This a fanfic and Kinzie reminiscing about her memories of Oleg. This was suggested by Princess Kinzie. Thank you for the awesome idea and I hope you and everyone enjoy!

Meeting The Big Russian

The first day I met Oleg he came into my inner sanctum with the Boss. I could remember looking at him with curiosity. This man was well over 8 feet tall and very muscular. He was bald and had dark brown eyes I could get lost in, but my eyes were drawn down his body where he was wearing a white coat and a purple shirt underneath. The clothes fit him just right, they were snug where they needed to be to show off his perfect form. His accent got me though, Russian. He spoke as if his words were made of silk and satin that I just wanted to wrap myself into and get lost.

"Hello, I'm Oleg Kirrlov," he said smoothly.

"I know. You know of me and my reputation, but you've never met me."


"It is because your KGB, right?"

"How did you know?"

"I'm a computer hacker, remember? I know everything about everybody."

"Alight, alright meet and greet is over. Oleg we need to get back to the penthouse. We need to find a way to take out the Deckers."

"I can help with that," I squealed.

I hated myself for doing that. I sounded like a kid wanting to go out and experience the world. Which was true, I guess. I never went out much. I was always on my computer hacking, hacking, and more hacking. I couldn't stop once I started. It was never a challenge for me. I just punch in a few codes here, enter a fake I.D. there and I was in. This is how I spent most of my days, it never bothered me. I knew I could spend the rest of my life doing this, unless I found something else that distracted me. I remembered there was still a conversation on and I continued my thought.

"I hate Matt Miller and I can crack any of his simulations."

"Told you she could help," Oleg said to the Boss.

"I'll call you when we are ready to make a move," the Boss said.

"How about I call you when I want to make a move?," I said with a little attitude.


"Because you don't strike me as a computer hacker, like myself. And you contacted me remember? So we get to do things my way."

"Fair enough. Oleg you didn't mention she was feisty," the Boss said with a concerned look on his face.

He probably thought I was some weird nerd with a attitude. Which he wasn't wrong, I was anti social unless you told me what to do. No body ever tells me what to do. I do my job and someone else worries about where their supposed to do. I was no baby sitter, if you fucked up that was your problem.

"I told you I only read her overview, I thought you needed a computer hacker and I found you one. You didn't ask for a personality check. Besides, I like a girl with a fire that burns as bright as her hair," Oleg said with a smile.

That got me. My knees locked up and I couldn't breathe. My body knew I wanted Oleg, but my head still wasn't sure. My head kept saying "No, no you can't do this. Your the powerful silent computer hacker and he is The Big Russian Superman." Complete opposites. It wouldn't work, but my body kept saying "Go get him." I snapped out of it as I saw Oleg and the Boss turn to leave. The Boss had went out the door, but Oleg waited for a minute.

"Thank you for helping and it was a pleasure to meet you," Oleg said with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Bye," I said with a girly giggle.

After that, I did a little research on the Deckers. I hated Matt Miller and was willing to do anything to destroy his reputation and his stupid little nerds. He got me fired from the FBI. Can you believe it, me fired? I didn't even do anything I was accused of. They said I was selling our country's greatest secrets and that I spend my nights as a dominatrix. Are you kidding me? I never had time to do that kind of shit. My whole day was work, eat, and sleep. I didn't have time to sell anything, including my body.

Then, it all came together. Matt Miller. He did this to ruin my career because I was so close to ruining his entire life. I was going to shut down his little gang or what ever they were. They were a bunch of emo kids with a happy trigger fingers and were willing to listen to "The Almighty Computer God." He got me fired. He was worried I was going to take him out, so he sent nasty photos of me to the FBI. I was ready to get some payback on that little punk bitch and anyone who stood in my way.

The next thing I search up was the KGB. That's where Oleg was formerly employed. I didn't need to ask him about it, I could tell by the way carried himself, he was trained killer. Not like the Boss who just did killing on instinct, without thinking of the consequences, but actually trained to kill others based on the KGB standards. I found a little bit on the KGB, actually. They were basically a secret organization for the Soviet Union. A few clicks here and there and I was in there system learning what they were doing. I didn't find anything on Oleg though. I wonder why. Was he fired? Did he do something wrong or did he also have someone send nasty photos to his employer? Then, my conscious got to me.

"I shouldn't be doing this."

It was wrong to go through Oleg's personal history without him knowing. He should be willing to tell me when ready. I just met him and I was already researching his personal life. This was teen girls do, they like a guy and secretly stalk him to find out what he is doing.I wouldn't want to be the weird computer chick that searched up everything about someone before she makes a move. That's just not okay, if I was going to do this I need to be "social."