A/N: Here lies my first attempt at the dialogue genre; where only blocks of dialogue, with no framing, marking of speaker, or 'stage' directions are permitted. I tried to stagger the different speakers across the page using tabs and spaces but it wouldn't transfer to the site. If anyone has any advice on how to do that I switch formats but for now I present for your pleasure and judgement; Heading: Home.
Stardate 1798.03
How is he Doctor?
Well, he'll survive. Whether
he'll think that's the good
news or the bad news I can't
There are many possibilities
open to him. His career is in
no substantial way hindered
by the injuries he sustained.
Logically, yes. Prosthetics.
Cybernetic implants. The list
goes on. For a decorated Starfleet
Captain, the cost of surgery
won't be an issue. But it's the
psychological effect-
Ah, yes. The loss of identity
of the whole due the loss
of a part. Rather-
Do us all a favor and don't say
But you do concede that it is
I concede nothing.
But it is rather-
Stardate 1823.36
I'm not interested
Jim. If you won't eat willingly
I will simply feed you intra-
As you will Doctor.
I never thought I'd agree with that
pointy-eared hobgoblin, but do you
know how irrational you are being!
Excuse me.
Am I allowed to enter?
Yes and good luck! I only hope
you have more success with your
logic than I've had with mine.
Good morning Captain.
I brought the chess board-
It might interest you to know
that we are one hour, forty
three minutes and some odd
seconds from entering Earth
'Some odd'. That's rather…
imprecise of you.
Within the time taken to
deliver the information the
number of seconds till
arrival changed by a degree
of six. It would be inefficient
therefore to state the time in
increments of smaller
fractionals than minutes.
Very logical of you.
Of course.
Yes Captain.
Would you do me a
I must ask that you
verbalize your desire
before I make any
Would you Please.
Go. Away.
… Yes Captain.
The Captain is… noted for
his stubbornness.
I spoke to his mother. She is
making arrangements to meet
But do you think she'll be able to
You are the Doctor, not I.
Stardate 1824.17
As un-clinical as the term
'friendship' is considered by
this council such bonds are
vital, essential, to healthy
mental functioning. The
requested shore leave for
myself and First Officer Spock
could very well make the
difference in whether or not
you have a Captain Kirk to
Stardate 1824.33
McCoy to Enterprise.
Spock here.
I had to pull a few strings but
you are relieved of your
command Spock. Beam directly
to the general hospital. I'll meet
you there.
Of course McCoy.
Commander Scott; report
to bridge. You are to assume
command of the Enterprise.
Spock out.
Stardate 1843.87
Why do you refuse to see
the illogic in your claims
of invalidness!
Because I am invalid!
Look at me Spock; Look.
At. me! No right arm.
No leg. Weak heart. No
fine motor control.
All of these things can be
corrected Jim. All that is
required of you is that
you redirect your admirable
quantities of stubbornness
towards getting back to your
command rather than
assuring yourself you are
incapable of resuming it.
I believe the phrase is 'self
fulfilling prophesy'.
You two are enough to drive
a man mad! My body is useless;
must you send my mind there
as well?
Mrs. Kirk!
How fortuitous.
Bones! Spock! Where
is my son?
I believe your son
Wishes to be rid of
I'm coming with you Spock.
Perhaps you can speak some
sense into him Winona.
Heaven knows we've tried.
They really do care
for you, James.
I don't want-
And we don't want
you wallowing in
guilt thinking you
somehow deserved
Of course I don't think
I deserve this!
But it's simple fact that I didn't
react fast enough. The deaths
of those cadets are my
People have died on
Your watch before and
they're always you're
Why is this time
Mother… please don't.
Before I could always do
better, make sure it didn't
happen next time, make
sure their lives meant
something. Now…
Now you are going to
fight yourself well
again just like you did
when you were my stubborn
little boy who refused to let
a broken leg get in the way
of running a better time
than your entire class that
Just show them what they
can do James. That's what
you've always done.
Stardate 1916.02
Spock! McCoy! Catch up will
you! Anyone would think it
was you two on the
I'd say he's raring to get
back to his Enterprise;
wouldn't you Spock?
Indubitably. It is-
Oh, just admit it. You're
tickled pink that he's
back to his old self.
I believe, Doctor, that you
will find my copper based
blood renders me incapable
of being 'tickled pink' as
you so crudely put it. But I
will allow that it is satisfac-
-tory to see the Captain
ready and fit for duty.
Oh you-!
Slowpokes! Last one to the
Frisco Pub buys the drinks!
I believe this is where I leave
You, Bones.
What? Hey! Get back here!
Where to Captain?
The Enterprise is waiting is
she not?
Then I believe our heading
is home!
So what do you think? Yes I know the title has almost nothing to do at all with the story but that was the plot bunny that started it all.
Comments, Critiques, etc. all welcome!