A/N: Well it's been a while. No excuses for that I suppose. Well, I hope you all enjoy this. Please let me know what you think of this, I would really like to know what you think. I hope you still are fans of this

"Well that's a first. You made me fall for a character. I feel bad for Sammy" – StarWolfGuardian

"Great chapter, I feel bad for Sammy. I really hope Humphrey doesn't just cut bait, throwing Sammy to the side like she's nothing, considering she's been by his side pretty much the entire story. Him being open to Kate's advances and entertaining them has me concerned, since I really like how cute Humphrey and Sammy are together. I hope that Humphrey tells Kate that they could only be friends, or that Sammy and her can both have him and share him together" " –Whitewolf24

Humphreys POV

I arrived at the den of Eve and Winston in a matter of no time. I didn't pass any other wolves on the way here so I had no one to stop me and do all the usual stuff like 'welcome back' or 'glad you're back'. The weird thing is these wolves hardly even knew what my name was two months ago. To them I was nothing but just 'another omega', which believe me is the nicest thing they called us. So why would they be glad I'm back?

I was that lost in my own thoughts I didn't realise what was in front of me and I bumped right into Garth. "Oops. Sorry man. My mind was floating around the place" I said. "Hey I'm just as guilty as you, I was looking up to the sky for ages and ages there before I hit you" Garth said.

"Where you off to?" I asked. Garth looked around him nervously before he answered. "Well… I'm just going to go for a walk before the ceremony later. I just need to relieve my stress" Garth said. "Hey no worries man. A bit of fresh air and a shit in the woods won't bother you" I said. Garth chuckled back in response. "Any way I will see you around Humphrey" Garth said as he walked off. "See you later bride to be" I replied as he walked out, letting me walk in.

"Hey you! I'm the bride to be" Lily said from inside the cave. I walked in to see her sitting upright as Eve was using a pinecone to work on her mane. "Are you sure? Because if I looked as good as you I would make doubly sure" I said chuckling. "That made no sense, but thank you for saying I look good" Lily replied.

"I don't mean to cramp any ones style but I feel like taking a little walk" Winston said as he got up and stretched. "You ok hun?" Eve asked her husband. Eve still had the pinecone in her mouth. She was still clear enough to understand so it wasn't an issue, although it kind of bugged me a little because my hearing hasn't been as good since I fell of the train.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just took a notion for a walk" Winston said. "That's fine honey. Just don't be too long ok?" Eve asked. "I won't be don't worry. I will see you all later" he said, offering me a high five. I smiled and high fived the old dog as he went past. I forgot how cool he was. He always got respect because he was a good leader. But unlike most good leaders he actually had a good personality.

"So Eve, my friend Sammy said that you wanted to speak to me" I asked her. Lily's smile was replaced with a look of concern. "You know mum my mane's ok, I can go if you and Humphrey want to have a chat together" Lily suggested. "No sweet heart its fine, its nothing bad or anything too personal" Eve said as she continued to work on her daughter's mane.

"What can I help you with today ma'am?" I asked Eve. To be honest I wanted this little talk to be over and done with as soon as possible because I really wanted to go back to my Sammy. I didn't get a chance to really talk to her, and I feel like we should. Because I want her to know how much I love her.

"Humphrey, to be honest I didn't really remember why I called you here" Eve said. Lily severed her eyes over to me and raised an eyebrow. I'm pretty sure that I had the same reaction. "Well, can you think of any reason?" I asked. "I know I used to joke around sometimes that I was a pretty boy for hire but if that's the case then we need to talk on what I get in return" I said sarcastically. Lily had a high pitched giggle and brought her paw up around her mouth to cover it. She always said she found it embarrassing. But it wasn't, I never saw anything wrong with it at least. I even got Eve to smile. That alone is like crying to make a mark on a tree when you haven't had a drink in weeks.

