Hey guys! So I decided to give this a shot, to be completely honest this is my first story/ fanfic ever so please go easy on me. I'm open to suggestions or corrections of course and I'd love to hear what you think so let me know!

Thanks for taking the time to read this :)

By the way the cover... I don't actually know who did the original edit... I left the name on the side... the terrible attempt at lengthening the dress is mine (obviously haha) and the photoshopped panther is a pic from google that I edited! A bit sloppy but hey, it works!


Darkness fell across Magnolia as the sun made its lazy descent out of sight. The large castle that had previously shimmered in the sunlight, glowed eerily now as it was cast in brilliant moonlight. The Kingdom of Fiore was peaceful and blissfully unaware of the malicious plotting that was taking place right at its heart, The Grand Palace of Magnolia.

A lone figure, draped in the shadows of a nearby building, stared up at its immense walls and turrets. The Palace was grand indeed, it stood tall and beautiful and was surrounded by a large, cream coloured curtain wall. Beyond the palace, a dense forest sprouted and the ancient trees whispered quietly in the wind. A nervous voice suddenly disturbed the silence-

"M-Master, we have done as directed, y-your plan is in place."

The hooded figure took one final look at the palace before turning to face the trembling man. Slightly pointed teeth gleamed menacingly in the blackness, but the hooded figure remained hidden by the shadows.

"It appears you underestimated our target before, I advise you not to displease me again. I expect this matter to be taken care of by tomorrow evening and no later, do I make myself clear?" The low sinister voice was enough to send shivers down the messenger's spine regardless of the implied threat.

"O-of course, Master," he stammered, before bowing low and scuttling off to finish conducting his business.

The figure's hands clenched into fists and a malevolent smile tugged at the corners of his mouth... he would finally have his revenge, he would finally take what was rightfully his.

Chapter One: Attack

Levy drew the small hooded servant's cloak tighter around her small shoulders as she neared the sentry of the castle's gates. She prayed that for once, her unruly, bright blue hair would obey her and remain hidden as she handed her borrowed papers to the guard. He yawned widely and glanced at them with a disinterested expression, before shoving them back at her and ushering her forward. The petite girl frowned at the easiness of it all, but slipped quietly beneath the grand arch and headed for the marketplace.

The early morning sun glared down at the townspeople of Magnolia as they began bustling around the various stalls of the market, shouting their various wares. Levy breathed in easily, a smile dancing on her lips as she no longer had that overwhelming sense of claustrophobia that had plagued her for the past week.

It had, in fact, been three weeks since one of the food testers had dropped dead after sampling the princess's breakfast. Three weeks since she had fallen from her horse after the saddle had been mysteriously slashed, and three weeks since that arrow had soared through the ballroom on her birthday, and embedded itself in the wooden throne she sat on.

Levy recalled these nightmarish events with a shudder and her smile soon slid from her face. She reminded herself for the umpteenth time that the archer had been captured and that he no longer walked this earth. The threat on her life had passed, or so she thought. Her father, however, was of the exact opposite opinion and had clamped down on security for Levy. She wasn't even allowed to the library without an entourage of guards.

Her father feared losing his beloved heir, despite the fact that she was not actually his daughter, but his niece. Levy knew the King was merely worried for her, but this incessant supervision was grating severely on Levy's patience.

Of course, she knew that the archer's death was incredibly suspicious because he had dropped to the floor moments later, foaming uncontrollably at the mouth. The mysterious poison later took his life, a presumably desired outcome, but Levy was content to believe that he had acted alone.

However the lack of answers was turning Makarov into a desperate man.

Levy sighed and shook her head in a futile attempt to jolt such pressing thoughts from her mind, just as a hand clamped down on her wrist. She jerked around in fear only to see a familiar face staring into hers in shock-

"Levy? What on earth are you doing here? You're going to get yourself killed!"

Levy tsked impatiently, "Jet, have you been following me without orders again?"

"N-no! I was actually just coming back from a meeting with Droy."

"Oh, well good, now I'm going to the book stall-" she began, before the tall, ginger guard interrupted her.

"No way, you're coming back with me to the palace! Princess, it's not safe out here!"

The petite girl fixed him with a determined look.

"Jet, I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself, a trip to that book stall is hardly going to cost me my life," and with that she spun on her heel, leaving the dejected guard to follow her. He knew better than to argue when she had that determined set to her mouth.

He groaned inwardly as she pulled him down a dark side street due to a large overturned cart that obstructed the direct route to Levy's beloved book stall. Levy chatted animatedly with her childhood friend in an attempt to ignore the increasingly bad feeling that was pooling in her stomach. It was just a little further, she could already see the sun-illuminated path of the main street but she moved closer to Jet, her inexplicable fear setting her nerves alight.

A shadow suddenly detached itself from the wall, effectively blocking their exit from the dark alley. Although the man was short in stature, he more than made up for it in bulk. His large chin sported an even larger mouth that was twisted into a malicious grin. His small eyes were concealed further by the severe eyebrows that effectively increased the intensity of his glare. Jet tensed beside her and Levy grabbed hold of her friend's armor, her heart rate rising considerably.

The sudden and intrusive sound of feet smacking the cobblestones behind them roused Jet into action. He quickly shoved Levy behind him before drawing his sword and spinning to face his new attacker with breathtaking speed. The metallic clash of daggers glancing off armor filled the air as the two collided.

This man was all sinuous muscle and speed, his attacks came quickly and precisely like a coiled snake striking at its unsuspecting victim. Levy's mind clouded with fear and rational thinking abandoned her, all she could do was look on in horror as Jet desperately parried each attack with a fierce determination to protect her.

The figure blocking the exit cackled at Levy's shriek of distress as Jet nearly lost his footing and was forced to lunge out of the way as his foe almost tore a dagger across the vulnerable skin at his throat.

Levy longed for a weapon, she felt so utterly helpless, if she yelled, would someone come to help them? If she could just reach the main street...

She figured it was worth a shot, provided the small, hulking man didn't catch her first. Having made her decision, she burst into action, thanking the gods for her shorter servant's uniform as opposed to her usual impossible-to-move-in garb.

She sprung past the man, a scream for help at the tip of her tongue but with an unexpected burst of speed from him, his large, meaty hand clamped down on her wrist. Her cry died in her throat as her jerked his arm and she came slamming down onto the pavement.

"Oh no you don't, Princess," he hissed at her, still sporting that terrifying wide grin.

They knew who she was. Panic clutched at her heart, but someone was listening to her prayers as a unit of the city watch appeared at the bottom of the dark side street, expressions of shock plastered on their faces. A cry for attack leapt up from the cluster of armed men and they lurched into the alley. Jet's attacker immediately fled the scene, recognising instantaneously that he was gravely outnumbered.

A distressed and furious "No!" was all Levy heard before her attacker hauled her upright. Levy attempted to evade the man, but his solid grip on her wrist was unbreakable. With an ear-splitting roar, the desperate man threw her forcefully into the wall. Seemingly satisfied with the resounding crack of the impact, he retreated into the dense shadows and made his own escape.

The city watch hurtled after them as Jet rushed to her crumpled form. A cacophony of ringing dominated Levy's mind and tears pricked her eyes, only one thought presented itself clearly to her how could she be so stupid? Her head swam before she finally gave in and slipped into darkness.