A/N: This chapter is a little shorter than the previous chapters are, but I just wanted to get a new chapter out before I get even more sick! Hope you all enjoy it. The following chapter is going to be full of goodness, so stay tuned for that!

Chapter 3: Doing The Right Thing

Blaine and Sam sat on opposite ends of the living room, tossing a nerf football back and forth. Blaine was feeling awkward from his wet dream from a few minutes ago, but he was trying his best to hide it. Luckily, Sam was giving some of his attention to a Final Fantasy game app on his phone, so it allowed Blaine a little bit of time to compose his thoughts. After a few minutes, Blaine finally had to get things rolling.

"Sam, I don't know how to tell Kurt that I'm pregnant." Blaine finally blurted out.

Sam looked up from his game and stared at Blaine for a couple seconds before replying.

"You haven't told Kurt yet? Why not?"

"I've tried. Every time I dial him, though, I chicken out. I just don't know how it's going to affect everything." Blaine tried to make sense as the words came out.

"Well, it's never going to be a walk in the park, any way you choose to do it." Sam began, looking at Blaine lower his head in acknowledgement. "This is a really heavy life thing, and the sooner you get it out into the open, the easier everything will end up being in the long run, buddy."

Blaine sat on Sam's advice for a few seconds, though the tense air in the room made it seem like the silence lasted hours. Blaine knew Sam was right, and he realized that he had to be responsible. He needed to get Kurt involved in the process, and he needed to start doing what's right for him and his future family. Gosh…I guess this is what it feels like to finally be an adult.

"A text message is obviously out of the question." Blaine looked at Sam for confirmation. "But I also feel like a phone call isn't appropriate either."

"Agreed. Perhaps you and Kurt should have brunch or something."

"That's the perfect idea, actually. Thanks, Sam." Blaine smiled warmly at Sam. He found it pretty incredible that Sam was able to adapt to all sorts of crazy situations and seemed to always have just the right advice handy. Sam smiled goofily right back.

"You've got it, buddy. Bring it in!" Sam exclaimed as he stood up and spread his arms to its full wingspan.

Blaine jokingly gave Sam a scrunched up face and said "Ew" as he expressed fake disgust. Sam acted as if he was dejected and put his arms down, giving Blaine a sad puppy face. Sam turned away and started to somberly walk back to the couch, and Blaine giggled at their silliness. Blaine got up and gave Sam a hug from behind. Sam stopped feigning sadness and started laughing. He turned around and Blam hugged properly for a few seconds.

"Thanks, Sam." Blaine whispered, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Man, that got a little heavy for a minute." Sam noted as they pulled away and settled next to each other on the couch. "We need to turn this ship around. Let's game it up!" Blaine's eyes lit up in excitement, and the boys set up the game they never started the last time Sam came over.

"Prepare to get your ass kicked, Blaine Devon Anderson."

"In your dreams, Samuel 'Body Roll' Evans." Blaine snarked back.

Blaine pulled out his phone and texted Kurt.

B: Hey Kurt. I wanna talk about some things…can we meet for brunch sometime soon?

K: What's going on?

B: Too much to say over text or phone tbh.

K: Alright, let's meet next Monday at 1pm.

B: Sounds good to me. Is the Lima Brunchcake Factory ok?

K: Yeah sure. See you then.

A sense of relief overcame Blaine. He felt at peace knowing he had at least set things into motion. Things were starting to look up, finally.

"Your ass got owned!" Sam exclaimed with glee. He had taken advantage of Blaine's text distractions and scored a winning number of kills on Blaine's team.

"Not for long. Round two, mister!" Blaine retorted as he jabbed Sam's side with his elbow.

And with a heavy supply of canned sodas and Doritos, Blaine and Sam played video games late into the night. It was just the kind of distraction that Blaine needed, and all this snack food was sitting perfectly well in his stomach. Blaine was truly feeling happy again.

At the end of the night, the boys headed upstairs to go to sleep. As per usual, they stripped down to their underwear to prepare for bed. For a moment, Blaine's eyes lingered on Sam's Calvin Klein boxer-briefs and all sorts of tingles came rushing back to him. All of Sam's sexual aggression in Blaine's dream snapped into the front of Blaine's mind, and he had to try very hard not to get, well, hard. Stop it, Blaine. He's your best friend, and despite the erotic dream, this is so not appropriate.

Blaine and Sam jumped into bed and lay there chit chatting for a little while. It felt good to be so open with someone. It felt good to be able to be yourself and not be judged in the slightest. And it was especially awesome to have that person always be there for you, whether things are up or down.

They finally began to feel sleepy, and they exchanged "goodnights" with each other.

"Dude, I know you're not crying or sad anymore," Sam said in a soft voice, "but do you wanna cuddle?"

Blaine smiled openly in the darkness. "Sure, that would be nice."

And with that agreement, Blaine scooted towards the middle of the bed and turned to sleep on his right side, facing the bathroom. Sam scooted himself forward and faced Blaine's back. He wrapped his arm around Blaine's torso and pulled his friend closer to him. Sam almost immediately fell asleep, and Blaine could feel Sam's breath on his back.

It was a comfort he had gotten used to over the years, but this time Blaine couldn't shake the rushed feeling of excitement that permeated throughout his body. There was no denying that there was some sort of sexual re-awakening within Blaine, and for some reason Sam had become its muse.

Blaine felt so ashamed, because Sam was his friend, and it felt wrong on so many levels, variance of sexualities aside. But, on the other hand, Sam was incredibly attractive, yet sensitive and, just, nice, so he was the perfect representation of all that Blaine is yearning for. It was steadily becoming such a strong internal struggle, and Blaine didn't know how to handle the stream of emotions. Luckily, all the intense thought going through Blaine's mind genuinely tired him out, and the sleep train hit him out of nowhere.

[Next Monday]

Is this outfit too much? Are these pants too tight? Are these colors right to deliver this kind of news? What shoes should I wear? All these thoughts jumbled in Blaine's mind as he was finalizing his outfit for brunch with Kurt. He hadn't seen Kurt in a few weeks, and he wanted to make sure he looked damn good. Not necessarily because he wants Kurt to be wow'd by his looks and want him back, but because he wanted to prove that he holding himself together just fine without him. Or maybe he did subconsciously want Kurt to want him back. It was all very confusing to Blaine, honestly, and he didn't really know what he wanted out of this whole situation.

After settling on the right bow tie color and pattern, Blaine got into his car. He sent a text to Sam saying "omw to brunch with Kurt. Wish me luck." He took a deep breath and started the engine. "u'll do great! I'll b w/ u in spirit, buddy. Let me know what happens."

Blaine felt better knowing Sam was there to support him, even if just in spirit. He drove to the Brunchcake Factory and parked. From his car, he could see Kurt sitting at a table, as a waitress brought him a glass of water. Blaine took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself for the conversation looming ahead.

He walked into the restaurant and made his way to the table. With one last deep breath, he forced a relaxed smile on his face and went up to Kurt.

"Hey, Kurt. It's so nice to see you." Blaine said, as they shared a semi-awkward hug.

Blaine had a seat, and they exchanged some awkward small talk. Blaine had to get things out as soon as possible, before he broke down emotionally.

"Kurt, I have something to tell you." Blaine began.