New story yay! I know I haven't been uploading for my other stories, but I started watching KnB and I got obsessed and I noticed a severe lack of stories for FT/KnB crossovers, so I decided to make one myself.

I understand its a bit shocking, they seem like really different anime, after all one's a fantasy and one's a sports fiction, but half of the things that go down in KnB I doubt are physically possible to do in a basketball game, and it's my mind so I can do what I want.

A little information for you guys. This is set a year after the GMG, but I am choosing to ignore all of the events of the Tartarus Arc, given (SPOILER FOR THOSE OF YOU NOT CAUGHT UP. DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENS) 1. Lucy no longer has Aquarius, and I need her for this story. 2. The Fairy Tail guild does not exist at this point, but I have no doubt it will come back. It must come back or I'm boycotting it. 3. Wendy is in Lamia Scale, so that wouldn't exactly work out. 4. Sting is Master of Sabertooth, and I need him to NOT be in the Master, and Minerva is a bitch so she's not in Sabertooth anymore.

Also, there shall be romance, teehee. Let's see if you can guess by the end of this chapter who I'm pairing with who. Some might be obvious, some not so obvious, some outright surprising, but my mind does what it wants, and I let it. Sometimes I really should keep it in check, but I guess I have no willpower. Even I was surprised by some of my pairings.

Enjoy the fruits of my labor, my friends

Chapter 1: Fairy Tail

Seirin had just finished basketball practice and were changing in the locker room when Kagami and Kuroko heard 2 small dings from their phones, signaling a new message. The looked at each other curiously before turning to their phones.

"To Aominecchi, Midormimacchi, Murisakibaracchi, Akashicchi, Kurokocchi, and Kagamicchi.

Subject: The Grand Magic Games"

The two teammates looked at each other. Everyone had heard about the new world that had suddenly become known to them a few months ago. Little to nothing was known about the new world, Earthland, but there was one thing known. This world had magic, and everyone wanted tickets to the Grand Magic Games to witness the magic for themselves. However, you couldn't just travel to this world. It apparently required a lot of magical energy to travel between the two worlds, but they were going to be taking a select few people to Earthland for the Grand Magic Games. Therefore, tickets were extremely rare to come by.

They opened up the message and their jaws dropped at what they were reading.

"My cousin won seven tickets to see the Grand Magic Games this year, but it's the weekend of her husband's sister's wedding, so she can't go. She decided to give the tickets to me. So I decided to invite you guys to go with me to see the Grand Magic Games . It's short notice though, since the Games start tomorrow. So you need to meet me at the airport at 7 o'clock tonight.

See ya later~

Ryouta "

Looking at the time, reading 4:30, they realized they had 2 and a half hours to get their stuff and get to the airport. They quickly ran to their coach, and Kagami decided to do the explaining, "COACH. We got invited to the Grand Magic Games, so we'll be gone for the next week. Okay, BYE."

The both of them left for their houses before anyone could question or protest.

They ran to the meeting place to see the others arriving in much the same manner, with the exception of Kise, who was there waiting with a big smile.

The group all glared at each other, again with the exception of Kise, before a loud speaker interrupted them. "All aboard the special plane departing for Earthland."

They followed Kise, who had their plane tickets, which had been part of the package his cousin had won when she won the tickets to the GMG. In an unfortunate twist of events Aomine and Kagami ended up next to each other. There was a sudden jolt and a bright flash as some sort of blue and white circle encircled the plane before everything stilled again.

Before they could question what had happened, a man with an x-shaped scar on his cheek stepped to the front of the plane. His outfit consisted of a light blue shirt with a darker blue cross symbol on their chest along with a black jacket and a white cloak held together by some sort of green gem in the front.

"Hello, my name is Doranbolt, and I am a commander of the Rune Knights of the Magic Council. I am here to escort you to Earthland and to your corresponding guild. I believe all of you have been paired with a particular guild. Each of the guilds are planning to participate in the games this year, however, only 8 guilds will make it past the preliminaries-"

He was interrupted by someone shouting, "But who do you think will be in the Games?"

Face still blank, he spoke his rehearsed line, "That will not be known until after the preliminaries are over, which start tomorrow. The preliminaries are currently under way, but the real games start tomorrow-"

He was again interrupted, but this time in his mind by the update from the games.

"Ahem. The preliminaries have just been concluded. For those of you whose guilds did not continue on, you will still be able to watch the games and will still stay with the corresponding guilds. Now, if I call your guild's name, we will personally escort you to your lodging, as your guilds are being briefed on the rules of the Games. For the other, the guild master or a member of the guild will be by shortly to escort you-"

"Wait, we're already hear?!"

