Author's note: I am still on Cloud 9, people. I didn't intend to write a tag, but here it is. Just a little fluffy addition to the perfection that was the finale.
Disclaimer: Seriously, if they belonged to me, the show would never end. The title is another song by Earth, Wind and Fire, which I also have no rights to. Lastly, the song I used at the end was my actual wedding song, yet sadly, not another one I own.
She didn't know why she had brought up the ring. Scratch that—she did know, she just couldn't believe she'd had the courage to do it. So many times, she had stopped herself just before she was about to say the words. He would touch her, kiss her or just look at her in that way that he looked at her and she would lose her nerve, convincing herself yet again that it didn't matter.
She'd almost backed out again today. He had looked so happy, his eyes shining at her as he presented her with his newest acquisition. Things had been strained between them recently, to say the least. His flight to Arizona and subsequent return had dredged up all sorts of feelings that she thought she would never have to experience again. She was finding that it was even harder to just brush it aside and pretend like everything was fine just because he had come back.
That wasn't to say that she wasn't overjoyed that he had. Just like every time before, his reemergence caused her heart to beat a little stronger, her lungs to breathe a little easier, and her mind to perceive her surroundings a little clearer.
And her mind was telling her that she couldn't go through this again. Even as he told her his plans to build them a home, she still had doubts. If he really wanted to go, a house would not keep him here. She couldn't focus on building a life with him if she had to second guess every move she made in fear that he might bolt. Especially now that she was beginning to suspect it might not just be her that he would be leaving the next time.
So, she mentally squared her shoulders and broached the one subject that had been taboo since he'd stormed that plane all those months ago. It didn't go exactly as she had hoped. He hadn't been as defensive as she'd always imagined, but even as the words left her mouth, she found she was quick to blurt out a reassurance. She understood it was difficult. She did. But Angela had been gone a long time and as long as that ring stayed put, there was no chance that she could put one of her own in its place.
Just as she was about to make that point, her phone rang. Another body had been found. She sighed as she disconnected and turned to Jane to break the news. She didn't know which one of them was more relieved.
No. This was not happening. This. Was. Not. Happening. She'd told Abbott this wasn't a good idea. She'd told Jane this wasn't a good idea. She didn't want to be right.
A part of her, a very small part, had to wonder if Jane had agreed to do this to give her a taste of how he'd been feeling lately. If that was indeed his plan, it had worked. She was terrified. Petrified. Nearly paralyzed with fear.
Her first instinct was to go in with guns blazing and threaten everyone who stood in her way with a bullet between the eyes. Instead, she sat at her desk, staring unseeing at her computer screen, mind racing with the possibilities of what could be happening to Jane.
She wasn't like him; she couldn't just pull clues out of nuances and random patterns. Her ability to read people had drastically improved over the years, but she didn't have Jane's talent. She was the soldier. She got the job done. And she couldn't move.
This was how Cho found her. He walked over to her chair and squatted down so that he was level with her. She saw him take her hand, but her fingers were numb.
"Go home." His blunt words snapped her out of her funk as she turned in her chair to face him.
"No! I can't just go home while he's out there! I need to be here. I need to hel—"
"How are you helping now?" Before she could explode, he spoke again. "I'm not taking you off the case. I'm asking you to take an hour. Go home, change your clothes, get yourself together, then get the hell back here and help us take down this son of a bitch."
She was moving out of her chair before he'd even finished. "I'm only taking half an hour. That's not negotiable."
Cho nodded as he stood up. "See you in thirty."
She touched his arm before he could move too far away. "Thanks, Boss."
He paused for a moment and nodded again before he turned and made his way down the hall to the conference room.
She bypassed the elevator and headed down the stairs to the main entrance. Even in the night air, the Texas heat was oppressive, yet she couldn't stop the chill running throughout her body. By the time she reached her SUV, her hands were shaking so badly she dropped her keys as she struggled to remove them from her pocket. As she scooped them back up, the Airstream parked in the back lot caught her eye. She had completely forgotten that Jane had parked it here before they'd headed out on their media blitz. Had it really only been just this morning?
