If you haven't read the "A Makorra Cinderellastory, I suggest that you do that first before reading any further.

Chapter 1:

̴ Korra ̴

The sun was moving over the sky as I stared out of the window of the carriage for a moment before lying back so I felt his chest against my back, and his hands went around me.

"How is my beautiful wife today?" My husband asked and I couldn't help the smile from appearing on my lips. "Excited to be back?"

"I guess it'll be good to see the others again," I turned around in his arms so I could stare at those beautiful amber eyes. "But I could have used two more weeks alone with you."

Mako laughed before he leaned forward, and placed a tender kiss on my lips which quickly turned into a passionate one. I was out of breath when Mako pulled back with a huge smile on his face.

"We'd better stop," He gave me another quick kiss, before he sat completely up, and I couldn't help but pout, causing Mako to laugh at me. "Don't worry. It's just because we almost are there, and I don't think the guards would prefer to see their king and queen being-"

Mako stopped talking, and just gave me a smile when he noticed my reddened cheeks. Even thinking about the honeymoon we had been on for two weeks made me blush.

I sat up in the carriage and made a few adjustments to the blue long dress I was wearing and my hair. Luckily I wasn't wearing a big dress as a queen should or any high heels. Instead the dress was long and light and the shoes flat as the ground. I reached after the shoes I had thrown on the floor when we first entered the carriage, but Mako beat me to it. He took them and pulled my feet up on his lap, and put the shoes on me.

"You are never going to let me put my own shoes on again, are you?" I asked him and Mako planted a kiss as he handed me my gray jacket. I pulled it on and gave him another kiss just as the carriage stopped.

A servant opened the door for us, and Mako was the first one out, so he could give me his hand and help me out of the carriage as well. The sun blinded me for a second and when I was able to see again, I saw a line of guards standing with their weapons making a path for us, even all the way up the stairs. Mako held my hand as we walked towards the entrance of the castle that was now my home, but before we reached the door, Mako swung me up bridal style so he was caring me, and I gave a yell of surprise from me and placed my hands around his neck so I wouldn't fall, not that Mako would let me fall.

"What are you doing?!" I asked him, but couldn't help but smile at him.

"I'm carrying my wife over the threshold." Mako said in a playful tone, as he stepped inside of the castle.

"But you have already done that," I told him as he let me down on the other side ignoring the guards standing less than a meter away, something I couldn't quite do. "Remember? The first-" I cast a look at the guard who just stared into nothing. "Night?"

Mako laughed again. "Yes, but this is our home, Korra. I'm just doing my job as your husband."

"Your job?" I kept my hands around his neck and leaned forward so I could give him a kiss, which he quickly returned. "I would like to hear more about that." I leaned in for another kiss.

"Wow guys, keep the kissing down when there's people around," Asami's voice interrupted our kiss and we quickly moved away from each other. Blushing I turned to her and saw her and Bolin walking towards us. "On the other hand you are newlyweds, and after everything you have been through I guess it's okay. Just keep most of it in the bedroom okay?"

"Asami!" I said feeling my face heat up as I moved towards her and gave her a hug. "I've missed you," She gave me a look and I laughed "I miss you a bit." I then corrected it and she smiled at me.

"Mako!" Bolin ran over to his brother and gave him a huge hug "I have missed you soooo much!" Mako just patted him on his back awkwardly.

"I haven't been gone that long, have I?" Mako gave his brother a smile, and returned his hug. "How've things been here?"

I saw Bolin tense at Mako's words and slowly pulling away from him.

"Bolin…?" I asked looking worried at him.

"Everything is fine, you guys!" Bolin was doing a poor job of hiding whatever it was he was hiding, but before I could ask him what on earth it was, he had pulled Asami away while yelling that they would see us later. As they disappeared down the hallway I turned to Mako who also looked at me with a confused look on his handsome face.

"What on earth was that about?" I asked him, and looked back to where my brother- and sister-in-law had disappeared.

"I don't know," I turned back, just as Mako once again took me up in his arms, and I with a yelp put my arms around his neck, and saw my husband smiling at me. "But it's Bolin, so I'm sure it's nothing serious." Mako gave me a peek on my lips and I smiled happily at him. He was probably right.

