This is not the story about Riley having mono. That will be up sometime soon, I promise. Please tell me what you think. Love reading all of your comments!

It was a typical morning as Riley rolled outta bed, but this morning she didn't feel much better than she felt the night before. The clock on her nightstand read 6:45, she quickly got dress and headed downstairs. Her parents and Auggie were sitting at the kitchen table and as Riley sat down, Topanga placed a bowl of oatmeal in front of Riley. And as much as Riley loved her mother's oatmeal, she didn't feel much like eating it this morning.

"I'm not hungry" said Riley pushing away the oatmeal

"You have to eat, Riley" said Corey pushing the oatmeal back to Riley

"I just don't want to, Dad" said Riley

"Come on, Riley" said Auggie "It's good" he said with the oatmeal still in his mouth

Riley coughed "I'm sure it is" she said as she went to the couch to get her backpack and then went into the kitchen to get an orange. "I'm excited for the test you have planned today" said Riley. At the table Cory though "I don't have a test planned till next week" he said

"Are you feeling okay" Cory ask

"Of course, Dad" said Riley

Riley sneezed just as the doorbell rang. "Good Morning Mr. And Mrs. Matthews" said Maya.

"Morning Maya" said Riley as she grabbed another tissue

"You still not feeling well" asked Maya.

Riley gave Maya a look. But just as she did it, she sneezed again.

"Bless you" said Maya.

"Thanks" said Riley

The clock on the wall read 7:15. "We better get going" said Riley as she grabbed her book bag off the couch and the tissue box next to it.

"Not so fast" said Topanga

"But Mom" said Riley "I don't want to be late" Riley sneezed and grabbed another tissue as she blew her nose but not before Topanga put her hand on Riley's forehead.

"Riley, you're staying home today" said Topanga.

"But Mom" Riley said

"Upstairs" said Cory "I am sure you will have more fun here than in school"

"Yeah right" said Riley as she threw her bag on the couch and went upstairs.

Downstairs she could hear the door slam as Maya left and then her dad. She changed back into her pajamas and climbed back into bed, something felt different but she wasn't sure what it was. "you're perfect attendance award" was in front of her from last year. She was planning on getting it this year but now she couldn't. A tear rolled down her face, she coughed. "It just isn't fear" she said.

"There goes my perfect attendance record" said Riley when Topanga came back in. Riley hadn't missed a day of school since kindergarten when she had the chicken pox.

"There will be other awards" said Topanga

"But not perfect attendance award, Mom" Riley coughed "How would you feel if you have never missed a day of school since kindergarten and you were made to stay home"

Topanga thought for a few minutes. She knew that she would feel the same way that Riley is feeling now. "I'm sorry you're sick" said Topanga and "I'm sorry we made you stay home today but I am sure with some rest you will be as good as new tomorrow" she stuck a thermometer under Riley's tongue. "I'll be right back" said Topanga.

102.1 degrees the thermometer read as she took it out of Riley's mouth. "What hurts" asked Topanga

"Just my throat" said Riley "and so does my head"

"Hopefully with some rest today, you will feel better" said Topanga

"Yeah, hopefully" said Riley "I really want to go to school tomorrow"

Riley slept most of the day, she heard a few noises outside and her little brother running in and out of her room.

"Chicken Soup" said Maya carrying in a tray that afternoon after she got out of school. As she placed the tray in front of Riley. "Are you feeling better?" Maya asked as she sat down as Riley shook her head.

That afternoon, Cory put the vaporizer in Riley's room. "Everyone in class was asking where you were today" he said

Riley didn't say anything, she didn't have enough energy to say anything all she did was nod her head.

The night Riley wasn't feeling much better as her mother came in to take her temperature the next morning she was hoping it was back to normal. She didn't want to miss another day of school. But when Topanga took the thermometer out and it read 102.1, Riley feared the worst.

"I want to go to school" she told her mother the next morning

"You are sick, Riley" said Cory "You need your rest"

"I slept almost all day yesterday. Dad" said Riley

Arguing wasn't helping any and Riley knew it. She was not going to be able to go back to school until she was completely better.

"When you are not feeling well" said Cory "It is good to rest so you can feel better"

"That is not a life lesson, Dad" coughed Riley

"It sure is" said Cory

"I am sorry we had to keep you home again" said Topanga when she brought up Riley's soup on a tray for lunch and placed it in front of her.

That night, Riley slept pretty good and when she woke up the next morning, she was excited as she came down the stairs dressed in the pink dress and black boots. "I'm feeling better" Riley said as she went into the kitchen but not before she sneezed.

"Back to bed" said Topanga as she pointed to the stairs.

"But I feel perfectly fine" Riley said

"No" said Cory 'You don't want the class getting your cold, do you, Riley" Cory asked

"I guess not" said Riley as she goes back upstairs.

With a box of tissues right beside her and a cough drop it her mouth Riley was trying to do everything to be able to go to school tomorrow. She still wasn't feeling her greatest

"How much longer are you going to keep torturing me with this?" said Riley as Topanga comes in to take her temperature

"Until you are better" said Topanga

'But maybe that is why I am still sick" Riley coughed "It seems like you have taken it 100 times already"

"It has only been 10 times so far and only 2 times today, Riley" Topanga says as she takes the thermometer out of Riley's mouth. "And you still running a fever" Topanga says

That morning Topanga scheduled an appointment for Riley at the family doctor. Dr. Bryan had been Riley's doctor since she was a baby and Riley liked her very much.

So later in the day as Riley sat in the exam room at the doctors office, with a fever of 102,1 which hadn't gone down, a sore throat and headache. Her sixth sore throat that year and Topanga just knew that it was sure to be strep throat.

"So I hear you aren't feeling well" said Dr Burke when she came in.

"Not really" Riley shook her head

"What seems to be the problem" Dr Burke asked

"I don't feel well" Riley coughed "and my throat hurts"

Dr. Burke examined Riley checking her ears, eyes, nose and throat and then listening to her heart and lungs. It was clear what was wrong with Riley. "I believe Riley has strep throat" said the doctor "I'll do a strep test just to make sure." she said "And also" said Dr. Bryan "I think it's time for Riley to have her tonsils taken out" said Dr. Bryan

"Surgery" said Riley "I'll have to have surgery" a tear came down Riley's cheek.

"I'll refer Riley to an ENT" Dr. Bryan said

"I don't want surgery" said Riley on the way home.

"It is a simple surgery" said Topanga "Many children and teenagers, as well as adults have it done"

"But I am not one of them, Mom" said Riley

"You are getting your tonsils out and that is final, Riley" Topanga finished.

As Riley sat in bed with a thermometer under her tongue the next afternoon, she heard a noise coming from the hallway. Her mother was probably coming up the stairs but as she looked she saw someone coming through the window.

"Farkle" she coughed but it wasn't Farkle.

"I heard you were sick" said Lucas coming through the window

Riley's eyes lit up. She had a crush on Lucas for awhile now. "Why aren't you in school?" she asked

"I had to come and see you" said Lucas

"Really" Riley's eyes lit up.

Riley told Lucas that she will have to have her tonsils taken out in a couple of months but should be back to school on Monday.

"That sucks" said Lucas "I had mind out and it wasn't bad at all"

"Did it hurt?" Riley asked

"Getting your tonsils out isn't bad and it doesn't hurt" said Lucas "You sleep through the whole thing" he says with a smile "And after you get to have all the ice cream you want" Lucas smiled "That is the best part of getting your tonsils removed"

Riley still wasn't looking forward to the surgery. It would be her first time going to a hospital as well as her first surgery.

Find out what happens next. Thanks for reading!