Scene 40
When Penny got home from work she found Peter doing his homework.
"Hi sweetie. Is Sheldon around?"
"He went out for a walk. He said he didn't want to be near the apartment while Leonard was packing."
"Yeah, that would probably be upsetting. We should try to do something extra nice for him to take his mind off it."
"Like what?"
"Ever play putt-putt golf?"
"Well, Sheldon loves it. He gets all science-y when he plays but he has fun too. What do you think?"
"Listen, I don't want you to get worried but I'm going to go have a word with Leonard."
"It's like he said. You're getting back with him aren't you?"
"I promise I'm not. It's just that I've known him for a long time and I feel like I need to explain to him why I'm choosing to be your mother instead of his wife and why I'll never change my mind about that decision."
"Are you sure you'll be okay with him?"
"I'm sure. Look, I'm even taking my bat with me. If he gets out of line I'll go all Nebraska on him."
"Gramps showed me where you did that in the barn."
"Yeah, I guess that hole is gonna show through no matter what he does to cover it up."
"Mom, if you need me…"
"Thanks, sweetie. I need to do this on my own."
Scene 41
Penny went across the hall and didn't bother knocking. Leonard looked up from the box he was filling with action figures.
"So you came over to ask me to forgive you for yesterday? I'm not so sure that I will," Leonard said haughtily.
"Yeah, don't want or need your forgiveness, Leonard. I just thought, out of respect for our former friendship, I should try to explain why I'm making some of the decisions I've been making."
"I figured you couldn't stay mad at me," he said as he approached her.
"Oh, I'm still mad. And stop right there. Not a step closer, mister, if you value your kneecaps," Penny said brandishing her bat.
"So, what do you have to say?"
"Y'know, normally I'd say something like I'm sorry we didn't work out but you're a really nice guy and I hope that someday you meet the right person but I can't because you're a selfish and whiny little weasel who either deserves to be alone for the rest of your life or be tethered to someone like Amy. You two kind of deserve each other. But what I have to say is more about me."
"You want to get this over with. I have packing to do. I don't even have a place to live yet. I slept in my lab last night."
"Yeah. Don't care. Your tales of woe don't work on me any more. And, by the way, I spoke to your mom. She says she'd actually rather have me as a daughter than you as a son."
"Yeah, she would."
"Anyway, I've been doing a lot of thinking since Peter got here and I figured out some things about myself that I couldn't see before. I've been missing Peter for a long time. A very long time. I just didn't realize it. I tried to fill the hole in my life with guys and sex and alcohol. After a long time I figured out it wasn't working. So I spent a bunch of time alone while you were with Priya and whoever else you fucked after we broke up the first time. And Amy and Bernadette kept on pushing me to be in a relationship. To be in a relationship with you. And eventually I thought that was the right thing to do. The safe thing to do. I was wrong. There was only one way to fix what was wrong with me. I'm really sorry that it took my sister getting into a horrible accident to figure it out but now I'm finally whole. I have my son with me."
"You love me. And you love sex."
"Maybe I did love you. I'm not so sure. You certainly knew how to press my buttons and make me think I needed to be with you. And you certainly didn't waste any time taking advantage of the worst time in my life to ask me to marry you."
"I didn't make you say yes."
"Yeah, that's on me. Doesn't mean I don't regret it. I know you think that at some point I'm going to run back into your arms, into your bed. I just want you to know that is never, ever going to happen. And, as for sex, I'll admit that I enjoy it a lot but sex with you, not as good as you think it is. I'm really glad that Sheldon is making you leave. I like the idea of not running into you every day."
"Yeah, well you might be in for a little surprise. I called the management company about moving into your apartment after you move out."
"Well, Leonard, you might be in for a little surprise too."
"What are you talking about?"
"Then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"
Penny turned around and started to leave but stopped.
"By the way, Leonard, that Power Girl action figure you just threw into the box belongs to Sheldon."
"How could you possibly know that?"
"Because when he bought it he got me one too. He said it reminded him of me. I think I finally understand why he said that."
Scene 42
When Penny got back from 4A she found Sheldon reviewing Peter's homework.
"Hi sweetie, did Peter mention our plans for later?"
"Putt putt? That sounds like an enjoyable evening, Penny."
"I need to speak to you for a second alone, Sheldon. Do you mind coming into my bedroom for a moment? It's only a little messy."
"Alright. Peter, please review that last proof. It's a bit off. If you require I'll explain why when Penny and I are through conversing."
Scene 43
Sheldon and Penny moved into her bedroom. Penny motioned for him to sit on the bed, which was made, and that was unusual.
"It is a bit tidier in here, Penny. Though I suspect that is more Peter than you."
"Sheldon, I didn't ask you in here to review my housekeeping. We might have a problem. Leonard is talking about renting this apartment when I move out next week. He says he already called the management company."
"Oh my. That would be uncomfortable for all of us. I assumed I'd have a bit of time before I informed them about the elevator."
"Maybe you'd better email them now. Let me just grab some clothes and go into the bathroom to change while you do."
Scene 44
By the time she was done and exited the bathroom Sheldon had already moved to the living room and was smiling approvingly of Peter's revision to his homework.
"Penny, I suspect we'll hear something shortly."
And then, from across the hall, "A TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR SECURITY DEPOSIT!"
"I suspect that will be the end of Leonard's dream of staying in the building and harassing you back into his bed."
"Excuse me, Penny. That was crude of me. Peter, please disregard my previous comment and let us now prepare for an evening of pizza and putt putt."
A/N: So I'll admit that I've struggled a bit over the ending to this story. The more time I've spent with Penny, Peter and Sheldon the more time I've wanted to spend with them. I guess that's a roundabout way of saying that Peter will be back. I wasn't sure that I'd be able to create a twelve-year-old kid that people would care about. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that I care about him too. So as soon as I figure out the next part of their story they'll be back. See ya next time.
One thing I do want to be clear on though is that Sheldon is not Peter's father. Nor are they blood-related in any way. And I agree with Penny that Peter's father's identity is not terribly relevant. However, I can offer you a little coda that may help clarify things.
When Peter turned 21 Penny gave him a sealed envelope.
"Sweetie, your father's name is on a piece of paper in this envelope. You have a right to know where you came from. I don't need to see him or speak to him. But you need to make that choice for yourself."
When, many years later, Penny passed away, Peter placed the never-opened envelope in her coffin with her. He told his friends that Penny and her family and Sheldon and his family were all the family he ever needed and there was never any reason for him to meet his biological father or even know his identity and that it was only right that the secret be buried with Penny.