"Well honestly Humphrey, I know realistically it hasn't been long since I last saw you. But as far as me, Kate, Lily and Winston were concerned, that was going to be the last memory we had of you. And I'm so glad it isn't anymore, that you are here to make some new ones, and that's only if we can't persuade you to stay somehow"

I couldn't help but smile at Eve because of what she said. It was actually nice to know that a group of wolves I actually knew, really did miss me. And truth be told I missed them all to. "I missed you guys to" I said, just to let them know that the feeling was mutual.

"You did?" Eve asked. It was in a way which sounded like she didn't believe that I missed her. "Well of course I did" I replied. "I always thought you were terrified of me" Eve said as she was smiling. By this stage she set down the pinecone and I was now able to hear her one hundred per cent clearly instead of just seventy per cent. "Yeah I was. But then again that was what was great about you, sometimes your rants, even though they were terrifying they were amusing" I said. Eve smiled at me even more. "I'm glad someone's enjoying them" she said.

"And Humphrey, can I just say one thing" Lily said. ""No you can't. So Eve keep talking" I said jokingly. Eve smiled at me. "Well Humphrey you would be surprised the things you can accomplish with a few leaves and a bit of sap. Let me tell you a story" she said, which I couldn't help but simply smile back at her in reaction.

"Stop it you two" Lily said, trying to make herself sound like she was annoyed. But the smile on her face made it pretty obvious that she was finding this funny too. "I'm only fooling around sweetie" Eve said as she stroked her daughters head. "What is it you want to tell me? Or ask me whatever it was" I said. "Maybe I don't want to tell you now" Lily said. "You can't say you want to tell me something then not say what you wanted to tell me. I'm sorry but it doesn't work like that" I said. "Relax I was only kidding" she said giggling. I did a gasp in a joking way. "You got me, you got me good" I said.

"Well all I wanted to say was, Kate has been seriously depressed since you were gone. And I know it isn't exactly easy for you to be here, Sammy told us how you were feeling. And honestly I do get the feeling of uncomfortablitly, not in the precise same way but I do understand. But I feel I should tell you that she hasn't been herself recently. And that is because you left. Now I am not saying that it was your fault, to be honest it was hers. But all I'm saying Humphrey is please be nice to my sister, I know you have been through a lot but so has she. And I know you will be as nice as possible to her because… well that's just who you are. You are a nice genuine guy and Sammy is a lovely lady who'll make you happy"

Once Lily was done speaking I honestly couldn't believe what I heard. "Thank you Lily I am glad you realise this isn't easy for me" I said. "Don't thank me, thank your new lady. She was the one who was telling us about you and your time since you left Jasper" Lily said. "Really?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Sammy is lovely" Lily added. "I'm not too keen on other Alpha females. Too much dram among them sometimes. Although I have to admit Sammy is an absolute gem, she is absolutely beautiful and I don't think you could have found anyone better" Eve said. Even my ears were shocked to have received what had just been said. "God I would swing my tail out for her" Lily said. Eve was shocked and gently slapped Lily on the head. "Language" Eve said. "Sorry"

"Speaking of which, I might head back to her. I left her in the woods with Kate and I don't want to be gone too long in case they decide to eat each other" I said. "If you see Kate tell her to come back here. I still need to work on her mane" Eve said. "Will do. I will see you two lovely ladies at the wedding later on" I said bringing up my left paw and pointing at them. "See you there" they both replied in unison.

I walked out of the cave and I was walking down the side. As I was walking over to the tree line I heard a male's voice behind me. "Strangely enough I actually kind of missed you, omega". I turned around to see the male that as talking to me. "Oh hi Hutch. Long-time no see huh?" I asked. "You bet, although you have definitely have been up, and in more than me. Am I right?" he asked me with a wink. "Whatever do you mean?" I asked seeking some clarity on what he referring to. "That blue babe you have. Dude, I have been an alpha for long enough that I can see a stone more from three miles away, I can notice if a girl has been… you know" he said with a wink. "Well I suppose there isn't any point in denying it is there?" I asked rhetorically before chuckling nervously. "How did you know?" I asked. "Well her fur is sticky around her rear end and at the tip of her tail, and there is also a wet patch on her neck, which from what I learned from school is a common place that males would bite if they are mating from behind" Hutch said. "Damn you really are good" I said.