"Mako! Korra!" Mako let me down as we heard Meelo's voice and I quickly turned towards it, just in time to catch the young boy running into my arms, before jumping down again. I swear that boy almost seems to be high on something.

"Korra!" Ikki came right behind her brother and gave me a hug which I quickly returned, but I barely made it before she had pulled back while quickly continuing to talk, like always. "How have you been? Did you have fun? Was it boring? Did you miss us? I bet you did? What did you use your time on? Mom and dad wouldn't tell me, and Bolin kept looking scared at Asami every time I asked him. Are you and Mako going to act lovely-dovey all the time now? Are-" I couldn't help but smile. Did she ever even breathe?

I was going to have to interrupt her, because otherwise I honestly never would have the chance to say anything at all. Luckily I didn't have to because Jinora was right behind her younger siblings.

"It's great to see you two." Jinora smiled at both Mako and me, and I stared surprised at her for a second. She somehow seemed older, even though she couldn't have grown in the short time that we had been gone.

"It's great to see all of you too," I told them as I gave Jinora a hug and laughed as Meelo jumped from Mako's arms to sit around his neck.

"Meelo, get down from Mako, please," Pema came walking towards us with Rohan in her arms and a very sour Lin by her side, but on the other hand when wasn't the chief of security sour? "Welcome back Korra and Mako. I hope you had a good time."

"We did." Mako said and we looked at each other for a second without saying anything.

"Good, because you need to get to work," We both looked back to Lin who was standing with crossed arms. "The security ne-"

"Please, Lin," Pema interrupted making Lin look at her with a raised eyebrow and an even sourer look than before. What was with her right now? Did it have something to do with me and Mako? What Bolin said before? Pema? I don't think I have ever seen those two women walking beside each other like this. "They just came back. Give them some time, before sending them back to work."

"Fine," Lin just shook her head, clearly not in agreement with Pema. "It's just the king and queen so who cares if they get assassinated?" She mumbled the last part as she walked past us, but I heard her clearly. Could that really happen? I turned to Mako who had a grin across his face.

"I'm sure no one will assassinate us today, Lin." He yelled after her, but she just raised her hand as if saying 'Whatever' or 'Shut up', but not sure which one it was.

"Thanks, Pema. A day off would be good," Mako smiled at the older woman who happily returned it. "But where's Tenzin? I haven't even seen him yet."

Pema smile stiffened. What was going on? First Bolin and now Pema. Had this anything to do with Tenzin?

"Dad is out of town with uncle Bomi!" Ikki told me excited. Bumi? Did Tenzin have a brother?

"Bumi is Tenzin's brother. He is a general in the army," Mako told me, almost as if he could read my mind. "But what is Bumi doing here?" I looked up at my husband to see that he clearly was worried.

"They're just out to catch up, Mako," Pema put her hands on his shoulder before looking over at me. "It's nothing serious, so please just enjoy this day without worrying about anything, okay?"

We both nodded, and Pema smiled again.

"Come now, everyone," Pema waved to me and Mako as she almost dragged her children with her. None of them seemed very keen to leave us, and Meelo was almost impossible to get off of Mako for a while.

We waved back as they disappeared around the corner, and I turned towards Mako again. "Do you really think it's nothing?" I asked worried.

"I think," Mako began as he walked closer to me. I looked at him waiting for him to continue, but he just smile and in the next second I found myself being carried by him once again. This better not become a habit of his. "That if Pema says it's not anything to worry about, then let's not worry and enjoy our day off. And let me carry my amazing wife to our room." I laughed at Mako as he began walking down the hallway towards our new room. Whatever it was that was going on was long forgotten as we laughed and kissed on the way to our room, and I hoped that our married life could be like this forever.

