Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD as it belongs to Ishibumi Ichiei. I do not receive money from this, this is a fanfiction.

Authors Note: This idea suddenly came to me and I thought, 'Why not?'. This fic is slightly AU and I apologize if the characters are too OOC.

Chapter 1: Awakening of the Curse.

~Issei POV~

I am skipping in the empty park at night with a happy expression on my face.

I'm so happy! It's my birthday again and I went with Mama and Papa to eat dinner and watch some movies!

The Movie is called, Dragon Rider, a movie about a superhero that can breathe fire and protect humans against monsters. He's so cool, someday I want to be just like him.

I was skipping in the park in excitement, Papa and Mama implied that there is still a surprise at home! I can't wait to find out what it is.

It was now at night, there only a few people left.


Oof! I fell down, I hit something. I looked up and saw a person.

He ignored me though.

"We meet again, Tatsurou the Butcher..."

A man in front of us said. Papa's eyes widened. I do not get it...

~3rd Person~

"We meet again, Tatsurou the Butcher..."

Those words came out of the mouth of the strange man dressed in black.


The Hyoudou family was just going home from the theater to watch a movie in a theater to celebrate their son, Hyoudou Issei's, 7th birthday. However, they are intercepted by a man dressed in all black while they were on their way back to their home.

"Issei, get behind me." The father ordered.

Issei did so with some slight hesitation.

Tatsurou, the father of the family took a guarded stance and summoned his sword that is made of light.

"Who are you?" He asked warily. He narrowed his eyes. Who is this and how does he know him.

"…Don't tell me you forgot what you did... because we never did..." 3 pairs of black wings then appeared on his back.

"…" the Hyoudou patriarch remained silent but it seems he knew what they are talking about as evident when his jaw tightened.

"!" Tatsurou felt a number of presence. How, did they remain undetected?

Soon, a number of the winged men appeared from the trees and more from the skies.

"Get the girl and the child." The commander of the winged men ordered.

"Leave my family out of this!" Tatsurou shouted.

"Did you hesistate when you slayed our brethen?!"

Tatsurou gritted his teeth. There are too many fallen, he cannot defeat them while at the same time protect his child. And their group contains at least a few high-class fallens.

"Shiho... take Issei and escape when I give the signal." He whispered to his wife.

"Dear..." Shiho muttered.

"Please... let me protect you, I can't defeat all of them. I won't let my child die because of me." He resolved.

"Hai..." His wife relented seeing the determined expression on her husband.

"Papa..." The child murmured.

"Listen, Issei, do as your mother tell you and always remember that I love you."

"… Hai, Papa." Issei, while a bit confused accepted.

"You lived long enough! It's time for you to pay for your crimes, Kill him!" The leader ordered.

"Now! Dear!" Tatsurou yelled while charging at the nearest enemy.

The wife took off, taking the confused Issei with her. Oddly the fallen let her pass, something that didn't escape Tatsurou's notice.

Soon, the wife was out of their sight and the fallen just watched.

"Hehehe... did you really think that this is all of us?!" The commander laughed.

"!" Tatsurou looked at the direction his wife escape to.

"Do not let him get away!" The leader commander as his subordinates surrounded him.


"Rahhh!" One of the mid-class fallen cried while charging to Tatsurou.


"…" Tatsurou suddenly appeared behind the attacker with his light sword coated with blood.

"Uggghhh..." The attacker groaned as he fell with a large gash on his torso.

"Kill him!" Another shouted before charging, the other soon followed.

'Shiho... Issei... please be safe.' Tatsurou thought while slashing another fallen attacker.

~Issei POV~

I am a bit confused. A strange man wearing strange clothes appeared while we were in the park.

He seemed to know father, he called father the butcher. I do not get it... my father is not a butcher, he is a salesman...

I was shocked when wings appeared on the strange man's back like an angel. But he is different from the angel papa told me in his stories, his wings are black and he looks like a bad man as opposed to the real angel with white wings and a halo...

Soon after, a lot of strange winged men suddenly appeared.

Father and Mother never looked so serious as they are now... well except when I told them about the old man that told me about Oppai...

Papa then told Mama to take me and leave, Mama did not argue that much and just agreed. I was still confused.

Papa the told me to listen to Mama... and told me that he loves me...

