Hello All! Disclaimer! I do not own Harry Potter! I do however own all OCs and original plots.

This will primarily be a Sirius Black/OC fanfiction but there will be conflict and what not, so bare with me!

Loosing Touch

Chapter One: Back to School

Do you want to know what the absolute worst taste in the entire world is, besides mushrooms of any sort? The taste of orange juice directly after you've brushed your teeth. I loath that taste more than.. well, a lot of things I suppose. And not thinking this morning, due to lack of sleep, I brushed my teeth,

before going down to grab a spot of breakfast. Oh how this has ruined my morning.

I'm sitting at my kitchen table, Daily Prophet in one hand, and a spoon in the other, and have now been re-reading the same sentence for nearly a minute out of pure disgust. I read somewhere once that toothpaste has something in it that counteracts with natural sugars and makes them sour. This putrid orange juice is enough proof to convince me.

Sticking my tongue out I dropped both the Daily Prophet and my spoon, getting up and walking over to the kitchen sink to fill up a glass of water, trying to rinse the taste from my mouth. I gargled the water a moment before spitting it out. Moving back to the table, I folded up the paper, and grabbed my bowl of cereal, not yet done and started for the staircase, knowing full well my Nan would be livid if I left the paper sitting out.

I took the stairs carefully, trying not to spill anything on the carpet, before going to the end of the hall and kicking the door open. The clock on my wall was the first thing to grab my attention. Just after eight am, which left me.. two hours to get ready before I could floo over to Lily's and have her parents take the both of us to King's Cross Station. It was easiest that way.

I made a quick mental check list, going over it twice to be sure. I'd showered last night, so I wouldn't have to do so in the morning. I ate. I brushed my teeth. Well I really should do that again. Just in case. I had nearly finished packing, just a few tid bits left here and there that I could shove in at the last moment. I just had to get myself dressed and presentable, and triple check I had all my books and quills and robes.

I walked over to my half packed trunk and flopped down, rummaging through both it, and the pile of clothing next to it, trying to find something to put on. I settled on a black dress with a light floral pattern, and a black jumper to pull over it. It was one of my favorite 'You need to be in public and not look like a bum' go to looks. After dressing, I left my bedroom and scooted quietly down the hallways before slipping into the bathroom to tame my wild mess of hair.

I had gone through a phase last summer, when I was stuck in the muggle world with no magic, and began to dye my hair ruthlessly, much to my grandparents demise. But to my own demise it resulted in my hair becoming an unruly mess. To try and counteract it, I , in a moment of pure weakness, cut it all off to just above my ears. The rest of that summer, and the start of fifth years was hellish for me, or at least it was in my mind. Frankly, I doubt anyone else really noticed.

But now my hair was back to it's natural shade of dark brown, and twisted this was and that to just below my shoulders. Where it belonged. I didn't even try to run a brush through it, I had learned long ago that this only angered the hair Gods and turned me into a fuzz ball. So instead I settled with wetting my fingers and running them through my hair a few times to tame the freeze. Check one more think of my list.

Washing my face was next, giving myself a moment to breath in the steam coming off the warm water before pressing a washcloth to my face and letting out a content sign. This is one of the few things I miss when I am at Hogwarts. Getting time alone in the bathroom, without Lily, or Alice, or even Dana bursting it to use the loo or jump in the shower. Setting the washcloth down I regarded myself a moment. Goodness do things change over just a short amount of time. Over the summer, the constant sun exposure had brought all the freckles on my face to the foreground, creating a dramatic offset to my pale complexion. They also made my hazel eyes seem a bit browner than usual. I gave myself a smile before opening the cabinet and grabbing my make up bag.

Now I didn't wear a lot of makeup, just a dab of concealer on a pesky pimple was enough for me. But I has a bloody soft spot for eyeliner okay? I'm not saying I need it, but hell. I like putting it on. I like the way it looks, so why the hell not? And that's what I did. I applied eyeliner nearly every morning. Not an obtuse amount. Just enough to make me happy.

Once I was done with that, I gave my teeth another thorough cleaning, wanting my smile to be bright as can be for the first day back at school, before tossing everything back into my make up bag and scurrying off to my room once again.

I could hear the telly on downstairs, alerting me to that fact that my grandfather was now up and about. I gave a small smile before shutting my bedroom door, the thick wood blocking out all other sounds, besides the ones floating in from my open bedroom window.

It really was a stunning sight if you asked me. My curtains, blowing about and the sunlight pouring into my bedroom. My bed was, for once, made up nice, my cat snuggled up on my pillow, lightly dozing until we had to leave. The room smelled of lilac, due to an incense I had burning in the corner.

