In an effort to not make my Author's Note in the next chapter not take up half the page, I have decided to make somewhat of a "Prologue" explaining the rules and what to expect of this story in the following chapters. If you already know what this challenge is from the summary or if you don't really care and this looks like a whole bunch or boring writing in bold print then feel free to skip over to the real chapter on the next page. For those who are willing to to read, I will try to make this as un-boring and brief as humanly possible. XD

What is the Alphabet Challenge?

From what I have gathered from other authors, the Alphabet Challenge is similar to what Sue Grafton does in her Kinsey Millhone Mysteries (for those who are familiar with the writer and or series) and each letter of the alphabet has a word connected to it explaining somewhat of a topic per say of the corresponding one-shot/drabble. For example, say A is for Apple. Then the one-shot/ drabble would have a story written on something to do with apples. If you still don't get it, I have no idea what to say to explain it any more, but feel free to Google Search it or just continue on anyways.

Extra Id-bits to Explain Further Questions You May Have

o How Often Will You Update?

From other experiences, I have learned my idea of "soon" doesn't correspond with others. As this story will have a completely different plot for each letter, it will depend on when- as another author I talk to tactfully put- the world decides to slap me with some inspiration. This may take up to a couple hours between chapters or a couple weeks. It all depends. Especially once I start getting into the X, V, and Z letters. Y'know, cause we all know how gripping a stories about xylophones are.

o Will there be any chapters focused on other pairings?

The short answer? No. While there may be some hints or nudges in the directions, there will never be a story completely dedicated to any other pairing that doesn't start with Na and end with Lu.

o Will there be any AU's (Alternate Universe) in the chapters?

Once again, that would be a negative.

o Any other things you would like to say for the .5 amount of people who actually read all of this?

First off, congratulations. While writing this I felt like the person who writes The Terms and Conditions for products. And while I don't have a button for you to press, you can always treat yourself to some thing sweet as a reward. XD

Anyways, I got totally off topic. My last remarks will consist of three things:

1) There will always be an alternate title in the Author's Note of what I would have named the story if I didn't have to stick to the format of "_ if for _". Coming up with titles is half the fun (at least for me) when writing.

2) Thank You

3) I hope you like it!

Ending Disclaimer- Be Warned. There will be a lot of clichè scenes in the near future. I will try to keep it toned down, but we all know how freakin' adorable this pairing is. I am so not sorry for destroying any computers/ laptops motherboards by the overload of clichè.