"I have told you time and time again that Wicca group is only good for one thing. Cakes." Dr Maggie Walsh said as she placed her freshman classes' papers on her desk, walking away from the other person in the room.

"Ma'am, I'm telling you, there is a real witch there." He said, moving to follow Maggie to her desk, carrying his own set of papers. "I overheard her on Tuesday."

"We will never find a real witch. And with what happened last week, I am in no position to send out a taskforce on a whim." Maggie closed her binder before shrugging on her coat.

"Give me a chance to prove it. Please. You always said you wanted a witch, I can prove she is one."

"…You have 2 days. I want physical evidence. No evidence, no taskforce." Maggie said, pausing in the doorway to her lecture room.

"2 days, I can do that Ma'am." He saluted, lifting his bag onto his shoulder.

"Which student did you say it was again?" Maggie asked, looking back over her shoulder.


"A good student. Should have figured. Like I said, 2 days. You better not disappoint me Riley." Maggie spoke quietly, leaving her classroom and Riley behind.

"So then, Buffy pushed all of her weight forward, the stake snapped, and she impaled it right through the neck!" Willow exclaimed excitedly, leaning slightly towards the other girl, who was sat close to her at the lunch table.

"Y-your mom tried to b-burn you at the s-stake?" Tara asked, frowning.

"Oh yeah. Proper old fashioned witch-hunt-book-burning stuff. Oh! I know how it sounds, but my mom's not around much. Okay, that didn't come out as I meant it to. It's just that, in a weird way, she cared." Willow frowned at her own babble and worried she might scare the shy Wiccan in front of her. "Did I tell you about the time I met my own vampire self?"

"Is t-this the neck licking n-narsasstic m-mistress of p-pain v-vampire?" Tara asked, hiding her laugh behind a juice box.

"Yep, that's the one! Skanky leather wearing-"

"Talking about Faith?" Buffy interrupted, causing the duo to split slightly apart in their seats.

"Nope. Vampire me." Willow informed the newcomer as she sat down opposite them.

"Ah, Miss. Evil, Skanky and Gay." Buffy laughed, picking up her sandwich.

"G-gay?" Tara asked, looking between Buffy and Willow. That was definitely a part of that story Willow did not mention.

"Yeah, what Will called her. Though I'm still confused. Is coming on to your alternate universe self gay or narsassistic?" Buffy asked, before taking a large bite out of her sandwich.

"Buffy, she licked my neck and wanted to snuggle." Willow frowned at her friend, and then at Tara, who giggled at the seriousness of the redheads words. "She did!" Tara continued to laugh and Buffy put her half eaten sandwich down, looking at the other blonde.

"Have we met before? Because I remember you introducing yourself to me, but not where or when or who."

"T-Tara. Maclay. We met at the h-hospital last week. W-Willow sprained her ankle…" Tara reminded the other blonde, glancing at Willow, who was no longer red cheeked.

"Ah, yes! Sorry for not remembering, one track mind, me. Willow hurt. Everything else whooshes by." Buffy smiled, glad Willow was making friends. "Glad to see Willow's making friends. Finally."

"Buff!" Willow reached over and slapped her friends arm lightly. "I can make friends."

"Please, the only people you've met are the Wanna-Blessed-Be's at that Wicca group who you said were all stupid and useless unless you want a cake made." Buffy laughed, ignoring all of Willow's 'Stop' motions.

"Oh…" Tara looked at her empty plate on the table.

"What?" Buffy asked, quitting an eyebrow.

"This is Tara, we met at Wicca group." Willow sighed, putting her hand on Tara's thigh under the table to comfort her, causing the blonde to look up at her.

"Oh. Oh. My foot likes to live in my mouth- Oh hey, said that to SkankVamp- so please ignore the things that escape around the foot." Buffy apologetically smiled. "If you'll forgive me, you can have my juice box."

"I-It's okay. Keep the j-juice. I forgive you." Tara smiled, her attention still mainly focused on Willow's hand, which remained on her thigh.

"Ah, good, because I'm really thirsty and need it." Buffy said, jabbing the straw into the box and drinking it.

"So…" Willow started, leading the conversation. "Since Buffy has some stuff to clear up with Riley…" She pushed on, ignoring Buffy trying to stop her, she turned to Tara. "Do you think I could come round and we could do some spells?"

"Y-Yes. I'd l-love that." Tara smiled, and both turned their attention to the choking blonde.

"I don't want to talk to Riley." Buffy huffed once she stopped choking, crossing her arms and pouting.

"To bad. You'll have the dorm to yourself until 11. Don't sit on my bed." Willow got up and picked up her tray, cutting off Buffy as she opened her mouth to talk. "And don't touch my spell stuff, I have a page bookmarked and you'll only lose my page if you touch it. I have a class, gotta go." Willow rushed off, leaving the two blondes alone at the table.

"So…" Buffy started after some silence. "Willow tell you about the time she dated an internet demon?"



The two stood at a standstill either side of the doorway, Buffy inside the dorm room, Riley in the hall.

"Can I come in?" Riley asked, brushing a hand through his hair.

"Yes. Have a seat. Just not on Willow's bed." Buffy moved back, allowing the solider to enter. Riley walked in to the dorm room, sitting himself down on Buffy's bed. He was about to open his mouth when he saw the book and the crystals on the end of Willow's bed. From where he was sat, he could just about make out the title. The Black Arts Codex: Volume III

"Riley? Are you even listening?" Buffy asked, arms crossed as she sat down next to him.

"Of course." Riley lied. If he could just show this to Dr Walsh.

"So you agree? No more secrets. And I want to know everything there is about this army stuff you have going on." Buffy stared him down with her own version of the resolve face.

"Yes. I'll tell you everything." Another lie, another secret. How do you tell your girlfriend you're about to hand in her evil roommate. Did Buffy not know she was evil? She's not the brightest but she's not that dim. The words 'Dark Arts' were literally written right in front of her.

"Good." Buffy stood, moving over to her chair, pulling her coat off the back of it. Riley took his chance and grabbed the small camera he bought with him out of his pocket, and snapped a picture of Willow's bed, the book and magical items clearly in frame. He shoved it back in his pocket as Buffy turned around, coat on.

"I need to patrol, you want to come with?" She asked, pushing a stake into her belt.

"I can't. Need to do some laundry tonight. See you in class tomorrow, Buffy." Riley moved to the door, nodding at Buffy and opening the door.

"Alright. After you."

"The evidence is right there Ma'am." Riley smiled, watching Maggie's face as she looked at the photo.

"Less than a day. Good job Finn. Alright." Maggie turned around in her chair, away from the screen. "Room 214, Stevenson. Redheaded witch. Only use force if necessary. I want it unharmed. Unconscious, but unharmed. Follow Agent Finn."

Maggie ordered the 5 strong taskforce out, and turned back to Riley.

"Serve like this will get you a promotion one day."

"What will you do with Rosenberg, Ma'am?" Riley asked, picking up his Taser gun, getting ready to lead the taskforce.

"Hostile 31 will be contained and tested, Finn, same as always. No go, get me that witch."