I sat on the bed and looked around the 'empty' room. Mako and I had reached our new room laughing and kissing, and I had seemed to be the only one noticing the staff's, who came by us, eyes, because Mako had seemed to make a big deal out of kissing me every time they did, resulting in me getting redder and redder in my face and him laughing more and more because of it. Even now I couldn't help but smile just thinking about it. Unfortunately Mako had told me he had to leave me for a second to see if there really was something going on, so with a long loving kiss and a promise to return quickly, he had left me alone in our room. Our room. I had never thought I would say that. We had been through so much in the short time we had known each other, and most of the time I honestly never believed we would make it to this. But we did. Mako is mine, and I'm his. I love him as he loves me. We're husband and wife. King and Queen. The last part hadn't bothered me when we were away from this castle, because then it had just been him and me. Now it seemed to hit me more. I walked over the large windows and stared out of them. The room had a nice balcony with a beautiful view over the garden, the place where we kissed for the first time, talked, and I said yes to marry him. It truly was a place of memories. But from the window I could also look over the city, and I could see some of the citizens. My citizens. I was really their queen. It was almost too much to look at, so I turned around just as I heard a knock on the door.

"Come on in!" I almost yelled thinking that it probably was Mako. I smiled towards the door happily awaiting my husband.

"Wow you seem eager to see me," It wasn't my divine husband, but instead my lovely new sister-in-law who entered with a smile. She let her eyes wander over the room and I could swear that they stopped on the bed for a second or two. "Or maybe it wasn't me, but your husband you were expecting?" Asami walked over and sat down on the neatly made bed. "So you two could have some fun together?"

I am pretty sure my face turned scarlet as I sat down on the bed beside Asami.

"Awww don't give me that look," Asami put her leg up on the bed so she was turned towards me and gave me an expecting smile. "How was it?"

"Asami!" I was unsure if my face could get any redder now or hotter for that matter. It felt like my head was burning.

"Don't be shy, Korra," Asami didn't seem to be touched to be subject at all and just looked at me clearly waiting for me to answer. "Did you take the advice I gave you before the wedding?"

"Yes," She wasn't going to let this go without getting an answer out of me anyway. She waited patiently for me to continue. "It was… nice. Mako was very considerate, kind, patient and caring. He listened to me and even though it hurt the first time, it got better the next time. He – it I mean," I quickly changed the word, but Asami just smiled at me "was amazing."

"That's good to hear," Asami gave me a big hug "And don't worry about telling me this stuff. We're sisters and this is, among other things, what sisters help each other with."

"I know," I was so lucky to have Asami. "I've missed you, Asami."

"Of course you have," Asami let go of me and got up from the bed. "Two weeks alone without a sane girl to talk to is a very long time. Don't forget that I spend three weeks alone with Bolin."

"Are you trying to steal my wife away from me?" I looked up and saw my husband walking into the room. My eyes widened as I realized that I had no idea how long he was standing there or how much he had heard. Did he hear what I talked to Asami about?

"I might try," Asami walked over to him and gave him a big smile and a quick hug before she went out of the door. "Have fun you two." She said and waved before closing the door with a grin.

I saw that Mako too was blushing just like I probably was. I was afraid that it might get permanent if I keep doing it. Mako came over to me, and sat down on the bed beside me and took my hand, but none of us said anything. It was all what I needed to know; He heard.

"You heard what Asami and I talked about, didn't you?" I then asked him, but I couldn't help but smile. I had called him caring, considerate, kind, patient, and… amazing.

"A bit." Mako had pulled me up in his lap before falling back into the bed so I was laying on top on him. His lips found mine, and I kissed him back fiercely before his lips went down on my neck and I felt his hands losing my dress on my back.

"A bit?" I asked him as he rolled over so he was on top of me, and he looked down at me with his shining amber eyes.

"I liked the part about me being amazing." He then told me before he went down and kissed me again, and I happily kissed him back. I couldn't be mad at him for eavesdropping. Actually as I laid beneath him feeling all of his love through his kisses I doubt I could ever be really mad at this man ever again.

It's been a long time, hasn't it? Well, I've had a looooooot of stuff to deal with, and I honestly am very sorry for not updating before now, but here it is; The sequel to A Markorra Cinderellastory, A MAKORRA KINGDOM, the story of what happens after the happy ever after, so to say! And I even puplished it on my birthday, the day I officially became an adult with 18 years behind me. And with my final test to get my driver's licence tomorrow I'm a nervous wreck… I need all the luck I can get, and this might give me luck – so wish me luck!


Because not only does reviews make me happier – It makes me write faster!

Until next time, where Mako and Korra enjoy being newlyweds – But not too much! ;)
