Chapter Nineteen

"Kathryn, how lovely to hear from you."

Leaning towards the console to better see the image of the familiar dark-haired, olive-skinned woman, Kathryn rested her forearms on her knees and smiled warmly.

"It's good to see you too Sekaya, how are things?"

Sekaya nodded. "Good thanks, Nita sends his love of course. And you? How's work?"

Kathryn shrugged. "It's fine, I feel like I'm back in the swing of things, but actually that's not what I called about. I'm in need of your advice."

Pausing as she cradled a pale earthenware mug in her hands Sekaya smiled knowingly. "Ah…. and how is Dyami?"

Starting slightly in her seat, Kathryn's eyes widened as she suddenly found herself on the defensive, "that's an assumption…..."

Sekaya raised her eyebrows as she sipped, her dark eyes meeting and holding Kathryn's over its rim. After a moment, Kathryn found her shoulders slumping and sighing in concession she rested her elbows forwards again and cupped her face in her hands.

"I'm sorry; you're right. Dyami and I... we were having lunch and the conversation turned to this year's Homecoming ball and I just had to talk to you." She looked down at her entwined fingers. "He has been a good friend these last months, but I don't know where we go from here - I didn't plan to meet anyone else, and definitely not this soon... I ... miss Chakotay so much every day and yet..."

Her voice faltered and Sekaya smiled gently, moving to rest one hand on her chin.

"Kathryn, you're just as much family now as when Chakotay was alive and nothing will change that. My brother loved you with his heart and soul and no-one could ever cast any doubt on the immense love you had for him. Dyami is a good man and I know that what Chakotay would want is for you to find happiness again, the timing might not be of your choosing, but it's not being disloyal to take a second chance when you've been offered one."

She paused. "You don't need it, but you have my blessing. Does that help?"

Eyes cast away from the screen and her fingertips pressed against her lips, Kathryn took a slow breath and waited until she could trust her voice.

"I think that it does," she said softly, smiling at her sister-in-law through shining eyes.


Tom wove his way through the crowds of shoppers, one arm waving in greeting. "I thought it was you," he said as he looked down at the bags of shopping his friend was carrying and clapped him lightly on the arm. "You about ready to stop for coffee?"

"Absolutely," Dyami replied and together they headed into the local cafe. After ordering they chose a small, square table by the window.

"So….black or silver?" Tom asked sipping his Americano.

Dyami gave him a puzzled look. "Black or silver what?

Tom shook his head. "Tuxedo, don't say you haven't decided either? And I thought Harry was slow."

Dyami's smile dropped a little and he replaced his mug. "Ah….. you're talking about the Homecoming Ball."

Tom looked up from his coffee warily as a slight awkwardness descended. He hesitated, "am I about to put my big foot in my even bigger mouth?"

Dyami shook his head with a smile. "No Tom you're not, we did discuss it, but I think Kathryn is planning on going alone."

It was Tom's turn to look thoroughly bemused. "She is? I thought things were good between you?"

Replacing his cup on the dark wooden table, Dyami looked mildly embarrassed. "They were... I mean, they are. Voyager and her crew, their strong connection with Chakotay mean that it's complicated."

Tom regarded the older man seriously. "Right," he said draining his coffee and not knowing quite what else to say. "Well, I hope I haven't made things more awkward."

"Not at all," Dyami assured him, "and I'm looking forward to dinner on the tenth - I'll see you and B'Elanna then?"

"Absolutely." Tom smiled his broadest smile in parting and watched as the familiar figure strolled across the lanes of busy shoppers.

Charming his way past Kathryn's Aide was usually one of Tom's more enjoyable tasks, but this evening when he sauntered up to her desk with a winning smile, it was to see her eye him suspiciously and fold her arms across her chest.

"Good evening, Lieutenant Paris."

Respectfully, he remained standing at ease, slipping his hands behind his back and dipping his head slightly.

"I presume you're here because you want to see the Admiral?"

He nodded. "I know I haven't exactly got an appointment, but I just need a quick word."

Harriet's face relaxed a fraction. "Since when have you ever had an appointment, Tom?" She gave a nod in the direction of the console on her desk, "her schedule has been jam-packed today and it's late. Five minutes, I'm trying to get her to reduce her hours, not increase them."

