-Disclaimer: All rights go to Rick Riordan and dragonswoe.
The Man Behind The Computer paled that the immortals noticed. Before they could ask him questions the man simply said enraged. "Who dares to touch my computer? I will hunt that violator down! Continue reading please, I must go!"
The Man Behind The Computer waved his free hand and disappeared in a vortex leaving the immortals confused. The Man Behind The Computer appeared in his room and saw the strangest sight. His cat was walking on his keyboard. He awed at the ninja-cat. He went and picked up the cat who meowed at him angrily but he said in a soothing voice, "We'll find you a computer, okay?"
He threw the cat on the bed who hissed at him and the man simply waved his hand nonchalantly at the threat and sat behind his computer and turned on the camera and watched in amusement as the immortals argued each other about him.
He listened in and saw Athena clearing her throat and began to read.
Chapter 2 – I Banish A Soul
Hades nodded at the chapter's title. Escaped souls are annoying.
I ran across the rooftops in San Francisco as I narrowed in on the escaped soul. I was on my first mission for Hades. It was night and the moon was full, which meant Artemis was happy.
Everyone looked towards Artemis—who was indeed smiling for some reason. They turned towards Apollo and saw him rubbing his arm. They made the connection.
I made no noise as I leaped the gap between two houses, landing solidly on two feet and taking off again. There were no clouds in the sky so Zeus was happy. I reached the edge of the houses and looked down. Somehow I could sense the spirit below me somewhere. My clothes I had changed into a black cloak so nothing could see me in the night. My face was covered by shadows. I willed my bow to come out of the shadows and grasped it. There was a golden string attached to the wood which Hades had identified as Tartarus Willow, apparently the only type of tree to grow in Tartarus.
"Incredible," Athena said. "Where did he get these items?"
Everyone shrugged except the sleeping Dionysus. They were curious too as to where he had gotten items like these.
Designs of the elements were engraved into the wood, an inscription read, 'aió̱nios', Eternal.
I drew back the string and a Stygian Iron arrow appeared set in the rest. I breathed in and aimed as I breathed out I released the bow string. The arrow hit the spirits shoulder. Dropping the bow I grabbed the edge of the roof and climbed down.
The mortal's body was pale as the arrow sucked the life out of him. I waited until he was almost dead before I took the Stygian arrow out and followed the instructions Hades had given me.
I placed my hand on his forehead and murmured, "Egó̱, o Seth sýrei éxo̱apó ti̱n psychí̱anapáv̱etai mésa sas kai na exorísei to sti̱n aíthousa tou thrónou tou Ádi̱, o Theós to̱n Nekró̱n."A black smoke came out of his mouth and into the ground. Acting quickly I drew out any fragments of the arrow left in the small wound and watched as it closed up at the release of the soul. I vanished into the shadows before he could wake up.
Hades nodded. A small smile playing on his lips at how fast the boy had finished the mission. Some Olympians were glancing at him and wondering if he himself had to do things like that.
"Brother," Poseidon said making Hades look at him confused. "Do you go on outings like this?"
Hades shook his head and said, "No. I have my Furies and others who do it for me."
Poseidon nodded and Athena continued to read.
Hades was sitting on his throne at his godly height of 17ft, the spirit I had sent here cowering in front of him. Alecto flitted over to Hades and he whispered to her. Two seconds later she was flying off with the ghost in her talons.
"You work quickly." Hades commented.
"It was easy. He wasn't very well disguised amongst the mortals." I shrugged.
"I have another job for you and if you can finish it by the weeks end, you can come with me to the mortal's world."
"Of course Hades." I bowed.
"Half a dozen souls have escaped from Elysium. They were demigods so will know how to defend themselves."
The Olympians with children frowned. They could understand wanting another shot at life but wasn't Elysium a paradise for them to live in? So why would they escape. Although they hoped their children would get another shot at life—they knew it was impossible to escape Hades.
"Their parents are?"
"Casualties from the war, that happened 10 years ago." Hades sighed, "One of Athena, Hephaestus, Ares and Apollo, one of Hermes the last of my youngest brother." I nodded and thought for a moment.
The mentioned Olympians sad faces at thinking of their fallen children. Even if they are powerful immortals and don't show emotions didn't mean that they didn't feel sadness at the loss of their children.
"Where are they hiding out?"
