AU with modern setting but still danmaku magic and all of that stuff.

Alice yelled Marisa's name in pleasure. Marisa's fingers helped her ride out her orgasm and her tongue wrapped around Alice's clit. She brought herself up and nibbled her earlobe.

"I love you Alice ~ze." She whispered into Alice's ear.

Her eyes snapped open from her arousing slumber. 'Like that would ever happen. Especially with Marisa!' She thought, mentally yelling at herself and blushing.

She closed her eyes and turned over, ready to sleep again, but was startled when she felt the faint stroke of breaths on her face. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a small chin, and a half-open mouth with a fang. Her eyes drifted up. A small nose and closed eyes. This person had blond hair and a front ponytail on one side. Her eyes drifted down and she instantly blushed and looked away. This person was also nude. So was she. So was she! She instantly and unconsciously tried to cover herself with the blankets, but Marisa had a grip on them. Marisa. Wait. Marisa?! Marisa made an objective-like grunt when Alice moved the blankets. Alice smiled inwardly. That was cute. Okay really cute. She sighed. Marisa stirred and mumbled, shifting her head a bit closer to Alice's. Close. Too close! Marisa's nose touched Alice's and their breaths were shared. Alice stared at Marisa's sleeping face. She couldn't fall asleep again for some reason. Marisa sighed and her eyes slowly opened. Flamboyant yellow eyes looked at Alice, sleepily, almost hazy looking. Marisa smiled.

"A little early to be wakin up Alice ~ze!" Marisa's smile was so caring.

Alice nodded. "Oh, Marisa, did we... did... y'know... do it?" She grew flustered at the last words and squirmed.

Marisa looked comepletely serious again. "Yeah, yesterday. Last night when I came over, and you made cookies. They were delicious ~ze." She smiled again.

"Ha, good. I'm glad you like them." Alice said.

"Anyway, why are you up so early, it's like three a.m!" Marisa propped her head on her arm, fully looking at Alice.

"Well, I just couldn't get back to sleep again I guess." Alice rubbed her eye tiredly.

"Here, you can sleep by me if you want ~ze!" Marisa extended her arms out and pulled Alice into her embrace, smiling sincerely. Alice's head was in Marisa's collarbone area and she felt loved and warm. She closed her eyes and was almost to sleep when Marisa whispered to her: "I love you Alice ~ze. Sleep well." Alice then drifted off to sleep, listening to Marisa's heartbeat. Marisa followed soon after and her head rested on top of Alice's. Their legs intwined after that.

Sunlight drifted through Alice's room and she stirred. Then she remembered what she and Marisa had done the night before and wrapped the first blanket around herself and got up to go to the kitchen. She looked around. Where was Marisa? Did she leave? Alice hoped that Marisa didn't leave, and was reassured when she saw Marisa's basketball shorts and her green t-shirt scattered messily across the house that she had worn the night before. She also noticed a half-empty bottle of Sake. 'At least we weren't drunk.' She thought, letting the bottle remain on the coffee table. She went back to the bedroom and picked out a pair of panties and a shirt. The shirt was too big. It had white letters saying "Got Milk?" across the front. Her phone rang from the other room and she ran to pick it up.

"I'm guessing that Marisa stayed with you last night, I didn't see her back at the shrine." Reimu's voice said statically behind the reciever.

"U-uh y-y-yeah, she did." Alice was red.

"Mmmmhmmm." Reimu said sarcastically. "What's up, you sound nervous.?"

"Nothing, I just woke up. I don't know where Marisa is though." Alice said. "She's still here. Because her clothes are here."

"Oooooooohhhh, what did you two do last night?" Reimu smirked.

"W-w-we didn't do a-at-anything!" Alice yelled, clearly flustered.

"Yeeah. Got it. Okay, just checking in. See you guys later." Reimu said, back in her flat, relaxed tone.

"Wait, Reimu!" Alice said.

"Yeah?" No answer. "Hey." Nothing.

"I have to go Marisa just got out of the shower. Bye." Alice hung up. Reimu stared at her phone. She sighed and put it next to her, taking a sip of her tea.

Marisa was clad only in a towel, which was only around her waist and she was barely wet at all. Had she no shame!? She walked out of the bathroom and picked up her shirt. "I'll be needing this ~ze!" She walked over and picked up her shorts. Alice knew what was coming next. "Do Y'know where my underwear is ~ze?" Alice shook her head, red in the face.

"Marisa, you are a girl." Alice tried to stray her gaze away from Marisa's flatish chest, blushing.

"Yup!" Marisa smiled, totally missing Alice's point.

Marisa wandered around the room before she found her panties and she slipped them and her shorts on, dropping the towel when she did this. She didn't even bother to go back in the bathroom! She threw her shirt and it landed across the room. "I don't even know why I had this." She said, shrugging and sitting in the corner of Alice's couch.

Alice tossed her shirt back at Marisa and sighed, stretching. "Sakuya and Meiling are going out, so they need someone to watch over Flan and Remi for them. I guess Sakuya just wants a break. I assume that you will tag along?"

"Sure! Those two are fun ~ze!" Marisa pulled the green shirt over her head.

Marisa got up and put on her shoes. They were rugged black and white Supras. Alice got into the shower, humming ever so lightly. Marisa sat on the couch and flipped through a magazine about teenagers. She picked up the bottle of Sake, sipping from the drink and relaxing. She knew not to drink too much, that would be no fun. Alice got out of the shower about ten minutes later and she put on a white t-shirt and a yellow plaid, short sleeve button-up over it, leaving it unbuttoned. She wore light blue skinny jeans along with a pair of grey Vans and a red headband. Marisa stood up when Alice walked to the door and kissed her quickly, surprising her. Marisa grabbed her hand.

"Ready to go?" Marisa opened the door, grabbing her broom.

Alice's house was in the middle of a forest where grass and leaves rippled under Marisa's flight. Alice flew beside her and they came upon the mansion. Sakuya stood in the front of the building, waiting for them to arrive while keeping an eye on the two vampires who were chasing eachother with sticks (which probably isn't a good idea). They landed and Marisa stood up, tripping over a stone, but not falling because she had grabbed onto Alice's sleeve. Marisa rubbed the back of her head and grinned guiltily at the taller blonde. Sakuya handed them a peice of paper and called to Meiling, who sprinted over from whatever she was doing before. The two left the vampires for the day.

"Stab! Stab!" Remilia stood behind Flandre poking her back.

"Oh No! I'm deaaaad! Onee-sama whyyy!" Flandre fell to the ground, putting a palm to her forehead.

Remilia knelt down next to her and looked up. "Noooooooooo! What have I doooone!?"

Flandre jumped up and started hovering above her. "What's this? I'm alive after all!"

"I'll get you next time!" Remilia went and jumped onto a chair.

Marisa and Alice laughed at how easily the sisters could entertain eachother. By this time, they were inside and Alice was fixing a lunch and Marisa occasionally popped in and helped. The sisters had decided to take a nap and were rubbing their eyes. Remilia got into her room and lay on the bed, pulling in the covers. Only a minute or two later Flandre came in.

"Can I sleep with you?"

She climbed into the bed and Remilia's arms wrapped around her. Marisa peeked in and smiled warmly. She walked up to Alice who was still working on lunch and wrapped her arms around her waist and put her head on Alice's shoulder.

"What are you gonna make ~ze?" Marisa rocked them back and forth on her feet. She smiled and breathed in Alice's scent from her neck. "We still have some time."

"No, Marisa I have to make lunch for them." Marisa kissed her neck and licked her kiss mark. "... Marisa, no."