"Yes the magic circle that flowed through the plane completed the spell. It is a fast working spell, but requires extreme amounts of magic. Now, to move along,

"Twilight Ogre. Your guild has been passed on to the next round." A group of four girls got up and followed the man at the front who was waiting for them. As Doranbolt checked their tickets, he smiled at them kindly, feeling slightly bad the innocent looking girls were partnered with such a lewd guild. Kuroko looked at his ticket. He sighed, disappointed seeing they weren't part of this guild. He hoped they were with a guild participating. He would love to see someone he knows participate in the games, even if he only just meets them.

"Mermaid Heel. Your guild has been passed on to the next round." Two guys got up and walked to the front. Doranbolt chuckled as he checked their tickets, "Good luck, guys. Those chicks are scary." A few of the other Rune Knights stiffened and nodded slightly. Aomine looked at his ticket. After hearing it was an all girl's guild, he had hoped it was their guild, but was disappointed. He wanted to meet some hot girls.

"Quatro Cerberus. Your guild has been passed on to the next round." A family of three, the little girl running to the front excitedly tugging on her parents hands. Doranbolt grimaced, realizing that they should have partnered up the winners with their guilds with a bit better planning. Midorima looked at his ticket. He was getting bored of waiting and he wanted to just go, and he had his lucky item, so he knew they would get paired with one of the participating guilds.

"Blue Pegasus. Your guild has been passed on to the next round." A group of 7 college girls walked up to the front. Doranbolt checked their tickets and told them, "The best of luck to you," he said, imagining Ichiya and again thinking they should have decided who got what guild better. Murasakibara looked at his ticket. He was bored and just wanted to get some food.

"Lamia Scale. Your guild has been passed on to the next round." A group of 4 guys and 3 girls walked up to the front of the plane, and Doranbolt smiled warmly at them. Lamia Scale was probably the most normal of the group of guilds, but that wasn't saying much. He just hoped the old hag wouldn't spin of the innocent bystanders. Kagami looked at his ticket. He wanted to see some action already, and the waiting was killing him.

"Sabertooth. Your guild has been passed on to the next round." A group of four elderly couples got up and slowly made their way to the front. Doranbolt almost burst out laughing at this point. These were probably the worst pair ups that he could have imagined. Akashi looked at his ticket. He didn't want to lose. He always won. He would not be associated with anything weak.

"Now, I know I said 8 guilds would be participating, but one of the guilds has two teams that passed the preliminaries," he said, and then mumbled, "again." Nobody heard him, with the exception of the seven boys sitting in front of him. Their ears perked up at the comment. Doranbolt was wishing with all his might that it would be a small group with the next guild. And preferably really young or really old. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Fairy Tail. Your guild has been passed to the next round." Doranbolt felt his heart drop in his chest when the 7 boys in front of him stood up hastily, grabbing their bags. 'They're screwed,' he thought in pity. He smiled at them as he checked their tickets. "I will be escorting you to the death trap- I mean guild. Here is some of our money granted by the Magic Council as part of the cost of your tickets. You can buy whatever you want with it. If you want more money though, you'll have to ask Fairy Tail, although I'm not sure if they have money to spare given all of their damage repair costs. "

The boys cocked their heads at him, but followed him anyways. They were taken aback by the beauty of the city, each becoming interested in different sights.

Kuroko pulled Number 2 out of his backpack, as he obviously wasn't going to leave him there. His line of sight was drawn to an ice cream store that promised the best milkshakes in any world.

Kise was looking at the stores and the things around him like a lost puppy, unsure where to go. He saw magic shops and watched as people did magic tricks on the streets. He looked at all of the vendors on the road.

Aomine quickly and bought the model magazine he saw on the stands at the store. He was taken by the gorgeous big busted blonde, the big busted scarlet haired woman and the big busted white haired woman gracing the front cover.

Midorima was staring in shock at a crowded store reading "Zodiac Store: Get Your Zodiac Memorabilia." He didn't know what it meant, but decided he would visit the store on his next free day.

Kagami's nose was going wild as he smelled the variety of foods in the new world. Everything smelled delicious and he knew that he would need to try everything before they left.

Murasakibara was looking at the sweets shops, which smelled so delicious to him. His thoughts were similar to Kagami's as he thought about his candy.

