Disclaimer: I do not own anything except for the plot. The rest belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Draco POV

Draco didn't know how his actions were going to affect him and the people around him. But fuck if he cared. All he knew was that nothing and no one would be allowed to come between him and his princess. She was HIS. And Draco didn't give a flying fuck about what his peers thought or what the two bumbling bafoons she called friends thought. Draco had fought his attraction for her long enough. And now, that the despicable man who was once his father was out of the way doing merlin knows what for that noseless bastard, who had set up camp at the manor, he was free to do as he pleased. Free to follow his heart or dick . Okay fine heart... not that he would ever admit that to anyone. Malfoys don't show emotions and under no circumstances was Draco Malfoy going to let people think that he had gone soft. He had an image to uphold afterall. But at the moment his chief concern was to get the brunette to notice him as a male and not her sworn enemy. Draco pondered over that thought and while formulating a plan in his head walked towards the dungeons. He was so wrapped up in his own thoughts, he never noticed that he walked right past his best friend, Blaise Zabini.

Blaise POV

Blaise looked at his friend curiously. While any other person would see only Draco Malfoy's cold emotionless face. He knew better. After years of observing his best mate. Blaise could see right through his fac`ade and could practically see the cog-wheels in his head spinning. He knew that it rarely resulted in anything good... for others that is. Just then, he realised that he had been standing in the hallway staring into space for who knows how long. He quickly headed towards the dungeons through the slightly damp corridors and into the slytherin common room. Only to find Draco sitting there with a grin that could rival the cheshire cat. Blaise snorted at his comparision of Draco with a muggle fairytale character. If Draco knew of what his imagination had conjured, Blaise would surely be hexed into the next century. And so, when Draco asked him about what he had found so funny he decided to keep his thoughts to himself.

Draco POV

"Nothing mate"said Blaise. Draco had been sitting in the slytherin common room, grinning to himself, happy with the plan his devious mind had come up with, only to be broken out of his musings by an amused snort and had looked up, quickly schooling his features into the bored and disinterested look he always wore, only to see Blaise Zabini watching him. "What's so funny?", he had inquired. Raising an eyebrow at his friend's peculiar behaviour. Draco gracefully got up from his seat and said,"I'm headed to the library to work on my potions assignment, Don't come looking.". "Alright, mate." Blaise replied.

It was times like these that Draco was glad that his princess was a major bookworm because he would definitely find her in some secluded corner of the library lost in her own little world of books. And ofcourse the other two members of Dumbeldore's precious Golden Trio would rather go drown themselves in the Black Lake than spend more than a few minutes in the library. Not that he was complaining. Even though he was only able to sit and admire her from afar but it was still easier, than having to keep tabs on Pothead and Weaselbee as well. They'd only assume the worst of him for looking their way .Although, it's not like he had ever given them any reason not to. While some of his hatred for the duo could possibly stem from the jelousy that he felt towards them for being showered with affections by HIS princess, the majority was all him. But then ofcourse, if his princess wanted him to be civil towards them, he would give it his best shot. Draco would do anything for her. He would even go hex the noseless bastard. Although that was a win-win situation for all of them.

Walking through the chilly corridors of Hogwarts, Draco made his way towards the library. He was getting slightly annoyed by the constant chattering of the paintings. Six years of walking down the same hallways had not made him any more tolerant towards these stupid paintings than when he first set foot in Hogwarts. He made his way towards the back of the library to his usual spot. Here, he could sit and watch his princess for hours without being disturbed. He never quite understood What she saw in the weasel. She required some one she could actually hold a decent conversation with, not some brainless oaf. She required somebody like him, or better yet, Him. Oh, how badly had he wanted to hex the red-head into oblivion when he had made his princess cry at the Yule Ball in fourth year. It was also the night he figured out his feelings for her. That it wasn't just lust. It was deeper, more intense and dare he say it...Love. He had realized it at that moment, when he had seen her crying, sitting all alone, that he would do anything for the witch in front of him. But just as he was about to step out of the shadows to comfort her, Potty had decided to make an appearance. She had cried on his shoulder that night. Draco was livid. The images of The-Boy-Who-Just-Won't-Die touching and comforting his princess had kept him awake for several nights.

