Hey, everyone. Here is a new story for you all. This is a Blind Reid story but it will differ from A Hero with No Sight. There will no non-con in this story but there will be gore and a lot of creepiness. Thank you again to everyone who voted Control the best Morgan/Reid story in the Profiler's Choice Awards this year. Thank you! Enjoy and I look forward to hearing from you all.
Enjoy and please review
All mistakes are my own
Reid yawned as he signed the last of his paperwork. The bullpen was empty and had been for at least an hour. A sense of relief came through him as he placed the last of his paperwork in the 'OUT' pile. Pulling out his chair, he let a yawn and stretched his aching arms and legs. As he grabbed his bag, the lights around him went out and he became surrounded by darkness. The bag slipped from hands at the sudden absence of light. A small tapping noise filled the air. "Hello," he called out.
"Hello, Dr Reid," a deep voice laughed from the darkness. It was a voice clearly being changed by a voice changer.
"Who's there?" Reid shouted. "If this is some prank, it isn't funny."
"This is no prank, little agent. It was almost too easy to enter this building. All you need if the right knowledge and the wonders of technology. I knew you would be here, all alone while the rest of your team goes home to those they love. You're too easy to predict."
"Security will notice the cameras have gone dark," Reid said as his heart thudded quickly in his chest. He quietly knelt and searched for his dropped bag.
"Not if those cameras are on a loop. We won't be disturbed, in fact, we're all alone. Perfect conditions to have a little fun."
Reid found his satchel and reached inside to find his gun. As he touched the cold metal handle of his revolver, a strong arm wrapped around his throat and pulled him back with the revolver sliding from his grasp. He gasped and kicked out his legs as he was pulled back. Hot breath touched his ear.
"I can see you but you can't see me. Time to show all you bastards whose really in control."
Hotch yawned as made his way into the BAU. He was always the first one in and that was how he liked it. It gave him a chance to get settled and get an early start on all his paperwork. The elevator doors opened but he froze as he saw the glass doors to the bullpen area. Two bloody and smeared hand prints marked the glass. Rushing inside the bullpen, he saw bloody hand prints and blood smearing the desks and walls. "What the hell?"
"Help," a small, almost silent, cry came through the air. Hotch dropped his briefcase and coat and rushed around the corner to where the voice was coming from. The sight that greeted him was one that he would never forget. Tied with metal wire to a chair was the youngest member of his team.
"Oh, god. Reid!"
He rushed over cradled Reid's face in his hands. Dried and fresh blood smeared almost every inch of Reid's skin. Cuts littered his arms along with bruises. The most disturbing sight was the blood that had covered his bony cheeks.
"Hotch," Reid sobbed. "I-I can't see."
Hotch quickly unwrapped the blood encrusted metal wire from Reid's wrists and caught him as he fell forward from the chair. "I've got you. Reid, you're going to be okay. Help, I need help!"
Sliding up the blindfold over Reid's eyes, the urge to be sick almost overwhelmed him as saw Reid's eyes. Blood leaked out of them and it was clear someone had stabbed him in the eyes with something sharp. He yanked out his phone and dialled for an ambulance as the young genius cried and shook with fear in his arms.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"I need an ambulance immediately at the FBI Quantico office. I have an agent down with severe injuries. Please hurry."
Hotch finished speaking with the operator before disconnecting the call. Reid began to still in his arms. "Reid, I need you to stay awake. What happened to you? Who did this to you?"
"He made me watch," Reid cried out before letting out a small scream. "Nothing but darkness till the fun started. He made me watch!"
"What the hell?" a voice came around the corner. Hotch recognised Morgan's voice.
"Morgan, I need help. It's Reid!" Hotch yelled.
Morgan appeared from the corner and slid next to him. "Hotch, oh god. What happened to him?"
"I don't know," Hotch said, his voice panicked. "I found him tied to that chair with wire around his wrists. He's hurt and his eyes are badly damaged. I think someone stabbed them."