Everything, besides the dancing curtains, was as if time itself stood still. But it didn't, and it wasn't, and I was running out of time to get my arse to Lily's So I began to haphazardly toss everything into my trunk. Books. Quills. Bottles of ink. Sweaters and robes. I packed extra shoes, and plenty of socks this time. Never ever too many pairs of socks. Once I double checked my room, and found nothing of interest, I shut my trunk and locked it.

One more glance at the clock told me all I needed to know. It was time to venture downstairs and say goodbye, before flooing over to Lily's. I took a deep breath and stood up, looking at myself in the mirror a moment, giving myself an internal pep speech before grabbing my wand off the table and shoving it into my boot.

I picked up my trunk, and with much effort, and little dignity, managed to get it down the stairs without killing myself. Once safely on level floor again, I dragged myself into the sitting room as confidently as possible, crossing directly in front of the telly and over to the fire place.

"I. Uh. I'm heading out now.." I started, looking at my grandfather who was fixated on the telly. It came as no surprise that he didn't turn to look at me. He didn't really look at anyone anymore. I blamed it on old age, bad eyes, and hard hearing. My grandmother of course blamed me. I took a step closer to the ailing man and nudged my way in front of the television. His eyes snapped from the screen to me.

"Aberdeen?" He asked, almost as if he had been woken from a dream, "Aberdeen love, what are you doing?" He asked, looking his eldest granddaughter over with confusion, "Where are you going?" I blinked a few times to dry my eyes as I look at the man in front of me and swallowed down the lump in my throat.

"I'm going to school pop," I reminded him, as I had been doing every day that week, "Remember? We talked about this last night? I'm going back to school for a bit? And you and nan will be by yourselves, yeah? But I will be home at Christmas to check up on you." I came closer to him, glancing at the stairs for any sign of the old bat. "I got you a gift, but you can't tell nan." I whispered. His eyes twinkled, and for a moment I was reminded of the pop I knew growing up, with big blue eyes, and a laugh that made even the sternest of people crack a smile.

"Well child, what are you waiting for?" He asked, "Come here then." I laughed, coming closer and kneeling down next to him, grinning stupidly up at him.

"Open up your hand and close your eyes." I demanded, unable to keep the grin off my face. I didn't care if he wouldn't remember this after I left, five minutes from now, or even days. What mattered was making those eyes sparkle again. He did as he was told and I gently placed something in his hand before standing up and kissing his forehead, "Bye pop, be good for nan, don't let her get to you too much.. She shouts because she cares." my teeth clenched slightly at the thought of leaving him here alone.

I stepped back and grabbed my trunk, preparing to floo over to Lily's and begin another adventure at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"A toffee?" I heard the voice behind me, and I knew without looking that he was grinning. I glanced over my shoulder and nodded, grinning myself.

"Yes a toffee. Now eat it before nan wakes up and confiscates it! I'll see you in December!" I called once more before turning my back on him. Knowing I had to leave now or risk crying before I even got to Lily's. I took up a hand of floo powder and stepped into my fireplace shouting, "216 Sunset Lane!" And dropping the dust.

My world was enveloped my flames briefly, before I blinked the soot from my eyes and nearly fell backwards when I found a pair of striking green eyes mere centimeters from my own.

"Bloody hell Lily, am I no longer entitled to some personal space?" I asked, in a fake annoyed tone. We both regarded each other for a moment, looks of annoyance riddling our features. Lily was the first to crack, and I marked this victory off in my mind before matching her grin and throwing my arms around the taller girl, "Lily!" I laughed, hugging her tight.

"Abby!" She yelled back, practically squeezing all the air from my lungs. We continued to embrace each other a moment, giggling nearly hysterically, before Lilly pulled back to look me over, tsking in only a way a mother could. "You're all sooty."

I gave her a roll of my eyes, hoping to convey the message of 'duh Lil. Look at what I just came out of. Your bloody fireplace.' but this action merely caused her to tsk again before beginning to brush me off.

"Thank you mother." I said dryly, lifting my own hairs to my hair and attempting to remove some of the soot, while doing so I look a look around the cozy little sitting room, smiling to myself. I knew the Evan well. I'd been over Lily's plenty of times since my first year, and had had many late night in this here living room, watching movies and talking about the cutest boys at Hogwarts.

Those memories brought a fond smile to Aberdeen's lips. She remembered them all so well. She remembered first meeting Lily, this day, six years ago. Both of them at the time were small and sharp, and bloody scared out of their wits. Aberdeens grandfather had left her at the entrance to Kings Cross station, saying it wasn't his place to go any further. I was waddling about with an oversized trunk and a fat kitty looking for any clue as to where I was supposed to go when I bumped into her, my soon to be best mate.

