical attention.

Ryuzaki grimaced, the man had taken everything he said easily and didn't ask any questions besides where Kaneki, was. He acted strangely calm for a man that just learned his patient was in confinement and inflicted injuries on himself. He even told him about the hunger strike and it didn't seem to affect the man at all.

'Maybe, Kaneki has done certain things in the past? Kanou already told me that, Kaneki, has a history of bulimia when I asked him, maybe he had a history with self-harm?' L was snapped out of his thoughts when he realized Kanou had entered Kaneki's cell.

'I'll just have to think about all of this later.'

A man that, Kaneki, recognized as one of the men that had stopped him earlier, slowly opened the cell door for Kanou, and handed him a key, before he walked in by himself.

"Do you mind leaving us alone?" Kanou turned and asked the man, he looked hesitant and stared between Kanou and Kaneki.

The man opened his mouth, but before he could answer a voice cracked through the room. "You can leave them, Aizawa, just make sure to stay outside of the hall."

Still looking hesitant, the man, now dubbed as Aizawa, nodded and left the two of them alone.

"So, do you mind telling me what you did exactly?" Kanou asked as Kaneki sat up from the floor and leaned against the bed.

"I bit myself." Kaneki grimaced and there was a long silence between the two of them, then Kanou let out a long sigh.

"Well then, let me see it."

Kaneki, did as he was told and turned so his back was facing the man. He sensed the notion of Kanou, kneeling behind him, then felt Kanou tug on the chain of his cuffs to bring his arms towards him, and unlocked them with the key he was given earlier.

Kaneki, let out a sigh of relief as he brought his hands forward and rubbed his wrist for a second then turned to face the man.

He was finally eye-level with the man and now noticed the look in Kanou's eyes. They were questioning, sad, angry, tired, but most of all, they were filled with concern.

"You know, I was pretty concerned when you never visited, it's been over a month and you usually see me at least once of month, or tell me when you can't see me for a while…"

"Sorry…this was all pretty sudden…"

Kanou sighed again and grabbed the wrist of Kaneki's injured arm and stared at it intently. "Well it looks pretty bad… We should definitely start you off with some pain-killers." He said and reached for his pocket, where he took out a bottle of pills and handed them to, Kaneki.

Kaneki opened the box and could have cried tears of joy, they were exactly the kind of pills he needed. It wasn't actual food, but suppressants were the next best thing. He quickly popped a couple in his mouth and swallowed them, giving Kanou, a mumbled "Thanks." In the process.

He gave a slight nod in recognition then started putting antibiotics on Kaneki's wounds, and wrapping them. "You know, you should be going to a hospital for this, you need better antibiotics, an IV-drip, you're probably highly emaciated at this point, and your arm!-" Kanou, was starting to get into a heated rant and Kaneki, had to hold back a laugh- he was putting up a pretty good act.

"Well, I wouldn't let anyone else in here except for you, especially other doctors." Kanou stopped his rant and gave Kaneki a look then chuckled slightly at his statement.

"Good to see you're still the same." Kanou smiled then finished wrapping up Kaneki's arm. "I'm going to have another talk with this, Ryuzaki, character. You, just stay here."

"What do you think I've been doing this past month?"

"Good to see you didn't lose you're awful humor, also."

One Week Later

It had been a week since, Kaneki was out of confinement, well, confinement under L. Now he was just confined to the hospital. Keeping up the act of being malnourished and under the constant care of Kanou.

He let out a breath of air, he hadn't seen anyone except for Kanou and a couple of nurses for this entire week, he still had no idea what was going on with L, and what would happen from now on, he could just only hope he wouldn't be under suspicion anymore, but that probably wouldn't happen. Who wouldn't be suspicious of someone that ate parts of their own arm?

Kaneki looked down at said arm –his left arm, to be exact- it was still wrapped up in bandages, despite the fact that it had healed almost instantly after, Kaneki, was able to get some actual food from, Kanou. He sighed to himself, it wasn't exactly the smartest idea, but it did get him out of there.

