A/N: Hi all. Second semester of law school has been a major pain. Tons of work, tons of studying, and a lot of applications for summer externship opportunities. I have one or two that would be perfect fits for me. Wish me luck :)

Anyway, we left off with Olivia in a delicate condition. All would be great, except Kathleen's rapist is on the loose and Kathy was just murdered in a drive by shooting that leaves all the kids living in her and Elliot's brownstone. Quite the dodgy situation, agreed?

So, let's see what happens.

Disclaimer: I do not own the show, or the actors. If I did then things would be a lot different.

Enjoy and please review :)

Chapter 34: Bipolar

She felt like crap, for keeping the secret. It shouldn't… well, he or she shouldn't have been a secret, but pressing matters were pressing matters. Only four others besides Olivia knew, Casey, Alex, Kate, and Melinda (by virtue of being the most convenient doctor to have access to). Olivia trusted them to keep her secret, at least for the time being, but each had warned her to tell Elliot soon. She would, but now wasn't the time.

In any case, she had the perfect manner to lighten the mood, if only for a little while. "You are adorable, yes you are," she cooed, mashing Eli against her cheek.

Seated in front of her, Kate Beckett smiled. It was a bit standoffish, but Olivia knew her former partner enough to know it was sincere. Beckett had never been comfortable around kids, but Olivia was sure it would change once she had some of her own – hopefully with a certain writer. "He has grown up quite a bit hasn't he?"

"Sprouting like a weed, mommy's little man." She kissed his tummy, Eli giggling happily. He really was the most wonderful little creature Olivia had ever seen – half hers and half Elliot's. "I love you so much." Her son beamed, and then yawned. "Looks like someone needs to go to bed."

Standing, Elliot swept in to hold Eli. "I'll take care of him, Liv." He kissed her lips, walking out with their son.

Sitting down, Olivia looked at Kate. "You're a lucky girl, Olivia," the homicide detective said.

"I am, aren't I?" Olivia sighed. "He's not doing so well, not since Kathy's death."

"The kids?" Kate was nothing if not astute. Forget being a detective, how could she keep up with Richard Castle if she wasn't?

Nodding, the brunette rubbed her eyes. "Maureen is handling it the best she can, but she's sad all the time. Dickie barely talks and is increasingly aggressive – the only ones he can talk to without glaring or grunting are me, Shane, Lizzie, and Alexis. Lizzie… she's quiet too, but in a passive way."

"And Kathleen?"

Kathleen. "I… I don't know." Olivia hung her head. "She's been in a withdrawn state since Kathy's funeral." All of the kids were now staying in the brownstone – a tight fit but there were just enough rooms to house them without doubling up. Olivia had gone into mother mode quite quickly, trying to fill the void Kathy left while not trying to replace her. Maureen and the twins, she knew they appreciated it. Kathleen… Olivia had seen enough girls in that condition to know this was normal, and to empathize. "Have you found any leads on Williams?"

Kate shook her head, sad that she had to do it. "No, nothing on his trail or connecting him to the drive by. Castle and I have been working nonstop on it."

Olivia was grateful for Kate's assistance, and was about to tell her so when her cell phone rang. "Sorry," she said to Kate."

"That's fine, I have to go anyway." Kate stood. "I'll keep you posted on any new leads."

"Thank you." Olivia smiled at her friend as she walked out, then picking up her phone. "Stabler."

"Liv… I don't know what to do!"

"Whoa. Maur, honey." Olivia stood, her stepdaughter's frantic voice causing her instincts to kick in. "Slow down. What's wrong?"

"It's Katie." Her eyes widened. Maureen's voice loud enough to be audible to onlookers, Elliot paled, having just arrived from putting Eli to bed. "My friends took me to this frat party to cheer me up after mom, but an hour in I found her here."

"She's at a college party?"

"Yeah, and she looked drunk, dancing and flirting with a bunch of guys. Then one touched her, she screamed, and ran upstairs." Her panic was laced in her words.