Who would have thought that our friendship would blossom into something like this? Not to get all sappy or anything, but Lily was like the big sister I never really asked for. Speaking of which, the girl in question was now staring at me like I had grown an extra head. I made a face at her and she returned the favor before laughing.

"You're clean now. Thanks for being uncooperative per usual." She smiled, giving me a nudged before pulling my trunk towards the front door.

"Where is your sister?" I asked, peeking up the stairs trying to locate one of my.. least favorite people, before looking at my watch. Lily took a look at her own before shrugging, giving me a 'we will talk later' look, and calling up the stairs.

"Mum! Dad! Deen is here! We're ready when you are." There was shuffling before an older woman with brownish red hair came hurrying down the stairs, arms open.

"Aberdeen!" She called out to me, and I couldn't help but grin back, opening up my arms to the woman and graciously accepting her hug, "How are you? Took you long enough? What happened to coming to spend the last week with us, hm? I was highly disappointed to find out you couldn't come!" I gave a small bark of laughter, to which Lily rolled her eyes, pulling me out of her mother's embrace.

"I think mother was far more upset than I was. Really it was a relief to not have to see your face for another week."

"Oi!" I laughed, playfully whacking her. Lily cried out before opening the front door and dashing out. I quickly chased after her, listening to her mother call after us.

"Don't get too far girls! We're leaving in a moment! Can't be late to the station!" Lily and I both nodded before chasing each other around in her front yard, as her father loaded up the trunks into the car. Eventually the tables turned and Lily was now sitting perched on a whining Aberdeen.

"Geddoff' me!" I whined, pinching Lily's side, "Geddoff me or else!" I threatened, smirking up at her. Lily let out a hearty laugh.

"Or else what?" She scoffed, "You're going to flop around some more? Face it Abs, I am stronger than you." I gave her one final warning with my gaze before singing in the most obnoxious voice I could muster,

"Lily and James sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Lily paled visibly, clasping her hands over my mouth, shaking her head.

"You shut your mouth, you. I swear I will hex you from her to next week, if you don't shut your mouth." She threatened, smile tugging at her lips. I nodded, licking the back of her hand to try and get her to free me. She merely scoffed, "As if that works on me anymore. Promise you wont mention him until we get to the station?" I gave a final nod before she released me. I opened my mouth to begin my singing once more when her mother's voice rang out across the yard

"Deen, Lily, come on girls we need to get going." Lily looked triumphant and I gave her a 'we will talk later' look before we both stood up, brushing ourselves off, and moved over to the car, plopping in the back seat.

The rest of the ride was pleasant. Lily's mother asked me what I did all summer. I told her about baby sitting a neighbors daughter some days and how I worked at a book store for most of the summer, and really enjoyed it there, because I got discounts. Lily told me about her holiday in France, and how she'd have to bring me if we went again. Lily and I discussed OWLS and how we did. Lily as perfect as usual, and I didn't do nearly as bad in Ancient Ruins as I thought I'd do.

After that we lapsed into a quite comfortable silence, Lily pulling out "Advanced Potions, Year Six" and beginning to read, while I messed with my hair, staring out the window. I was thinking about how this year was going to play out. Classes would definitely be tougher that's for sure. And that would be less time to spend with friends, mucking about it the common room. Not to mention they now had to start seriously considering career choices.

"Bloody hell.." I murmured to myself, not really realizing I had said anything at all until Lilly made a soft 'hm?' sound. I merely shook my head, "Nothing, just thinking." She took this as a suitable answer before going back to her reading and we once again fell into a peaceful silence.

The last half an hour of our journey went by in an instant and before I knew it, Lily's father was getting our trunks out and rushing us inside. We made our way towards platforms nine and ten and as quickly as possible ran directly at the wall between the two.

Now anyone who happened to look out way at the time might see the tail end of a coat, or a foot quickly disappearing, but they would soon after forget it. Some might even rub their eyes and do a double take, but Muggles don't remember magic very well when it's not directly happening to them.

So with in seconds we were standing on the other side, on a busy platform, with children and parents bustling around night to a grand train, titled, The Hogwarts Express. I took a moment to admire the beautiful train before feeling someone tug on my hand. Lily pulled me through the crowd, followed by both Mr. And Mrs. Evans. We reached the train and Mr .Evans moved forward to plop our trunks on.

