This is just a story for fun. I don't know how this story will turns out, perhaps this will be forgotten after a certain amount of time, or I will continue writing the story till the end. But all this depends to how to story is heading and how you guys think about it, if you have better ideas that is far more better than mine, then I would love to edit my past chapters or story and go with that idea you have provided.

So anyway this is a cross-over fanfiction, a mix between Percy Jackson and Fate Stay Night, where Emiya Shirou had died and offered an opportunity to save people, but instead of being a Counter Guardian, Shirou was a special case and was sent to the world where all gods and monsters exist.

Also a side note, I don't have the most precise or best grammar, I am an Asian, so please don't judge me too harsh, thank you.

So now, let the story begin!

The sky was orange as it approached dusk. The air was filled with dusts as a warm breeze blew. The land was full of sand, and not a single sign of water, nor a spot of wetness were visible on the ground, this was one of the few towns located at the desert, and it was the last stand where Emiya Shirou had his last fight.

The want-to-be-hero had killed thousands, only to save a far larger number of people, and as the endless cycle went on, the hero's willpower was crumbling, a house of cards made of iron and steel, but nonetheless brittle and fragile.

But even then he did not give up, even as he knew that it would be a blood path, he did not stop. he continued his everlasting journey nonetheless, wanting to achieve the one thing his father had failed to achieve.

However, one day, a final battle had put an end on his dream, the battle lost not because of the enemy, but betrayed by people he once called his allies.

The whole battle was chaotic, full of bloodshed and tears. Shirou had helped the townspeople eliminate the terrorists. The terrorists were just a small number, they captured a small amount of hostages and demanded a large charge of money for exchange, basic hostage kidnap stuff.

Shirou snuck into the abandoned warehouse, which was located at the edge of the forest, killed a couple of the guards on the way, help the hostages with their escape, and blasted the whole warehouse down with a Caladbolg II arrow shot.

However, when he returned to the town with the freed hostages along, he was immediately met with a whole group of angered people. It appeared that the terrorist had allied themselves with a corrupted higher-up, and when the terrorist group were killed, the higher-up had put on a heavy tax on the town. A town in the deserts was already poor on resources and finances, corps and food were scarce and water were limited.

Shirou didn't resist the arrest when it came upon him, when the villagers threw punches and kicks at him, he did not even bother to block them, he could had escape the small cuffs easily, just reinforce his hands and the metal with snap like a twig. But Shirou was distorted, instead of saving himself, he chose to throw his life away for the sake of other people, but it didn't help keeping the sadness out of his eyes when he knew he would meet his end by betrayal. Rin had told him once, and it was still clear in his mind, if everyone is worth saving, why not consider yourself one of the people that needs to be saved.

After a couple days in the jail, the judges had proven him guilty, which Shirou was clearly not, but still he let himself follow the ring of cops to the stage where he would be executed publicly.

He walked through the path the crowd had opened for them. The ones he had saved were now sending daggers at him, none bother to throw stones at him as he had cops surrounding him, they threw him insults, humiliating about all his work had made the situation worst, about how he pretended to be a fake hero. Somehow, those words had hurt more than throwing stones.

Shirou had no last words when he stood on the hanging platform, he was not angry, he felt sad, pity, disappointed. All the people he had saved had turned their backs on him, yet they were just innocent and powerless people with no magic circuits, unlike Shirou who could create a magic boundary which only six magus in the history had managed to achieve.

He placed his head through the hoop, closing his eyes waiting for his death. The floor disappeared beneath his boots, and the ropes tightened.

The death was slow, yet it was painless, after having half the stomach blown off by Hercules, a rope tightening on his neck seemed like a bug to be compared.

After all the near-death situation he had got himself into, having his heart pierced, slashed from shoulder to waist, fighting Heroic Spirits that had injured him severely, and now he was dying from hanging out of free will. With that sore thought, Emiya Shirou let out a bitter chuckle before his conscious slip.

Shirou was sure he was dead, yet he found himself opening his eyes and found himself in a far too familiar place. Swords, his element and origin, were all scattered around an isolated field, blades that he had grew so accustomed to, blades that formed and shattered in his empty hands.

They were no normal swords, they were swords that once had their own glory, wield by the greatest heroes in the history. Bakuya, Kanshou, Gram, Excalibur, Caladblog, Gae Bolg, Gungir, Arondlight, Rule Breaker, Caliburn, Nine Lives, and an endless amount of legendary and nameless swords he had laid his eyes on in the past.

