A/N I really appreciate all readers who added this to their favorite list, followed and reviewed. Special thanks to jay7795 who always add your honest and lovely thoughts ,sujari6,and USNeshama, cbmorefie who were with this from the beginning. Here you go.


Esme was updating her blog, it was her second blog on interior designing. Carlisle had already left for work and others left the house an hour ago. I picked up a book, hoping it would help to calm my nerves, but I was restless. Esme sighed again.

"You should've gone with them. Why did you stay?" She closed her laptop.

"I can't go right now. I don't want to take a risk" I said, turning the page I was pretending to read.

"Alice said you are planning to visit her house?" I could hear the teasing edge of Esme's thoughts. Alice and her big mouth! "You should go now. I think that might help. Getting used to her smell will make it easier to stay close to her" She said. I put the book away and sighed.

"You know, normal people do not encourage stalking. Do you really expect me to break in to her house and go through her personal belongings?" I smirked. Esme shrugged.

"You don't have other ulterior motives, you're just doing this to make it easier for both of you." She sat next to me. "Go." She gently pushed me.

" I'll go" I laughed "I really can't understand women."

Esme was happy, I could sense her feelings. She already has a good impression on Bella and she's impatient to meet her. She can't be close to Bella if I keep trying to murder her. That must be one reason she's trying to push me, but I could sense hope in her. She's concealing her thoughts well,but I could read that she's thinking Bella might help me to ease my pain. I can't see how that happens though. Bella has only made my pains and regrets worse.

I left the home after informing Esme that I'll be back in few hours. I already knew the location of her house. There was a shortcut through the wood, they didn't have neighbors . Perfect place for a criminal, or a stalker. Chief Swan's house was not big, I could sense nobody was home.

Air carried a lingering smell of her aroma. It wasn't strong, I was able to bear it easily.

Her bedroom should be the one next to tree, I shook my head frowning. Anyone could break in to the house using that tree. I swiftly climbed the tree and looked through the window. Clearly this is her room.

There was a small table, there was an old computer on it, which looked ancient. She needs a new laptop. Then there were few framed photos next to it. A women hugging her, and Bella with some young kids. Probably her schoolmates back in Arizona.

There was a small cupboard,table, a chair,a book shelf, clothes rack, mirror with a dressing table and a small bed. Room was small and tidy. I tried the window and realized the lock is old and weak. I easily broke the lock and slowly opened the window. As soon as it's opened, the morning breeze brought the air locked inside it directly on my face, assaulting my senses, and I nearly made me fall from the tree. Her smell was concentrated on that room. Everything she touches, she used carry her smell and it was overwhelming. I wanted to run back to the school, find her and taste her blood badly. The smell reminding me how delicious she would taste. I closed my eyes and inhaled again. I tried to focus on Esme, Alice and Carlisle. They have their faith in me. I can't betray them again. I entered the room and closed the window. Every breath and every step was painful. My throat was on fire. My knees were weak and I was a wreck. I crouched on the floor and tried to focus on breathing. I inhaled once, and closed my mouth and nostrils, then stood up again. It was easy when I stopped breathing, but as soon as I inhaled again, my whole body started burning with blood lust.

I walked towards her table. There were few school books scattered and few worn copies of classic novels. Her book shelf was filled with many old and new books. There was a leather journal carefully hidden amid two novels. I was curious. I knew that invading her privacy was unacceptable , but I've already broken in to her room. I wanted to solve her mystery, after fighting with my conscious,I took the journal and opened it. There was one sentence on the first page.

"Property of Bella Swan. If I find someone reading this I'm going to kill that and bury that person in somewhere that no one will find your body in next century. Remember I'm a daughter of police chief and I know how to hide a body" I laughed out aloud. She was funny and adorable. I could imagine her writing this, laughing to herself, and hoping no one would actually read this. So she knows how to hide a body. I can teach her a thing or two. I though darkly, and I turned to the next page.

April 5th 8.30 pm

I fell during the basket ball practices again. Coby helped me. He's such a good friend. He offered to treat the wound on my knee, but I refused. I already had my first aid kit with me. There were few bruises on my thigh, but I was okay

I frowned. This coby kid is definitely a pervert.

April 15th 11 p.m.

Phil came over tonight. He bought me a new watch, and a perfume for Renee. I cooked dinner, obviously. I guess they're going to marry in few months. I'm happy that she's going to find a partner. I don't want to be a burden to them. I wonder whether Charlie would mind if I move with him.

So that's why she's here now.

May 2nd

I can play the violin now! Renee and I went shopping today. We bought identical dresses. She looks younger than me! She's so pretty. I bought two novels. Renee bought a baby cake maker and ingredients. She's planning on a home made cup cakes business.

May 10th

Kelly was rude today. Coby started going out with her last week, but she thinks I'm too close to him now, and I flirt too much. She pushed me during netball practices. I almost fell but Henry caught me. Now his girlfriend is pissed with him. I wish people would stop trying to help me. I can manage on my own. I hate becoming a nuisance.