Akashi was looking at the magic shops when a specific item caught his eye. He quickly went into the store, while the others waited outside. When he came back outside, he smirked and held up a pair of magically enhanced scissors that would never become dull and had the cleanest cut.

They arrived to a big building and heard a loud shout, "Okay brats! We have our two teams in the Grand Magic Games again. We have a title to defend, BUT we also have to watch over visitors from Earth. And REMEMBER we want to surprise them with our magic tomorrow! So NO MAGIC TODAY GOT IT? You guys can still brawl, but no magic! Fight with your fists."

"THAT'S MANLY" and a chorus of other comments rose up, and the seven visitors watched as Doranbolt's face dropped and he took a deep breath.

He faced the Generation of Miracles and Kagami and said, "I wish you boys the best of luck." He motioned them to step to the side, then he turned and opened the doors slowly.

As he finished opening the doors, he quickly jumped out of the way as a bar stool came flying out of the now open doorway. The boys popped their head around the side of the door, until their heads were practically stacked one on top of the other, and what they saw made them all gasp.

A huge pile of people was in the center of the room, men, women, even children, piled on top of each other, kicking, punching, biting, everything.

"BRATS! THEY'RE HERE! STOP FIGHTING!" The boys looked to the source of the voice and were surprised to find an extremely small man standing on top of the bar, an enraged expression adorning his face and more than a few tick marks forming and throbbing on his forehead.

The people immediately detached themselves from each other to face the door. Doranbolt sighed, "Hello, Fairy Tail, Master Makarov, it's been awhile. I was tasked with escorting your charges here safely," he said, and then muttered under his breath, "although I think they need more protection now that they're here than they did in the city."

The boys saw him muttering something, but they didn't know what it was, but were distracted from their thoughts when they heard two barks of laughter.

A tall blonde man with a lightning shaped scar over his right eye and a huge coat was laughing. "That's not very nice, Doranbolt."

Another man, this time with long black hair, red eyes, and dozens of piercings littering his body grinned, "Gihi, we won't hurt them… too bad…" The seven basketball players felt their eyes grow slightly wider at the insinuation. They didn't usually get frightened easily, but these two men were certainly intimidating.

A small blue haired girl squeaked, "Stop teasing them Gajeel," she said as she glared at the black haired man. She turned her attention to Doranbolt, and that's when they noticed the white cat in her arms. "Hi Doranbolt," she smiled, and then turned her attention to them, "Hi, I'm Wendy Marvell. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled brightly at them, and they smiled back, rather uneasily, although Akashi, Murasakibara, and Midorima didn't smile at all.

Doranbolt smiled, "Hi Wendy. Guys, why don't you come on in and you can introduce yourselves."

They walked into the room and immediately noticed that the guild members weren't as scary as they had imagined. They wondered how they got two teams into the competition, and if they really held any promise.

The first one to step up was Kise, "Hi, I'm Kise Ryouta, nice to meet you," he said with a big grin, taking in the guild excitedly. The group looked at him with smiling faces and there was a chorus of welcomes form the guild members. They all seemed friendly enough, but he couldn't forget the fact that they had been in the middle of a fight when they had originally walked in.

Kise elbowed the person next to him, who just so happened to be Aomine, "Stop it! Tch, I'm Aomine Daiki." He looked over the guild, and his eyes fell on three girls at the bar, the blonde, the scarlet haired woman, and the white haired woman in his magazine. Upon further inspection of the guild, he found several more women who had large breasts, including a blue haired woman, a brunette, and another white haired woman. There was one with green hair, but she had a child in her arms, and one with purple hair, but he didn't like glasses.

Kagami went next, figuring they should follow the line they had created when they stepped in. "I'm Kagami Taiga." He smelled something incredibly delicious and noticed the food on the tables all around the room. There was food of every kind there and his mouth started watering as he took in the delicious scents surrounding him.

Murisakibara was next, and he stepped up still eating his bowl of chips, "I'm Murisakibara Atsushi," he said in an extremely bored tone. His eyes traveled over the members from his high vantage point and his sight locked on the cake that the red head at the bar was eating. 'That looks tasty he thought.'

Akashi stepped up, and said, "I am Akashi Seijuro." His eyes traveled over the room, and he couldn't help but noticed the sheer number of visible scars on the people around him. He felt the power emanating from some of the members. It was an intimidating bunch, he was sure, but they didn't look formidable. The contrast was confusing him.

