last sneek peek for real this time


Hiccup frowned as he looked up at the figure perched above above him, the moon silhouetting and and the city light illuminating her form. He had not wanted to see her again so soon. Or ever againfor that matter.

The black clad witch smiled down at him from underneath her cowl before extending a hand. Immediately the axe imbedded in the roof at his feet flew up and toward her outstretched palm where she proceeded to secure it in hand.

"You again," Hiccup said in annoyance. He really did not need this unwanted interference right now. Not when he had to get to Rapunzel.

"Me again," the witch confirmed with a hearty nod.

"What do you want witch?" Hiccup called up to her.

"I think you know what I want, Knight," she said back evenly. She slung her axe over her shoulder. "I want to finish what we started last time. You pulled out much too early, leaving me very unsatisfied and wanting more."

Hiccup arched a brow. Was that...Was she trying to make that sound dirty? He shook his head to get back to the matter at hand. "As fun as it would be to fight to death," Hiccup began sarcastically. "I have a million things I'd much rather do."

She narrowed her eyes into a glare. "Too bad. I'm not giving you a choice. You want to get past me? You're going to have to fight me," she hissed at him.

Hiccup groaned and rubbed at his eyes in frustration. Her tone was serious. And he could feel her desire to fight. It was more than just that too. He felt a kind of restless anticipation emanating off her. She was practically buzzing with energy. There was no way she was going to let him go. And the last thing he needed was for her to follow him.

With no option he looked up and leveled her with a hard stare. "So be it."

Heather smirked beneath her cowl. Her eyes gleamed with glee. "Then whip it out."

"Stop that!" Hiccup shouted back with a frown while pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Stop what?" she asked with an innocent shrug.

"The innuendo! Stop it!"

"I have no idea what you mean. Maybe you just have a dirty mind," she said in amusement.

Hiccup began to wonder if maybe it was all in his head.

"If you want to get by you'll have to thrust it in really-"

"STOP IT!" Hiccup shouted to cut her off. Suddenly he leapt backwards as she began hurling knives at him. Hiccup's eyes were wide as he quickly shuffled backward, knives imbedding in almost the exact spot he'd been just a split second before. The rain of knives stopped, only for her axe to crash into the ceiling between his legs.

He glanced down at it before looking up at her. "You missed!"

"Did I?" she said, cocking her head to the side and then waiting.

Suddenly the ceiling gave way and Hiccup fell through with a shout. He landed on his back inside the building, staring out of the hole he'd just come in from with a blank expression. "This might be harder than I thought," he muttered to himself. Suddenly a figure leapt into the hole and after him. Hiccup rolled to the side as the witch swung her axe into the floor, the head leaving deep marks before she yanked it out.

Hiccup grabbed his green lightsaber and ignited the blade before holding it out in warning. The witch stared into his green eyes with her own. Circling him like a predator circles prey before they strike. Hiccup made sure never to leave his back exposed to her as he turned in a circle, eyes never once leaving hers.

This witch...she was strong and confident. Her posture and tone indicating she had no fear of the Knight. She was different from the other witches he'd faced before. Her power easily surpassed any and perhaps all of them. She felt almost as strong as Elsa. Her power may very well have been comparable to a Sith Lord.

She was unique and special.

Not to mention beautiful and enchanting.

Hiccup blinked as that last treacherous thought came out of nowhere. He shook his head, focusing his mind on the inevitable battle where he may very well die. He waited for her to make the first move, and finally she came to a stop.

He watched as her fingers flexed and curled around the handle of her axe. He heard her take a breath and saw her body tense.

Finally she let out a shout and raised her axe up. She laced her other hand around her handle and it backward to strike.

Hiccup raised his saber up to defend against her attack and finally their weapons met.

...To be continued...

last sneek peek. Another Hiccup and Heather moment. They about to duke it out.