It took her four tries to get the door open. She shut it softly behind her and clicked on the single lamp above the kitchen area's sink. The suit jacket Jane had been wearing the day before was draped over the small bench seat by the table. She draped it around her shoulders and hoped it would keep some of the chill at bay.
The clean, spicy notes of his cologne emanated from the garment, surrounding her in the memory of the last night she spent wrapped up in his arms. Blindly, she thrust an arm out behind her, needing something, anything, to keep her on her feet. Her hand brushed against a piece of paper, sending it fluttering to the floor. It was a real estate brochure for the parcel of land he had shown her. He wanted to build them a house. This man, who had spent the majority of his life on the move, who had turned tail and run so many times without a second thought, who avoided nearly anything and everything that could be construed as some sort of permanence, wanted to build her a house.
The tears, unrelenting, fell down her cheeks as she clutched the scrap of paper to her chest and slid down the wall next to their bed. Behind her closed lids, the last image she had of him truly happy, his smile as bright as the early morning sunlight filtered through the trees surrounding the cabin. Their cabin.
This. Was. Not. Happening.
Tuna. Turkey on whole wheat. Egg salad. Liverwurst. Liverwurst? How disgusting, she thought as she perused the selection at local market's deli.
He had called her thirty minutes ago to tell her that he was officially a land owner. The outright glee in his voice erased most of the trepidation she had been feeling since his release from the hospital. He'd told her before that he saw his death as inconsequential, but now that he'd come perilously close to it, she was afraid the baser human survival instinct would push him to disappear once and for all.
His hospitalization had afforded her the opportunity to get some answers for herself. Her expression turned wistful as she laid a hand over her still flat stomach. She was going to be a mother. Even though she had suspected for a couple of weeks now, the confirmation from the doctor had still been enough to make her knees go weak.
Without an ultrasound, it was a bit difficult to determine exactly how far along she was, but they had used their best guess to estimate her at about five weeks. Her cheeks flushed as she recalled the encounter that was the most likely cause for her…condition.
It had been right after the Bittacker case. They'd spent the entire trip back to her house in silence. She had been sure he would insist on going back to the Airstream alone, so she tried not to let her surprise show as he'd followed her up the walkway. As soon as she'd shut the front door, she'd found herself pushed up against it, his mouth fused to hers. She'd resisted at first and tried to push him away, but he'd grabbed her wrists in one of his large hands and held her arms above her head. Just as she knew he'd never force her, he knew she could end it if she'd wanted to, regardless of their position. Since they'd started this relationship, she hadn't been able to resist him and this time was no exception. Thank God the door had held, otherwise they would have given her neighbors quite the late night show.
And now, five weeks later, out of that anger and fear had come a joy she never thought she'd experience. She was going to be a mother. And Jane was going to be a father. And here she was, staring at deli sandwiches. Screw it, she thought as she grabbed one of each kind and dumped them in her shopping basket. She made it about five steps before she turned around, her hand in the basket. The liverwurst successfully back on the shelf, she made her way to the checkout.
She was engaged. To Patrick Jane. Holy Mother of God. If it wasn't for the stick that was poking her in the ass, she'd have to pinch herself to make sure this was reality. Because things this good didn't happen to her. Well, not this close together, anyway. With each step forward in their relationship, she'd felt a little like she was pushing her luck. When she'd noticed that he'd removed his ring, she had been overjoyed. And then, then he had stolen the very breath from her lungs.
She'd realized his intentions just a split second before the words left his mouth. "I want you to be my wife." It hadn't been more than five minutes since he'd initially said it and yet she couldn't stop replaying it in her mind. Her eyes welled up with tears once more as his "Will you marry me?" echoed throughout every fiber of her being.
"Hey," the subject of her thoughts spoke softly. He placed a hand on her thigh, head tilting to the side. His forehead wrinkled in concern and he reached up with his other hand to gently brush away the newly fallen tears with his thumb. "Everything okay? Where'd you go?"
She sniffled a bit and took his hand in hers, fingers unconsciously running over the place where his ring had been. "Everything is perfect. Absolutely perfect."