It was different from the 'I love you' he normally says during bedtime, when tucking me to sleep... there was a tone of finality in it...

While I am a bit confused and wanted to ask 'Papa? What is going on?', but I held myself back and did not contest Papa.

One of the strange men then shouted something and Papa told us to run.

I'm scared... I want to go home...

That happened minutes ago, we are now running while being chased by a group of flying men.

Two winged men appeared and blocked our path.

"We got you cornered now, Bitch!" One of the two exclaimed.


I do not know what 'Bitch' meant but I do not like the way he talks to Mama...

Soon more of them arrived from the sky. Flutters of wings filled the area.

Mama stretched out her arm and a floating and glowing circle with squigly lines and drawings appeared in front of her outstretched hand.

"Magic Bullet!"

A blue thingy then fired towards one of the winged people.

The attack was sudden, the hit connected and the target fell. The others looked at their downed comrade in shock.

"Shit! She's a magician!"

"Surround her! She can't beat us all!"

Mama is a magician? Like those in stories? Wow, I never knew it... Mama's so cool!

Mama bit her lips and looked at me. She took a deep breathe, concentrated and more of those glowing circle appeared.

Blue light fired and hit a few of the bad people while others dodged.


"How dare you, you... filthy human!"

"Get her!"

They fired sticks of yellow and white light at us... but a blue wall stopped it.

Mama has her hands stretched out... is Mama doing this?


They continued attacking as the wall began to crack.

Those guys are too many! Mama cannot beat them all!

One of the sticks got through and hit Mama in the stomach.

My eyes widened. No, Mama!

"Mama!" I exclaimed as I approached her.

"Issei... Agghhh!" Another stick hit Mama in the back.

Tears are threatening to spill. I tried to stop the blood from going out like in the shows on TV but it won't stop...

"Shiho!" Someone yelled Mama's name.

I recognize the voice... I was Papa.

I turned to Papa... and saw...

Papa was hurt all over, bloodied and without an arm!

"Dear..." Mama groaned.

"Papa, mama is..." I was interrupted when another light spear pierced Mama's chest.

"Gyahhhh!" Mama's piercing scream echoed in my ears as she went limp.

I looked at Mama's body... lifeless body...

Mama's dead...

…I may be a child but I know about death... I'm smart after all... Mama said so...

…Mama died and I can't do anything about it...

The man earlier was behind Papa with only a few of those winged men left beside him.

"Shiho! No!" Papa tried to approach Mama but the bad men blocked his way.

"Hah! That will teach you filthy humans to not mess with us!" The leader said while stepping on Mama's bloodied body.

No! Mama! Stop! Don't do that to Mama!

"You... you" Papa said while charging at the leader. "I'll Kill You!" He yelled in rage of seeing his wife die.

A few of the men blocked his way... only to be sliced.

But the ones in the sky fired their spears at Papa. Distracted by rage, he was unprepared for the attack.

"Gahhhh!" Papa screamed in agony as the attacks hit him.

I can't bear it... but I'm scared, I can't move.

Papa used his glowing sword to support himself.

The leader of the bad guys approached Papa. Papa tried to move his body but it seems that he is too tired.

"Eat dirt, Trash!" The bad guy stepped on Papa's head and pressed it to the ground.

He looked at me with his mocking eyes and smirked mischievously. A shiver ran through my spine, a cold sweat ran through my face...

I-Im scared... please, someone help us!

"… A shame, I normally don't kill children… but he would die because of you, because of your weakness." He mocked Papa.

Hieee! He's gonna kill me! I tried to move but i'm too scared.

"I'll kill you! I swear to God, I'll kill you!" Papa swore.

But the winged man only sneered.

"God is dead! He had abandoned you, exorcist!"

Papa gritted his teeth.

"Damn you, damn you to h-" Whatever Papa would say was cut off when a light spear pierced his heart.


He dead... Papa's dead...

"Papa!" My grief and shock overpowered my fear as I approached Papa's body.

"Papa! Please don't leave me! You promised not to leave me!" I cried in despair.

My eyes are now very wet and my cheeks puffed. I was shaking in shock at seeing my parents die or grief at losing them... or both.

