Ok, I know this story's really rushed so sorry!



Hermione came running into the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey told her to let him rest first, but it wasn't like she was going to disturb him or anything. Luckily, Madam Pomfrey wasn't there.

"Draco! You're awake!" she said happily. Instead of getting a hug like usual, she got a puzzled expression and an open mouth.

"W-Who are you?" was what came out.

"Very funny, Draco, now stop joking around. Good news, Professor Snape and I made a cure for the Draught."

"Who's Professor Snape? And you?"

She wasn't so sure that he was joking anymore. She wanted to believe he was, but the usual smirk was gone. No recognition in his eyes. No warmth deep inside him.

Hermione's world was falling apart. All those good times were gone, all the hard work was wasted. He didn't remember her.

Hermione led him to the Great Hall to eat.

"Stay here, Draco. I'll just get you some food and water."

Instead of staying like he was told to, Draco ran back to the Hospital Wing. There, he found a letter under his pillow. He pulled it out, careful not to crumple it and read it out.

'Dear Draco,

I hope we can finish the antidote in time.

Professor Snape is helping me. Stay strong and

don't let go. I love you.



He stared at the letter. 'Hermione' started getting more familiar every second. Suddenly, he remembered everything. When she confessed in the Room of Requirement, that time in the Black Lake, their very first date, and-

"Draco! Where have you been? Oh my gosh, I was so worried! Well, of course you were here, but-"

"Sssh." he put his finger to her lips. Hermione looked shocked but pleased at the same time. "I've missed you." he kissed her.

They were walking in the corridors when a thought struck Hermione.

"Draco, do you know who gave you the Draught?" she asked him hopefully. He thought about it for a while.

"Goyle. Crabbe and Goyle," he said. Suddenly, his face became contorted with anger. "They'll pay for what they've done!" and he ran off.

"GOYLE! CRABBE!" he sprinted towards them.

"Why's he still alive?" Crabbe asked Goyle. Goyle just shrugged.

When he finally got to them, he beat them up until they could barely move. Despite their size, they were surprisingly weak. When he was done with them, he just walked casually to a shocked Hermione, held her hand, and walked to the Great Hall like nothing happened.


"So when exactly did your knuckles get so strong?" Hermione asked him.

"I've always had strong knuckles. I mean, I'm a Malfoy right?"

"Oh of course not, I mean, your name isn't Draco Malfoy right?" she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, wanna go to the Black Lake after this?"

"Of course."


They were sitting under a tree near the Black Lake.



"Do you wanna continue this?"


"This relationship. 'Cause I don't ever want it to end. I wanna be Mrs. Malfoy in a few years. I love you."

Draco paused.

"Why'd you ask something like that? We'll be together until the world ends, even in Heaven, I promise you."

And they sat under that tree, her eyes shining in the moonlight. All problems solved now, nothing to worry about.

"We'll be together until the world ends, even in Heaven, I promise you."

Please review and thank you soooo much for reading!