She wakes up in a fog. She takes a deep breath, and opens her eyes. She finds herself wrapped up in a pair of muscular arms. She inhales, and instantly the events of the previous night begin to come back to her one piece at a time. Her feet are the comparable to the temperature of ice due to the air being propelled around the room by the ceiling fan.
Instantly the feeling in the pit of her stomach tells her that something is wrong. Something far beyond the situation at hand. In fact, if she's being perfectly honest this feels completely right. The party lying next to her in bed begins to stir. She is greeted by a pair of dark eyes.
Her head throbs as she tries to figure out what is wrong. She feels a sense of relief as the arms that are constricting her diaphragm release. She feels a warm pair of lips against her shoulder. She rolls towards the other human being in the bed. They lie quietly in the darkness of her room. They look at each other, but neither one of them dares to say a word. The seconds tick by, and quickly they are re-enveloped by a blanket of sleep.
When she wakes a second time it's to the sound of her phone. The shrill ring quickly brings her back to reality. She glances at the clock. 523 it reads. She groans inwardly as she reaches for her phone. She nearly falls out of bed before she can reach the mobile device that lies on the floor among a sea of clothing. She pulls the phone to her ear.
"Isles," she answers, "Okay. Text me the details," she hangs up the phone, and crawls to the edge of the bed.
"Don't go," the party on the other side of the bed begs.
"I have to."
"I have to go to a crime scene. I am sure that it won't be long before your phone starts ringing."
"Where are you going?"
"To get into the shower," she explains, as she crawls out from under her covers.
She is not the first person to arrive at the crime scene. By the time she arrives Korsak is waiting on her. She carries her kit in her right hand as she ducks under the crime scene tape. Korsak glances at his watch, and furrows his brow. She stops at his side.
"I am surprised that you are among the living."
She furrows her brow, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"You had quite a bit to drink last night."
"I don't know what got into me."
"You weren't the only one that had a few too many," he points out.
She studies his facial expression, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he shakes his head.
She lowers herself into a squatting position, next to the body.
She looks up at the greying detective at her side, "Yes?"
"Where is Jane?"
She furrows her brow, "What makes you think that I know?"
"You usually do," he admits.
"She's not here yet?"
"No. She usually beats you here."
"Maybe she didn't hear her phone ring," she suggests.
"She always answers."
"Are you sure that she answered?"
He takes a moment, and steps away from the body. He calls the answering service. After speaking to the answering service he calls Jane's phone.
An hour later a technician is loading the body into the coroner's van. Maura heads towards her vehicle to follow the van back to the lab.
She spins around, and finds Korsak, "You're going to meet me back at…"
He cuts her off, "I am going to stop by Jane's place first."
"She didn't answer?"
"She hasn't answered any of my calls. She never answered the calls from the answering service either. I am just going to stop by her place, and check in."
"Korsak I'm sure that it's nothing. Her phone probably just died."
"Yeah, I'm sure you're right," he nods in agreement.
As she climbs into her car something doesn't sit right with her. She pushes the feelings of impending doom from her conscious, and focuses on the body headed to her morgue. When she reaches the precinct she goes through her morning routine. She grabs a strong cup of coffee. Then she deviates from her routine, and pops a pair of Tylenol for her alcohol induced head ache. She trades her street clothes for scrubs, and secures her hair in a braid.
By the time she gets to autopsy her cup of coffee is empty, and she is ready to work. She begins her examination of the body. She is in the middle of teasing a fiber out of the victim's hair when the double doors swing open. She looks up, expecting to see Jane. She finds a different Rizzoli entering the room.
"Frankie where is Jane?"
"What are you talking about? I don't know where she's out. I came to bring you a present," he holds out an evidence bag.
"What's this?"
"The victim's wallet."
"Thank you," she signs for the evidence. He exits the room as abruptly as he entered. She places the fiber into a specimen cup. She is labeling the evidence when she hears the door swing open for a second time. She looks up and finds Korsak. He enters the room wearing an expression that he can't identify. She swallows hard.
"Korsak where's Jane?"
He pulls at his collar, and remains silent.
"What's wrong?" She asks as she studies the uneasy look on his face.