Tom smiled. "Thanks, Harriet, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

"You're just lucky she has a soft spot for you," she replied, throwing him an amused smile over her shoulder.

Kathryn was seated at her desk surrounded by piles of precariously stacked PADDS and was clearly attempting to finish a Comm call as he entered. With her free hand, she motioned for him to approach and sit.

"Yes Ambassador, I can assure you that every effort was made to keep disruption to a minimum…... I appreciate that your mining operations were briefly interrupted, but it really was for the safety of the hostages... Yes, I am aware that you can petition the Federation for compensation, I'm just far from convinced that you're entitled to it."

She rolled her eyes as the call finished. "Ferengi," she muttered, before turning away from her console to face him.

"So, what can I do for you this evening Tom? I presume it's about the Ball?"

Crossing his legs, he gave her a guarded smile. "In a manner of speaking. I'm here to see if I can clear up a misunderstanding."

Tilting her head, Kathryn stifled a small yawn. "Okay try me, but it's been a long day."

Reaching forward, Tom passed her coffee mug; watching her take a sip. "I ran into Dyami earlier and he seems to be under the impression that you're planning to attend unescorted."

Kathryn allowed herself an audible sigh.

"I hope you know that we'd never inflict that on you - Harry, I or any of the others, we'd happily accompany you, so you really don't need to worry about having to fly solo."

She smiled at his protective streak. "Thanks, Tom, that means a lot."

She stood and sliding one hand onto her hip, walked to look out of the expansive window. He waited, following her gaze out over the vast, brightly lit cityscape. Slowly, she turned back in his direction, one hand brushing a stray lock of hair from her cheek. "I considered opting out again this year, but after some thought, I've decided to attend."

Tom smiled. "I'm glad. It was never the same without you."

Kathryn's fingers found the familiar spot at her temple. "It wasn't just his absence, after all, we were hardly joined at the hip. In fact, Chakotay used to joke that the only time we met was for the final toast, we were so busy catching up with everyone. Without him, it just seemed too hard, to celebrate reuniting the Crew with their families at a time when our family was broken…... it was selfish of me."

"Not at all." Tom retorted, slightly more sharply than he intended. "You're one of the most selfless people I've ever met and I wish you'd put your own happiness first more often. We missed you those years, but we understood."

In the ensuing silence, Kathryn slowly retook her seat. She retrieved her mug and swirled the dark liquid thoughtfully. "How do you think people would feel if I invited Dyami to attend?"

"By 'people' you mean the crew? And by 'invited' do you mean as a date?"

Kathryn tapped her fingers lightly on her desk in mild irritation. "Starfleet Admirals don't 'date' Tom. As…. someone who means a lot to me."

At this vague pronouncement, Tom threw his gaze heavenward, suppressing an urge to shake the shoulders of the woman sat opposite him.

"Alright….. As someone who I'm in a relationship with?"

"A romantic relationship?" Tom pushed back. There was a pause during which time Kathryn took another sip of her coffee and Tom felt like drumming his own fingers impatiently on her desk.

"...Yes," she finally relented softly. "How do you think they would react?"

Tom leant forward. "Everyone I've spoken to has said that the icing on the cake for this year's anniversary would be to see their former Captain happy again. Nothing means more to all of us, plain and simple."

He left Kathryn to consider this as he stood to leave collecting his jacket from the back of the chair.

"There is just one more thing..."

The levity had returned to her voice and she treated him to a wry smile. "Anything for my favourite troublemaker."

"I think that Harriet is correct, you do look tired. If I were you I'd call it a night and ask Dyami to see you home, he's probably still just down the road."

He couldn't tell if the silence that followed his departure was a good thing or a profoundly bad one.

Dyami was a little surprised to receive an invitation to Starfleet HQ. He wondered fleetingly if his chance meeting with Tom had anything to do with it, but then remembered that he had agreed to meet Kathryn this evening anyway, surely she wasn't still working? Their earlier meeting had unnerved him slightly. In the last month or so they had continued to enjoy each other's company, but now he felt as if the sands were shifting beneath his feet.