However, Today was different. Today, he, Draco Lucius Malfoy will not sit and watch. He will make Hermione Jean Granger HIS. Draco rose from his place and smirked inwardly at his meticulously formulated plan. He walked over to where Hermione was sitting with her back turned towards him, trying not to make any noise which would alert her of his presence. Once he was standing right behind her, leaned towards her,"And what are you doing this fine day, Granger ?" he drawled. She looked behind her, clearly startled and what an appealing expression it was might he add. But, unfortunately for him, her expression quickly changed to one of annoyance and possibly disdain. She looked at him with narrowed eyes but after noticing the expectant look on his face, answered "If you are too blind to see, I am reading" and turned back towards her book. Just as Draco had suspected. His lips twitched slightly trying to control the smirk they threatened to form. Draco leaned over her shoulder looking at her book and let his warm breath fall on her neck. He felt her stiffen. "Ancient Runes...Interesting choice, Gran..ger" he whispered lightly into her ear and felt her breath hitch. Draco made no effort to hide his smirk this time."I had really wanted to discuss this topic with someone of equal academic and intellectual prowess" he continued and lightly nibbled at her ear. He felt her eyes widening and her hands grip the table at his advances. "So, What do you say, Granger ?" he drawled on. Draco was knocked backwards when she abruptly got up and started stammering,"I...I...You...Ma...Malfoy...we...uh...we're not...we..." as she looked anywhere but him, a delectable blush covered her cheeks,"Um...I...I have to go Draco", she quickly finished. Her eyes widened as realization dawned on her that she had actually used his given name to directly address him. Draco felt himself growing hard on hearing his name fall from her plump lips. He noticed her leaving and quickly grabbed her wrist, slamming her into one of the many bookshelves in the library. Putting both of his arms on either side of her head, effectively trapping her between his body and the bookshelf.

"Tsk...tsk...tsk...", he murmured, while skimming his nose along her slender neck and taking in her scent,"Leaving so soon, My...Princess". Her slight shiver at his words didn't go unnoticed as he proceeded to kiss her neck and lightly bite down where her shoulder and neck met. His actions were rewarded with a very audible gasp and two soft hands gripping the front of his dress shirt. He looked at the perfectly shaggable look she had. Eyes closed, lips parted, chest heaving... He took a step closer to her sinful body. His whole body now touching hers. She looked up at him through thick eyelashes, eyes darkened with lust and slightly glazed over and bit down on her lower lip. He lost any semblence of control he had over himself and crashed his lips into hers. Sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and bitting down on it. She gasped and he thrust his tongue into her mouth. His hands roamed all over her body. Touching her waist, her breasts, the sides of her legs as he took control of the kiss while both of their tongues mingled with each other. Her hands had found their way into his hair as she tugged hard at it. He groaned into the kiss at the pleasurable pain she was inflicting on his scalp and hitched her legs around his waist, her skirt riding up and exposing her tanned thighs to him in the process. They pulled apart gasping for breath and he started pressing open mouthed kisses along her collar-bone as his hands moved to un-button her blouse, exposing her lacey bra and the most perfect pair of breasts he had ever seen. Her wet centre rubbed deliciously against his hard cock as she squirmed in his grasp, trying to gain more friction. He kissed the top her breasts and discarded her bra to the side on the floor. He pressed his hardened member into her centre and sucked at one of her pert nipples while one of his hands was pinching and pulling the other one into a hardened peak. "Oh...Merlin...Oh...Oh...", she gasped in between breaths,"Mal...ah...foy...Oh..". No. This isn't right, he thought as his lust adled brain registered her words.

