So I've been thinking about writing this for a while. I figured I'd try to finish the first chapter to see how much I like it, but I do so far! Please enjoy! Based on the Maroon 5 song 'Animals.'
He knew he fell in love when those green eyes met his. Eren Jaeger. His name was honey on his tongue and music to his ears. The sight of the brunet's olive skin and unruly hair made his heart swell with need, among something else more appropriate for a dark bedroom. The brat's sensual sway of hips with each step he took teased him to no end and his smile was almost sinful. His voice filled with gentleness and strength made his knees weak. His touch, as small as he received them, spread like wildfire across his skin. His body filled with want whenever he heard, saw or smelled him. Out of everything in his life, Levi knew he wanted one thing that gave him warmth at the mere thought of him. Levi Ackerman wanted Eren Jaeger.
Was it love? It could only be. Was it an obsession? Most likely. Did Levi give a shit? Not even if you paid him.
His life was somewhat monotonous before the hurricane known as Eren Jaeger stormed into Kenny's butcher shop where he worked. Though not the pleasantest of all jobs, it showcased his skill for cutting up flesh. Besides, it helped pay the bills that being a photographer couldn't cover. It was harder to be one if his interest was low. As a photographer, he found it to be difficult at times to find a muse.
He had seen it all. From grass fields and tall city structures to mountains and monuments. Over time, he grew bored of the same thing to the point where he spent more time butchering than he did taking pictures. There was nothing exciting about the scenery he once found freedom in. Now he felt imprisoned by his own boredom. His simple works were all framed and nailed to the walls in the shop. Every picture he had taken in the last few years was sold for a decent price. Nothing was worth keeping at his apartment. They only served to prove his lonely heart and disinterest.
But his new muse was Eren Jaeger. He had sprung in one sunny afternoon on Levi's break with Mikasa, a regular customer who had a tendency to complain about Levi's cuts. He just jacked them up on purpose to piss her off, but other than that, they were cool. But the angel before him shone in the sunlight, emanating purity with his smile. Levi felt that it was directed at him. In that second, their eyes met. And something in Levi's heart fluttered. Emotions he forgotten he had spiked through the roof and he gave the smallest smile back to him. Eren's increased ten-fold because of it. His heart was going to burst out of his chest.
Kenny had grinned and asked Mikasa who Eren was, teasingly asking if it was her boyfriend. 'Shut the fuck up, Kenny. He's mine,' Levi had growled thoughtfully. But luckily, Eren answered for himself and said that the two were friends, supported by Mikasa's nod. Then he did something that made Levi's heart ignite.
"I play for the other team," he had said, subtly winking at Levi. Levi. Him. He was too tongue-tied to answer or even introduce himself. But Mikasa filled in, telling Eren his name. Eren's gentle smile re-directed to him and Levi was quick to say hi. When Eren held out his hand, he took the opportunity to grasp it, not minding the mildly rough feel of his fingers. He vaguely wondered if his lips felt the same.
"I'm Eren Jaeger, part-time model on the weekends and full-time swim coach for the kids at Rose's Daycare." A model? Perfect job for a face and body like his. Mikasa giggled a bit.
"His hands are pretty rough for a model, aren't they?" No, they were perfect. Eren waved her away.
"That's why I'm not a hand model. Besides, we have photoshop." Someone like him didn't have flaws worth hiding. Kenny's brows rose.
"If you're a model, then maybe you could do a shoot with Levi. He's a photographer. See the pictures on the walls? All by him." Eren looked impressed as he turned around the room to the different photos, grinning at Levi.
"You're a photographer? Sorry if I sound rude, but what are you doing here? These pictures look awesome!" It made everyone, even Levi, laugh. It was surprising since anyone else who asked him that got a 'fuck off, none of your business.'
"It pays if I don't take pictures. I don't do it as often as before." Eren seemed to understand. He took a small step closer, inspecting his eyes. He could probably see how burnt out he was when he mentioned his step away from photography.
"Did you..." his voice dipped lower for only Levi to hear, "lose interest?"
How did he read him so easily? But he didn't have the heart to deny it. It was the truth after all.
"Yes," he admitted. Eren's sunny smile was back.
"Then maybe I'll need to keep it up if you let me model for you." Was that flirting in his tone? And another wink? Oh, hell yeah. 'That's not the only thing you're keeping up for me.'
And when Eren turned to leave with Mikasa, Levi got a good look at his shapely, well-toned ass.
That night, he grunted Eren's name multiple times throughout the night, imagining his hands as Eren's as they ran up and down his erection.