The sky dusk like it always had been, orange with the tint of red, only to be blocked by massive amounts of gigantic gears floating in the air, spinning and making metallic creaking noises that sounded hollow and lonely in this silent environment.

This place was too familiar, it was a part of him after all, his soul. It was also the reason Shirou was broken, and the place that made was forged when Shirou walked through hell that fateful day.

This was his Reality Marble, the inner world created that made him a sword, having the ability to overpower the Gaia for a moment, so powerful that this was considered a forbidden magic and almost no people had managed to create a Reality Marble.

"Emiya Shirou." A voice said. It was soothing yet a little deep, both a manly and feminine double tone, words laced with power, a voice that was clearly not spoken by a human.

Shirou twitched. It was impossible, no one should be in his Reality Marble, and when they did, they didn't live long enough to return to the real world. Foreign objects that were not a part of his soul would not stay long in his Reality Marble before they automatically delete it.

Shirou turned and saw, he froze, not believing his eyes, even though he was seeing this, his mind refused to believe.

Standing right before him was none other than the school idol in his high school, Tohsaka Rin, his teacher and love one.

"…Rin…" Shirou stuttered.

The tsundere smirked, even though she, no, it behaved like how Rin normally would had, Shirou knew it was not the woman he loved. She died long ago.

"No, you are not Rin, who are you?" Shirou picked up a sword from the ground next to him, and pointed the nameless weapon at the being disguised as Rin. This was one thing Shirou had leant from being a lone ranger saving people here and there, it was never to let your guard down, not even the slightest, last time he didn't he had his right arm detached from his body.

The being kept giggled teasingly and ignored the sword by its neck as if it was nothing more than a puny joke, and said, "Not bad, Emiya Shirou, you seemed sharper than you look."

Shirou glared at the being, keeping his silence as he waited for his answer.

Rin smiled sweetly, like the way she did before the demon was unleashed, "Now now, aren't you being rude right now? Never ignore a girl when she engages you in a conversation. Emiya-kun."

"I am Alaya, the one who manages the humanity." The being said in a matter-of-factly tone, flicking its finger in the air as she smiled at Shirou.

Shirou had heard of the name before, Alaya was the collective unconscious will of mankind that prevents extinction from taking place, and would do anything just to make sure humans existence, even having half the population on Earth wiped out.

"Alaya." Shirou spat, the very thought of the being left a bitter taste in his mouth, "what are you doing here? What am I doing here? I am pretty sure I am dead." Shirou questioned the last thing he remembered was he was executed by hanging, he flinched.

Alaya in Rin's appearance changed, her head morphed into a familiar face, and the rather feminine body transformed and shrunk, Shirou could not help but feel a little ill at the disgust morphing.

And when the transform came to an end, standing right there was no longer Tohsaka Rin, but Shirou's Servant in the Fifth Holy Grail War, Saber, also known as Arturia Pendragon.

Shirou felt his stomach stirring with anger, seeing the being to steal his friend's appearance in front of him, not to mention they had all passed away. The sword pointed at Alaya shook with restrained fury.

Alaya, now with Saber's appearance, only smiled, "Shirou, there is no reason to be angry. And yes, you are already dead, however your actions had gained my attention upon you."

"What did I do to gain such a pleasure?" Shirou growled.

Saber's smile didn't waver, "You, Shirou, had done something no one had ever done before, and will not be done in the future, something that not even me or Gaia had predicted."

Saber flickered her armored hand and smoke rose from the dirt field, before forming a thick screen of mist beside her. Then faint outlines slowly came into view, they darkened until they could be seen, and they moved, playing a black and white movie. And Shirou saw himself in the screen, wielding the Chinese swords, cutting through bodies of enemy like they were nothing more than trash. Shirou looked at himself in the screen, he was tattered, serval wounds appeared in his arms and torso, bleeding a dangerous amount of blood. His eyes were frozen with controlled anger and were stoic. His holy shroud was wavering in the wind like a superhero, and Shirou smiled bitterly slightly at that, it was ironic, he was everything but a hero, he was nothing but a murderer, a magus killer.

The scene shifted constantly, replaying images when Shirou were out saving people and destroying threatening enemies.