His smile returned at a dizzying speed. "Good. I was worried you were having second thoughts already."
She grabbed his face in between her hands and kissed him with a fierceness that left them both breathless. "Listen up, Patrick Jane, because I'm only going to say this once. I have been proposed to three times. I have agreed three times. The first two times, I took my time to answer, and when I finally did say yes, I wanted to immediately take it back. I knew they weren't right for me, but I'd given up hope. But with you…I didn't even need ten seconds. We could never move past this point, never actually get married, and I would still be the happiest I have ever been." It was her turn to brush the tears from his cheeks. "Even my worst day with you is better than my best day without you. Don't ever think, even for a second, that I will ever regret saying yes to you."
He stood then, pulling her up with him and crushing her to his chest. "I love you so much. And we are getting married. As soon as possible. Are you heart set on a church wedding?"
She shook her head. "No. If we go that route, it could take months. I don't want to wait that long."
"Fantastic! I'm going to go call the Justice of the Peace right now."
As she watched him walk towards the cabin to grab his phone, her smile turned dreamy. She was getting married to Patrick Jane and having his baby. The baby, she thought with dismay. How could I have forgotten to tell him about the baby?
Well, she certainly couldn't say anything now. The moment was gone, lost in the excitement of his proposal. The proposal which had, coincidentally, created another perfect opportunity for the right time to tell him. With that, her smile returned. This was going to be the best wedding present she could give him. But how the heck was she going to wrap it?
Up or down? Parted in the middle or the side? She frowned at herself in the mirror. Her makeup was flawless, her dress fit like it was custom, yet her hair stubbornly refused to get with the program. She was set up at the Airstream's kitchen table after valiantly trying to get ready in the unrealistically small excuse for a bathroom. Even though she had come to grudgingly tolerate the Silver Bucket, she definitely wouldn't be shedding any ears when it was relegated to a strictly recreational vehicle.
Sighing, she brought out her phone and clicked on the internet search bar. "Wedding hairstyles" turned up images of updos and braids so complex she was tempted to just throw it all up in a bun and be done with it. She bit her lip and modified her search. "Simple wedding hairstyles." There, that seemed to do the trick. After scrolling for a few seconds, she finally found one that met her criteria—she liked it and would probably be able to replicate it.
Twenty minutes later, she smiled as she pinned her veil into place. Now, she just had to make sure she had all of the wedding essentials. Something old. She touched the jeweled clip in her hair. It had been passed down to the eldest daughter on her mother's side for four generations. She'd planned to give it to Annie, but now… Something new. She smiled as she laid a hand low on her stomach. Something borrowed. The bracelet had arrived at her house yesterday with a note. "So you don't have to borrow something from Cho. See you soon! Love, Grace." Something blue. She grabbed her wedding bouquet off of the counter, the vibrant bluebells standing out in the mix of wildflowers.
With one last glance around, she grabbed the door handle. It was time to marry the man of her dreams. Right after they dealt with one more psychopathic serial killer.
She watched from the window of the cabin as the last of their friends arrived. Forty wasn't horrible. It was definitely more manageable than the small village Abbott had assembled for their Sylvan themed nuptials. She still didn't quite understand what exactly a Sylvan theme was. She just knew that it wasn't her. Or Jane. Speaking of Jane…
He was standing in the middle of the room with his hands on his hips, seemingly lost in thought. She couldn't even begin to guess what was going through his mind. It wouldn't be fair of her to expect that he not think of the last time he was in this situation. Her hand drifted to the band at her throat as she sent up a quick prayer for the woman who had preceded her.
She took a breath and spoke quietly, as not to startle him too harshly out of his reverie. "Well, Mr. Jane, your ball and chain is waiting to be attached."
He turned to her, his smile wide as he walked to her and placed his hand along her cheek. "And it is the most beautiful ball I have ever seen."
A light blush danced across her cheeks. She still hadn't gotten used to him so openly complimenting her. Part of her hoped she never did.
His grin got even wider and he waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. "Sure I can't talk you into one last pre-marital make out session?"