And that's what bud the obsession. His looks had him hooked in a matter of seconds. But behind that face was a fiery personality. Eren radiated confidence, which came off at times as arrogant, but it added to his sex appeal. Levi had walked by Rose's Daycare where he worked, helping children swim as he spoke firmly and kind to them, but was quick to snap at any out-of-line comments from the snarky brats.
His smile to the kids was sweet and innocent as they all clung to him and asked him how to do swims or to sing the song from Small Siren. His voice was reminiscent to an angel's.
When he ran into Eren some days, the brunet was quick to ask him to go out for coffee and Levi agreed instantly. Eren was easy to talk to and basically told Levi his life story, wanting to know more about Levi in return. He was from Shiganshina, seeking work away from home and loving working with kids. He begged Levi to show him his photography work one day and Levi loved how bright his eyes got when Levi told him about the places he went to for photography. He looked more excited than Levi and when he left to go to work, he gave him a wink that left the raven hungry for more.
But something in him screamed that he was being creepy. He only knew him for a few days and he was being disturbingly obsessive.
To put his mind to ease, he went to his best friend Erwin's club for drinks and a sympathetic ear that wasn't his other best friend's. Hanji would encourage him to pursue Eren, but even she would be disgusted if he told her how he really felt. Luckily, Erwin didn't nag too much.
At the club, he ordered a White Russian and Erwin got a Sazerac, a drink Levi hadn't seen him get in ages unless he was troubled. Looks like he wasn't the only one talking tonight.
In Erwin's office, they sat away from each other on two couches, Erwin already taking sips of his Sazerac. Levi only had a lick of his drink, the kahlua strong on his tongue. Erwin took a breath, looking stressed. He held up a finger for Levi to wait, then grabbed his cellphone and called.
"Mike. Is there…? Ah." Levi saw disappointment in his eyes. "Okay. Thank you."
He put his phone down and Levi noticed how depressed he looked. He put his drink down, deciding not to add to it. He wanted to talk about a hot younger guy and that look from Erwin only meant he was hung up about someone.
"Want to talk about it?" he asked stiffly. Erwin took a sip of his drink, shaking his head with a small smile.
"I don't know how to put it into words. When my head's together, I'll let you know." He hadn't seen Erwin like this in forever. Erwin tipped his head back to catch the rest of the drink caught in the ice. He promptly ordered another by phone. He cleared his throat.
"So, what's happening in your misery?" he asked, smiling knowingly at his scowl. "We've known each other since boyhood. I know you well enough."
Levi took a small sip, contemplating how to tell Erwin.
"I sort of met someone." At this, Erwin's eyebrows rose.
"You met someone? And convinced them to date your, what did Hanji call it? Ah, your 'undateable, sour puss ass?'" Levi swore he was gonna punch her the next time they meet. Erwin chuckled, taking his drink when a server entered the office. As quick as she came, she left. Thank God.
"We're not dating...I'm just..."
"Interested?" Erwin cut in smoothly. "That's normal. Have you attempted to ask him out? How much do you like this person?"
The words came out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Just thinking of Eren lit a fire in his stomach and he wanted nothing more than to go home and pretend he had Eren in his arms.
"I'm obsessed with him." It flew over Erwin's head. To the blonde, he assumed that the alcohol was talking even though Levi hadn't had a lot. But there was more going on in his head and he wasn't preoccupied with helping his friend.
After a regular catch up, Levi bid Erwin goodbye and already had a feeling of what was to come when he reached his apartment.
He took a shower, trying to relieve the weight off his shoulders. He wanted Eren so badly that he dreamed of days where the two would be together like some sappy couple. That smile, his sweet demeanor, that flirty side that turned him on. His heart ached for it all. Sitting in his bed, Levi leaned back and let his hands touch his cock. He ran his fingers along the shaft, gripping and thumbing his slit. Precum slicked his fingers as he jacked himself off, his mind wrapped around Eren. Moans escaped his mouth, his hand working faster as he imagined his soft hands touching him, saying his name in that sweet voice-
There was a knock on his door, pulling him out of his reverie. His eyes snapped open. His fantasy dissipated to nothing while he hurried to put his pants on. To say he was pissed was an understatement. He was livid. Who the fuck would be knocking at one in the morning? And the bastard stopped him from thinking about Eren.
He yanked the door open, blood freezing in his veins. He knew those eyes anywhere.
My Animals song AU! I'm really trying not to make it as disturbing as the Maroon 5 video. Next chapter preview:
"Could you be a really awesome neighbor and let me sleep over tonight?"
"His name is Armin. He never told me his last name."
"Hey, Levi! I wanna introduce you to my friend. This is Armin."
"Wanna go out with me? I'd really like to get to know my neighbor."