As he headed through the first gate it was with a slight sense of trepidation. The huge building was imposing to a civilian and he hadn't previously been inside. It's heavily guarded main entrance was enough on its own, never mind the mandatory security sweeps and endless ID checks that were required. Once his credentials had been thoroughly verified, he was asked on at least three separate occasions to confirm that Admiral Janeway really was expecting him, which made him wonder just what kind of person would attempt to visit a Starfleet Admiral on the spur of the moment and he made a mental note never to consider such a move without good cause.

A young cadet walked him to the elevator and rode with him up to the eleventh floor. They passed through a number of nondescript doors before reaching one designated as Kathryn's Office where her Aide ushered him inside with a friendly if watchful eye. As the door closed, he looked around the room in awe. The room was twice if not three times the size of his office with floor to ceiling glass and an impressive array of art on the walls. The large desk was, however, equally heavily laden with work, piles and piles of PADDs stacked in between large numbers of empty coffee mugs.

"Dyami" Kathryn walked from the farthest corner of the room and held out her hands. "I'm so sorry about ending our lunch abruptly earlier."

He squeezed the pair of warm hands that he suddenly found in his by way of reply, his eyes anxiously scanning her face. "There's no need to apologise, Kathryn, is everything okay?"

Kathryn gave him a bright smile. "It's been a long afternoon and I had to get some things straight in my head. I called because I have something to ask you."

Stood facing one another in the centre of the still office, their hands still joined Dyami nodded, still feeling slightly apprehensive. "Ask away."

Kathryn took a small step closer until their feet were almost touching. "I will, but first…"

And suddenly she was in his arms. He wasn't sure exactly what happened or quite how, but in one fluid movement, her hands left his, one reaching around to the small of his back, as the other caressed the base of his neck, gently tugging his face down to meet hers. In response, his hands easily found the soft curves of her waist and rested there as their lips met. The kiss was slow and tender and time seemed to stop as his brain tried to process quite what was happening. Drawing her closer, he moved his arms to encircle her, his heart racing, every sensation heightened as he realised just how much he had been longing for this moment; just how much he loved her.

As their lips parted, she moved to rest her head on his shoulder and he relaxed his arms slightly.

"Black or silver?" She queried softly.

He exhaled slowly, the earlier tension beginning to fade. "Definitely black."

She lifted her face to look at him, her eyes sparkling. "That's lucky because I already have my dress."

He laughed, before tilting her chin upwards and stealing another kiss.

Riding in the elevator together having bid Harriet a swift goodbye, he regarded her seriously. "There is just one thing….."

Kathryn leant her back against his chest and he closed his arms around her. "Computer halt lift, authorisation Janeway Omega-five-two-five-nine."

Obligingly, the carriage came to a smooth halt. "It's about the Ball.." Dyami began, "I think I'm rather too old to be introduced as your boyfriend, so if you'd rather stick with frien-"

"-If anyone asks, how would you feel about fiancé?" Kathryn interjected before he could finish. "On the understanding that there's no fuss, no ring and absolutely no talk of weddings." She paused, "...unless that is, you don't plan for this to be a permanent arrangement?"

Taken aback, Dyami blinked a few times. "I plan to be around for as long as you're content to have me, so I think that fiancé would be, just perfect."

Twisting around to give him a slightly coy smile, Kathryn ordered the left to resume. "Good, as I tend to agree - you're definitely far too old to be a boyfriend." At this, he feigned insult and she chuckled before her face dropped into a more serious expression. "I don't want to rush this, but Chakotay and I waited a long time - too long before we admitted how we felt and I'm not going to make the same mistake with you; with us. One of the things I've come to appreciate over the last eighteen months is that time is precious."

Dyami took her hand, "I understand that better than most and we'll take things at a pace that suits us both. It's going to be a whole new journey and I feel so profoundly fortunate to have been given such an amazing second chance."

Looking at him intently, Kathryn lifted her palm to rest against his cheek, "I do too... I never thought that I'd find happiness again."

The soft ping of the elevator informed them that they had reached their destination. Straightening up, Kathryn smiled broadly at him.

"I'm glad that's sorted because I'm famished and I know this amazing Italian place not far from here. Come on."

And she tugged a still slightly dazed Dyami after her into the Foyer.