Her laughter echoed off the barren walls of the cabin. "As absolutely tempting as that is, we've got people waiting."
He nodded his acquiescence and held out his arm to her. "Very well, Agent Lisbon. Let's go say hello."
They made their way to the side of the pond where their friends and family had gathered, the usual wedding march replaced with the sounds of chirping birds and buzzing dragonflies. The sunlight streamed down through the trees, casting beautiful shadows on the grass.
Judge Hamilton welcomed everyone to the ceremony before speaking about marriage and love and commitment. And she was trying to listen. She really was. However, the way he was looking at her was all sorts of distracting. She was used to the intensity in his gaze, had been on the receiving end of it numerous times. But this…this was entirely different. His eyes were luminous depths of blue and green and she would nearly rather set herself on fire than look away. She felt his thumb slowly caressing over her knuckles.
Wait. Was he trying to hypnotize her? On their wedding day? He wouldn't be that stupid. Would he? It must be the pregnancy hormones talking. Besides, he was mesmerizing enough on his own. He didn't need any gimmicks with her. He smiled at her again as the judge mentioned something about honesty and she swore she felt her knees go a little weak. No, he certainly didn't need any improvement in that category, Lord help her.
She came out of her own thoughts in time to hear the judge mention their vows. Even though they were both intensely private people, they had opted to write their own vows in lieu of the more traditional approach. Before the ceremony, she had asked Judge Hamilton if she could go first. She had no idea what Patrick was going to say, but even if they were the hokiest vows in the history of matrimony, she doubted she would have the coherency to get through hers if she were to go second.
It took her a moment to collect herself, and when she finally did, she looked up into his eyes…and her whole speech flew out the window. She'd thought she had it perfect—all hearts and flowers and rainbows. There was a gentle pressure on her fingers. Jane was squeezing her hands with increasing force. Whoops, she thought as she noticed the beginnings of worry in his eyes. Took a little bit too long.
She smiled reassuringly at him and whispered, "One-hundred percent honest, right?"
Instantly, the worry was gone and the blinding smile back in place as he nodded at her.
"Patrick, when I met you thirteen years ago, my life changed. I was forced to take on a consultant who was arrogant, condescending, inconsiderate and manipulative. Those first couple of years I wanted to punch you out on an almost daily basis. Thank God I have patience, otherwise your face might look a lot different." The crowd chuckled in agreement as she continued. "But, gradually, I started to see you for who you really were. The arrogance gave way to confidence, the condescension was nothing more than you waiting for the rest of us mere mortals to catch up to your brilliant mind, and the inconsideration was just you trying to get to the truth, no matter the cost. The manipulation was the only thing that stayed consistent. At least it was fun to watch. Most of the time.
I can't pinpoint exactly when my feelings for you started to change. It was such a gradual process. With every kindness you'd show, every justice you helped bring to someone, every cup of decaf you'd switch out on my desk when you thought I wasn't looking, every smile, every letter…. Every time, I'd give you a little chunk of my heart. Today, you get the very last piece.
Patrick, I love you so absolutely that it should scare me. But for the first time in my life, it doesn't. I am inspired by you every single day to live my life to its fullest potential, to take pleasure in the simplest of things and from now on, to always look at the bright side. I promise to love you unconditionally, to defend you always, to share my ice cream and to protect you from the bad guys. I am so honored that you made a space for me in your heart and I cannot wait to begin our life together."
He lifted their joined hands to his lips and ghosted a quick kiss over her knuckles. "I knew I should have gone first," he murmured. He smiled softly at her and slightly shook his head.
"Teresa, when we first met, I was lost. Numb. Responsible for nothing and accountable to no one. When I walked into the CBI that day, I expected to find a bunch of cops in monkey suits. What I didn't expect was a dark-haired angel with the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen. I was instantly taken with you. You ignited something in me that I'd thought was long gone.
When we first started off together, I was arrogant. I was inconsiderate. Those qualities didn't change so much as the intent behind them did. You made me want to be better, to right my wrongs, to be someone worthy of your friendship. No matter where I was, I was always drawn back to you. Your compassion, courage and tenderness were beacons that I found irresistible. It's why I fell in love with you. Why I continue to fall in love with you every single day.
