Like Pieces of a Puzzle

Author: Mystic Dodo

Published: February 2015

A/N: So my mind is exploding with Puzzleshipping oneshots and, not gonna lie, I'm somewhat tempted to put all of them into a collection. But then again... all the Puzzlespam?! Hmm... what do you guys think?

Warnings: post series, puzzleshipping (though should you expect anything different?!).

Discovering the Pharaoh's lost name needed to be a discovery that had no misunderstandings or other interpretations. It needed hard science and archaeology, not tales of magic and Millennium Items and such. When the news hit the world of the Nameless Pharaoh being, well, named, Yuugi and Atemu sat side by side with their friends, attention captured by the television. It was only a small news sector but afterwards Atemu silently left the room and stood outside, taking in deep gulps of air.

Half a minute passed before somebody joined him. "Atemu?" A small, warm hand landed on his shoulder and his skin tingled at the contact. "How are you?"

"I'm not… I don't…" The Pharaoh turned Spirit turned Person sighed and turned his gaze to Yuugi. The sight of sparkling eyes shining with concern momentarily took his breath away. "Please don't call me that," he ended up mumbling. "That name… it isn't me. Atemu is an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh. He died at whatever age doing goodness knows what and… and he was forgotten for thousands of years." Yuugi's arm lightly encircled Atemu's waist, offering silent support. "But me? I... I was Yami before I was Atemu. I was yours before I was some reincarnated Pharaoh. I was your protector, not the saviour of the world. I was your other half."

"You will always be my other half, Mou Hitori no Boku."

It had been weeks since he had last been referred to that and the ex Pharaoh was torn between chuckling and whimpering. He had been so emotional since he was granted a body. Sometimes he wondered if he made the right decision; he had already lived. Yet when Yuugi greeted him with a nuzzle and their friends clapped him on the shoulder he was able to ignore the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach and smile.

Seeing the world flurry at the archeological discovery that could make history made him feel... sick. It was just a name. Saying that, though, he could understand the importance of one. Taking a deep breath, Atemu drew himself to his full height and gazed down at Yuugi with such an intense gaze it was breath taking. "I'm not Atemu. I'm Yami. I'm your Yami. I chose to stay. I chose to keep my identity as Yami instead of adopting Atemu."

Yuugi smiled softly, reaching up a hand and gently cupping Yami's warm cheek. "My brave, strong Darkness," he murmured affectionately. "Are you finally ready to make a future instead of finding the puzzle pieces of your past?"

Yami's lips tugged. "I have been rather obsessive, haven't I? For so long I thought finding out my past would make me feel whole again but it just made me all the more confused. The truth is, I am no longer that person who sacrificed himself for the good of his people. I haven't been for a long time. Going into the Afterlife as Atemu, it felt wrong. I couldn't do it. But yet..."

He blinked when a finger landed on his lips and Yuugi was gazing up at him with such an understanding expression that Yami began to shake. "No one said it was going to be easy," the smaller of the two said quietly. He chuckled softly. "To be honest with you, I thought something like this may happen, especially after Isis suggested going public with the discovery. For days I've been trying to think of what I could say to help you, to try and ease any confusion you may have. You know what? I've got nothing. But you, Yami... you said so yourself. You have chosen to be Yami. You chose to stay here."

"Was it right of me, though?" Yami whispered so softly that he could see Yuugi straining to hear him.

"It is a... unique situation," Yuugi said carefully, fingers moving to play with the hair at the nape of Yami's neck. "But you made your choice. I think, what we need to do now, is to stop worrying about what was right or wrong. You chose to be Yami, right? So, be Yami. Laugh with us, duel with us, make more precious memories with us. Live." Yuugi's face blossomed into a grin. "Sure, it would have to be with commoners instead of royalty but -"

Yami chuckled despite himself and pulled Yuugi into a hug. After a few seconds, he pulled back and hesitantly gazed into the purple eyes he had grown to love. "My light, my Hikari..." He faltered at that and gave an awkward, twisted expression accompanied by an odd sound. Yuugi, dear sweet Yuugi, only stood on tiptoes and gave his cheek a brief kiss.

"You are the other half of my soul, Yami," he murmured. "I want to spend the rest of my life with my Darkness. You began creating memories with us while you were a Spirit. Now, though, you can make even more. You were Atemu... then you were The Other Yuugi. Now, though, be you. Be Yami."

"Your Yami?"

"Always," Yuugi replied, allowing Yami to guide him into a kiss. The evening air was gently caressing their skin, the sun beginning to set in the distance. It bathed them in a warm light, and as the seconds passed Yami felt the tension in his shoulders release. He grinned into the kiss, feeling Yuugi smile before breaking the contact to lock their eyes together. Yami whispered "thank you" before kissing Yuugi again, bodies pressed close, enjoying the proximity.

"Yuugi? Atemu?" A hesitant voice came from the door way. The two broke apart to see a blushing Anzu standing there. "Erm... You two have been gone for a long time. Just wanted to make sure that everything was alright?"

Yuugi giggled, a delicate flush over his cheeks. "Sorry about that, Anzu. Yami just needed some air."

"Y-Yami?" Anzu repeated, blinking a few times before grinning. "Well then, Yami, Yuugi, are you guys going to stay out here all evening or are you going to watch a crappy movie with us?"

Following his boyfriend and best friend inside, Yami regained his position on the sofa, Yuugi cuddled up to his side. For the first time since being granted granted a physical body, Yami felt at peace. His friends had quickly, easily and happily accepted Yami's decision to use that particular name and, as the group of friends laughed at the movie and at each other, his smile grew.

A pillow suddenly flew at his face. Blinking in surprise, Yami looked at the stunned group of friends as they tried to stifle their laughs. Looking at the object that had attacked him, Yami smirked as he picked it up. As he pounced at his shrieking friends, pillow aimed high over his head, he laughed heartily. Yes; he could most certainly make loads of wonderful memories as Yami. Atemu was dead, buried. Yami was in the here and now, very much alive.