The leader sneered at me. "Pitiful... you are just unlucky to bear his blood, brat!" He raised his hands and summoned a light spear, ready to impale me.

But I was not paying attention. I mean how could I

Mama died... Papa died too...


Why us!?

What did we do to deserve this!?

Why did they kill Mama and Papa!?

I just want to go home... and wish this is just a nightmare...

I want Mama to cook me food when I wake up...

I want Papa to be proud of me...

I promise not to steal cookies anymore

I promise to always listen to Mama...

I promise not to say Oppai again...

...Please, I just want Mama and Papa back...

I just want to go home…

I just want…

…I want...


To Kill Them All.


In Issei's Soulscape a big, red, intimidating, western dragon can be seen. His name is Ddraig, the soul of a legendary Dragon known as the Red Emperor Dragon sealed in the Sacred Gear, 《Boosted gear》. He is defeated and sealed during the Great War by God and made to a Sacred Gear to be used by the humans.

Now he is feeling a torrent of negative emotions.

'What is this?' Ddraig thought. He woke up because of his current host's emotions. The child is still weak so the Scared Gear is still in deep sleep so he cannot see what is happening outside.

The Soulscape' background turned more and more red. The previous wielders of the 《Boosted Gear》 looked up.

It has begun…

It's time…

It is starting.

The previous wielders said, alarming Ddraig.

He knew those words, how could he not? Considering the trouble it caused. They are spoken only on one occasion... if 'that' is triggered then his host's life is in jeopardy.

"[Juggernaut Drive!? Impossible, the Sacred Gear isn't even awake yet, how can the curse affect the child!? What the heck is happening outside!?]" Ddraig exclaimed while silently cursing the one who caused all this.

~Third POV~

Time seems to move slowly. The light spear was slowly coming down to Issei.


...Issei caught the descending spear with a blood red gauntlet, shocking everyone.


The ground shook, the trees began to crack and the air became thicker as Issei let loose a blood red aura.

"What is this!?"

"The hell!?"

"[Balance Breaker.]"

Issei was then clad in a red armor as his aura quickly expanded and encompassed a lot of space as the pavements cracked and the animals fled.

Then the fallen felt fear, primal fear that caused them to stand still before this... this Monster.

The Great War veterans remember... the casualties caused by the legendary Dragon who bears the same monstrous aura as this… beast. They remember how they stood there numb before the Great being that can kill Gods.

"[I, who is about to awaken…]" The voices vary, with men and women, both old and young chanting together a curse.

The armor was then painted bloody red, as if drowned in the blood of thousands.

"[Am the Heavenly Dragon that has usurped the absolute authority from God…]"

Issei grew sharp fangs and claws, inhuman fangs that can only be seen on legendary beasts and claws that looks like, it can slice them with ease.

"[I surpass the 'Infinite', I conquer the 'Dream'…]"

His scales grew thicker and sharper as if daring the lesser beings to hit him. Green gems are generated from all over his body, glowing in the sea of red.

[I shall become the Red Dragon of Ruination…]"

He grew a tail and a pair of wings. The tail heavily armored but looks flexible, a pair of wings capable of blocking the sky...

The fallen commander was shocked. He recognized the armor in a report he once read. It is the Boosted Gear, a Longinus-level Sacred Gear that is said to be capable of killing Gods and Buddhas in its basic form. What is worse is that it is in Balance Breaker form, he read about the balance breaker, after all he is a high-ranking Fallen Angel who is privy to sensitive information about Sacred Gears. Balance Breaker are rare, they prove the fact that the Biblical Gods died during the Great War, they enhance the abilities of Sacred Gears to the point that most could defeat high-class fallen with ease. He also knew about that chant... how could he not, he remembered the damages caused once when the Sekiryuutei and its counterpart and rival, the Hakuryuukou. A city on the border of the fallen territory was completely obliterated, thousands died, he was one of those who survived by fleeing quickly.

"[And… I shall sink you to the depths of the crimson purgatory!]"

Issei's tail slammed the ground, destroying the road. His wings spread wide, blowing the wind.

"Rooooaaaaaaar!" Issei roared.

"…" The fallen were quietly watching in awe.


After the roar, every one including Issei remained motionless, silence filled the whole park.

Issei turned around and looked at the commander mechanically.


