The Sun crept into the room as morning approached, the Sun light slowly illuminating the room, the Red and White members of the team still locked in a tight embrace as Weiss slowly opened her eyes as she saw the back of Ruby's head, the younger huntress in a deep sleep, snoring softly causing Weiss to smile at the cuteness of Ruby, she whispered softly

"that's just….adorable" Weiss blushed slightly at her comment before looking around the room, Blake and Yang both not there

"few, thank goodness" Weiss smiled as she looked back at Ruby, noticing Ruby looking up at her Weiss's eyes went wide as she looked down at the younger girl

"G-Good morning sleepy head" Weiss said awkwardly, not entirely sure what to say or do. Ruby sat up slowly and hugged Weiss tightly, Weiss taken back by this slowly hugged back, resting her chin on Ruby's shoulder. Ruby smiled as she spoke softly

"T-Thank you Weiss….for….you know….the cuddles….i know you don't really like….any kind of emotional contact…but…it meant a lot" Ruby pulled away and smiled at Weiss, her eyes tearing up slightly

"Ruby, I enjoyed it. Holding you was…nice to say the least" Weiss smiled as she wiped Ruby's tears away with her hand

"nice?" Ruby's eyes lit up as she sat up, smiling bright "you liked it?"

"yes Ruby, I did. Now i should get out of your bed before Blake and Yang get back" Weiss said as she slowly started to get out of Ruby's bed

"oh right….yeah…good idea…..heyy Weiss….can I ask you something?" Ruby asked as she looked into Weiss's eyes

"Sure, what is it Ruby?" Weiss asked, a puzzled look on her face

"does….this mean….are we together?" Ruby said as she quickly looked away, slightly scared of what the answer would be. Weiss looked at Ruby and thought to herself "oh god what do I say…I like her…..but i…wait….did I just say I like her?!. Oh god oh no….i want to go out with her but i….this is wrong" Weiss looked down before looking up at Ruby again

"Yes we are, but on one condition, no one knows! Got it? You tell no one that we are together, not even Blake or Yang, is that understood!?"
Weiss's tone slightly angry as Ruby looked at her, a mixture of scared and happy on her face

"Yes yes yes! I wont tell a soul I swear! No one will know….no one! I promise!" Weiss now standing on the floor looking up at Ruby.

"good, because I can make you disappear, remember that Ruby Rose" Weiss's facial expression now blank as she looked into Ruby's soul

"i…uhmm…we…okay..i wont tell anyone" Ruby now trembling as she looked at Weiss…terrified at her threat.

Weiss smiled "good girl. Now im going to take a shower, do you need the washroom?" Weiss started to walk into the washroom

Ruby shook her head no as she watched Weiss walk into the washroom "good then I will be out in a few"

Weiss quickly closed the door and started to undress before turning on the shower. Ruby sighed happily as she laid back on her bed, thinking to herself "I have a girlfriend! And its Weiss! Schnee! It's a Schnee she is soooo beautiful! Okay…calm down Ruby….but im just so happy! Okay…I gotta play it cool….like…Weiss cold" Ruby started snickering to herself "okay, not the time to act like Yang. We are together…now I just cant screw anything up…but what if I do…okay…just don't tell anyon—" Ruby was interrupted by the door flying open as Yang yelled loudly

"Guess who's back?!" Yang slowly walked in with Blake trailing in behind her

"Yang!" Ruby quickly jumped of her bed and ran up to hug her sister, jumping into her arms as Yang hugged back
"I missed you! Where were you? Why didn't you come home yesterday night" not that Ruby minded after the cuddle she just had with Weiss

"sorry about that, the snow was so bad we couldn't get home, had to stay in a cheap motel, it sucked"

"ohhh, well its okay. I had Weiss to keep me company" Ruby smiled happily

"really? You two didn't get into a fight? She didn't yell at you?" Yang smiled as she put Ruby down

"No it was actually pretty fun…we built snow angels!"

"Snow angels with the Ice queen?! Now this I gotta see" Yang chuckled as she ruffled Ruby's hair "speaking of ice queen, where is she?" Yang questioned as she looked around the room

"she taking a shoooower, should be out soon" Ruby said as she smiled up at her sister

"Okay, so what does are fearless leader have planned for us today?"

"I don't know, I thought we could just go out somewhere….maybe see what team JNPR is up too"

Yang smiled before looking at Blake "what about you Blake, got anything in mind?"

Blake now laying on her bed with her nose in a book "hmm?" she looked up at the two sisters "what was that?"

"do you want to do anything today? Yang said as she looked at her Faunus partner.

"Oh" Blake thought for a moment "We could always go to downtown Vale, maybe this time when we go, Stuff wont be exploding"

Yang laughed before stating "Please, where ever we go things always explode, that's why we are the best team ever"

Ruby then quickly chimed in "Okay, sounds like a plan! Off to Vale we go! We just have to wait for…" Ruby was cut off by her partner opening the bathroom door her eyes closed as she dries off her hair with a towel "Hey Ruby do you know when Yang and Blake are getting home I want to tr—" She opened her eyes and looked over at Yang, then Blake "Ohh, good. I see you two are back, how was your trip?" Weiss asked slightly blushed at what she almost said in front of everyone

"It was good, until the snow storm kept us over night, I blame Yang"

"Hey! It's not my fault the snow stopped us!"

"We could have left two hours earlier like I said we should" Blake said slightly annoyed at Yang

"Fine! It was partially my fault, happy now?"

"Very" Blake said flatly

"Ladies Ladies, you're both beautiful, now can we just go?" Weiss said in a calm tone before throwing her towel into a hamper, slowly putting her hair into her offset ponytail that everyone had come to know and love. Blake then got up and put down her book

"Okay, let's go. Just let's try not to get into too much trouble, okay?" Blake said as she looked at the rest of her team, all three girls giving thumbs up to Blake before heading out the door, Blake following behind them all.