" .Name." he growled as he switched to the other nipple and roughly bit down on it, while he pushed harder into her centre."Dra...aah...co...Draco...",he heard her say as her nails dug almost painfully into his shoulders. He moved back to kiss her in order to swallow her loud moans, when one of his hands reached into her panties, rubbing her swollen clit harshly. He felt more wetness gush onto his hand. He lightly ran a finger along her slit, spreading her juices all over. She groaned into the kiss and pushed herself into his hand. He felt himself smirk into the kiss and she bit his lip in retaliation. He quickly placed two of his fingers inside her while his thumb rubbed tight circles onto her clit. Her hands reached for his pants. She somehow managed to drop his pants down and pull out his hard head fell back as he groaned at the feeling of her soft hands around his cock. She had taken advantage of his state and attached her lips to his neck as she planted soft,fluttering kisses neck, his chest... he hadn't even realized she had un-buttoned his shirt and it was hanging off of his shoulders until that moment. He pulled away his hand from her soaking heat and felt her whimper. He lined himself at her enterance and looked at her, silently asking for permission. This was the only chance he was going to give her to stop this, because he didn't know if he would be able to control himself after this.

She grabbed his face and smashed their lips together, whimpering soft pleas into the kiss. This was all the permission he needed as he slammed into her tight heat. Her screams of pleasure muffled by his lips as he pulled out almost completely, leaving just the tip of his cock inside her and slammed into her over and over again. He pulled away from her lips and bringing his lips against her ear started a low chant of,"Mine...Mine...Mine..." with each thrust of his painfully hard member inside of her. He could feel her walls tighten around him and felt his thrusts become erratic as he pumped into her faster and harder. "Please...Please...I...Oh..." he heard her mumbling unintelligibly into his shoulder. He felt how close to falling over the edge both of them were. He reached down to pinch her clit and thrust powerfully into her, and demanded that she cum for him. That was all it took. She shuddered violently and clamped around him. He felt himself release inside her as his mind blanked for a moment with the sheer amount of pleasure he felt. He felt her sagging into him as he rested his forehead on her shoulder. Their breaths labored as they came down from their highs. He carefully placed her on the floor, not letting her go since her legs were still slightly wobbly. After he felt her straightening, he took a step back and used his wand casting a quick spell, re-dressing and cleaning up both of them. She was looking away from him, but he grabbed both of her hands in both of his. "Hermione..." he said as he tried to get her attention,"Please look at me.". She looked at him with a slightly gaurded expression. It's now or never he thought, he closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath, slowly releasing it. "I...I'm in love with you Hermione", his voice filling with emotion, "I've been for a while". He saw her eyes widen slighlty at his confession. "Please, Hear me out" he continued, "Please...Meet me at the astronomy tower tonight...". He looked at her with pleading eyes. She nodded and said, "Okay" before pecking his lips."I'll see you at 10, Draco" she said and left. Draco stood there for a while grinning foolishly to himself. He had a feeling this was going to be a start of something wonderful.

Two Days Later...

Blaise POV

Blaise smirked at the gaping Gryffindors, when they saw their Gryffindor Princess walking into the Great Hall, hand in hand with non other than the Slytherin Prince, for breakfast. The whole hall broke into frantic whispers and hushed conversations. The only one's who didn't look like somebody had hit them with a ton of bricks were Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and himself. And Dumbledore ofcourse, who ordered everyone to settle down and looked at them with a knowing smile. He shot Draco a thumbs up and a wink, who grinned in response. The cheshire cat grin that he seemed to be always wearing when Hermione Granger was around him. Maybe Blaise could finally try his luck with the Red-headed witch who had caught his eye. Through the corner of his eyes he saw Draco and Hermione share a chaste kiss before they separated and joined their respective houses for breakfast.

Author's Note:

There it is... My first ever piece of writting. I hope you guys liked it. Reviews and critcism is welcomed. It would really help me to become a better writer. ^_^