This will be my first Hobbit story because I have now just got into the fandom once more. I've always liked The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit and I find them as both excellent movies that brought into the world of Fantasy and Middle Age.

I do not own any of the Hobbit Characters, only my OC, Lily.

This is a pairing of My OC with Thorin. Other than Smaug (Dragon lover) Thorin Oakenshield was my favorite character in the book and in the movie, even though he is a very stubborn dwarf (And frankly, they all are, but in a good way) and is pretty much angered very easily, I still respected him and liked him as one of my favorite characters.

So here we go

Pure Heart

Chapter 1: The Tiny Girl in the Bush

The sky was clear, the sun shining high above the sky with the clouds passing by in the sky; the birds chirping in the distance as they flew over a certain Hobbit that was on his way back to his home from the market that was near Hobbiton. His name was Bilbo

Bilbo Baggins.

He was well known in Hobbiton and very well respected among the other Hobbits.

He had no adventure and never really had no one really to talk to other than his neighbors. He looks up at the sky, the birds flying above him and perched in a tree. A mother bird feeds it's young from the food it brought for the young hatchlings. Bilbo seemed to smiled a bit. He always wanted a family, but had not really had an interest of going into any relationships with any of the woman in Hobbiton and frankly, he really did not care.

He sighs, continuing his way back home-

A twig snapped.

Bilbo looks around, now alert. "W-Who's there?"

It was silent, until another twig had snapped and Bilbo saw a bush moving. Without making any noises, he went over to the bush and slowly pushed the leaves and branches out of the way, only to find a surprising discovery.

It was a girl.

She look no older than six, probably seven years old. Her silky black hair trailed down to her upper back. She was shivering as she looks at Bilbo, her eyes filled with fear and also exhaustion. But what made her stand out was her eyes, which were mismatched. Her left eye a gentle blue like if you were staring at a clear lake on a perfect day and her right eye was a crimson red, as if it was glowing like fire itself. She was covered in soot and burnt marks as she was trying to inch away from him.

"Hey, hey...I won't hurt you." Bilbo said, kneeling down to be at her height. She flinched when he tried to reach his arm out to her.

"Shh." He slowly placed his hand on her cheek and she flinched, preparing for the worse...

But she only felt his thumb stroking so gently her cheek and she looks at him, clearly confused. He simply smiled softly at her and gently coaxed her out of the bush. She was wearing a small dress, which was white, but was also singed from the fire and some burnt marks were on the dress as well. Her feet and knees were covered in dry dirt, so she must have been running for some time.

"Let's get you some warm clothes on and a nice warm meal for you to warm you up, huh?" Bilbo asked, offering his hand to the tiny girl. She looks at the hand, then at him. So very slowly, she placed her hand in his large one and he smiled, squeezing her hand gently and leads her back to his home in Hobbiton, but not unnoticed as the other relatives in Hobbiton saw Bilbo having a tiny girl with him.

"Who is she?"

"Is she his daughter?"

"I didn't know Bilbo had a family."

The tiny girl looks at the hobbit, which she assumed his name was Bilbo and he chuckled sadly.

"I don't have a family here, so it is just me at my home." He chuckled a bit as he opened the door and lets the girl in, also placing the basket that had his vegetables and fruits from the market. He then helped the girl sit on a chair and starts to wipe off the soot off of her face with a wet rag and rubbed her cheek with it gently as the girl kept looking at him.


He looks at her, a bit surprised and somewhat confused. "I beg your pardon?"


"Your name is Lily?" Bilbo asked, making sure he had it right and she nods, making Bilbo smile.

"Well, Lily. My name is Bilbo. Bilbo Baggins." He smiled and Lily blinks, looking at him. He then stood up, getting a bowl ready as he had left over vegetable soup from last night that sat on the stove for now. He turns on the stove to warm up the soup, Lily still staring at him with a bit of curiosity. Why was he helping her? He didn't have to and yet he was helping her.

He soon placed a bowl infront of her. "There you go. This should warm you up." Bilbo smiled, stroking the top of her head. She looks up at him.

"Do you know where your parents are?"

She had her head low, sniffing and then Bilbo realized why. "Oh...I'm so sorry..." He tried to say-

He was a bit surprised when she managed to wrap her tiny arms around his neck, sniffing and was crying silently into his shoulder. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her to hug her in return, rubbing her back so gently; letting her cry into his shoulder. "'s okay..." He whispered, stroking her hair, making her tighten her grip around him.

He felt her go silent after awhile and looks over at her slightly. She soon pulled away, sniffing as she wiped her eyes with her hand, sniffing. "Do you feel better?"

She nods and he smiled.

"You go ahead and eat, I'll be right back." He said, stroking her hair before disappearing into a different room. Lily looks at the bowl. It does look good, so the taste should be the same as she got a spoonful and placed some in her mouth.

It was good.

