Arthur knew he was sulking as he threw himself into the oversized armchair, then took a gulp of the beer he'd poured for himself. That would show Merlin who was always complaining about how Arthur couldn't seem to do anything on his own. He didn't need anyone to pour his drinks. He didn't need anyone to schedule his day down to the very last second. And he most certainly didn't need a babysitter.

"I suppose it'll be too much to ask you to stop scowling."

As Merlin walked into the room, Arthur rolled his eyes and took another gulp from the beer. "I'm not a kid. I don't need a babysitter."

"For the last time, you're getting a bodyguard. Not a babysitter." Merlin took a seat on the other oversized armchair in the room. He'd gotten his own glass and sipped from it.

"Are you drinking on the job, Merlin?"

"Being your Private Secretary is a 24/7 job. If I didn't drink on the job, I'd be a teetotaller."

Arthur drained his glass. "You must have been drunk when you decided I needed a babysitter."

"Have you forgotten that someone has been sending you weird love letters that end with threats of mutilation and death?" Merlin emptied his own glass, stood and took Arthur's glass, setting them on the side table. "Sometimes, I wonder if you even care about your own safety."

That familiar feeling of bitterness threatened to rise, but with a ruthlessness honed from years of hiding his emotions, Arthur shoved it back down. Instead, he plastered a mocking smile on his face, one he knew Merlin hated, and said, "No more than my father does."

He heard Merlin sigh and he braced himself for another of Merlin's talks, almost disappointed when it didn't materialise. "She should be here soon."

"She?" Now this was an interesting development. Arthur had refused to listen to anything Merlin had to say about his new babysitter ever since Merlin broke the news. But if his new babysitter was a woman, then perhaps Arthur might be able to have a bit of fun.

"If you think she's going to be a pushover, you can think again," sighed Merlin. "She runs a very reputable security agency in Albion and it's only because you're the prince that she made time to do this."

"Brilliant," said Arthur. "Once more, my title comes to the rescue."

Merlin stood and Arthur knew for sure the talk was coming. "You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You're the Crown Prince for goodness sake. Millions would want to change lives with you."

"Would you?" When Merlin hesitated, Arthur smirked. "When you find these people who want my life, let me know."

"Arthur –"

But whatever Merlin was about to say was interrupted by a sharp knock on the door.

"Come in!"

George opened the door and after a little bow, introduced the woman Arthur assumed was to be his babysitter. "Guinevere Degrance, your highness."

When George stepped aside, a slender, young woman with her hair swept back into a tight bun, walked towards him. Her curtsey was awkward, not helped by the tight pants she wore.

"Your highness." Her easy confidence was different. Arthur was far more used to people who were either so full of nerves that normal conversation became impossible or so blatant with their desire to impress that they annoyed him.

"You look a little too young and small to protect my life," he said.

Her perfectly shaped eyebrows rose. "Appearances can be deceiving." Then after a moment's hesitation, she tacked on his title. "Your highness."

"Ms Degrance, thank you for coming." Merlin stepped neatly in between them and shook her hand firmly. "Shall we take a seat and discuss your plans for his highness's safety?"

"If we must," said Arthur. As Merlin ushered Guinevere to the large table that dominated his office, he walked over to the bar and poured himself another drink. He felt like he would need it. The two of them were seated at the table and Guinevere had pulled out various sheets of paper which Merlin was looking at. "Well, what are we discussing?"

Guinevere looked up at him briefly, then back at the papers on his table. "This is my security plan for you, your highness."

"I don't know why we can't use the usual palace security," grumbled Arthur as he sat down and pulled the papers to him. He glanced at them but nothing made sense, not that he tried very hard to understand them. Lifting his head, he waved his hand lazily over the papers and said, "Please, tell me what grand plans you have. I'm dying of curiosity."

Merlin frowned at his tone but said nothing. Guinevere, either completely oblivious to the tension in the air or very adept at ignoring it, gently pulled the papers back, spread them out across his table and started to explain her plan. Arthur didn't hear a word of it. No, that wasn't true. He heard something about how Guinevere would be by his side all the time but the rest of her plans went over his head as he paid attention instead to the line of her neck, the length of her eyelashes and the slenderness of her fingers.

"It's a small, discreet operation, as you requested, Mr Emrys, and so only two other agents will be involved."

