Happy KanoKido day~ Also, this is my super duper late Christmas gift to my wonderful friend, NekuSakuraba101. Forgive me for the terrible delay.
This was pretty short, and I would have posted this right away if it weren't for the pile of schoolwork that would surely trouble me later. But anyway, enjoy~
Whether Kido's busy with chores or simply trying to sit alone immersed in her music to pass the time, it's rare to not have Kano around. And often, he'd make his presence known by latching onto her arm or wrapping his own skinny ones around her waist.
At times, it infuriates her—specifically when, out of surprise, she breaks a plate or puts in too much salt into whatever she's cooking—but usually she's fine with it.
She could say she's used to the close proximity with him already, especially since she used to be the clingy one. Well, okay, she still is on stormy (outside of the comforts of their apartment or just inside her head) nights.
Thing is, Kido knew there's something more in this role reversal than just Kano teasing her. She could just feel it.
No, not that fluttering feeling in her stomach, but this some kind of urgency she senses in the way he squeezes her hand or tightens her hold on her, despite that fabricated smile plastered on his face.
He never talked about it, of course. He rarely ever opens up. And like a silent agreement, Kido could only offer her company, in the same way he does when she refuses to talk about her own troubles. Neither of them is good at comforting words, so just each other's mere presence was enough.
Or is it, really? Kido had always wondered.
Because with each tear that breaks through his mask, with each time his eyes would glow red, she would sure want to know the reason why.
She sighed as she rested her head back on the couch. It's either Kano's asleep, or he's outside.
"What does he even do there, anyway?" she muttered. "Talk to the grave…?" she paused, closing her eyes. "Guess she still knows more of his secrets than I do."
She sat up straight right then at the sound of jiggling keys outside. The door was opened just enough for her much-awaited housemate to squeeze through.
Kano looked around the dark apartment before trudging towards his room, only to find it locked. He fumbled with the knob for a while, until he dropped his keys. Deliberately hitting his head on the door twice, Kano finally gave up and went back to the living room.
Kido sat perfectly still the whole time, watching Kano who now made his way towards her—well, towards the couch. She's made herself invisible just before he entered, as she was in the mood to scare him a few moments ago. But now that he stopped short a few inches from her spot on the end of the couch, she was frozen.
He knew she was there.
And it unnerved her how he only stood there, staring down at the invisible her.
A long moment passed before he finally shrugged and moved to lie down on the couch, the back of his head landing square on her lap.
She yelped in pain as Kano laughed, his red eyes completely hiding what Kido assumed was a tired expression.
"You can't scare me," he poked her cheek, "because I always find Kido first~"
"Hmph." She slapped his hand away. "You've been out late again."
"Sorry, I won't do it again."
She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right."
Outside, it started to rain.
Kano sat up suddenly just then, almost hitting her.
"Hey—!" Kido was cut short when Kano wrapped his arms around her from her side and started nuzzling his cheek against her shoulder.
"Was Kido waiting for me?"
"W-well, I just can't sleep just yet, and there's nothing else to do…"
"Ah." Kano nodded before resting his head against hers. It didn't take long before he started to get heavy.
"Oi," she tried shrugging him off carefully, "go to your room if you're going to sleep."
He only grunted in response.
"Come on, I'll help you open your door." She now attempted to pry his arms off her waist instead.
"Can I hug you, Kido?" Kano tightened his hold on her.
"W-what?" Kido stopped moving, quite alarmed at his tone. She glanced at his face. His eyes were closed, but he looked anything but peaceful. "A-aren't you doing that already?"
He opened his eyes right then and smiled. "I'll take that as a yes." Kano then carefully turned her to face him so he could hug her properly, with his face now buried on her neck.
"Kano…?" She hugged him back. "What's wrong?"
"You're really warm, you know. It reminds me of a lot of stuff."
"You… have their warmth."
"I don't want to let go of it anymore." His voice started to shake, and Kido could feel her neck starting to get wet.
"But I could only wish. Because one day, surely, Kido would find something she wants to do, fall in love, start a family—"
"What are you talking about?" She gently pulled back and took his tear-stained face in her hands. "I'll never leave your side." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, touching her forehead with his. "I've got everything I'll ever need right here already."
There was silence.
Kido kept her eyes closed, afraid she might ruin the moment. But Kano was taking too long to respond, so she squint her eyes open.
He was grinning. "Is that a confession, Tsubomi?"
She gritted her teeth and shoved him away. "So that was a trap?" She crossed her arms in front of her.
Kano chuckled, sitting up. "No, not really. I love you too."
Kido gasped, wide-eyed. She could feel her face rapidly heating up. "W-what?"
He leaned closer. "I love you too~"
"You—ah!" She tackled him when lightning flashed. She held on to him as loud thunder boomed. Upon calming down, she realized they're now lying on the couch, Kano's arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders. "Sorry. Y-you can let go now."
"Nah. It'll be a stormy night. Haven't you been watching the news?"
"Wow, that's coming from you who's been outside all the time… wait, so you already know that, but you still went out? What if you got caught in the rain or—"
"Hey, Kido. Look up here."
"Huh?" She frowned at being interrupted, but followed anyway. "What now?"
A light peck landed on her forehead. "Thank you."
I haven't written KanoKido fics for a while now, and I missed it, and I'm kind of afraid I'm losing my touch... :( Thus, this super short (and probably the shortest one I've ever made) fic. But um, what do you guys think? Please tell me through reviews! ;)