"How on earth did you charm a mega babe like that man. I can hardly get a second glance once it comes to the midnight howls. And that's if I'm lucky" Hutch said. "Well, I don't really know. I didn't really act any different than what I would be to anyone else. And if I may add, I believe it was her that tried to do most of the charming not me" I said. Hutch's Jaw drooped. "No way man I don't believe you" Hutch said. "Well that's what happened" I said with a chuckle. He was the first wolf to even bother asking about Sammy.

That was one thing I liked about Hutch. Even though he was an alpha and I was an omega, he was always respectful towards me. He didn't turn his nose up at. He actual;ly says hi to people and is willing to have a decent conversation with them. Hell he is even up for a slide or roll down the mountain every now and again.

"Come on dude give me something. One thing, one tiny little detail. You owe me that much" Hutch said. "Well she was always very flirty and she liked to show off. That's it. That's all I'm giving you" I said before chuckling away at myself. "We have got to hang out later. You need to give me tips and tricks" Hutch said. "Yeah we definitely have to" I said. "So what are you doing now, I thought you would be keeping the groom in check or something" I said. "Well that's the thing I am supposed to. Tony even asked me to. But the thing is he keeps sneaking off. And when I try to find Winston, he's always off to. Swear you can never find anybody in this damn place" Hutch said in frustration.

"They both walked past me earlier saying they were going a walk. So go to some viewpoints or something, I am sure you are bound to find one of them" I said. "Yeah good thinking. I'm going to go and find them. See you later" Hutch said as he took off going up the hill. "See you man. Try not to fall" I said as I turned and continued my walk towards the tree line.

As I was almost there a tall blonde alpha came through the tree line. Yes, it was her. I'm not going to lie to myself here, what she tried to do in the forest was way over the line. Well to me it was anyway. It would have been bad enough if I came back here by myself. But the fact that I was here with someone else, someone that I cared for very much, and have grown to like very much, just makes it even worse for me. All I wanted to do when she was trying to advance with me was just scream in her face to get off me, that she hasn't got a right to do so anymore after she told me that she was marrying someone else, she could have told me the truth and I would have been fine with it. Well, maybe not fine, but at least I would have understood. But the fact she didn't even shed a little bit of the truth with me, even in our adventure, where her and I survived a bear attack, almost being shot by humans, howling together….we howled together! And she still couldn't tell me, her best friend, that she was getting married.

"Umph" I let escape when I walked right into her. I need to stop thinking so deeply or I am going to get myself killed. "Wow, I dint realise I shined so bright that I blinded people" Kate joked. "Actually I was just thinking" I said. "I didn't mean to walk into you. I'm sorry" I said. "Hey don't worry Humphrey. No harm done eh?" she said. "Yeah" I said back.

There was something odd about Kate. She looked like she was feeling guilty about something. "You alright?" I asked. She looked like she was snapping out of a daydream. "Yeah I'm fine. It's a lovely day for a wedding. My sister is going to have a great day" she said. "Yeah she sure is. Oh by the way your mum said she was looking for you. She said she wanted to do your mane or something" I said. Kate slapped her paw on her forehead. "That's right I forgot. I've got to go see you later" she said as she went up to her parents den. "See you" I said back.

No I really hope that no one else come out of those woods or turns out to be behind me and wants to talk to me. I want to go back to my Sammy. It's been over 15 minutes at least since I left. And… why did Kate leave? Why was she looking guilty? I swear nothing bad better have happened or I will never, ever forgive her.

Sammy's POV

After laying there and crying for a few minutes I got up of the ground and wiped my eyes. I'm a big strong Alpha, and we don't cry. A few seconds later I can feel some more tears flowing into my eyes. Imagine what father would be telling me. 'Sam! Stop that! Alpha's do not cry!' would what he would be yelling at me. He wasn't the most affectionate of fathers, and that is an understatement. Mum was always the one that would dial him down a little. He often didn't but at least she tried.

