Nations of the world NOW WITH PINKY!
Yakko: United States Canada Mexico Panama Haiti Jamaica Peru!
Pinky: NARF!
Yakko: Republic Dominican Cuba Carribean Greenland El Salvador too...
Pinky: Happap!
Yakko: Puerto Rico Colombia Venezuela Honduras Guyana and still
Pinky: Safted!
Yakko: Guatemala Bolivia then Argentina and Ecuador Chile Brazil!
Pinky: Bery!
Yakko: Costa Rica Belize Nicaragua Bermuda Bahamas Tobago San Juan...
Pinky: Ploopy!
Yakko: Paraguay Uruguay Suriname and French Guiana Barbados and Guam!
Pinky: Hassz!
Yakko: I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! Wakko you do it.
Wakko: But I don't know the words!
Yakko: You'll figure it out.
Wakko: She's the woman of the year!
Yakko: Not that song!
Both: HELLOOOOOOOOOO NURSE! Even though Hello Nurse wasn't even there.
Yakko: See what you made me do?
Wakko: Haha I got you!
Dot: I'll sing it if you want.
Pinky: Yoop!
Dot: I'm cute yes its true!
Dot and Wakko: Hey!
Pinky: Poit!
Yakko: Norway and Sweden and Iceland and Finland and Germany! Now in one piece!
Brain: Germany is currently in the control of...
Dot and Wakko drop an anvil on his head. Being so small, Brain passes out.
Yakko: Switzerland (puts on lederhosen) Austria Czechoslovakia Italy Turkey and Greece.
Pinky: Zing!
Yakko:Poland Romania Scotland Albania Ireland Russia (takes off lederhosen and puts on kaffiyeh) Oman.
Pinky: Zoit! Wakko where do you go to the bathroom? NARF!
Wakko: Mostly in the park. I don't live at the park. Why you ask? STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER!
Yakko drops an anvil on Pinky AND Wakko smashes him with a mallet. Dot just stands off to the side being cute.
Me:Uh, I'm kinda cuter than you. Says so right in my username, Dottie! (disappears in a cloud of pixie dust)*
Yakko:Bulgaria Saudi Arabia Hungary Cyprus Iraq and Iran! (runs for his life) There's Syria Lebanon Israel Jordan both Yemens Kuwait and Bahraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain! (comes back) The Netherlands Luxembourg Belgium and Portugal France England Denmark and Spain!
Me: You need singing lessons!
Yakko: That's how I'm supposed to sing this!
Me: Oh, carry on.
Yakko: India Pakistan Burma (or Myanmar) Afghanistan Thailand Nepal and Bhutan.
Dot: Those have to be the least cute countries in the world.
Wakko: What about Guinea or Sierra Leone or Liberia where all the ebola is?
Dot: Ewwwww! Gross! Gross!
Yakko: May I continue?
Pinky: Gloit! Yessir!
Yakko: Kampuchea Malaysia then Bangladesh. Asia? And China Korea Japan.
Mindy: Hi Mr. Man!
Yakko: Its Yakko.
Mindy: OK love you bye-bye!
Yakko: Mongolia Laos and Tibet Indonesia the Phillipine Islands Taiwan.
Mindy: I go next?
Yakko: Sure why not?
Mindy: Silanka new ginee soomara new zeelind then boreo and vitname!
Yakko: Wonderful! Anyone else want to try?
Everyone except Mindy: Ooh me me me!
Dot snatches Yakko's stick thingamajiggy.
Dot: Tunisia Morocco Uganda Angola Zimbabwe Djibouti Botswana
Bot swa na.
Wakko: What are you doing?
Dot:I'm planting Botswana into peoples heads.
Wakko: Mozambique Zambia Swaziland Gambia Guinea (wow there are a lot of guineas in this world) Algeria Ghana.
Yakko: Wasn't this my song?
Dot: Too bad.
Wakko: So sad.
Yakko: Burundi Lesotho and Malawi Togo the Spanish Sahara is gone!
Dot: Awwwww.
Wakko: I LOVE the Spanish Sahara! *cries*
Mindy: Love you Spanish Sahara! Bye-bye!
Pinky: NARF!
Brain: I shall have to hurt you Pinky. *hits him with a potato*
Pinky: OW!
Brain: I'll continue *starts singing The Really Great Dictator*
Yakko: *sits on the brain* Niger Nigeria Chad and Liberia...
Dot: Isn't Liberia where all the ebola is?
Yakko: Yes.
Dot: Ewwwww! Gross! GROSS!
Wakko: I'm hungry!
Yakko: *gives him a side of fries* Egypt Benin and Gabon!
Dot: What's a Gabon?
Wakko: I'll tell you later.
Yakko: Tanzania Somalia...
Everyone else: OH MY GOD! SOMALIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *jump up and down*
Yakko: Let me start over. Tanzania Somalia...
Everyone else: SOMALIA! SOMALIA! SOMAAAAAAAAAALIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *start carrying Somalia on their shoulders, much to its dismay!*
Yakko: *gains common sense* Kenya and Mali...
Everyone else: Awwwwwwwwwww!
Yakko: If I hear Somalia one more time, I'm going to puke!
You'll never guess who said Somalia...
It wasn't Mindy.
It wasn't Pinky or the Brain (Hint hint)
It wasn't a Warner.
It wasn't Scratchansniff.
It wasn't Hello Nurse.
It wasn't anyone you'd suspect.
It was...
Here's your hint
Pinky, (blank), and the Brain.
The one who did it is the blank.
Feel free to look it up.
It starts with an E.
Now back to the story...
Yakko: (who is extremely drained from vomiting) Sierra Leone...and...Algiers...(passes out)
Girl Scout: Hi! Want some cookies?
Wakko: *smashes Girl Scout with a mallet*
Yakko: *revives* Huh? Dahomey Namibia Senegal Libya Cameroon Congo Zaire. Wait, ZAIRE?
Dot: Boys. Go fig.
Wakko: Ethiopia Guinea-Bissau Madagascar Rwanda Mahore and Cayman. Are those last two even countries?
Dot: Hong Kong Abu Dhabi... Wait, did we say UAE? Qatar Yugoslavia... YUGOSLAVIA? WHO WROTE THIS OUTDATED (bleep)?
Yakko: Crete Mauritania
Wakko: Then Transylvania
Dot: Monaco
Brain: Malta
Hello Nurse: And Palestine
Rita: Fiji
Scratchansniff: Australia
Pinky: NARF!
The answer of the Somalia riddle is not given here. If you know, review! If you don't, it's OK, you can always look it up!
*You'd understand it... if you're cute!