"You live in a fantasy, a dream that will never be reality, there is no world that everyone can be happy, and there is no world that has eternal peace. This is not because of you, Shirou, but the darkness that is hidden in the human race. As long as we know, there is no people without darkness thoughts and sins in their deepest depths of their heart, and we are the first beings exist when the Earth was created.

"And then we see it, we see a boy, who dreamed of being a hero like his father. I searched his inner world, and see nothing, actually nothing, no darkness, no brightness, only admiration and, blades. Swords have filled all the missing gapes where darkness should be. And there is only one conclusion I have come into, you are a being closest to perfect next to us, you had no inner devil, nor crimes, neutral would be the best word to describe you. You are broken, and because you are broken, make you closes to perfection. Ironic, I would say."

Shirou had already known he was broken, distorted, having things that no humans had. Instead he chuckled, "this is not the first time I've heard of it."

That was true, during his time with Rin, he had been told stupid, an idiot. Even though Rin didn't tell him, he already knew she had known how twist he was. Yet right now Alaya told him he was the second thing closest to perfect, a being that almost makes no mistakes. Without knowing, he had dropped his sword. Something in the back of his head told him that Alaya indeed had no intention of harming him, even if it did, it didn't matter, he was already dead, there not much thing Alaya could have done to him.

"I cannot help but to be surprise, it is not every day when you see a Reality Marble user, and not in this era at least." Saber's face morphed, and once again she change, the unknown material twisted and collided, and now standing in the spot was his step sister, Ilya.

"And I find with have a lot of things in common, Oni-chan. We have a similar goal, you aim to save as much people as you could, and I fulfill my duty to keep mankind from extinction. But you see, I cannot directly meddle with human business, and so it is necessary I need someone to work for me, someone that have the determination and power to do so, they are called Beast of Alaya, and also called Counter Guardian." The homunculus explained, throwing her white hair behind her shoulder.

"The Counter Guardians will eliminate any threats that could cause any danger to human species, in another words, they are the guardians of humans." That hooked Shirou's attention. His head snapped up as he looked at the shorter girl intensely.

"However, Oni-chan, you are unlike any Heroic Spirits or any Counter Guardian, and with your power and your sense of justice, you could go further beyond anyone had been. And now, here is my proposal, Emiya Shirou, do you accept to save a world which was not ours? In fact, another world? Do you have the courage to accept a new fate? A new destiny? A new life that you will save an entire world from its downfall? And be a hero of justice for real?"

Shirou's mouth burned. He wanted to just simply said yes, and achieve his ideal which his father had failed to do so. But the word was stuck in his throat. A new life, a world of unknowns that there could possibly be no magic, no civilization, or no living humans. And when he dies in that world, and gods know what will happen to him, maybe there would be a real heaven and hell, angels and demons, gods and monsters, who knows. Or perhaps that world had a far more advance technology that magic won't stand a chance against. Alternative dimensions were crazy and made absolutely zero sense.

It sent a shiver down his spine, and he needed to grind his teeth together to stop them from shaking.

"How do you know I won't betray you? That I won't live new life and cares no a damn about that world." Shirou stated

"Because I know you, you won't do that." Ilya said nonchalantly, confident as if it had known him for a whole life time.

Shirou reconsidered it; this was his dream, his ideal. The fantasy that one day he hoped would become a reality. A hero of justice was what he had hoped to be, and to save people from suffering was what made him Emiya Shirou. Shirou bit his lips and his grey eyes glinted with determination.

"Very well, Alaya, I accept. However, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Will I be living in another people's life? Or will I live my life in my very own physical body?"

"You will be living in your own body, only having it younger. If you would've needed to live another person's life, I knew you will refuse my offer. Your sense of selflessness was way too admirable. Shirou."

"So my magic would also be transferred as well?"

"Of course, the world you will be going also have magic users. Totally different to this one, though." Ilya grinned, Shirou could see the evil shining in Ilya's eyes.

"One more question." Ilya waved her hand, "may I ask which world I will be going?"

"That, Oni-chan, you will have to figure it yourself." Ilya cheered energetically, "Are you prepared? This world is going to be interesting. That I can guarantee you." She extended her small hand, gesturing Shirou to hold it.

"Thanks, I don't know if I should be relieved or scared." Shirou sighed as he reached over to touch Ilya's hand.

