A/N: I decided to write a quick one-shot about Moreid. Hope you enjoy! A shower scene...never written this style of story before (And hell, I have no real world experience with this either) so it's probably crap, but I'm learning! It's not very graphic/detailed but please read anyways!

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!

Please read and REVIEW!


My Name On Your Lips

Derek Morgan was currently sitting on his bed of the crappy hotel room he was sharing with Spencer Reid. They'd been in Pennsylvania for nearly two weeks trying to catch a pair of unsubs that were beheading their victims, but this was thankfully their last night.

Morgan let out a worried sigh, Reid had been in the shower for almost 45 minutes now. If it were Derek, that would be normal...but Spencer hates long showers.

He'd noticed Spencer had become more distant from him during the past few months. At first the young doctor would sputter and act nervous around the darker man, which turned into avoidance outside of work..and what now seemed to be avoidance even while on a case.

He shook his head sadly, Spencer barely looked at him any more, and the others were starting to notice- which was exactly why they'd been paired together in the hotel. Hotch thought they needed to work out whatever was going on.

He waited for 5 more minutes and the skinny man to finish up but still the water poured down. He was pacing now, he knew Spencer could get depressed and that he'd thought about hurting himself before (Reid informed him of that back when they were close...Derek missed those days).

He couldn't take it anymore, he knew the door's lock was broken so he quietly opened it.

The small room was steamy, and just as the well-built agent was about to question Reid he heard something..surprising.

"Derek!" Spencer's voice panted out.

Derek's eyes widened comically, mouthing What?! He still didn't speak, sure that he'd just imagined the moan.

"God...Morgan!" The breathless words coming out again.

Derek's confusion and surprise quickly turned to one of lust. He'd never thought he'd hear his name on Pretty Boy's lips..his delicious, delicious lips.

God, he'd wanted the younger agent for so long. This was his chance, he knew that his feelings were mutual, that Reid wanted him just as much as he wanted Reid. This was it.

"Hey, Pretty Boy...you doin' okay in there?" His voice was low and gravely.

He heard a squeak from behind the curtain, causing him to grin mischievously.

"De-Derek?" An apprehensive voice stuttered out as the shower stopped.

"Hey.." The smile was evident in his tone, "You mind if I get in there with you, Pretty Boy?"

"Wha-what? W-why?" His voice was panicked and embarrassed, "I-"

Derek played with the edge of the curtain, "What's the pointing in moaning my name if I'm not the one making you do it?" He asked seductively.

Spencer peaked out of the ugly green shower curtain, his face bright red. "You..want to come in here with me?"

"I've been wanting this for a long time." He said sweetly, touching his partner's hand. "That is, if you want me too..and judging by those incredible noises earlier, you do."

There was a heavy silence between the two, their eyes never leaving the other's.

Spencer spoke, "You should probably take your clothes off." He smiled shyly at the more experienced agent.

Derek didn't need to hear it twice, quickly stripping down and joining the beautiful man.

The water was still warm, much to Derek's astonishment. He wrapped his arms around Reid's neck, leaning in for a kiss.

Spencer responded instantly, opening his mouth for entry. Derek happily obliged.

Both could feel the increasing hardness pressing between them. Spencer rolled his hips slowly, eliciting a gasp from Morgan.

Derek broke away for air, both men breathing heavily. He slowly trailed his way down Spencer's torso and to his aching member.

He looked at Reid for approval before taking it in his hand, along with his own erection.

His calloused hand stroked them slowly, the friction between the two adding to the pleasure.

They groaned in unison, neither of the two had experienced this before.

Minutes had passed, each of them fighting to prolong the experience- but both were too excited in this new situation.

Spencer babbled like an idiot, his powerful mind unable to form coherent thoughts. Derek wasn't much better.

Derek pumped them harder, unaware of anything else in the world.




Outside of their hotel room stood a very annoyed, and somewhat concerned Jennifer Jereau.

She'd been calling both Derek and Spencer for 20 minutes, along with two separate knocks on their door.

Prentiss walked up to her, "They're still not answering? Should we go get an extra room key?"

JJ shook her head, "I can hear the shower running, I guess one of them is sleeping."

Prentiss stepped towards the door, "Let me try." She banged on room 212.

The door opened to reveal Derek and Spencer, one with a charming smile and the other's eyes darting anywhere but on their two coworkers.

"What's up guys?" Morgan asked happily, leaning against the doorframe.

"We've been calling you for the past half-hour! We should have left for dinner 10 minutes ago!" JJ exclaimed, scrutinizing the duo, "Didn't you hear your phones?"

"We were in the bathroom." Derek said before realizing his mistake, Reid froze.

Prentiss quirked an eyebrow, "Both of you?"

Spencer spoke for the first time, in a rushed tone. "He was in the shower and I was getting ready."

"Wow.." Jennifer said slowly, "You two are closer than I thought."

Derek grinned, "You have no idea."

Emily still watched them, a smirk forming, "Seriously, I wouldn't think Reid would be within ten feet of a naked person...unless.."

"Hey!" He said, offended.

Before any other comment could be made, Rossi and Hotch walked up.

"Can we leave now? They aren't going to hold our reservations forever." Aaron said with an exasperated sigh.

"Yes, we can." Spencer took off, leading the group in an attempt to avoid any more questions.

Rossi threw the younger agents behind him a quizzical look but Derek shrugged it off, the girls smirking towards each other.

Aaron held the door for the team, "Come on, let's go eat."