Midorima stepped forward and said, "I am Midorima Shintaro." His lucky item was a small bracelet attached around his wrist, and he felt confident in himself. He was right earlier when thought that his lucky item would bring them to one of the competitors. He wondered what the members' signs were, as that would dictate who he would get along with and who he wouldn't.

Kuroko was the last to introduce himself, "Hello, I am Kuroko Tetsuya." The most surprising thing was that none of the members seemed surprised by his presence. Even the Generation of Miracles had somewhat forgotten that he was there, but none of the Fairy Tail members seemed surprised. They all just smiled at him before the short man spoke.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet all of you. I am the fourth and sixth master of Fairy Tail, Makarov Dreyar," he smiled broadly at them.

A man with brown hair and a pipe spoke up, "He's fourth and sixth because the fifth was only standing in when he and half of our guild disappeared for 7 years and the fifth gave up after a day. He just can't seem to get rid of the job." The guild all laughed, including Doranbolt, while the basketball players chuckled nervously, not sure what to think, seeing as Makarov was crying.

After pulling himself together, Makarov spoke again, "It would be a lot to introduce our whole guild, so we'll just introduce the members that are participating in the games, starting with Team Fairy Tail A."

A pink haired man jumped up from his chair, "I'm Natsu Dragneel!" he yelled excitedly. He was wearing a blue one sleeved jacket and the bare arm had a red emblem on it. He was practically jumping up and down in his place.

"Calm down, Flame Brain!" a black haired man said. He had on a white coat, but it was quickly taken off, along with his shirt… and pants… and he was in the process of taking off his boxers when someone yelled, "Gray your clothes!"

"WHAT?! WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?!" he yelled as he quickly redressed himself. Afterwards, he introduced himself to them, "Gray Fullbuster, nice to meet ya." The visitors all sweatdropped, as his introduction meant he was part of the team participating in the games.

"Ice Prick! Fight me!" Natsu yelled. Gray met him in the middle as their foreheads collided, "What'd you say Hot Head?!"

"Gray! Natsu! Are you guys fighting?" the redhead who had been eating cake at the bar had walked towards the fighting pair.

"What?! No! Of course not Erza," Natsu sang happily as he wrapped his arm around Gray. Gray wrapped his arm around Natsu and yelled out, "Aye!"

Erza smiled, "Good. Friends shouldn't fight." She faced the basketball players, who were watching curiously, "I'm Erza Scarlet. I look forward to getting to know you," she said formally. She returned her attention to the boys, who were glaring at each other, but they immediately wrapped their arms back around each other. "I love you Natsu." "AYE."

"Happy Number 2 everybody," said the blonde girl from Aomine's magazine. She smiled at the group and introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Lucy Heartfilia. Nice to meet you guys. Ignore the two idiots. They don't really get along." They all noticed her keys and whip resting on her hip, and while some wondering why she had so many keys, others' thoughts turned perverted at the whip, specifically Aomine Daiki. Regardless, they didn't see her as the fighting type. She seemed much to innocent for it.

The blue haired girl from earlier walked up to them, "I already introduced myself, but I'm on Team Fairy Tail A, too." She smiled brightly at them, but she was also blushing. This fact surprised the boys, seeing as she looked so innocent and young, and they were under the impression that the Games were very difficult and dangerous.

A huge man with spiky white hair and a scar under his right eye walked up, ruffling the girl's hair, "I'm Elfman Strauss. I'm the reserve member, in case one of the regulars gets severely injured during the game or is unable to participate for any reason." They thought he was more fitting than Wendy for the job, especially since he mentioned severe injuries, and couldn't help but wonder how powerful this guild was if they were sending children to fight.

"Now for Team Fairy Tail B," Makarov said, a light blush on his cheeks as he set his mug on the bar beside him. The players sweat dropped, wondering why he was drinking when he was supposed to be in charge of the members of his guild.

They sweat dropped further when they saw a busty brunette chugging a barrel of booze and then set it down on the bar. She turned around, hiccupped, and then said, "Sup? I'm Cana Alberona-" she was interrupted by an orange haired man who jumped forward, "AND ALL OF YOU WILL STAY AWAY FROM MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER."

She took her barrel and threw it at the man's head, "DAD SHUT UP" she yelled as she started wrestling him when he tried to hug her.

The white haired bar maid stepped forward and giggled, "Don't mind him. He just found out a year ago he was her dad, and he's been very excited since. I'm Mira Jane Strauss, by the way." She smiled at them. Again, they were taken aback, thinking about the woman before them. She seemed so sweet and innocent. Their confusion was growing as they met the competitors.