The sensation was not a human's. They were warm, either dry or moist hands from weather, the roughness of their palm. But fake Ilya's hand was way too soft, and smooth like touching a cream. It felt like touching clay then a human.

"Now, close your eyes Oni-chan, and get ready for your new journey." Ilya giggled as she clasped her other hand on top of Shirou's large ones.

Shirou closed his eyes, and wait for the fancy teleportation to take place. Instead he just felt strength leaving his body. His arms felt like the bones are about to crack, and the muscle were screaming from abusing them too much. His legs turned from toughness of a sword to jelly. He nearly lost his balance and collapse on the floor. Soon, he felt the tiniest strength left him, and he didn't even have the power to open his eyelids.

His mind became blanker, thoughtless, like how it felt when people was about to fall asleep. With a last breath, he blacked out.

However, before he lost total consciousness, he felt a pair of lips pressed against his cheek, "See you in the other side, Emiya-kun."

It had been a week since Alaya had sent him here. The place was Earth, literally, but he could feel something odd within the air, like they were resisting his very existence. It seemed Alaya had made things simpler for him as he had gave him the knowledge of the country language, which was a shocker that it was English, the fluency of the language he gained was enough to make him a English teacher.

However, that was not the first thing he noticed when he arrived this world. The moment he appeared in the forest near the park, his line of sight lower than before and he felt like he was closer to the ground. And when he looked into the reflection through the mirror, he nearly choked on air itself.

His skin was no longer tan like spending the whole life under the sun, instead it far paler than before, it was still tanned, but a light shade of brown. His hair was no longer white; it was red, mid-length and narrowly covering his eyes. His grey eyes, which had turned grey due to the over use of advance projection, had been back to the amber color. From the look of his face and height, he might be aged between twelve to thirteen.

He wasn't ripped like he used to be, the abs that had formed from long time fighting and training had disappeared and replace by a small by decent amount of muscle, considered muscular for his age judging from his young look. He wasn't overly muscled like the weightlifters; he had muscles on all the right places. He was also wearing a jacket over his long sleeved shirt and trousers, plus his blue converse. His Asian looks had gathered unwanted attention whenever he walked the streets.

As for the country he was in, he would guess America, judging from their looks and their accent in English, he had already known the heavy accent of British from the Clock Tower. He asked a random couple about the name of this country, earning him an odd look, and surprisingly they told him this place was New York, a place that also existed in his own world.

However this might be an Alternative Universe, which things might look the same but some certainly had changed. In his world, Kotomine Kirei was a man in empty shell and enjoyed looking people suffer. However, in an Alternative Universe, he could be a man working for charity or be a waiter in a café. As ridiculous as it seemed to sound, this could all happen in an Alternative Universe.

As for his magic, as much as he hated to admit it, Alaya was a man of his words. Right after he reappeared in this world, he immediately went to check on his magic, which mainly were reinforcement, alternation and projection. His circuits were still there, all his make-shift circuits and his 27 high quality ones were still attached to his body and soul. He murmured his personal aria and the Chinese blade appeared in his palm. He admired at the visible flaws and was surprise that there were almost to resistance from Gaia.

And so he experimented, he placed the blade on the ground left, returning for another day and check until it finally broke, normally it would take the Noble Phantasm a whole day for it to be broke from Gaia, however days passed and the blade remained. After the fourth day, the blade finally shattered into pieces. During his projection, a portion of his prana was meant to maintain its existence and fight Gaia's influence, but if there was little resistance here, its power could be fully used during the battle.

Shirou was lucky that New York were less strict than England. He was able to find a job in a small restaurant. Alaya only gave him a couple 5 dollars when he was transported here, and that alone could not be enough for a flat in an apartment, food, wearing, etc etc. As he went across a restaurant, he instantly got this idea and rushed in to find the manager of the place.

Instead of having the manager shooing him out, he asked him to cook a dish. Shirou was both a master of Japanese food and Western food, and he had picked up England food when he was in Clock Tower. As he did, a grilled piece of steak and some potato mush for side dish, specially created sauce that made the buffy old man widen his eyes in shock before roaring with laughter. And like that, Shirou find himself a job.

He borrowed an apartment that was the cheapest among all. He moved in, and the room was absolutely hollow and empty, no sofa, chairs or tables. Only an already prepared kitchen, a sleeping bag he had bought with him, and his preferable refrigerator out of all things. Cooking was his life, and he would rather sleep in cold hard floor if it means to allow him cook.