"New York."
"Isn't that where Olympus is?" I asked surprised.
"They chose a place near their parents."
"But Zeus-"
"You have a lot of power, much more than a 15 year old child. I doubt he'll be able to harm you." Hades calmly explained. I thought for a moment.
Zeus's face went red faster than you could say 'red' The Olympians and Hades were snickering to themselves. The master bolt was sparking in his hand and before he could shout at Hades, Athena continued to read.
"All right, but I'll go tomorrow. Today I will train." I decided. Hades nodded and waved his hand. I took the hint and dissolved into shadows, reappearing in Elysium. Ghosts stared at me as I walked into the Ancient Greek section.
"Does anyone know where I can find the heroes of old?" I yelled into the midst. Most stared at me like I was a venomous snake slowly edging my way towards them.
"daímonas!" A woman yelled from the safety of her door.
"foniás!" I tried to approach them but they backed away.
"dolofónos!" I man cried, all the ghosts ran into houses lining the path. Doors were slammed shut and locked. Within seconds the street was cleared of any living thing.
The gods were utterly confused now except for Hades and when they looked towards him for an explanation, he simply shrugged and waved his hand for Athena to continue.
I frowned as I reached a forest, my bow formed out of the shadows and I took a step forward.
"I wouldn't go in there if I were you." I turned and saw a little boy looking at me, his eyes like miniature suns they were shining with a harsh light. "That is where Hades stocks monsters to keep heroes entertained."
"Entertainment?" Apollo asked Hades.
Hades shrugged nonchalantly. "Heroes get bored in Elysium and they plead for monsters that they could kill."
Apollo nodded.
"Good, maybe I could get them to train me in the art of swordsmanship." I smiled.
"They only train mortals if they deem them worthy." The kid warned.
"I better get going then, thank you…"
"fo̱s." He bowed. I nodded and stepped into the woods, looking back and rubbing my eyes, the boy was gone. Shaking my head I headed further into the forest.
Keeping to the shadows I climbed up a tree and listened, paws were pattering on the forest floor around the base of the tree, hellhound. Before it could react an arrow was through its head. I swing from tree as I searched the forest, shooting a hellhound whenever I saw one.
Artemis freaked out everyone by smiling. She could tell that the boy was a decent hunter.
"Tha échete ti̱n ef̱kairía na sas ef̱chi̱thó̱émeine sta astéria, agóri psária!" A voice yelled from a clearing a few dozen metres away.
"Skáse kefáli tou aéra!"
The Olympians laughed out loud at the familiarity of it all. They're like mini-Zeus and Poseidon. Slowly the laughter subsided until few tried to smother their chuckles and Athena continued.
Someone was running towards the tree I was in. Slinging my bow across my back and jumping from tree to tree I swung into the clearing to see a teenager with sea-green eyes and black hair. He drew a sword and watched me as my bow melted into the shadows.
Poseidon smiled. He could recognize his son from the description and he hoped that he was having a good time in Elysium.
"Who are you?" The boy asked, I could tell he was a son of Poseidon.
"Seth." I replied.
"Why have you disturbed us?"
"I wish to train and I was told by a citizen that you could train me."
"I will ask Orion and Perseus when they get back. We will decide if you are worthy." He nodded. Orion and Perseus, that means he must be Theseus.
Athena smiled at the mention of Theseus. Apollo was shaking with anger at the mention of Orion while Artemis was sad, angry and betrayed.
Zeus meanwhile asked Hades, "Is my boy doing well in Elysium?"
Hades rolled his eyes and nodded making Zeus nod too.
Athena continued to read.
"Of course Theseus." I bowed to the hero. He shook his head.
"No need to bow." Theseus smiled, "ORION! PERSEUS! COME BACK HERE!" There was a crash a hundred metres out.
"OW! Perseus!" Orion yelled.
"Do they always do this?" I asked Theseus.
Hades said tiredly, "Usually worse."
"Usually worse." He laughed.
The Olympians laughed.
Orion ran into the clearing, he had sea-green eyes like Theseus but his hair was lighter, he carried a bow on his back and a hunting knife at his waist. Perseus had clear blue eyes and blonde hair; at his waist he carried an adamantine sword. "What did you do to him this time?" Theseus asked.
The occupants raised their eyebrows wondering too.