By giving me the pieces of your heart, Teresa, you mended the jagged edges of mine. When you chose me, it started truly beating again. There's room for you because it is you. You are my heart, my soul, my reason for breathing. I promise to love you until my last breath, to conspire with you, to support you in whatever path you decide to walk, and to be the one constant you can rely upon above all else. My future is you. And it's more beautiful than I could have ever imagined."
She was doing the best she could to control her tears, but the more determined ones managed to escape and make their way down her cheeks, trailing past the smile that she was sure was splitting her face in two. While Judge Hamilton turned to retrieve their rings, she whispered a slightly choked "I love you" to her very soon-to-be husband.
With slightly shaking fingers, she took Jane's hand in hers and slid the new platinum band onto his finger. She'd purposely chosen something completely different than the one resting on her chest. She didn't want there to be a question in anyone's mind that this man was taken. Even old acquaintances would notice the ring was different and realize that once again, he belonged to someone.
She couldn't look away from her hand as Jane slid her ring onto her finger. This was another moment she didn't ever want to forget. The ring felt heavy and huge, the sparkling diamond standing out in stark contrast to the paleness of her skin. It really was too much. And she loved it.
They joined hands again and vowed to love and cherish each other and then he was lifting her veil and kissing her to within an inch of her life. When they finally broke apart, the expression on his face was one of utter and complete joy. She'd never seen him look so exuberant and it was because of her. It was the most wonderful thing she'd ever seen and she would do everything in her power to make sure he wore that expression as often as possible. They both deserved that.
Jane couldn't seem to keep his hands off of her as they turned to greet their friends and family. Each time she felt his arms sneak around her, she marveled again at this new side of him. Maybe it was the spirit of the moment. Maybe it was finally being able to express their love openly and without reservations. Maybe he'd snuck a little bit of the scotch from the bar before the ceremony. Whatever the reason, she couldn't get enough.
She laughed out loud when, after giving her a hug that was almost as enthusiastic as Jane's, Abbott signaled to the DJ and yelled, "Let's get this party started!"
She was so glad she had opted for comfortable shoes. She'd been eating, dancing and eating some more for hours and was the best kind of exhausted. She looked around for her husband and smiled as she spotted him taking yet another "celebration selfie" with Cho. He caught her eye and made his way across the dance floor to take her into his arms, burying his face into the crook of her neck.
After a moment, he lifted his head and she took his smiling face in between her hands and kissed him softly. "You want to take a break?" he asked as they separated.
He took her hand and led her to the other side of the pond, to the log where he had proposed just a couple of days earlier. "I should have grabbed a blanket," he apologized as they settled on the log.
"It's fine," she replied, grabbing his hand and turning her head to watch the festivities.
They were quiet for a few moments, content to just enjoy the ambiance of the gently swirling water and twinkling lights. "How are you feeling?" he asked, smiling gently as he looked at her.
She didn't even hesitate. "I am so happy."
"Me, too'" he replied softly as he turned back to watch their guests. "Me, too."
Now was the perfect time to tell him the secret she had been keeping. She placed her free hand on her stomach, took a slight breath, and squeezed his hand to get his attention. "There's something I need to tell you."
She wasn't exactly sure how she was going to proceed after that, but one of the perks about having a Mentalist for a husband was that she really didn't need to. He caught the subtle movement of her hand rubbing over her abdomen, and his eyes flew back to hers, searching for confirmation as the hope and astonishment warred for dominance in his expression. She nodded slightly, letting him know he had guessed correctly.
He still didn't quite seem to believe her, though he couldn't keep the smile off of his face even as he shook his head in disbelief. "No, you're…you're kidding me."
She smiled back at him, slightly amused at his shock. "I'm not kidding." The joyous expression slipped from her face for just a second, replaced by a flutter of anxiety. Would this be too much for him to handle right now? Should she have waited a little bit longer to break the news?
He took her hand in both of his, still stunned, but cautiously optimistic. "You are?"
She almost laughed at his need to hear it again. Instead, she just smiled and nodded, confirming it for him one more time. "I am."
She joined in his laughter as he glanced at her stomach one more time before he tugged on her hand and pulled her in for a tender kiss. His arms encircled her once more, his hand caressing her back. She had no idea how long they stayed that way, but when she finally pulled back, his smile was luminous in the moonlight.
"I was wrong about something," he said, the wonder still evident in his gaze.
Her brow wrinkled in confusion. "Wrong about something? About what?"
"Months ago, I told you that I loved how predictable you were. Since then, you have consistently proven me wrong. Getting off of that plane, giving me a key to your home, not backing down about your job, agreeing to marry me, and now this…. You continue to surprise me, Teresa, every day. And I have never been happier to not know what's coming."
A tear ran down his cheek and she leaned in and kissed it away. "I'll do my best to keep that up. Though it might be difficult to top this one."
He chuckled softly as he stood, lifting her up with him. "We should probably get back. Would you be upset if I wanted to keep this our secret for just a little while longer?"
"No, of course not. I think we've given them enough excitement for the day. Besides, from the looks of it, Rigsby is about to start belting out karaoke. We'd never be able to compete."
It was nearly midnight before the last of the guests made their way home. Cho, Abbott, Wylie, Wayne and Grace had all promised to come back tomorrow to help clean up and return the property back to normal. Abbott had paid extra to rent everything until the next afternoon so they wouldn't have to worry about tearing everything down that night. Jane walked over to the DJ's setup and plugged his phone into the audio cable. Soft piano chords began to flow from the speakers and a rich, male voice filled her ears.
He held out his hand to her. "May I have this dance, Mrs. Jane?"
Mrs. Jane. It still felt so surreal to her, that that was who she was now. Mrs. Patrick Jane. Her arms slipped around his waist underneath his suit jacket, and she felt him press a hand against the back of her head to hold her close.
She took a deep breath in, immersed in the fragrance that was Jane and the beautiful music washing over her. "Who is this?" she asked. The voice was so familiar to her, but she couldn't quite place it.
"The song is 'When You Say You Love Me' by an artist named Josh Groban."
"Mmm," she hummed in acknowledgement. "I knew I recognized it. How did you come across his music?"
"Michelle had it playing once in her car. I swiped the CD when we got back from a crime scene." Off her affronted look, he was quick to reassure her. "Don't worry. I had it back to her before she even noticed it was gone." Or so he'd thought. About a week after that, he'd found a wrapped package stuffed in the cushions of his couch with a note. Next time, it had read, just ask.
He smiled at the memory, his arms tightening around the woman in his embrace while they swayed to the music.
She looked into his face, her expression serious for a moment. "We don't need to have this discussion now, but I thought you should know that I've been thinking about reconsidering my position on field work now that we're expecting. I don't want you to worry—"
He stopped her with a finger to her lips. "You're right. We don't need to have this conversation now. Teresa, I trust you. I know you would never do anything do endanger our daughter."
"You mean our son."
He smiled at her. "Either. Both. The point is, I meant what I said in my vow to you. I will support you wholeheartedly in whatever decision you make. We are in this together, and we will make it work. Even if I have to become a house frau."
She kissed him with all she had, and he returned it enthusiastically. When they broke apart, she buried her head in his chest. Suddenly, she started to laugh. It grew louder and louder until she was shaking in his arms.
He pulled back and looked at her and grinned, though he was slightly alarmed. "Teresa? Are you okay?"
She wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded, beaming up at him. "You know the phrase 'deliriously happy?' I finally know what that feels like. You have given me everything I never knew I wanted. My God, I love you so much. I don't remember a time when I didn't."
She felt her knees go weak as he got that look in his eye and leaned down to kiss her again, sliding his tongue into her mouth and his fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck. "My love," he whispered huskily, "our life together is going to be extraordinary. This is only the beginning."
I hope you enjoyed it. I will miss this show more than what is probably normal. It's been a while since I've put any of my writing out into the universe, so if you feel so inclined, please let me know what you think. Until next time…