One hour challenge

Sitting in Serena's room were herself and Rae, talking about their troubles life. Rae and Serena's fought a lot but they still appreciated their friendship from time to time.

"Rae do you ever get that lonely, that sometimes friends don't cut it?"Serena asked Rae, whilst Rae was brushing her hair. Rae turned to Serena and felt sadness, they were starting school in a week and hopefully Serena could meet a nice exchange student.

"Sometimes sere but not a lot it's more of a loneliness that not even Darien can fill up" Rae was infatuated with Darien, no one was sure if the feelings were reciprocated though.

"Awe don't talk about that jerk he is horribly mean to me" Serena whined "plus he's not at all in my vocabulary" she laughed. Serena and Darien argued a lot sometimes Rae thought there was a spark there but then Serena would yell and scream at him and Rae would rethink it.

"Serena he's not that bad honestly you both are mean to each other " the raven haired girl replied sometimes she wished they would come to terms that they don't like each other, not for personal reasons but for the groups reason, first of all its uncomfortable and second it puts everyone else in bad moods. " you don't even give him chances you just assume the worst" putting the brush down, Rae picked up her phone flicking her finger done the screen, focusing on the bright white screen.

"Serena have you seen this year's teacher roster for the year" Rae interjected shoving her phone in Serena's face causing Serena to jolt back. There's an online app for their school telling them which teachers are what and were they'd be.

" Rae not so close and no I haven't my phone was taken away from me remember after the new year's stunt I pulled, I am surprised I'm getting it back next week god" she laughed "why what's wrong?" intrigued to see she grabbed the phone this time looking at it properly.


-Ms H maths

-Mr. Garber music

-Mr. chow ho Japanese

-Mrs. Dawner history

-Ms. Gallurt HPE

-Mr. Shields English

"Um and what's the problem here? I don't know anyone here apart from Ms H" Serena questioned passing the phone back.

Rae laughed out loud –well Mr. Shields is..." in between hysterical laughter Rae just couldn't get it in there "Darien" Serena stopped dead in her tacks.

"wait wait wait, are you telling me he could be one of our teachers this year?- a rhetorical question she defiantly didn't want answered" no he can't be he is still in collage" suddenly flashes of being laughed at in class by others and arguments happening, the principle having to expel me because I killed the English teacher, suddenly Rae pulled her out of her thoughts

"Look its nots defiant I mean he could be my teacher and not yours "Rae said patting Serena on the shoulder.

"you know i was looking forward to school starting" Serena stood up opening the door – and now it's gone to shit" and then walked out. Rae stood up and ran after her thinking she was gonna do something bad.

"Wait Serena please don't do anything rash!" Rae caught up to her pulling her arm back. Serena laughed

"I'm just getting a drink" still laughing while opening the fridge grabbing the bottle of water and pouring it in a round spiralling glass and gulped it down fast licking her lips after she skipped to her room again.

Serena's POV

First day of school, woke up early got my phone back prepared everything i needed for school packed my lunch made breakfast, apparently since I'm 17 I have to make my own breakfast that was never written down on my birth certificate, the tragedy of growing up...responsibilities ehh.

Since year eight I had this thing were id wake up early on the first day of school and for the rest of the year wake up late...oops my bad but hey what can a girl do. Walking out the door with my bag in my hand and phone in my other hand (priorities) I walk slowly to the bus I never take because I am fashionably late every day. I sit down and suddenly it dawned on me what was I gonna do about the jerk face we all know and hate? (and when I say we I hope it's we but mostly me..) I didn't check to see if he was my teacher, i was too scared to check its better a surprise then be told before, don't wanna bad day because of it.

The bus arrived just in time and stopped to halt I got on quietly with my head down went to swipe my quick'n'go card but suddenly there was a voice.

========Sorry if it's a bit rusty I've had a bit of writers block first hour chapter done second coming up...:)=======