Kaneki sat up when he heard walking coming towards his door and was soon met with the presence of Kanou, who greeted him with a smile.

"Well, it looks like you're doing well, Kaneki."

Kaneki, grimaced at that. It had only taken him about two days to recover completely, but in order to keep up his human appearance he needed to stay in the hospital. "How long do I need to stay here, Kanou?" at his question, Kanou, gave a slight frown.

"Well, that's a pretty loaded question. You didn't eat anything for thirty-seven days, but you did drink a lot, and you didn't move around a lot, so it wasn't like you were ever really burning away your calories, unnecessarily." Kanou moved a chair and set it next to Kaneki's bed, he sat down, getting ready to have a long talk about his current situation.

"If you factor in your age and body mass, it's not too bad, and for the fact that on the last day you showed resistance and you could still walk. So it made you appear like you weren't too bad off… We should probably make you stay here for at least another week, but if you do leave after that you're going to have to appear bad off, maybe even needing a wheelchair?"

"No way, there's no way I'm going in a wheelchair."

Kanou, sighed at Kaneki's, reluctance. "Well then, you should probably stay a little longer, and do minimal activities once you're out. Only go to places you absolutely have to, and don't go running or jogging anywhere either." Kaneki nodded in understanding.

Kanou was just trying to look out for him, he knew that, but there was no way he was going to end up in a wheelchair.

"So, have you heard anything from the investigators?" Kaneki had already explained everything that had happened to Kanou, and why he was being confined. Apparently there were even investigators from L's team that would stop by to ask about Kaneki's condition.

Kanou shook his head in disappointment. "No, all they do is ask about your recovery, then leave. I still don't know about how much suspicion you're actually under."

Kaneki sighed and shook his head. What was he supposed to do? Just stay in the hospital until L decides to contact him? Was he even allowed to leave, and if he did, where would he go?

He can't really go back to the house unless he has, Light, with him, and he wouldn't even know how to explain the current situation.

Maybe he could live at Anteiku for a while? He hadn't seen any of his friends in a long time, and he was sure they were probably all worried about his sudden absence. Before being confined, he just called and told Yoshimura that he was taking some time off and wouldn't be able to contact anyone for a while. And Yoshimura didn't really ask any questions, as long as he knew I was safe he didn't really care what was happening.

He also called, Hide, before going into confinement and went along with the story, Light, was telling everyone else. He was glad that he didn't have to tell him in person, otherwise he probably would have seen through his lie.

"For now, you should just sit tight, and wait everything out. Maybe even call a couple friends so they know you're okay?"

Kaneki nodded. "Yeah, I'll probably do that…"

Ten Days Later

Kaneki sat in his hospital bed reading one of the books that he had received from Hinami and Touka, when they came to visit him. Over the past couple of days, he had called just about all of his friends and explained his situation without giving away as much as he could.

To his close friends, he told he was under suspicion of a crime he couldn't talk about because it was classified information, and he would get in a lot of trouble if he told them about it, so he had to be under constant surveillance, and he injured his arm, so in order to keep up his human appearance he needed to stay in the hospital.

He told, Hide, the same, except that he had gotten sick while under surveillance and needed to stay at the hospital for a while, and while he was sick he fell and injured his arm.

The only people that knew the full story were Kanou, and Yoshimura.

Kaneki flipped the page in his book, but before he could start reading the next page he heard someone walking towards his door, a couple of people, actually.

Kanou entered his room along with the man that Kaneki knew from the task force, Aizawa, and another younger man that he recognized, but couldn't put a name to.

"So, how are you feeling today, Kaneki?" Kanou asked with a smile and made his way towards him, while the other two stayed a distance away from him.

"I'm feeling good, I'd feel even better if I knew why those two were here."

The one known as Aizawa spoke up after, Kaneki, said that. "Well, we came here for you, we can't really explain much here, but our boss, wants to see you." Kaneki clenched his fist, he knew this was coming. "We just got confirmation from your doctor that you should be stable enough to leave so…"

Kaneki nodded in understanding.