His sharp claws extended, the moonlight touched the blade and made it shine.

"Enough! It's just a child!" One fallen had enough of the silence and charged with a battle cry.

"Idiot! Don't!" The leader exclaimed in panic. They stood no chance against their current enemy. Their best choice is too flee and forget the event but unfortunately an idiot provoked the beast.


Every fallen's eyes widened. What the heck just happened.

It happened in a flash, Issei suddenly appeared behind the attacker with a heart on his hand...

The fallen's body then fell... with a hole where his heart would be...

'So… so fast! I didn't even see him move!' The thought shared by all of the fallen present.

"Raaahhhhhhhh!" Issei roared as he charged at another fallen, killing it quickly by ripping its head off.

He then opened the mouth part of his mask and...


He fired a red color laser from his mask towards the fallen. He swiped it sideways, slicing dozens of fallen, trees and buildings.

Issei then blurred and disappeared to a random fallen's back.

*Bite* *Crunch, Crunch*

"Gahhhhhh!" A fallen screamed in agony before dying as Issei ripped his wings and bit his neck.

"Die! Monster!" Another yelled while launching a light spear directed at Issei's head…

Only for it to be easily caught with one hand. 'No… way!' was the thought shared by the fallen.

"Surround him! Hit it with a barrage!" the leader commanded.

His subordinates listened, flew and surrounded him. Every fallen summoned a light spear and thrown everything they got at Issei who didn't even try to guard himself.


The combined power of the light spears caused an explosion of light and created a large crater. Smoke filled the crater and no movement was seen inside the smoke.

"Is it dead?"

"Probably, no one could survive that."

That force is enough to kill a high-class being instantly but Issei is now beyond high-class in power.


Issei swipe his armored hand and dispelled the smoke. He is perfectly unharmed without as much as a scratch in his armor.

'Impossible! He even survived that?!' Every fallen thought.

Issei was now staring at them with his soul piercing eyes, unnerving the fallen angels.

"R-retreat!" The commander ordered, and the remaining fallen were happy to obey. They cannot hope to even inflict an injury upon that Beast, a miracle is needed to even scratch that near impervious armor.

They flew in the sky and some ran on the ground, all desperate to get away from that… monster!


The jewels of Issei's armor glowed as it charged.


Dozens of red lasers came out of the gems like the ones earlier but this laser in significantly smaller than the previous one.




All lasers hit their targets, limp bodies of the fallen fell from the sky with a hole on their bodies. The sky was now clear of the fallen, only the ones who fled on the ground remained.

The gems charged down and stopped glowing.

*Hahhh… Hahh…* Issei panted like a beast.

Issei would love to have hunted the remaining fallen but alas he was too exhausted and his power is drained.

He fell to the ground still and his armor dispersed, his human body is unable to support the Juggernaut Drive any longer.

He fell asleep blissfully unaware of the devil who watched the whole thing.

~Rizevim POV~

I, Rizevim Livan Lucifer, am ecstatic in excitement.

I was watching an interesting scene, a bloodbath that is rarely seen since the civil war of the Devils.

It first began when I visited the Human World, on this 'akibahara' to buy some questionable things, don't ask what. When I going home I encountered a group of mid to high-class fallen angels prepared for battle.

Of course, driven by curiosity, I followed them to a city governed by the Devils. The fact that there is a group of fallen approaching Devil territory made me more curious, I mean how is it possible that a flock of crows remained undetected on hostile grounds, well the answer is… they aren't. The Devils obviously allowed them inside for some reason.

So I followed them until they stopped on a park. The leader, I assume, then approached a human couple with a kid. Somehow, those humans were familiar, I swear that I have seen them somewhere...

Hah... I'm seriously getting old... like an Old Maou…

Hehe, get it? Old-Maou.

Well enough jokes, getting back to the topic… Err, what was the topic again?

Hmmm… Oh, yeah! The Humans.

It wasn't until the light sword was drawn that I remembered... it was the butcher!

I knew it, I have seen him somewhere! Takahashi Tatsurou, he changed his name to Hyoudou. He was a high-ranking exorcist. His group were killed in a fallen angel ambush with him as a sole survivor. Against church orders to retreats, he butchered a lot of fallen angels and torched all fallen churches in the vicinity without care for witnesses. He was then exiled for insubordination, destruction of Church property, and risking normal humans from discovering the supernatural world.

