Interrogation; Epilogue

They made it to their reservation on time, and even somewhat composed. Shikamaru had planned a fairy tale date, complete with the large and beautiful flowers he ordered and the best roof top table the restaurant had to offer. It was a perfect night that Shikamaru had planned out for weeks, and he wasn't about to let a little hitch with Temari's brothers ruin the experience. A dinner under the stars, just him and her in the beautiful roof top garden. There was a live band playing, and in between intermissions a violinist would take the stage and play something romantic. The food was made to perfection and they ate and drank and laughed until the moon was high in the sky, shining down on them in the navy blue blanket sky surround by twinkling stars. All plans of going shopping or anything like that went out the window, they ended up getting lost in conversation. It was mostly light and bubbly conversation, an undertone of romance to every topic. After two glasses of wine, Temari got more talkative, opened up a little bit more. Shikamaru had never really seen her flirt before this dinner, she was good at it. From playing with her necklace to draw attention to her cleavage to gently rubbing her leg against his, Temari had kept Shikamaru on pins and needles.

"Can you believe what Gaara said?" Temari laughed, a look of bewilderment in her eyes. "He's my composed, smart, level headed, kazekage little brother- I mean sure, I would expect something like that from Kankuro, but Gaara?"

"I know, it took me by surprise too." Shikamaru said, putting down his glass of red wine. "I suppose he's just being a protective brother, though. I can't really blame him."

"But still, blood type, asking about your parents, asking you if you were married- and don't even get me on the sex talk he gave you!" Temari rolled her eyes. "I swear, I don't know what I'm going to do with them."

Shikamaru shrugged and smiled. "I just hope one day they'll let me take over as your protecter."

Temari smiled back. "Nice try, I don't need a protecter, I can protect myself."

"I know." Shikamaru reached out his hand and placed it on top of hers. "I guess I'm kinda selfish, I just want all you to myself."

Temari blushed, and looked down onto the buildings around them, the streets and windows lit up with lights as they finished off a their desert. They didn't say much else until the end of the meal, Shikamaru payed the heavy bill with ease, thankful that he had been more of a saver than a spender.

"It's a shame that both my brothers are still up right now, they're going to stay up until I come home." Temari moved her leg gently up his. "I would have really liked to spend some more time with you."

Shikamaru felt his heart jump. "Mhm." He managed to mutter, finishing off his last bit of wine. "It would be a shame if wether was to suddenly prevent you from going home."

"What does that mean?" Temari stood up as Shikamaru pulled out her chair for her. "Do you have something planned?"

"Temari, darling," Shikamaru payed the man at the door for a black wooden handle umbrella, opening it as soon at the door man let them out. Opening the umbrella, like a queue, a loud sound of smashing thunder hit. "I'm always three steps ahead."

"What?" Temari peered around the umbrella as a thin sheet of rain began falling down, looking around in awe. "Are you joking? It hardly ever rains here!"

"Expect for the cloud shift that comes once every couple of years. It's warm water falling, but still, it's water. The warm water can affect the ground, so it's not really safe until the next days sun dries it out. I may or may not have charted the patterns to find a convenient date to take you out on a home visit." Shikamaru moved a bit closer to her so no water would get on her. "What can I say? I'm a strategist."

"So you took in the possibly of getting laid after all, hu?" Temari raised an eyebrow before wrapping an arm around his waist. "Well well, Mr Strategist. Where do you suppose we go?"

"We could always go to that five star hotel I booked with a top floor suite and sound proof walls, I mean, if the weather permits." Shikamaru said smoothly.

"Now I can see why my brothers gave you such a hard time." Temari linked arms with him. "They're going figure out that you planned this, you know. Then you'll really have some hot water to deal with."

"Does that mean you don't want to go?" Shikamaru pulled her closer, looking down into her teal eyes that were sparkling with mischief.

"Are you kidding me?" She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. "I wouldn't rather be anywhere else."


Scroll past the authors notes for a bonus part.


Authors notes;

Sorry it took so long, but the Epilogue is finally here! The conclusion to the one shot "Interrogation"! It was all in the plans after all, Shikamaru, you sly dog you. It may seem like a bit of a stretch until you really think about it- I feel like Shikamaru would track down weather patterns just to find a way to sneakily get it on with Temari. I'm trying to write more one shot's and maybe a chapter story, so thanks for everyone who followed and favorites! (I was going to maybe do a Naruto High story- over done, but a guilty pleasure of mine. I'm still debating.) Anyway, hopefully more one-shots will be on their way by the end of the week (I don't have any written yet) Also if you haven't checked out my new Shika Tema story Summer Days, the second installment of the three parter is coming soon, so stay patient!

And as always thank you SO much for reading, if you enjoyed a review is always appreciated and I will see you all in the next story. Chow for now my lovely people.

-Pink Peaches.


Ignore this part. Or don't. I aint Suna's odd weather patterns.

Words: 1307

File: 2/1

Status: Complete

I don't own Naruto, because If I did, Suna would get a lot more thunder storms. Aww Yeuah.



Gaara sat across from Kankuro, the clock ticking away time slowly as they played poker.

"I fold." Kankuro said, laying down his cards flat. "Where do you think they are right now?"

"Maybe they're still out at the restaurant." Gaara laid down his cards as well, showing his bluff. "It's late, I'm sure they'll be home soon."


Thunder slammed down, so loudly it made Kankuro jump nearly out of his skin.

"What the hell? Thunder?" The puppet master got up and walked to the window, opening up the blinds as rain began to cascade down from the sky. "Great, one of those rare rainstorms. It always makes such a mess of the sand."

"It makes the roads and pathways dangerous." Gaara said, walking over to stand beside his brother. "I wonder if that's why Temari's late?"

A grey bird with a scroll in it's claws was flying towards them, it landed outside the window and tapped it's beak against the class a few times. Opening it up, Kankuro took the scroll and patted the wet bird on it's head.

"This is Temari's messenger bird." Kakuro let the bird hop onto his shoulder. "Think she got caught in this storm?"

Gaara took the scroll and unrolled it, reading it aloud.

'Dear Gaara and Kankuro.

Due to the sudden and unexpected change in the weather, the roads are no longer safe to travel for now. You of all people know the drill that it's dangerous to travel in this type of rain. Until the roads and walkways dry by tomorrow morning, we will be spending the night at a nearby hotel. You should both go to bed, I'll be home tomorrow. Don't worry, I'm fine.

-Sincerely, Temari.'

There was a moment of pause, and Gaara slowly closed the scroll, looking back out the window with Kankuro. After a couple of moments of nothing but the sound of the storm, Kankuro finally spoke.

"Hey, Kankuro?" Gaara turned to him as raindrops splashed against the window. "You don't think he-"

"No." Kankuro said, narrowing his eyes, watching more dark clouds roll in. "He couldn't have, could he?"

"Well." Gaara folded his arms, scowling. "He is a strategist."

"You know what?" Kankuro scowled back at his brother as they shared the same fear. "Temari said 'we' will be spending the night in a hotel- not 'I' will be spending the night in a hotel."

There was another moment of pause.

"I think first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to go pay Shikamaru a little visit." Kankuro said, walking over to his weapons board and pulling off a kunai knife. "Would you like to come along too?"

"Are you kidding me?" Gaara looked back at his brother, mischief sparkling in his teal eyes as he cracked his knuckles loudly. "I wouldn't rather be anywhere else."