Before leaving the hospital, the two men left to room so Kaneki, could get ready, but before he could leave, Kanou, handed him a cane.

"What's this?" Kaneki, asked with a questioning look.

"It's exactly what it looks like, you need to be using it for at least a week."

Kaneki, bit his lip. As much as he wanted to protest against having to use a cane, he understood where, Kanou was coming from. Normal people don't just start walking perfectly fine after over a month of starvation.

"Make sure to use it, and act like you need to add your weight to it, go slow, and always sit down when you have the opportunity."

Kaneki, nodded. "I understand."

On the car ride over to the hotel, Kaneki, for once wasn't blindfolded or cuffed. The younger man –that had introduced himself as Matsuda- was telling him how yesterday, Light and Misa, were finally taken out of confinement, and now L, wanted to talk to all of them.

When they arrived at the hotel, Kaneki took his time in going at a slow pace and even leaning against the elevator wall for support, in order to keep up his act of still recovering, it seemed that the men with him understood and also went at his pace, keeping a close distance in case it seemed like he was about to fall.

Once they all got into the room the first thing Kaneki noticed was his cousin, he had a much lighter air around him than the one that had been around him the last time Kaneki, had seen him and he gave him a small smile.

"Looks like you're doing well, Light."

Light, gave him a small smile in return. "It's good to see you, Kaneki, but I'm not so sure I can say the same thing…" He trailed off, looking at Kaneki's arm, and cane.

Before Kaneki, could say anything, Soichiro, entered the room.

The two stared at each other for a long moment, Kaneki stood completely still, what was he supposed to say? He was at a loss for words, and Soichiro was approaching him.

'What do I do?' Kaneki, panicked. 'What do I say, do I apologize? How much does he know? Do I-?' Kaneki's thoughts were completely halted.

Soichiro was, hugging him? "I'm glad to see you're okay."

Kaneki, let out a breath air he didn't even realize he was holding, and hugged him back.


Kaneki: I bit myself.

Kanou: ….And I thought that was only one of, Tsukiyama's, hobbies.

Kaneki: Oh, bite me.

Kanou: Really? Out of all the comebacks in the world, you choose that one? For this very moment?

Kaneki: …..Shut up.

The End. (Lmao, can you fucking imagine?)

Okay so, as soon as I post this I'm going to start writing the next chapter, so I know for sure I don't screw up and take forever.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed, the next chapter will definitely have a lot more progression in it, I swear. I know, this chapter was pretty lack luster and I'm suuuuper sorry, but it was necessary for the story to progress.

On to your favorite part, the reviews!

Nikkirose and PhantomhiveQueen: Yup

Akane Shinigami: Thank you!

skyrumen818: I'm sorry for taking so long again, but thank you!

potato chip (guest): Any certain scenario you would like to see them in? And tysm. c:

Kirigiri Kyouko: Well your time at the con seemed awesome, I've only ever been to one and I was sick so I didn't really get to enjoy it to the full extent. ;-; But anyways your idea about Juuzou is pretty spot on, I was pretty much thinking that would be the only way I could introduce him to the story. But me actually doing it is a whole other point, it's still pretty up in the air at this point. Thank you for always reviewing!

farronewp: *Dies* I'm, I'm so sorry.


Deathstarling556: Thank you so much!

Ruku (Guest): Thank you. ;-; I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter.

Guest (1): Thank you so much! I honestly need to write faster tbh.

Icera: Oh my god. Thank you so much. 33 You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.

Catcrazzed: Yes!

Cheza the Flower Maiden: I know, after all these years he has to have a lot.

Cyber Orteck: I hope so too...

Rina Artemia Okumura: Same here, I just can't bring myself to really lie about it. Thank you for your review! :D

Guest (2): No it's... it doesn't make any sense. It's awful.

Tsukiyama Trash: Oh gosh, thank you so much, you're a beautiful person. (P.S. I love your name)

Bumblebee Madness: Lol, thank you for reviewing!