After that, he became famous quickly and feared by fallen angels, he was offered a place in Khaos Brigade but he refused and fled to his home country, Japan.

If I remember, he married Hyoudou Shiho, a daughter of a Magician and an eastern Omnyouji. Hailed as a prodigy since childhood, she easily mastered difficult spells. That girl that fled must be her.

After their marriage and childbirth, they secluded themselves from the supernatural and even hid the existence of magic and myths from their sole son. But it seems that their past would come back to them.

Now, I am wondering why my inner monologue is styled like a novel for storytelling…

Hyahyahyahya! Just joking! I am actually engrossed in watching the scene that would eventually lead to the death of the couple and the child.

But sometimes I still wonder why my inner monologue is made like this… as if its purpose is to amuse people… nah…

Back to the topic, The Magical Girl is strong… for a human that is…but isn't enough to defeat and battle group of experienced fallen angels. Her shield is strong but it won't keep up forever.

Unsurprisingly, the girl was pressured by the barrage of light spears and eventually died.

Soon, the father arrived but is fatally injured and without an arm.

Then the fallen taunted… yada, yada… the father swore to kill them… the child approached the corpse and cried… very predictable and disappointing, it has no plot twists.

But what was surprising was the child, the sheer amount of magical energy released by the child made me even surprised. Furthermore it was not normal magic but Draconic Magic… interesting, so the child has a dragon-based Sacred Gear, that was not in the file…

A few seconds later I heard the chant… I grinned like maniac.

I know that chant! I have faced someone who chanted the same incantation but with a slight difference.

Hyahyahyahyah! It seems that by luck, I have encountered Vali-chan's Rival!

Another thing was that, he unconsciously initiated the Juggernaut Drivewithout even awakening his Scared Gear which I presume is the Boosted Gear.

The child then transformed, grew scales, wings and a tail. He then proceeded to slaughter the Crows

Within minutes, the whole flock of fallen angels died with only a few survivors who ran on the ground.

Exhausted, the child fell down, unconscious. His body cannot take the stress and the sudden influx of power.

Hmm… If I'm right then he would die without medical treatment…

Then I just the most amazing idea…

What if I took the child? With him and Vali-chan, I can complete the set~

Then I could pit them together, see which one is stronger.

Yes… yes… take the child.

I flew down in front of the fallen angels, there are only six of them.

"A Devil?!" one of them exclaimed as they saw my beautiful wings. Hah… I was right, they have a deal with the Devils stationed here.

"That is right~ I, the ever amazing Rizevim Livan Lucifer has come to exact justice upon you fallen! My name shall command fear upon those of light! My power shall defeat all those who are strong, I AM RIZEVIM LIVAN LUCIFER, THE TRUE LUCIFER!" I announced.

My amazing introduction was met with silence, the fallen were staring with wide eyes and open mouths at disbelief.

Hah! It seem that they are staring in awe!

"… you said your name twice…" one of them pointed out.

Without looking at the insolent crow that dared correct me, I fired a quick magic bullet at it.


The attack hit him in the heart, the fallen died instantly.

"!" the remaining 5 fallen took a guarded stance and summoned their light spears.

But before they could fire, they fell down with a hole on their chests.

They were too distracted so I conjured a magic circle behind them during my introduction.

I walked to the general direction of Sekiryuutei-chin~

After a few moments, I arrived in the scene.

It was really different up close, body parts lying around in pools of blood. The pavement was cracked, trees are destroyed and they are a lot of craters on the ground, it was orgasmic~.

So this is the power of an untamed Sekiryuutei… hehehehehe I'm getting excited.

The child's body is still covered with the magical residue of the Sacred Gear.

I cannot touch him, there is no telling how the Sacred Gear would react.

I made a teleportation circle below us. We must escape before the pesky Devils come, no doubt they felt the sudden energy surge and would come to investigate what happened.

With a flash, the park was now devoid of any living supernatural.

Chapter 1 End

Author's note: This one of my first fics so please review and tell me your opinions. no flames please.

Issei would not be a member of Khaos Brigade but will work for them sometimes. He would not be a hero that will save everyone but neither would he be an evil guy.