She doesn't understand how attractive she is, does she?

I took another breath, held it and continued reading. Everything was about her school, mother, Phil, violin and dancing classes, and books. Her writing style showed that she's bored with the monotonous life, routine and she's dying for a change. Next page caught my attention

"You'll say I'm crazy, but I really saw something unbelievably fascinating and dangerous yesterday. I never thought there are supernatural beings among us,humans. I saw a vampire. A vampire saved me from a horrible fate. I was about to be raped and killed, but that vampire saved me. The shiver that ran through my body when he looked at me, still shakes me when I remember those red eyes. I wish I'd meet him again. This is crazy. Even though he's a killer, I know he won't hurt me."

How naïve. I inhaled again. The smell burned me. I can kill her. I can hurt her. She doesn't understand how dangerous I am. I read the rest.

"Renee is getting married next week. I'm moving to forks. She's sad about me leaving, but she already sensed something happened to me. Forks will be able to erase my memories. I'll be able to forget. I'll be able to start a new life"

I laughed. Both of us are idiots. We wanted to start a new life, forgetting our pasts, yet we ended up in the same small town. Fate is playing a cruel game with us.

Next few pages were about moving in, about Charlie , and about the new school. Looks like she has admirers here as well. I felt anger bubbling inside me. Even though she said she can protect herself , she can't. She's too careless. These boys could take advantage of her any time. I decided that I should keep an eye on these guys.

I turned few more pages, and found her entry on the day I returned

"His name is Edward. The vampire who saved me. He's in Forks! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him. He's a part of Cullen family. He fled as soon as he saw me. I wonder whether he's afraid that I'd recognize him. He glared at me, it looked like he hates me, hates my very existence. It hurt me more than anything. I wish he'd talk with me. Explain what I did wrong. I should meet Carlisle soon"

I felt guilt welling up in me. I was selfish. I never thought how she's feel. I owe her an explanation.

I turned to the last page.

"Alice met me at the cafeteria today. She said Edward is coming back tomorrow. I'm so excited about meeting him. I can't wait to talk with him. I hope he won't hate me"

It was the last entry. I closed the book and sighed. She expects too much from me. I'm the one who deserves her hatred. I put her journal back where it belongs. I inhaled again. The pain was still there, but I realized that I'm getting used to it. I walked towards her bed and touched the bedding. It was soft, and still warm. It made me wonder how warm her body would be. I removed my hand quickly and moved to turn on the PC.

There wasn't a password. Alice taught me everything about personal computers, mobile phones, Internet and other applications within few days. Her desktop was clean. There weren't many folders. One folder was filled with music, one disk was filled with movies. I realized her taste is similar to mine. Classical music, and some good new ones. Her movie collection included many romance movies and comedies. I decided that I should buy few of these movies.i moved the curser to the browser icon, and paused. I was really curious, but I knew Bella would be furious if I look at her search history, but I'm already in her hit list after reading the journal. This won't make any difference. Will it? I felt like a dirty old pervert, well. Ain't I?

Alice will kill me if I do this. I don't won't to be the target of her wrath.. I choose to shut down the computer instead.

I was positive that her browser history would be filled with searches about vampires, movies and TV series such as supernatural, superman, smallville,, Dracula, vampire diaries, interview with a vampire and probably Edward Cullen. I moved towards the cupboard with distracted thoughts and almost opened it, but then remembered it must be filled with her clothes, including underwear. I turned to the opposite direction and found myself in front of her mirror. There weren't any cosmetics, just one lipgloss, and an eye liner. She's pretty, she doesn't need makeup. There was a small bag filled with a shampoo, shower gel, conditioner and body scrub. It carried a fruity smell, there were few strawberry fragranced gels, and few mint ones.

There weren't anything else to explore, not without becoming a total pervert, hence I opt to choose a book from Bella's collection. The chair was comfortable, I slowly inhaled and exhaled. I was lost in the book and her sweet smell. Hours passed and it was already noon when I left her house. There was a slight drizzle , and sky was cloudy and dark. I was ran back to our home, took my wallet,car keys and left, avoiding Esme's curious eyes. Then I drove to Port Angeles.


Edward didn't come to school. Alice said we'll meet him soon, but she didn't tell me anything else. Angela and Jessica asked me to accompany them in a shopping spree on this Saturday . I didn't realize I spent more than a hour with them, it was dark when I left the parking lot. We already had leftovers from yesterday's dinner, so I didn't worry about making anything else. I took out the pasta dish as soon as I entered the house, and reheated it.

"Charlie,Do you want some bread with this?" I asked. Charlie nodded absentmindedly, his eyes were fixed on the game. I toasted some bread as well. Then I left for a shower and change.

First thing I noticed when I entered my room was the smell. Whole room was filled with the fresh smell of wood and wind, then there was a sweet aroma of something familiar, it stirred some old memories. Then I saw the new white laptop on my table.

Edward was here.

Then all hell broke loose.