The black haired man from earlier stood up, "Gajeel Redfox," he said before turning to the pile of iron in front of him and eating it. Their mouths gaped open at the display and they couldn't help but wonder how he was eating iron.

The blonde man with the scar laughed, "That's not very polite Gajeel. I'm Laxus Dreyar," he smiled, "Nice to meet you." Noticing his last name they looked from him to Makarov and back again. Laxus was huge, whereas Makarov was extremely small.

A blue haired woman wearing a hat and coat walked forward, "I am Juvia Lockser," she said to them. Again, another woman who seemed so innocent and small. Their surprise continued to grow. They had imagined huge guys, but the women seemed to outnumber the men in this guild's line up.

A girl with short white hair and bright blue eyes stepped forward, "Hi, I'm Lisanna Strauss." At this point, they realized the three white haired members were siblings, and they also noticed the fact that the majority of women in this guild had extremely large breasts and beautiful curves, which Aomine had already noticed, but the others were just picking up on.

Makarov stood up shakily, raising his glass, "OK BRATS! Let's show them how to party Fairy Tail style!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, followed by yells and shouts from around the hall.

Lucy walked towards them, "You guys seemed surprised. I'm sure you expected a serious environment filled with huge men that oozed power and authority, right?" They slowly nodded, a few afraid to insult her, while the others didn't care if they offended her.

She laughed, "Well, you might get that with some of the lower guilds, or the old Sabertooth, but most of the major guilds are pretty loud and crazy, and the women are just as strong as the men. Let's see, the new Sabertooth is probably about as loud as us, maybe a little calmer. They have mainly male mages, but they have quite a few strong female mages, like my friend Yukino, and they used to have Minerva, but she's… um not there anymore. Sabertooth came in second place last year. Lamia Scale is pretty even for guys and girls, they have Jura and Lyon, who are both strong, but they also have Chelia and Sherry, who are both strong mages. They're pretty loud and crazy too, though, especially the old hag. She's their guild master. They came in third last year. Mermaid Heel is probably the most serious guild in the competition, but their all girls, and they're pretty strong. Kagura is extremely strong, and Milliana is pretty strong too, along with the other members. They came in fourth place last year. Blue Pegasus is really loud and obnoxious. They're mainly guys, but that's because they're the playboy guild. They have this group called the Trimen who always make the hottest mages list in Sorcerer Weekly, but they can be really annoying, especially their leader Ichiya. But their all pretty strong wizards. You'll see what I mean tomorrow. They came in fifth last year. Then there's Quatro Cerberus. They're all guy, but… they're all pretty dumb. Bacchus is pretty strong, but they came in last place last year.

"Powerful people aren't always who you'd expect, especially when it comes to mages. For example, Master Makarov is one of the Ten Wizard Saints, which are the ten most powerful wizards in Earthland. He doesn't look it, but he's easily the most powerful man in the guild. Also, Mira Jane's nickname is the She Devil. If you see her in a battle, you'll see why. Most of the girls that are mages don't look like they're extremely strong. You can't just assume that because a person is small or young, they're weak. Underestimating your opponent in a battle, especially a magic battle outside of the Games, can be fatal."

They gaped at Lucy. She seemed so timid and quiet, but she was lecturing them on underestimating their opponents. They realized that two of their players, Kuroko and Akashi, wouldn't seem intimidating on a basketball court due to their size, but their abilities make them formidable opponents. The guild was like their group, some were big and intimidating, others small and weak appearing, but they were supposedly all strong.

"Excuse me, Lucy. Who came in first?" Akashi asked.

At this point, Natsu had come over and wrapping his arm around Lucy happily. He grinned widely, "We did, of course." They saw that he had sharp incisors and they couldn't help but stare, as they were obviously real. His smile then turned into a pout as he said, "Even though I didn't get to fight in the final battle, because you had to go and get kidnapped again," he poked Lucy on the cheek.

"It's not my fault everybody wants to kidnap me! You know my magic is rare!" Lucy blushed as she pushed Natsu's arm off of her.

Gray came up and proceeded to wrap his arm around Lucy's shoulders, "Oi, Flame Brain. Stop making her feel bad about it again-" he was interrupted as a chill ran down both of their spines. Looking over their shoulders, they saw a very angry blue haired woman approaching them.

"LOVE RIVAL," Juvia hissed out angrily as Gray slowly removed his hand from around Lucy's shoulders, both of them backing away slowly as Juvia let out a deadly aura. Lucy ran to hide behind the first big body she could find.