Merlin nodded. "Confidentiality is of utmost importance. As you know, Arthur has been involved in a few – uh – indiscretions –"

Arthur snorted and leaned back in the chair, pushing the back as far as it went. "No need to mince your words, Merlin. What he's talking about is that huge drama with Vivian. I'm sure you heard of it. It did end with that drunken brawl outside that famous night club whose name I cannot recall now."

Something flashed in Guinevere's eyes but her voice was bland when she answered. "I don't indulge in the gossip columns, your highness."

"Pity," muttered Arthur as he brought his glass to his lips. "Lots of useful information there."

"As I was saying, the King would like to ensure Arthur's safety without causing another fuss in the gossip columns. So it's very important that this whole matter stays confidential. That's why we aren't using the palace security because any changes to the schedule will be a source of gossip."

He was missing something. "If changing the palace security schedule would lead to gossip, wouldn't some strange girl following me around be even more gossip fodder?"

Merlin and Guinevere exchanged looks. Then Merlin sighed. "I wondered why you didn't react. I guess you weren't listening again."

"What? What did I miss?"

"Ms Degrance will be posing as your new girlfriend until we uncover who is behind those letters."

"You're kidding." Arthur looked at Merlin, then at Guinevere. Neither looked like they were anything but serious. "Anyone with half a brain will look her up and realise that she runs whatever her agency is called. And I can't see how that wouldn't encourage more gossip."

"That's why we're not going to lie about that," said Guinevere. Although her face remained expressionless, Arthur could hear the tempered annoyance in her voice. "Your girlfriend just happens to be the head of a security firm. Believe me, your highness, my job ensures I keep my identity as private as possible. There really isn't much to discover about me online. As for the gossip, you could take a walk around the Camelot Gardens and that would lead to gossip."

"I thought you didn't read the gossip columns."

It looked like a flush on her cheeks. "I don't. But that doesn't mean I'm ignorant. Gossip is inevitable when it comes to you. Everyone wants to know what the bad boy prince is up to next. But hopefully, our fake relationship will be dull enough to avoid the worse and more importantly, not cue the papers to the love threats you're getting."

"You know the press will tear you apart if they hear you are getting threatening love letters," said Merlin. "Your reputation guarantees that they will spin the whole thing to make it your fault."

Taking another swallow of his drink to wash away the anger that was threatening to surface, Arthur deliberately let his eyes roam over her body, lingering at the curve of her breasts. Then he smirked at her, enjoying the slight tightening of her lips, and said, "I suppose you look good enough that people might buy that I'm attracted to you."

"Arthur." Warning laced Merlin's voice.

"Hey, I'm just the Prince of Albion. It's not like I have any control over my life apparently. If I am to have a new girlfriend, then I'll have a new girlfriend."

Guinevere stood and picked up the papers. "I think I should take my leave. Do let me know if the arrangement is suitable for you, Mr Emrys." She turned her brown eyes on him and nodded curtly. "Your highness."

"You should really curtsey," Arthur called to her back. "It's protocol."

The door closed with a restrained click, making more of a statement than if she had slammed it. Arthur looked at Merlin who looked like he was about to kill Arthur.

"This is completely ridiculous. I get letters like this all the time. People want to marry me. People want to kill me. People want me to give them tons of money. It's not a big deal."

"We're trying to rehabilitate your reputation as well," said Merlin. "And these letters are different from the ones you usually get. We believe they originate from within the palace."

That was new. Or maybe Merlin had mentioned it before but Arthur hadn't listened. "Within the palace?"

"There's too much inside information in those letters."

For the first time since Arthur started receiving those letters, he felt a shiver of worry. "And you think they are a threat."

"No, Arthur. I hired Ms Degrance because I like her face."

Arthur smiled. "She does have a nice face although I never knew you felt this way about the fairer sex."

When Merlin bit down on a smile, Arthur felt his spirits rise. "You know I don't. And you know I wouldn't subject you to this without a good reason. As much of a pain you are, I rather not see you dead."

"You're probably the only one who thinks that way," said Arthur, raising his glass. "But I appreciate it. Alright, bring on the babysitter-girlfriend."

"You are an ass."

"Can't argue with that."

AN: Clearly I am unable to stay away from modern AUs. Someone mentioned a lack of modern AUs with Arthur as a prince too. Anyway, this happened.