All around us friends were being reunited, and people were hugging their family goodbye with teary eyes. Once the trunks were secure, a grinning Mr. Evans turned to us, first fulling Lily into a tight hug kissing her forehead. I smiled brightly at the exchange, and was mildly surprised when he let go of her that he pulled me in next, giving me a bone crushing hug too. I blinked a few times before smiling and hugging him back. He kissed my forehead in the same manner before looking at us both with a grin.

"Be good girls. I expect top marks from both of you. And for you to stay away from trouble you hear." He pointed at me with a suppressed grin, "Look out for each other and owl us if you need anything, you hear?" He asked before his wife took over, bringing both Lily and I into a teary hug.

"Oh mum.." Lily sighed, rubbing her back gently, and rolling her eyes. I on the other hand, merely hugged back tight, trying to suppress some tears of my


"You heard you father! I want top marks this year! Not that I think you two would give me any less.. Be good girls, and be extra safe." We both nodded with quite 'yes mums' before stepping back on the train. The whistles blew and we knew that the train would be setting into motion any second now. Lily and I waved to her parents once more before stepping back, so we weren't thrown from the now slowly moving train. We watch several students jump on last minute before shutting the doors and merely staring at each other a moment. I was the first one to break this time, falling into a fit of giggles, Lily joining me soon after. We managed to get ourselves under control, and I grabbed my trunk starting down the hallway.

"Come on, let's find our mates." I decided, peeking into ever compartment that we passed. I spotted some first years looking petrified and smiled at them, they all shot me back nervous smiles, before I continued on my way. I recognized some of the faced. Some good. Some bad. Almost all younger than me, or from different houses.

Finally, near the rear of the train, just when I was loosing hope and starting to think that maybe they were all towards the front of the train I spotted a mop of red hair from inside one of the compartments. Upon closer inspection I recognized the face immediately and grinned, flinging the door open and tossing myself at the first person in the room, arms winding around their neck in a tight, hug.

"Jacob Basile!" I squeaked, holding my best friend against me, against his will, "You did not owl me back!" I scolded him immediately, pulling back to glare at him. He let out a chuckle.

"I didn't think I had to, I assumed, since I'd be seeing you in a few days, this would make up for it." He smirked up at me, and my new position, sitting on him. Not that I cared at all. This was Jake, my best mate, tied toe and toe with Lily Evans. And he was gayer than the day is long.

Lily scoffed, pulling her trunk in, and with the help of our other mates in the compartment, swung it up onto the wrack.

"What am I? Chopped liver? You weren't this excited to see me?" She complained in a teasing manner. I rolled my eyes and pulled Lily down on top of me, ruffling her hair out of love.

"Come on Lils, you know I missed you too!" I cooed, as she tried to push herself away from me. I eventually let her go and watched amused as she tried to pat down her hair, glaring daggers at me.

"You know, Deenie Beanie." She teased, a small smirk growing, "I could always find that.. Hufflepuff you snogged just before break? I'm sure he missed you a lot..." She trailed off pretending to think. I gave her my very best death glare as I felt Jake on the back of my hair, getting my attention.

"Excuse me? Whom were you snogging? Why wasn't I sent a formal confession?" He asked, raising a single, bloody perfect eyebrow at me. I didn't understand how he got them to be so.. perfect! Without magic!

"Christopher Whittle, in a third floor broom cupboard. During Owls at that." Lily announced loudly causing the compartments other occupants to speak up for the first time.

Cameron Lockwood, a fellow sixth year Gryffindor, with light blonde hair and big blue eyes, smiled almost dreamily, shaking her head, perfect little curls bouncing. How I was jealous of her perfect hair. She sat across from Jake and I (Who were still sharing a seat) and giggled.

"He's absolutely dreamy though." She stated, causing Lily to roll her eyes and flop down in an empty seat and my cheeks to go bright red.

Dana Simmons, another Gryffindor sixth year, with a short crop of bluish black hair, nodded her agreement, "He's a handsome bloke, that for sure. Obviously fit from all that Quidditch. Both of them dissolved into a fit of giggled at my quickly reddening face.

"Hey I neither confirmed nor denied Lily's allegations to me snogging Christopher Whittle in a broom cupboard." I huffed, sitting up a little straighter and trying to gain back some lost dignity.

That's when a familiar voice spoke up from just outside the compartment door, that we had naively left open.

"What' this about Green Bean snogging a bloke in a cupboard?" The haughty voice asked, amusement dripping from every syllable. "Whose trunk is out in the hall? It's holding up traffic?"

Bit of a cliff hanger? Eh, you probably all know who the familiar voice is, right?

Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it! Please feel free to review! I will try and update as much as possible. But review are always helpful! Constructive criticism is welcome! Along with questions, comment, and concerns. Unnecessary rudeness is frowned upon.
