Author's Note: So, re-reading my first chapter, I realized that Teddy's reaction was a bit far-fetched. I apologize for that, but in my defense, I was half asleep when I wrote the last part of the chapter. I couldn't think of a way to end it, and it ended up being extremely short, and I just wasn't very happy with it. I hope this chapter can make up for it. I would also like to thank Random for informing me of the fact that one of Cleopatra's husbands was married to Octavius' sister, Octavia and left her for Cleopatra. That was the inspiration for this chapter.

Cleopatra followed Larry over to his fallen comrade. "Is he alright, mister Daley?" She questioned, and he noted mentally that she still had a slight Egyptian accent.

"Yeah, he's fine," Larry assured, slapping at Teddy's face lightly to wake him up. "You're extremely popular, and everyone has heard of you. He was just surprised that you were found," he explained. She stood up from her kneeled position next to him, and straightened her white dress and gold sash that was hanging around her hips. Her stance easily spoke of royalty in the way she held herself; shoulders back, spine straight, and head held high. She practically radiated elegance and power. Larry easily understood how she was one of the most powerful Egyptian rulers of all time.

"Mister Daley, he appears to be waking," she spoke suddenly and Larry looked down to Teddy opening his eyes blearily. Larry helped him up, and Teddy turned towards Cleopatra.

"It's an honor, your Highness," he greeted. "Theodore Roosevelt at your services." A warm smile worked its way on Cleopatra's beautifully tanned face.

"I am Cleopatra," she said with a slight head bow.

"Everyone knows who you are, my dear," Teddy grinned, eagerly shaking her hand.

"Would you please excuse me for a moment?" Cleopatra questioned. "I need to grab a few things from my sarcophagus." She walked over, reaching in and pulled out a golden snake armband. She pushed it up her arm, letting it rest on her right bicep where it looked like the snake was wrapping around it. She reached in again, and grabbed a golden shoulder and chest piece that she strapped on quickly and effortlessly. Leaning down one last time, she pulled out a headpiece that was a golden circlet and had thin golden strands hanging down that seemed to glow while clashing against her dark hair.

She turned back around and smiled. "What's next?" She questioned. Teddy held out his arm, and Cleopatra weaved her arm through his and lightly grasped his bicep. Larry walked on his other side, and they walked through the museum, explaining things to her when she didn't understand.

When they entered the main area of the museum, Cleopatra's eyes narrowed in on a tan man wearing similar clothes to her. He turned towards her and smiled. "You must be the famous Cleopatra," he greeted in an accent that she wasn't familiar with. "I am Akhmenrah." She raised a delicate eyebrow and bowed slightly.

"It is I that should be greeting you, your highness," she stated smoothly. "It is an honor to meet you." Akhmenrah smiled softly.

"From what I have heard, you were one of Egypt's greatest rulers. It is an honor to meet you."

"Yeah, it's an honor to meet both of ya," a voice with a western accent interrupted. "I wanna meet the queen." Cleopatra turned her head and saw a miniature man standing there, staring up at her. She smiled.

"Hello," she greeted.

"Howdy, your majesty," the miniature said back. "I'm Jedediah Smith."

"It is very nice to meet you, Jedediah Smith. I am Cleopatra."

"Miss, everyone knows who you are," Jedediah grinned. He turned towards another miniature that had his back towards Cleopatra. "Aren't ya gonna say anythin'?" Jedediah questioned, shaking the other miniature's shoulder.

"Nay," the other said. "I will not talk to that meretrix." Cleopatra reared back with wide eyes at the open hostility.

"Octavius!" Larry admonished. When Cleopatra heard the name, it all made sense.

"Ah," was all she said at first, using a couple seconds to compose herself. "You are referring to what happened with Marc Antony, correct?" She questioned, and then sighed. "My dear husband." Octavius whipped around, anger clear on his face.

"The same husband that divorced my sister for you, Cleopatra." The way he spat her name would have made any lesser woman flinch. Cleopatra was used to harsh words, hearing them her entire life as a woman ruling Egypt.

"Marc Antony and I fell in love," the beautiful queen explained in a calm voice. "I never meant for your sister to get hurt." Her explanation did nothing to get rid of the angry look on Octavius' face.

"Your words mean nothing to me."

"I completely understand," Cleopatra stated, standing straighter. She turned attention to the other miniature that was watching the exchange with wide eyes; as was everyone else. "Jedediah, it was a pleasure meeting you." The little blond blinked owlishly up at her and then smiled lightly.

"Pleasure's all mine."

"What was all that about?" Akhmenrah inquired, having stayed silent throughout the conversation between Cleopatra and Octavius.

"My late husband, Marc Antony, was married to Octavius' sister, Octavia, before I. It seems that Octavius harbors anger for me," she explained with a sigh.

"What was it he called you back there? A meretrix? What does that mean?" Larry questioned.

"It is Latin for whore, mister Daley," Cleopatra answered.

"I have never heard Octavius use such vulgar language before," Teddy huffed.

"His anger is expected and understandable," Cleopatra said. "I did, in essence, take his sister's husband."

"That's still no reason to call you a whore," Akhmenrah added in a low tone.

"It was warranted," she continued. The men disagreed, but Cleopatra stood her ground. "I hold no ill feelings towards him."

"You should," Larry muttered under his breath.

"Why is that, mister Daley?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes at the man.

"No reason," Larry shrugged, not meeting her gaze. Cleopatra's eyes narrowed further.

There was something this man wasn't telling her, and she wanted to find out what that was.