Days went by peacefully. This was the first day of the second week he was here, however still he could not feel something wrong with this world, people acting like they used to be, nothing evil clawing in alleyways and no fear radiating in the streets. So what exactly was leading this world to downfall so dangerous that Alaya had to send him here?

Shirou had long saved enough. He woke up from his newly bought soft bed, and yawned, before blinking and stared at his digital clock hanging on the wall. 6:30, he had slept in thirty minutes late. He went to the bath room, brushing his teeth and took a short morning shower.

He worked at afternoon, when there were the most customers. After the manager tasted his dish, he had placed him as the new chef. Shirou had never thought of managing his own kitchen. He had worked in a restaurant in England, a small one, and he had been to all posts but the chef position. And to think the manager would be placing a twelve years old as the chef, to people's eyes they would think that he either crazy or the kid being very good. The customers had questioned about it, but after taking the first bite of the meal they were lost in words, and dig in like starved wolves, like the way Fuji-nee had ate.

It didn't take Shirou long to change his sleeping clothes to his usual red coat and black shirt, like how he had worn when he was out saving people. Deciding to learn more about this world, Shirou had planned to pay the museum a visit. Like his normal preparation before acting to fight the terrorists; never go fighting enemy unless you know him. This was something that Kiritsugu would definitely agree.

It was not a long walk, the Metropolitan Museum of Art was an hour walk from Shirou's apartment, and a fifteen minutes ride of bus if he wanted too. But he doubted that the museum would be open seven in the morning, perhaps eight if it was popular.

Shirou had taken a hamburger by a fast restaurant by the side, which was quite interesting tasting another country's food other than Japanese and England. The fast food Shirou consider in England was Fish and Chips and Fish and Chips alone.

Shirou took his bike during his walk to the museum, and like people said, times flies for enjoyable moments. He arrived the huge structure at 8:30, and noticed a yellow school bus parked by the side of the road with kids the same age as he was jumping out the door, and lining up waiting for instructions from a teacher in wheel chair.

Then Shirou frowned, something was odd with the air. He sniffed, and nearly vomited. Imagine yourself in the smelliest junkyard in the world, with dead guts of humans and half eaten food, and multiply the smell by twice, and you won't even came half-close as the smell right now. Shirou gagged and coughed, searching for the source of the horrible smell. He found himself staring at a boy with raven messy hair and bright green eyes like Saber.

Out of pure alertness, Shirou performed a quick Structure Grasp on the boy, and noticed that there were nothing really wrong with boy in turns of physical structure, but he narrowed his eyes when he felt a large amount of prana, equal to the the amount a first rated magus had, floating in his body. Yet it was not prana, more like a power that was already existence without even creating it from magic circuits.

Then he scanned the whole group. And he widened his eyes from the x-ray like vision of the group of field-trippers. A dude about a year or two older than him had two supporters by his side, had goat legs underneath his jeans, and a pair of almost invisible horns on top of his head.

He turned his attention to the teachers. The old man in the wheel chair was nothing really wrong, but Shirou could feel a large amount of magic gathered around the wheel where the man had a blanket covering.

The female teacher, oh god, was this the reason Alaya told him to save this world?

She, no, it was not a human, a monster in the skin of a woman's. it was misty and unclear from afar, but he could make out wings pressed tight at the skin and claws so sharp that could tear wood apart from a swing. A monster, this was the conclusion Shirou could only assume.

If those four was dangerous to the people in the museum, then it was his job to eliminate them before they do anything harmful.

He had to keep an eye on the group for a bit.

He followed the group from a safe distance from behind, pretending to be admiring about some Greece statue while reinforcing his ears to eavesdrop on the students.

"Mr. Jackson, do you have a comment?" the man in the wheel chair asked the green eyes boy after he accidentally shouted.

The boy's face was bright red and quickly shook his head, "No, sir."

The teacher pointed at the stele beside him, "Perhaps you'll tell us what this picture represents."

Shirou turned and looked at the stele which the teacher had his finger pointed. It was an old piece with the picture of a giant grabbing human in his hands and stuffed them in his mouth. He felt sick at the stele.

"That's Kronos eating his kids, right?" so this was the Greek myth, Titans and Gods, Hercules and Medusa.