"What is he doing here?" Perseus seemed to not hear the question.
"He wishes for us to train him." Theseus replied, "Do you think we should?"
"What do you want us to train you in, and why?" Perseus inspected me.
"Close combat, I recently woke up from the Lethe having no idea how to wield a sword, archery came to me quickly and I will need to be able to fight close combat if I want to survive up on the surface." I explained.
"I say no. He doesn't even have a sword or armour; it will be useless if he doesn't have anything to train with." Orion spoke up; he was still at the edge of the clearing far away from Theseus and Perseus.
"Do you have a weapon and armour?" Perseus asked, looking at me critically. I nodded and willed my armour to form round me shadows formed across my body, cool touches slithered around as the black armour stretched to cover me. A sheath formed at my waist and in it rested καταστροφή. Perseus whistled, "That is nice armour. Can I see your blade?"
Zeus thought. If that sword burns my son I will find him in the future and destroy him with my lightning bolt!
Some Olympians could easily tell what Zeus was thinking and they rolled their eyes.
I hesitated as I remembered how it had burnt Hades. But drew it out and handed it hilt first to the son of Zeus. He grasped it and made a few practice swings. "Well balanced, strong and fast." He mused, "It is a great weapon for agile fighters."
Both Artemis and Poseidon nodded showing that the man was right.
My left hand shot out to the side, palm facing the ground and another blade shot into it. Eyes wide I inspected it, a sliver of gold that looked like a piece of string was down the middle. The blade was completely black except for the string and read 'Veltió̱ste' Enhance. It was curved slightly, a Katana.
Ares whistled. That is one cool-looking sword!
"I say we train him, by his weapons it is obvious he has used them before, it should not take long for him to fight like he was before." Perseus voted giving me my sword back. I sheathed them both in sheathes that had appeared on either side of my waist.
"He has the makings of a warrior. I agree." Theseus smiled.
I don't, if we train him other heroes will come and we will have to train them!" Orion nearly shouted his face was red. Perseus scowled at him.
"And what's wrong with training other heroes?" Hermes asked curiously. "They'd further their legacy or something, wouldn't they?"
Few immortals nodded, thinking about it. Perhaps Orion is just lazy.
"Shut it fengári psária." Theseus sighed.
The gods chuckled. Artemis was wondering why the moon was in there.
"Every day come here as soon as you wake, then we will train for as long as possible." Perseus ordered.
A wild Demeter eating cereal nodded. "That's nice of him."
I nodded and thanked them before bringing my cloak out of the shadows, putting away my blades and armour and formed fitting - leather armour. I drew my bow and ran into the shadows to hunt hellhounds. As soon as I exited the clearing there was a low growl and something flew out of the shadows at me, an arrow went through its mouth. A pile of golden dust was left on the ground;
Artemis raised an eyebrow. The boy has fast reflexes. Some immortals were a little awed by the boy.
I smiled and stalked through the shadows. A shape knocked me over from behind, a knife formed in the shadows and I cut wildly behind me, severing a claw from a paw. The hellhound yelped and jumped back off me, darting onto my feet I charged forward, dagger raised and dodged the head coming at me. As I passed it I slashed to the left and felt the dagger stick in something. There was a final howl as the hellhound was sent to Tartarus. I jogged back to the claw and picked it up, a piece of string hung out of a hole I put it round my neck and melted into the shadows, travelling back to the throne room.
"Are they training you?" Hades asked, he was sitting on his throne. Persephone was beside him on hers.
"Yes. Though Orion is a vlákas." I cursed.
Apollo nodded discreetly because every time he mentions Orion or say something bad about him, Artemis hits him for some reason.
"If he was not in the stars, he would be in The Fields of Punishment for what he did." Hades smiled.
Poseidon frowned as he saw Apollo nod smiling at Hades.
"Can you tell me where exactly the escaped souls are?"
"Search around the base of the Empire State Building." Hades nodded. I thanked him and wandered through the palace to my room.
"Done," Athena said before tossing the book to Hera carelessly. Hera though caught it and glared at her.
The Man Behind The Computer frowned at zero action. He checked through his own book looking towards action and bam! He found it and smiled insanely because soon the immortals shall fight each other—hopefully.
-Author notes-
So, what do you think? Do post a review if you enjoyed it or give me tips on how to improve it and what you would like to see.