In honor of the amazing teaser trailer for Thor 3 that came out today, I chose to update this story! If you havn't seen the trailer yet, go watch it now!
Third Person P.O.V
"Wait, so you're telling me that my sister had sex with a thousand years-old god?" Tony shouted, not two seconds after the demigods completed their story
"Well, it's closer to a million years-old god, but you're getting there." Percy responded casually from his place across the room. During their conversation, most of the "avengers" had relaxed a little bit and had taken seats at the far right side of the table. Black widow had retrieved her gun from the silver arrow in the wall and was calmly standing to the side, analysing anything that the teens said. The Demigods, including Leo who had migrated toward them at the beginning of the whole "my dad is an all-powerful god" speech, were all seated at the far left side of the table, directly across from the self proclaimed "super heroes".
"Of course, out of everything discussed, that's the one thing that you take away. Typical male." Thalia scoffed at Tony's outburst. This man, and other men like him, was one of the many reasons why she joined the hunt.
"Dude, don't talk about my mom that way. I might know that it happened, but I don't need to think about it!" Leo shuttered. He closed his eyes and placed his hands over his ears as if trying to prevent the not so pleasant image from entering his mind.
"Why tell us now?" everyone turned to Black Widow as she spoke. "I'm not completely sold of the idea that you are the product of a horny thousand year old god's one-night stand, but why come clean now? You know you could have gotten away with it. I know that you knew it. SHIELD would have never figured it out. And don't say it was because of him," she pointed at Leo, "if you were as powerful as you claim, you could have easily gotten him out with no trouble. Heck, he could have gotten himself out. So why tell us? What makes now so special?"
Percy sighed before answering, "That's where we have a problem. You remember…"
"Wait, wait just a minute." Tony interrupted, "I don't know why you are here, but I am NOT signing up to figin another lunatic god. Loki was enough for me."
Percy laughed, "Loki? He's nothing compared to what I have had to face. Anyway, to answer your question, no we are not here to ask for your help in another war."
Several of the avengers faces were overcome with frowns. How much has this kid faced? Worse than Loki?
"Oh…" Tony muttered, his face a little red, but he quickly pulled himself together, " uh, I guess that's good."
"As I was saying," he gave a pointed glare at Tony, "do you remember the monsters that we told you about earlier?" They nodded slightly, "Well there is this thing that we call "Mist". It basically covers anything "girly" I guess you could say, and it makes you see what you expect to see. For example when I see a giant hellhound that's trying to kill me, you would see a poodle trying to give me a kiss, because that's what you expect to see."
"You've been able to create a compound that has that capacity to conceal objects at will by altering the vision of anyone that comes in contact with it? Fascinating!"
Bruce rambled from across the room.
"Umm. That's a little bit too science-y and I don't understand much of what you just said, but i'm going to say yes, yes that's what happened. Except we didn't do it, magic did." Percy responded. Bruce just nodded excitedly.
"So this "Mist" has to do with what exactly?" Fury speaks up, breaking his former silence.
"I'm getting there, i'm getting there." Percy said, "well the Mist only works because makes to see what you think is natural to see, what you expect to see. I mean, who would expect to see a 500 pound hellhound walking down the streets of New York? Nobody. Nobody would expect that." Percy slightly snickered to himself at the double meaning behind his words before continuing, "but.."
"Anyway," Jason intervened, "recently the world has taken a lot of shi... Crap, and now mortals are starting to expect the unexpected. The mist isn't working as effortlessly as before. It's taken a lot of extra magic and power to prevent all mortals from encountering our world at once."
"It's not going to hold for long, is it?"
Jason shock his head sadly
"How long do we have?"
"A week"
"We have a week until all of humanity realizes that they live alongside monsters and gods with marriage issues…. Great."