Even Better If: Sorry for taking so long... But thank you for the continuous support!

greymouser: Thank you! c:

Guest (3): I feel like I keep saying this, but sorry, for taking forever.

YullenLover1215: Thank you so much. ;-;

xxxDreamingflowerxxx: Oh man, thank you. And sorry for making you wait such a long time again. And no, the ship is nothing like that. It's just bad... it's two actual character and honestly it's all my friends fault.

Guest (4): Thank you! :D

cryoempress: Thank you so much, you're great.

Bringer of the Morrow: I FINALLY WROTE AGAIN!

shiemichan: Maybe, maybe not.

Midnightravenkil (Guest): Thank you so much! I don't deserve your kindness tbh. ;-;

TLGRIMN: Lmao, thank you! :)

Fulminata: Oh, thank you so much! You're great, you have no idea how happy your review made me. c':

Lily46339 (Guest): Thanks! :D

Guest (5): Thank you.

HiddenSky0411: Omg, thank you!

glitteringninjaunicorns: Oh gosh, thank you so much! I'm sorry it took so long! (P.S. Your name is pretty sick)

a fan (Guest): Here!

Tiger (Guest): Ahh, sorry for taking so long, but thanks!

CuteLittlePie: Thank you! :D

Uuaolx (Guest): Yes, here you are.

memories of rain: *Eats cookies* You'll find out in due time, my child.

DerpyDerp (Guest): JESUS CHRIST, HERE!

BloodiedLady: Thank you so much. c:

5862-senbonzakura: Thank you.~ :)


Lightening sparks: Thank you! And you'll see.~

DearlyFictitious: Sorry! But new chapter so, yay?

Guest (7): Aww, thank you!


DESYNCHRONIZE: Can't have him reveal all that yet man, you'll see.

Escaping Evil: Maybe at some point. Thank you!

mae2551: Aww, thanks. c:

Princess Serena til Universo: Sorry for taking forever! But also, thanks. (:

Guest (8): Well, they never stated anywhere that coffee helped sedate hunger. It was just something ghouls can enjoy.

Lady Switch Groen: Oh my gosh, you have no idea how great reading your review was (it might have even brought a tear to my eye, but that's between me and my computer screen) I'm just super sorry for taking so long with updating. Thank you so much for your review you wonderful person!


Crystal013: Thank you so much! :D

The Son of Satan: Yo man, chill. You need to clam down there Sata- oh, I see what you did there.

Nick (Guest): Thank you!

shadowreaper556: Here you go!

BlueFox14: Wow, welcome to the crossover world child! And thank you!

Guest (9): It's not! I'm here!

You (Guest): Oh my, thank you. :D

TheFeralSage: Haha, yes, welcome!

pheonix323: Thanks. c:

denizen of the night: Thank you, and it's back!

KarenaKitty: Thank you so much, I will. :D

Guest (10): Omg, tysm!

Ductvillefounder: Well he's starving and he can kind of control he rc cells sooo... anywas, thank you.

Misaki122: I'm back! But you should go over to there's too, we got to support all authors on here man!

bloopy (Guest): I'm sorry child!

MysticTaloness: Wow, thanks! :)

HiddenOne15: Yes, I HAVE UPDATED!

MinkaMN: Don't worry! I haven't.

Escapade (Guest): Haha, thank! You shall see in due time. (;

MyaruKya (Guest): Thank you, Frace! Lol. c:

NoToLogins (Guest): Lol, sorry. But here, I updated!

silverking77: Thanks.

fieryfoxpaws: Okay, then tell me what you didn't like. I can't grow as an author unless you point out the faults. (:

WanderingWatermelon: SORRY BUT I'M BACK NOW!

Guest (11): No it's not, I'm still here. c:

Okay wow, that was a lot, probably around a thousand words or replies? Amazing, huh? Thank you for the continuous support guys! :D

No I'm going to continue crying over the latest chapters of :re, take the longest bath ever, AND GET STARTED ON THE NEXT CHAPTER DAMMIT!