Slipping on her shoes, Olivia reached for the car keys. There was no way she'd let her stepdaughter have a flashback without support. Hearing everything, Elliot frantically did the same. "Is she still there?"

"I went up to the bathroom, where she was taking a shower, but when I entered she yelled at me and climbed out the window."

"We'll be right there." Hurriedly throwing on their coats and belts, guns clipped to them, Elliot and Olivia raced to the garage only to find Lizzie there – her eyes were red with sadness and worry. "Sweetie…"

"It's Katie, isn't it?" Olivia's silence was taken by the teenager as proof she was right. "I didn't say anything before, but I think she stopped taking her meds."

'Oh dear God.'

"Dickie and I will watch Eli, so go." They didn't need to be asked twice.


'Easy little one,' Olivia begged internally, willing the life inside her to calm down. Her stomach was lurching as she turned the steering wheel of their minivan, whether from her baby or from worry over Kathleen. Based on the pale, shrunken form that was Elliot sitting in the passenger seat staring out the window with focused eyes, she knew that he was in no position to drive. "Did Katie say where she was going?"

"Not in so many words," Maureen replied from the back seat, just as panicked as her parents but keeping her wits about her. "She mumbled something about going to 'Cool the hell down,' which is what she always used to say when she was stressed. We'd always find her in a park afterward."

"Well this is the closest park." Olivia thanked God that Kathleen hadn't done anything to get herself arrested at the party. It could easily have happened – remembering some friends of hers back in college, there were almost limitless opportunities for such mistakes – and as it stood now they could probably sweep it under the rug. "Wait?" She slammed the brakes. "I think that's her."

Elliot was out of his catatonic state in a heartbeat. "Stay here, Maureen," he said roughly, hurrying out of the car.

Olivia gave the young girl a look of sympathy. "He's just…"

"I know, Liv." Maureen placed her hand on Olivia's. "Just take care of him, please." Olivia smiled and went after Elliot.

The park was dark, dark and deserted. Not a person in sight except for a blonde enjoying herself on the swings – wrapped in a bedsheet. Her face was carefree, not a thought in the world crossing it. "Katie," Olivia said softly. "Katie, honey?"

Slowing to a stop, graceful legs brushing against the grass, Kathleen looked at them intently. A huge smile broke out, one of a kid who saw her favorite candy bar. "Mom! Dad!" Hiding her shock at Kathleen calling her 'Mom," Olivia noticed Katie's Stabler blue eyes were wide in a scary manner. 'Manic. The meds have worn off.' This was not good.

If Elliot was fazed by her reference of Olivia, he did not show it. The concerned and fearful father was on full display, however. "Jesus, Kathleen." He rushed forward, jacket off and wrapped around her. "What were you thinking?"

"Can you feel the air!" she exclaimed happily and in a rushed speed, as if wanting to convince Elliot. "It's so cooling on the skin! And the stars! You can't see the stars in New York, but now I can." She tried to twirl on her toes but Elliot's grip was too tight.

"Sweetie." Olivia moved forward, wrapping an arm around Kathleen's shoulder. "We can see the stars, but I think you should be getting home, to a nice warm bed." 'Please let this work.' Kathleen was going home one way or another, but it would be better if she went willingly.

Praise be to God, the teenager giggled. "That sounds wonderful." She kissed Olivia on the cheek. "I love you, mom."

Sharing a look with Elliot, Olivia went with it. "Love you too, Kathleen." No resistance from the young girl, the three made their way back to the minivan.


Elbows aching on the hard toilet seat, Olivia wished Elliot was here to hold her hair out of the way and rub her back as she emptied the contents of her stomach. The morning sickness was worse than it was with Eli. She hated it, especially in the middle of the situation they were all in. God, she felt horrible. A hand drifted to cup her abdomen – where her baby rested comfortably, not a care in the world. "I'm sorry little one," Olivia whispered. He or she deserved to be showered with love the moment she found out, but the whole situation with Williams' escape, Kathy's death, and Kathleen's refusal to take her meds was ruining that. The young girl was currently in her room, not having come out since they brought her home. The things she said… about not wanting to bother taking care of herself thanks to the target painted on her back, it broke her heart. And almost killed Elliot's.

