C1 Birthday Gift
Richmond Virginia
At a house in a respectable area of Richmond banners of coloured cotton were fluttering in the gentle summer breeze. In the sky the sun was setting illuminating the white woodwork with oranges, pinks and purples. On the road smart carriages were dropping people off while others were walking along the pavement. Though the wrought iron gate people walked up the garden path passed the manicured lawn to the front door.
At the door stood Dr Solomon Judge, a middle aged man with sharp hazel eyes, short grey hair and trimmed beard. Standing next to him was his wife Edith, a slight women with brown verging on black hair and stunning blue eyes. Both were dressed in their best. Tonight they were hosting an extravagant party to celebrate the birthday of their youngest son.
Dr Judge was a senior surgeon at the city hospital, talented and well respected by his colleagues. Yet there was a stink around Judge, the stink of bastardry. Solomon was the acknowledged bastard son of the late Judge Tolbert. Marriage into a respectable family combined with medical brilliance and charm had won him acceptance, yet still the bastard stink hug around the family.
As the last of their guests arrived Solomon and Edith looked around at the party. In the centre of a group of young people, happily drinking and gossiping stood their eldest son Daniel. A gifted student currently at medical school in Boston, Daniel was everyone's friend with a streak of devilment that had been landing him in trouble of late.
Trouble led to beatings from Solomon, for Solomon ruled his house with iron if required. Iron in the form of cruel words and quick fist, especially when fuelled by drink. Hidden from sight by medical skill that ensured any injury was treated swiftly or inflicted on areas covered by clothing. The world had no idea of the truth beneath the surgeon's coat so held him up as a model man, respectable in all areas but birth.
Upstairs the birthday boy Mathew was leaning on the banister looking down on the scene below. Shoulder length black hair, clean shaven in his best suit Matthew cut a dashing figure. Looking down Matthew caught sight of the parents talking to local notables; a judge, a bank manager and an army general and their wives. The very scene disgusted Matthew.
"There you are Twinkle, Mother wants you downstairs double quick."
Looking up Matthew saw Daniel lollop up the stairs, glass in hand and an affable smile on his face.
"She would," Matthew muttered.
"Well the guest of honour can't miss his own party. The drink is good and the girls will be lining up to dance with you," Daniel replied well naturedly.
"Well excuse me for not wanting to be surrounded by a bunch of stuck up hypocrites."
"Well the older generation are a trifle stuck up but we have plenty of friends down there. Not to mention the number of girls there are," Daniel replied with a wink. "Besides Mother and Father have gone to some trouble."
"They are the biggest hypocrites of them all."
"Well Twinkle the local gossips expect a party for the 18th birthday of the son of a respectable family."
"You had the honour of being the oldest, can't see why they need to do it for me…." Matthew shrugged.
"Party like this enhances Father's position and Mother wants to show off her little Matthew."
"Mother. I knew this was her idea."
"Well either you walk down with me or Father will drag you down."
"Fine, I'll come," Mathew muttered darkly.
"Relax Twinkle it won't be bad, a few drinks then you'll be happy, might even enjoy yourself."
"Like you?" Matthew asked catching a whiff of his brother's breath.
"Exactly. Father will make a speech so you'll have to get through that, then the fun will begin."
Side by side the Judge Brothers walked downstairs. Entering the main reception room Edith kissed both of them on the cheek, a radiant smile on her face. Matthew's school friends greeted him by pushing a whisky into his hand. Downing it a whoosh of fire surged down to his toes. Before he could say a word a drink of a green liquid was pushed into his hand by his best friend Elliot Bishop. Taking a sip Matthew felt a jolt of electricity race through his veins. Smiling broadly Matthew turned to his friends and the girls who were mingling freely. Catching the eye of a pretty daughter of an anaesthetist, Matthew asked her to dance. Encouraged by his lead, Matthew's friends took the plunge, each one asking a different girl to dance.
Time slipped passed. Drinks with unknown names slipped down Matthew's throat, including another couple of glasses of that green liquid. Dance came after dance, the girls easily charmed by the boys and charming them in return. Turning around to take a drink Matthew saw his parents dancing together, utter delight written across both their faces.
As the song ended Edith and Solomon walked onto the stage that had been erected. At the same time two rockets screeched into the night sky. A three tiered cake decorated in blue icing was wheeled into the centre of the dance floor. The cake was lavishly decorated with an intricate pattern of white icing that contrasted beautifully with the dark blue background. Stepping forward Solomon beckoned to Matthew to join him on the stage. With a slight feeling of apprehension Matthew joined his parents on the stage. Servants appeared baring trays of champagne and fruit juice for the guests. Once everyone had a glass Solomon stepped forward.
"Thank you all for joining my family to celebrate Matthew's birthday. Eighteen, he is a man yet still I remember the day he was born. I am proud to call this smart young man my son. A man soon to begin his own medical career and in a few years hopefully join our own hospital. To mark Matthew's day I have a special gift."
Reaching into his jacket pocket Solomon drew out a red velvet box. With a kind smile he handed the box to Matthew. Opening the box Matthew found a gold ring set with red stones, engraved inside the band was his name. Matthew held the ring up to the light. He was deeply touched by the gift.
"Thank you Father, Mother," Matthew said blushing.
"A toast. To Matthew Judge!" Solomon said.
The call went up from every guest as they raised a toast in Matthew's honour. On the stage Solomon and Edith each placed a hand on their son's shoulder, pride and loving shining in their eyes. In that moment Matthew felt on top of the world.