"AHHHHH!" Reid screamed as he brought up his hand to touch his face. "I CAN'T SEE!"
Hotch held Reid's hand as the ambulance travelled to the hospital. The EMT had sedated Reid and started an IV. "Is he going to be okay?" Hotch asked for the third time.
The EMT put her hand on his shoulder. "His pulse is stable for now but he'll need blood transfusions and surgery for his eyes. I can't feel any broken bones. The doctors will take good care of him."
Garcia couldn't move as she stood in the entrance to the bullpen. Her eyes focused on the crimson smears of blood that covered the walls and the glass doors. Morgan walked up to her and brought her away from the door. "Baby girl, you don't need to see that."
"That's Reid's blood," she shook her head as her bottom lip quivered. Morgan brought her closer and held her gently.
"He'll be okay," he soothed as she rubbed her back. Bringing her face into his hands, he smiled sadly at her. "Hotch is with him and the others are going to the hospital. I need you to stay strong. We think someone hacked the security cameras. Security didn't see anything happening on the monitors. You need to access the system and see if you can track who may have hacked them."
Garcia brought in a shaky breath and wiped her cheeks with her hands. "I-I can do that."
Six hours later
JJ held Hotch's hand as they waited for news from the doctors. Rossi was on the phone in the corner checking to see if forensics had found anything. The FBI was on high alert after one of their own had brutally been attacked in their own building. A building that was supposed to be secure. Blake bounced her knee up and down with impatience as the constant ticking from the clock taunted her.
Hotch's mind kept replaying every minute with Reid over and over. The feeling of holding him in his arms remained as did the sense of loss when he was forced to let go of Reid's hand when the doctors took him away. The door opened and an exhausted doctor stepped into the room. "Spencer Reid's family."
"Here," Hotch almost shouted. "How is he? I have power of attorney over him. You can speak freely in front of us all."
The doctor smiled sadly. "Spencer is stable and now in a private room. We've done as much as we can but there are some things that we can't fix. He lost a great deal of blood and is receiving blood transfusions. The metal wire cut deep into his wrists and the wounds will scar. We counted forty one cuts all varying in size along Spencer's arms, chest and neck. Some will scar but we've done what we can to reduce the scarring. There are no broken bones but he was beaten and the bruising is deep but it will heal. I must come to the difficult part."
"How bad are his eyes?" Hotch questioned shakily. "I saw them."
"We've done what we can but the damage was too severe. Our surgeons examined his eyes and they seem to have been pierced with something small but extremely sharp. Whoever did this pushed the object in enough to cause the severe damage but not so severe that we would need to remove the eye. Due to the nature of the wound, we suspect that this was inflicted on Spencer when he was awake. I'm sorry but your friend will never see again. He's blind."
"Is there nothing that you can do?" Hotch asked, his voice begging for some miracle.
"I'm sorry but we can't give him back his sight. We've bandaged his eyes till they heal and the swelling goes down. I'm very sorry."
A young nurse burst into the waiting room. "Dr Grace, Spencer Reid is awake and in distress. He's calling for someone called Hotch."
Hotch rushed with Dr Grace leading the way to Reid's room. He rushed to the bed from which Reid was trying to rise from. "Reid, it's Hotch. You're in the hospital. You have to stay in bed."
Reid stopped fighting the nurses and gripped Hotch's arms. "Hotch," he began to cry. "I can't see. Please, I don't like the dark."
Hotch brought him close and held him as he began to heavily cry. "I'm so sorry."
"You have to keep...everyone safe," Reid struggled. "It's not...over."
Catching him in his arms, Hotch lowered Reid's passed out body to the bed. The nurses secured all the tubes and checked the IV lines as Hotch brought the blanket back over his body.
Rossi stood at the door with stoic look in his eyes. "Hotch, what did he mean?"
"I don't know," he answered. "Put everyone on high alert. We need to keep everyone safe and we already know how far this son of bitch will go."
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