B'Elanna had to admit that Tom had done a half-decent job. The Ballroom was breathtaking, ribbons of silver hung from the ceiling like strings of tiny pearls, their light reflecting on the rich Obsidian floor. Elegant silver furniture nestled against walls draped in soft, shining fabric and beautiful crystal centrepieces completed each table. Everything from the canapé trays to the champagne glasses had been perfectly coordinated and all the attendees and their guests had adopted the theme eagerly, resulting in a vast, sea of sparkling dresses and suits.

"You know Tom if being at the Helm gets too dull, you could always become the Fleet's official party planner." Harry quipped coming up behind the pair to clap a hand on Tom's shoulder.

Tom shot him a weary look. "Thanks, but believe me there's nothing like a few hundred hours of holo-programming and a half dozen meetings with Neil from Acquisitions to remind me just how much I like my day job."

They laughed as Harry collected two glasses from the tray of a passing waiter. "If you'll excuse me, I'd better be getting back to my date."

Tom grinned. "Don't let an old, married couple like us stop you."

As they watched Harry navigate through the clusters of their colleagues, friends and family, Tom heard a familiar voice behind him. "Tom, it's good to see you, B'Elanna you look stunning."

"Thanks". B'Elanna kissed Dyami on the cheek and Tom shook his hand. "And where's your date?"

"Oh, I wouldn't call her that if I were you," Dyami warned with a smile, gesturing towards a largish group of people in one corner of the room. In the centre of the group, Kathryn appeared to be holding court. Her shimmering dress, draped over one bare shoulder, neatly skimming her waist before falling to the floor in a river of silk. One hand raised in animation, she laughed at something Susan Nicoletti was saying before reaching over to plant a kiss on her cheek. Her hair was swept up into an elegant, slightly messy bun and she wore diamond earrings that glinted brightly.

"Absolutely beautiful." Dyami murmured, before catching their amused glances and clearing his throat.

"You took the words right out of my mouth," Tom teased, this earned him a swift kick to his shin and he decided to change the subject rapidly. "Seriously though, I'm glad you came tonight."

Dyami smiled. "Me too and I think I just may have you to thank you for that? I got the impression that my invitation to HQ might not have been a coincidence?"

Tom shrugged. "No thanks required, it was only a tiny nudge in the right direction."

"And just who might you be nudging now Mr Paris?"

All three started slightly at her arrival before Tom recovered and taking her hands in his, smoothly planted a kiss on Kathryn's slightly flushed cheek. "I do believe Admiral that your presence is required on the dance floor."

Apparently content to let the matter rest, Kathryn shot them both an affectionate look as Dyami looped his arm through hers and they headed towards the centre of the room.

By the end of the evening, Kathryn found that she could once more recall why she had always loved the Homecoming Ball. Two promotions and another baby on the way had further lifted her spirits and reminded her of just how lucky she was to have such a large extended family. Chakotay would have been so happy to have heard all the news and only half-listening to the speeches from her seat at the centre table, she found herself happily absorbed in old memories.

"...I know that I speak for everyone when I say that we are especially glad to have Admiral Janeway with us again this year."

Hearing Harry say her name brought her back to the present and she looked across and smiled at him as he nervously cleared his throat, his face dropping to a typically serious expression.

"...and while we will always remember those who we have lost, this evening it is also time to welcome some new members into our Voyager family, which is why I have invited Dyami to make the final toast."

Smiling warmly at him, Harry shook Dyami's hand and exchanged a few quiet words with the older man before he retook his seat. A polite, but curious murmuring rippled around the room.

Dyami waited until the room had stilled.

"Over the last few weeks, I have had the privilege of getting to know some of you and it is my hope that in the coming months you will all afford me that opportunity. I grew up alongside Chakotay and the extraordinary legacy of what he and Kathryn achieved is evident here this evening. I have never been required to make the sacrifices asked of you on that momentous and ultimately successful journey, but Chakotay spoke of your commitment, dedication and courage and how immensely proud he was to serve with of each one of you. He was a man of deep convictions and loyalty and it is an honour for me to stand beside Kathryn this evening, just as he did those years past, in the tradition of this Homecoming celebration. I hope that tonight is one of many anniversaries that we can all stand together and toast a truly remarkable man."

At this point, he paused and turning slightly, extended his hand to Kathryn. Rising from her chair during the warm applause that followed, she slipped her hand inside his and in the company of the entire room, they raised their glasses.

"To Chakotay."