"Gihi, Bunny Girl, is Juvia threatening you again?" Gajeel laughed, teasing the blonde. "Gajeel, don't be mean to Lu-chan! And protect her from Juvia!" a short, flat chested, blue haired girl hit the large man over the head with her book.

"Fine," he grumbled as he stood in front of Lucy, protecting her from Juvia's wrath. "Thanks Levy-chan!" Lucy squealed as she wrapped her arms around Levy.

The guys were thoroughly confused at this point. The sweet barmaid noticed the confusion, "Juvia is in love with Gray, and considers Lucy her love rival. She goes into a murderous rage when she sees Gray with other girls. The short blue haired girl is Levy, and she's probably the only person, other than Panterlily that can control Gajeel."

"OI," Gajeel yelled at Mira. "You know it's true," she teased with a smile.

"Who's Pantherlily?" asked Midorima as he slid his glasses up his face.

"Gajeel's cat," Mira pointed towards a black cat with a scar over his eye, its arms crossed over his chest, and standing on two feet. Their jaws dropped at the cat.

After glancing at the cat, Murasakibara made his way to the red head who was happily eating her cake. He looked down at her, waiting for her to look up. When she did, he asked, "Can I have some?"

She narrowed her eyes at him slightly, eyeing him up and down, before cutting a piece of her cake and handing it to him. They sat together and quietly ate their cake, when suddenly a brawl from nearby got out of hand, and Elfman fell into Erza, causing her to drop her cake on the ground.

The guild went completely silent. Everyone took several steps away from the scene, with the exception of Murasakibara, who was still eating his cake, and the rest of the visitors, who were completely confused as to what was happening.

There were murmurs running throughout the hall, along the lines of, "Nice knowing him" and "He was a good guy at heart".

They watched as the redhead stood up and faced the huge man. He was on his knees, crying and begging for forgiveness. She grabbed him by the front of his shirt, dragging him up. "You made me drop my beloved strawberry cake. Now you must pay." Her voice was cold and devoid of emotion. She brought her fist back and punched him in the face, sending him flying across the room, through several tables, and splintering the wall on the opposite side of the room. She sat back down before cutting herself and Murasakibara another piece of cake.

"Wow, she went easy on him." "Probably trying to make a good impression for the visitors." "Is that her idea of a good impression?" they heard the conversations happening around them, but they were still confused beyond hope.

Suddenly, Lisanna jumped in front of Kuroko, scaring him, Kagami, and Aomine who were arguing behind him. "I love your dog! What's his name?" she said happily.

"Tetsuya Number 2," he said.

"Aw, he has your eyes. That's so sweet that you named him after you," she said.

"I didn't name him, my team did," he said.

"Oh, what kind of team?" she asked.

"Basketball," he answered.

"What's basketball?" she asked curiously.

"You've never heard of basketball?" Aomine interrupted.

"No, what is it?" Lucy jumped into the conversation, along with Natsu and Gray, who she had by the ear, as she had just broken up their fight.

"It's a sport. Maybe we could show you some time," Kagami said, shrugging. It would be kind of hard to explain on its own.

She nodded, along with Natsu and Gray, who had perked up at the idea of another form of competition.

Midorima was sitting at the bar, sipping on his red bean soup, which Mira had prepared for him, when he looked over to see that Cana had sat next to him. She was giggling as she wrapped her arm around his neck.

"Why so serious?" she giggled at him, bringing her face close to his. Midorima looked over his shoulder to see the girl's father glaring at him and crying at the same time. How that was possible, he didn't know, but it was.

"I am always serious," he responded coolly.

"Oh, tsundere, huh?" she hiccupped at him.

He blushed at her when Makarov stood up on the bar. "Ok, brats with a curfew, time to go to bed. Mira, can you show the visiting brats to their rooms. We have an exciting day tomorrow."

Mira nodded and motioned for the boys to follow her out the door and walked with them to the hotel. She grabbed the keys at the front desk. "So, there's an odd number of you. There's two double rooms and one triple room. Taiga and Tetsuya in the first double room. The triple room is next, with Atsushi, Daiki, and Ryouta. Finally, Shintaro and Seijuro in the final room." She handed them their keys and left hurriedly to the next room, where Lucy was sliding her key.

They both looked over, "Goodnight, guys!"

The guys were shocked that they had spoken to them so informally, especially Akashi. "I will forgive her once, no more."

So tell me what you guys thing! I hope you enjoyed it, because I definitely did!