I tried to stay in the same general area so when Humphrey was back from talking to Kate's mother he would know where to find me. I'm not too familiar with this territory and I don't want to climb a tree, for when all I know a squirrel armada could be being built to take over the racoon kingdom. Sometimes I forget how crazy my mind can be.

About 20 minutes had passed. I had passed the time by walking around in circles, tapping the water with my paw, and thinking about how many positions Humphrey and I can do if he's pounding me. Then I started creating new ones. But I was thinking about one which I was going to call the 'cum snatcher', I heard voices coming. It wasn't in the direction that Humphrey was coming from. It was coming from deeper in the forest. I wasn't too worried. They were in open conversation by the sounds of things so I wasn't worried. And beside I might be a female, but I can be strong, and no male alpha will ever try and cross me.

I didn't want any awkward chats with wolves I didn't know, and more likely males that would be interested in me only for my colour, and maybe my looks. That's where Humphrey is different; he loves me because of me, and who I am. I call it the rules of the preferred 'p'; he loves my Personality, and not just for my Pussy. As I hide in the bushes I just blushed as I thought of that. I might have to teach some rules to these new girls. I quietened my thoughts so I could have a listen to the conversation I heard them taking part in a mile away.

An older, obviously alpha with a slightly raspy voice was what I heard the most clearly first hand. "Although I have to admit, you were great today. You squeezed me so tight I thought I was going to explode" he said. Then a younger, also male voice replied to him. "Yeah it was great. It was nice and relaxing. I definitely needed that for today" the younger wolf replied. "Yeah, you are going to have a lot of attention" the older one said.

"Say um… after tonight when she falls asleep… can we sneak away and go for another round?" the younger male asked. "You want me again?" the older one asked. The two wolves seemed to have stopped right beside the bush I was hiding behind. "It's hard to say old man, but you do me nice and good" he said to the older wolf. "You know I'm old you know. i can't keep up. We screwed three times yesterday alone, we nearly even got caught" the older one said. "That's why I went looking for a new place for us to hide as we do it yesterday, and look what I found. Talk about the unexpected"

"I'm just saying we need to be more careful. I mean if my wife found out, and if your future wife finds out they would kill us" the older wolf said. "Well that's what makes it hot" the younger male replied. "Yeah, but we need to make limits" the older wolf said. Why can't they just go?! "First thing you got to do is to control your moaning, that's what almost got us caught" he said. The younger male responded with "Well maybe if you weren't so good at pinning me and dominating me, making me take it nice and good, maybe I wouldn't be moaning so much" he said in a seductive tone. He also added "And you need to be careful not to mess with my fur, this morning when we were doing it you messed my fur and they commented on it. I didn't feel good"

"Well if that ever happens again, you come to me, we'll sneak away and I'll make you feel really good again" the older male said. They finally continued to walk. "I hope we do this every day" the younger wolf said. "We will, and it will be our little secret" the older wolf replied. "Thanks…daddy" the younger wolf said. "I'm not used to that yet" the older wolf said. "You liar. You Nutt every time I say it" the younger wolf says. "That's a coincidence" the older one said.

I watched them both walk away. The older one was grey, and the younger one was I think red, or ginger. I can't tell they walked in the darker area where the trees covered them. Although the younger male had stains down his hind legs, like it was rain water leaking through cracks in the cave. Do I know them?

"Why you hiding?" I heard a whisper from behind me. I jumped up an pinned the wolf that snuck up on me, both of us landing with an 'oof.' It was Humphrey. "God dammit dot scare me you idiot" I said jokingly. "Sorry I couldn't resist" Humphrey said as he chuckled. I leant down and kissed Humphrey deeply. "What was that for" he asked me. "I love you. Now, how about we take a deep swim in that water there. I'm feeling dirty and in need of a clean" I said. Humphrey just smiled. "Got to be quick" he replied, "Remember we have a wedding today to be ready"

A/N: Well what did you all think of Humphrey and Eve chatting? And the people that Sammy overheard? Let me know what you think. Favourite, follow and review please. Peace out :)