She kept eating the vegetable soup as it had a certain spice in it to make it unique in it's own way. Bilbo was preparing some clothes for her, even the night gown would be a tad big on her, he should be able to find some proper clothes the next day. "This will have to do for now." He thought, getting out one of his night gowns for her.

He went back to Lily, who finished her bowl of soup and he smiled at her. "All full now?"

She nods.

He gestured her to come to him. She hesitated for a moment, but she went over to him. "I prepared a bath for you. I'll wash up your old clothes and you can wear this for the time being. It will be a tad big, but it should be fine for you until we can get some clothes for you." He said as he leads her to the bathroom, where a bath was made for her and he closed the door, giving her privacy.

He heard a soft splash, so she must be in the bathtub for now. He put on his reading glasses as he went over to the chair and picked up a book and starts to read.

He didn't know how long he was reading, he seemed to lost track of time when he felt a tiny hand tugging at his sleeve. He looks down to see Lily, who was wearing the night gown, which was a tad bit big on her, but it was comfortable for her as she looks up at him with her mismatched eyes. He smiled at her. "There we go." He said. She looks at the book.

"Do you like stories?" He asked, making Lily smiled a bit and nods. He smiled and picks her up, setting her down on his lap as he starts to read once more, this time outloud to her as she leaned against him, her head resting against his shoulder and he smiled.

He felt her tugging at her sleeve and he looks down at her.

"...can I call you dad?"

He was taken back from that, but then yet, it made his heart flutter with warmth and happiness from the question. He sets the book down and hugged her close, kissing her forehead. "Of course, Lily."

Seventeen years has passed and Bilbo realized that a few years ago that she was human, not a hobbit. Well, they had a major height difference as Lily was now taller than him. He was worried how the others would treat her since she was not a Hobbit. But it did not matter to him, she is his daughter and he is her father and he loved her with all of his heart and will protect her

Lily was also concerned as well, since she was different from the other Hobbits. But she had the kindest heart and was friends with all the Hobbits in Hobbiton and was great at caring for animals. She would always try to help injured animals and help the other hobbits take care of the cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats, all sorts of animals.

She was respected and loved by all the Hobbits.

It was a quiet evening as Lily was making tea for her and her father, until she heard the door opened and she saw her father, but he seemed a bit stressed of something. "Something wrong, dad?"

"Hmm? Oh, it's nothing." He said, sitting down on a chair and sighed deeply, rubbing his forehead with his fingers.

"...want some Chamomile tea?" She asked and he smiled. "Yes, please."

Lily smiled as she got out two teacups and poured tea for the both of them. She hands him his cup and he smiled. "You know how to make me smile, Lily." He said, making Lily chuckled a bit.

"It is my job as your daughter, dad." Lily smiled, sipping her cup of tea, earning a chuckle from the Hobbit. Lily smiled at him. She had grown beautiful among the years. Her mismatched eyes still shined like jewels and her silky black hair ran down to her lower back. Her skin also was healthy as well, thanks to the diets she has, which she is strictly vegetarian since meat NEVER agreed to her stomach, which was still a mystery to Bilbo. But he did not mind having vegetarian meals with her at all. She had found clothing for herself, which she found herself a black coat that went down to her upper ankles, also finding a dark green tunic shirt and dark blue pants to match with her black boots.

"Did something happened, dad? Usually, you're never this stressed unless the neighbors act up again." Lily asked, then she saw how her father tensed up. "Umm, it was nothing."

"You sure?"

"I am sure."

"Alright, then." Lily then stood up as she got a bag. "I'm going to the market. You want anything while I'm there, dad?" Lily asked. Bilbo thinks for a moment. "Bring back some tea leaves and more papers for my work." He said, making Lily nod.

"Okay." Lily smiled, kissing her father's cheek before going to the doorway

"Stay safe." Bilbo said, watching her from the doorway as she went down the path.

"I will, dad."

"Stay away from strangers!"

"I got it, dad. I'm not a little kid anymore." She chuckled.

"If you see any wizards, walk away from them." He said, making Lily had a strange confused look on her face and she looks over at Bilbo. "...okay, then..." Lily said, then went down the path to get the items she needs from the market

~Few Hours Later~

It was late in the evening as Lily was coming up to her doorway with the materials she got from the market and opened the door.

"NO MORE VISITORS!" Bilbo shouted, then saw it was Lily, who had a confused look, but was smiling nervously. "Now you're treating me like a visitor? Last time I checked, I was your daughter."

"Sorry,'s just that-"


Lily looks at her father. "What was that?" She asked, going to the source before Bilbo could even stop her and she was greeted by a surprised scene.

", how come there are dwarves raiding our kitchen?"

That was the first chapter of the story. Tell me what you thought so far.

I am a bit rusty since it has been MONTHS since I've did any of my stories, but please tell me what you thought so far.

Until then,