The teacher nodded, "Yes, he did this because…" he waiting the boy to keep up.

"Well…" the boy said uncertainly, "Kronos was the king of God, and-"


"Titan." The boy corrected, "and he didn't trust his kids, who were the gods. So, um, Kronos ate them, right? But his wife hid baby Zeus, and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. And later, when Zeus grew up, he tricked his dad, Krono, into barfing up his brothers and sisters."

"Eww!" the kids from the group yelled. Shirou rolled his eyes.

He heard someone behind the group muttering and snickering.

"And why, Mr. Jackson," the man in wheelchair asked, "does this matter to us in real life?"

Shirou froze. This was abnormal, the way the man said the words were as if they were real, a fact, something as normal as the sun rises from the east. This was getting weirder and weirder.

The boy hesistated, before sighing, "I don't know, sir."

The teacher looked disappointed, "I see, very well…"

That was when Shirou stopped; he dropped the reinforcement and sighed. Leaving the group in deep thoughts and found a bench by the outside.

Four strange beings, one confirmed monsters, while three of them had no ill intention, but the female teacher certainly did. The way she glared at the boy with hatred with her eyes, this was the way a predator's eyes when they stalk their prey.

And it still bothered him, the words the male teacher said.

And why, does this matter to us in real life.

It was as if he already knew the answer.

Great, he was stuck in a world where Gods and monsters existed.

He rubbed his temples; Alaya knew just the way to screw with him.

The depress moment was broken when his stomach growled. Shirou reddened from embarrassment and stood, leaving the bench to the open cafeteria outside the building.

To his surprise, he found the very same group of students outside, seated in tables and chatting with friends. Shirou scanned the crowd, and found the boy alone in the table with the goat legs friend. He went to the counter and bought a sandwich, and steadily paced through tables and sat on the same table as the boy.

Both snapped their heads to Shirou, the goat boy bleat and his friend stared at him warily, as if judging to walk away or not.

Shirou ignored the smell and gave them a heartfelt smile, "do you mind me sitting here?" the boy shook his head.

Shirou nodded gratefully and sat the opposite side of the boys. He unwrapped his sandwich and took a small bite, it was not as good as the ones he made, but it was still acceptable.

He noticed the goat boy glancing over from time to time.

They had a moment of comfortable silence. And Shirou shattered the silence and started a conversation.

"So, what are your names?" he asked, "Mine is Shirou Emiya." Instead of greeting them in 'Emiya Shirou', the Japanese way, he said his name in the English way. One thing he learned from the Clock Tower.

The boy looked up from his untouched food and said, "I'm Percy Jackson, and he is Grover."

"Grover Underwood." Grover interrupted, "nice to meet you."


Before any of them could say more, a red headed punky girl walked by and purposely dumped her half-eaten lunch on Grover's lap.

"Opps, my hands slipped." Her friends snickered behind her.

Percy's clenched fist shook with anger, he was about to stand up when Grover put his hand on his shoulder, "its fine, I like spaghetti." He took a straw and placed it in his mouth.

Shirou took a deep breath and gazed at the girl, "What's your name, girl." A small amount of venom could be heard from the words, and they shivered.

The girl acted tough and returned fire, weak and powerless, "huh, why should I tell you? Loser."

Then something happened. In the corner of Shirou's eyes, the fountain next to her, a small hand of water shot up and grabbed her jacket, and pulled her into the fountain.

"Percy pushed me!" the girl screeched, her make up fading from wetness.

Feeling a murderous presence Shirou spun, the hammer pulled back and ready to fire. The female teacher appeared and glared at Percy.

Some of the kids muttered.

"Did you see-"

"-The water-"

"Like it grabbed her." a girl finished.

"Nah, you're probably just seeing things."

The teacher smiled sickly sweet at Percy, "now, honey…"

"I know," Percy grumbled, "a month erasing workbooks." That was not a smart thing to do.

"Come with me." The teacher finished, sending a death glare at Percy.

"Wait! I pushed her! It was me!" Grover panicked, raising his hand like a excited kindergarten eager to answer a question.

The glare was now directed to Grover, "I don't think so, Mr. Underwood."


"You, will, stay here." she concluded, and turned to Percy, "come, Mr. Jackson."

