I haven't written fanfiction in three years. I have never written fanfiction in English. Just saying, you were all warned.

The idea of this story came to me a few weeks ago and I thought about it for a long time before deciding to actually start writing something. I don't know how it will go, I've never finished any story, but then my love for Supernatural is too big and after reading so many fanfics on so many sites I just can't write in my mother language (which is Polish btw). That's it.

It's AU version of Supernatural (focusing on first five seasons and apocalypse plot, which was the best imo). When I started to write it today I thought about something completely different, but I love to think that good old Mike was never so bad as he seemed to be. It's short, cause it's just a prologue I'll promise and actual chapter will be much longer (I still need to thing about a few things, but expect something this week.)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the character, Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke.

„Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night

Where the children of tomorrow dream away

In the wind of change"

Wind of change by Scorpions

„Hello, brother" the figure said and Gabriel didn't know what to think about it. He spent last thousand years hiding from all his brothers, thought that he was finally free from all of them, from that stupid argue. Well, he must have been wrong.

He wanted to stood up, but his brother sat next to him on the ground looking with interest at the lights from the city far away from them. Night was cold, especially on the desert, but it had never bothered them anyway. The simple advantage of being an angel. They sat in silence, simply enjoying the view. Unfortunately patient was never Gabriel's thing.

„What are you doing here, Mike?" In this six words were hidden so many different emotions. Curiosity, anger, interest, even slight fear, although he would have never admitted it to anyone. They haven't seen each other since Gabriel's disappearance and this sudden meeting certainly wasn't a coincidence.

His older brother looked at him, trying to think what to say. „The end is coming and still I do not feel ready. Others are pushing, demanding what is supposed to be theirs. And I will do, what is right like I always do. But I still have my doubts. We were all united once, now I do not even know all my brothers and sisters, the hierarchy is the most important thing to us." His speech was quit, like he didn't exactly know how to express it. That was the most ridiculous thing about it. Michael was always right, always knew what to do, he was the most important of them all and yet he - of all of them - had doubts.

„The problem is, my brother, that you simply don't understand them." Gabriel pointed at lights, at some random city. „Our mission was to love, to fight and understand humans. And what we do? We sit quietly in Heaven without any knowledge and so much has changed here. In such a short time human race built and created so much and no… I'm not talking about casinos and Vegas here" His smirked was saying something different. „We lost ourselves the day we locked our brother. How can you fight in this stupid apocalypse that is to come if you really aren't so different from him?"

Michael immediately stood up. „You do not know anything, Gabriel! You left us. You left us, our Father left us, rebellion took so many of our family and yet even though you survived you decided to join pagans. Really brother? They were so many choices to make and I had to do it all by myself. So don't you ever compare me to him again."

„Yeah I left, no big deal. And what you dummies do while I'm gone? Change the fate of the world! You couldn't have wait for it to happen on its own, no you had to make sure that your precious vessel were born exactly how you wanted them to be. You don't think I didn't realise, what exactly you're trying to accomplish?" He was standing now as well, not knowing why they were having this conversation in bloody Arizona. They were so many better places for that!

„I don't want it."

„I know that Zachariah is all for a great battle, but… Wait, what have you just said?"

„I do not want it. I don't want to face my brother knowing that that exact moment I will have to kill him. I don't want to watch so many of us die to achieve this goal."

„Well Mikey, I didn't imagine you as the next rebel. Although I think it's too late for this one. Tonight Mary Winchester will be killed and that will change everything. Congratulations, it's over!" Gabriel said with sarcastic smile. „Next time try harder, bro." Next moment he was lying on the ground, hitting his hand on some stupid rock. ‚Well I probably deserved it' That thought came to him so quickly, he would later deny it.

„You're right. I don't know humans. I don't know their traditions and priorities besides destroying this planet, but right now I can feel my four years old vessel, who is terrified, but still he's doing what his father told him to do. I hear prayers of so many different people who wants someone to help them and I will do nothing, because they probably deserve their fate. And I do not know if this is a right thing to do, because I am the one, who should decide that and I can't. Our Father left us and I have doubts about my own behaviour, I don't even want to think about the rest of our brothers. I made some mistakes, I let wrong thing happen. Now I'm trying to find a way to fix it, that's why I'm here, brother." In that moment Gabriel could actually hear how tired Michael was, how messed up were things upstairs.

„You know what, we'll just take a quick break and I'll introduce you to wonders of humanity, beginning with some pizza." He grabbed his brother arm and grinned widely. „Then we'll try to change things, we still have so time."