Sighing, her stomach starting to settle, she flushed the toilet. Vent turned on to mask the sound – Elliot could not be allowed to know, not yet at least – Olivia rinsed out her mouth with Listerine and turned off the light. A soft bed awaited. One she shared with her beloved husband.

The bedroom was dark. Dark and cold, Olivia shivering in her silk tank top and short shorts. Heading quickly to her side of the bed, she threw the covers over herself and snuggled into Elliot's side, tossing an arm and a leg over his firm body. "Mmmmm," she moaned contentedly. He was always so warm, a welcome feeling against her skin. "Best pillow in the world."

"I'm glad you think so."

Blinking in the dark, Olivia merely kissed his firm pec. "I'm sorry for waking you, baby." A quick check of the clock found it to be about 5 AM. 'Thank the Lord Eli is sleeping regularly.'

He kissed the top of her head. "I was already awake." She knew he assumed she had to relieve herself and Olivia didn't contradict him. "Too worried to sleep."

Olivia snuggled tighter against him. "I love you, El. I'm always here for you."

His strong arms wrapped around her. "I know." Olivia found herself pulled on top of him, not that she minded of course. Nor did she mind when Elliot pressed his lips to hers, needing comfort. "I think I've found a solution… regarding Kathleen."

Looking into his eyes, glassy in the pale moonlight, Olivia pressed her cheek against his. Kathleen's depression hurt all of them, but Elliot most of all. "I'll support whatever you think is best, my love."


"El?" Looking at her husband, Olivia could easily read his tells. Staring blankly ahead, jaw tensed, eyes distant – he was… unsure of himself. Insecure. Two feelings that no one usually associated with Elliot Stabler. Olivia knew differently. She had seen his highs and his lows, him at his most happy and his most despondent. Well, that was why she was here. His loving wife, as dedicated and committed to him as he was to her. "Hey, baby," she whispered softly, reaching out and cupping his cheek in her palm. "Talk to me."

Eyes turning toward her, Olivia saw the muted blue of despondency sparkle just slightly with love as they settled on her. Sighing, the normally tough and hardened Detective closed them and nuzzled her palm. "I'm fine… I'm… I'm just…"

Leaning forward, Olivia pressed her lips against his right eyelid. "I know." She hugged him to her, the positioning over the console of the car slightly discomforting for her – but it was worth it. This man deserved nothing but the best in life, and between Kathleen, the loss of Kathy, and the dredging up of the trauma and pain of his childhood placed more on his shoulders than he could handle alone. "I love you so much, El."

Pulling back, Elliot kissed her sweetly, Olivia moaning into it as they embraced. "So are you ready?" Their eyes met, Olivia's mood soaring as she noticed the pale blue starting to liven once more.

"Yeah, let's go." Stepping out of the car, the sea breeze whipping against her face, Olivia fell in right beside Elliot. Just like old times, Benson and Stabler – except now Elliot reached for her hand and weaved their fingers together. Something they had never done and had been afraid to do all throughout the first eight years of their partnership. Olivia never once regretted crossing the line, now that she could enjoy this. They reached the wood and glass door, Olivia looking at Elliot as he rapped firmly.

"Gladys, you're early…" The muffled voice from inside stopped as a figure gazed at them through the glass. The door opened. "Elliot. Olivia." Her face registered a pleasant shock.

Elliot smiled. "Hi mom."

Olivia rubbed the skin of the back of his hand. "Bernie."

A/N: When Kathleen's having problems, who else would they turn to? Fulfilling a personal desire with having Olivia be present as well :)

I didn't remember the exact conversation when they discover Kathleen in Swing, so I fudged it a bit. Hope you guys didn't mind, cause it was fun adapting the general plot to the new situation.

Any guesses or suggestions as to their conversation? Kathleen?

God Bless