Shirou watched until they started heading up the stairs, he stared at Grover; e knew about the female teacher and wanted to save Percy from danger.

"Excuse me for a moment, bathroom." He stood and headed up the stairs where Percy and the teacher went.

As soon as he crossed the doors, he dashed, sniffing the air to follow the horrible smell to the corridor.

He stopped at an opened door, and moved his head to take a peek. Percy was standing on the, or shivering on the spot. He followed his gaze and his eyes widened a bit. The ex- teacher was now a demon, with greyish disgusting skin and talons the length of a knife. Her wing flapped as she remained in the air.

"Where is it!" it hissed. Shirou had a feeling that the monster would not hesitate cut the boy in pieces.

Before Shirou could mutter his aria. A man in wheelchair yelled, "Ya hoo! Catch Percy!" he threw Percy a pen, and in front of Shirou's very eyes, it transformed. Metal clicking and expanding, and in mid-air, it turned from a pen to a one meter and a half long sword. Shirou instinctively turned on his magic circuits and analyzed the sword, and his eyes widened at its history and past wielders.

Magically, Percy managed to grab the handle and swung blindly. There was too many openings; If the opponent was a skilled fighter, it would be suicidal. If Shirou was the monster, he would duck under the strike by stop the flapping of the wings and struck his throat with its talons.

However the monster was mindless, it charged straight in the blade, it managed to shift a bit to the left so that the tip of the sword only buried in its shoulder to it waist, a sword cut that would enough for the opponent to bleed out, but this was a monster, no blood came out from its wound. The monster snarled and raised its hand high to deliver the kill blow.

"Trace, on." Shirou's sword appeared in his hand, he jumped out and through the door, he stared at the descending claws.

His arm sprung back, and like a bullet, his reinforced arm shot forward. The blade cut through the air flawlessly, spinning and creating an arc. It flew like a bullet, almost invisible to human eyes.

An audible thud echoed, and the out-stretched was clean chopped from the elbow. And before the blade could damage the ceiling, he forced the Kanshou to disappear. Before anyone could see it.

The winged demon wailed at its in agony. Confused at why the monster's arm was chopped off, Percy took the chance and cleaved it clean in two. The monster screeched and exploded into golden powder, without shredding a single drop of blood.

Shirou eyed the man in the corner, obscured by shadows but brown eyes gazing at Percy. Then the man turned to leave, but not before giving a look at Shirou as he exited the door. The man must have had really sharp eyes to be able to see Kanshou.

Shirou ran through the corridor and saw the teacher, he approached the man, who was facing at a picture as if waiting for Shirou's arrival, "Sir, aren't you going to retrieve your pen slash sword? Anaklusmos, a fine piece of weapon. Even Hercules had wielded it, though all of its previous owners did really have a good ending."

The teacher seemed unfazed, "Ah, what might you be talking about? Child." His tone was almost pure honestly, but Shirou could feel the smallest hint of emotion in the words.

"You know what I am talking about, don't mess around with me, Chiron, I know who you are." Shirou said, his voice turning serious.

This time, instead of faking it, he only sighed, "well, I assume you are a half-blood, but your powers are still unclear to identify who your parents might be."

Shirou smiled at the teacher, "I am Shirou Emiya, my godly parent's identity is none of your concern."

Chiron's eyebrows rose, but nevertheless he shook Shirou's hand, "you guessed my name, son, but call me Mr. Bunner when in public." He stared at me with interest, "Do you know your godly parent?"

Shirou scratched the back of his head. It would be the best if he avoided talking about him traveling from another world, it would cause chaos if the gods knew about it. "Yes, but I rather not talk about it." His tone was hesitant.

Chiron smiled, "is that so? You can tell me whenever you feel you are ready." He took a card from his pocket, and handed it to Shirou. He looked at the information written in card.


Actives Director

Half-Blood Hill

Long Island, New York

(800) 009-0009

"Meet me in the main door of Yancy Academy tomorrow, nine in the morning sharp. You won't want to keep an old man waiting, do you?"

Shirou nodded, "I have a couple questions, I do hope you can answer my questions."

Chiron merely smiled, "of course, just make sure you come."

So… this is the first chapter of New Destiny. I am pretty sure there are tons of grammar mistakes, and if some reader could kindly point out the places I made those mistakes, I make corrections as soon I see those reviews. After all, I am too lazy to prove read my work.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter.