Link wiped the sweat from his brow. The thick, heavy air from the volcano made him feel like he was breathing hot water into his lungs. He stumbled over to a wall and sunk down against it, his muscles aching. He had managed to get all of his items back from those stupid boklobins. It wasn't a hard process, just long. It took over an hour to get everything.

He was used to the constant running and fighting, but the small concussion he had sustained beforehand had left him feeling weaker then usual.

He closed his eyes, too sore to fly back to his home to rest, so he decided to rest while he could against the wall.

When he opened his eyes sometime later, he felt a cool breeze at his cheek. It felt amazing, and he instinctively turned towards where it was coming from.

A small cave opening was a few feet away, had he seen that before? He didn't recall, but then again he had been so tired. He forced himself to get up, his feet aching, and walked towards the cave. He unsheathed his sword just as a precaution, and walked into the mouth. The cool air felt better then anything he had felt down in this god-forsaken volcano. The sweat on his chest instantly became cool and refreshing, the cold, wetness hitting his skin. He took a few steps in and closed his eyes, leaning against the wall. This was wonderful, he would have to remember this cave for next time he was down here.

After thoroughly cooling off, he decided to press deeper and see what was inside. The deeper he went, the cooler it got, until he came upon a large empty room. It was beautiful, made of stone and ornate hand carved features. but it was just plain empty. Well that was disappointing...nothing down here.

He walked into the room and looked around, closely at the walls, maybe there was a secret door? He pushed on a few of the stones but nothing happened. He decided to walk back, to continue on his adventure, when he heard something behind him. It was like a hissing noise. He spun around and quickly looked for the source. It seemed to be coming from the tall ceiling. He spotted why it was hissing, it was omitting a pink fume that gently floated down on top of link. He looked around curiously, what in the world could this mist be?

He put his sword away and pressed on the walls some more, perhaps he had pressed a button when he was messing around?

But as he pushed on the walls, he began to feel weak. His arms suddenly very heavy. His legs began to fail him and he fell to his knees. He began to panic and turned to crawl back out of the room, but when he turned his heart skipped a beat. There was no door in sight! Was he going crazy? He knew it had been right behind him!

He heard Fi from behind him. "Master, this gas is poisonous. It seems to be affecting your central nervous system. I detect a 100% chance you will pass out if you remain in here much longer."

"She's quite right, you know..." Link jerked his head towards the direction of the voice. He knew that terrible, evil voice anywhere. Ghirahim.

"Another minuet or so and you will no longer be awake. I must admit, this was one of my better ideas, see I know how curious you are and you couldn't resist the coolness. It's just too bad for you..."

"Let me out!" Link said beginning to feel his head spin.

"Let me ask you one simple, quick question first, boy...where is the girl?" He stood with his arms crossed, seemingly unaffected by the pink gas filling the room.

"You know I'm not going to tell you...anything...about her-" he began to pant. His lungs now burning with each breath he inhaled. He slowly grabbed his sword and with enormous effort swung it weakly at him. Ghirahim mearly stepped back and laughed. Then kicked the sword from his hand. Link watched it slide away through the mist.

He looked up at Ghirahim with a nasty look.

"Give it...back..." He gasped, "coward!"

"I may be alot of things sky brat but coward is not one of them. Cunning, deceptive, intelligent? Yes. But not a coward. I have no doubt that if you were standing you could harm me with that sword. But not because your strong, because the sword is."

Links vision was growing black around the edges, his body sinking slowly towards the ground, gravity suddenly feeling like it was pulling mercilessly on him.

"Don't worry young one...I have many more methods of making you talk..."

Links eyes closed and he stilled.